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Generation Ratify

California Policy Pack

Senate Legislation - California Legislature

Number Title Summary

Senate Bill 17 Office of Racial Equity Establishes an Office of Racial Equity within state
government with the purpose of advancing racial
equity and creating a statewide framework. Requires
the Governor to direct state agencies to adopt and
implement the Racial Equity Framework into their
individual Racial Equity Action Plan.

Senate Bill Climate Corporate Accountability Act Requires the state board, on or before January 1, 2023,
260 to develop and adopt regulations requiring publicly
traded domestic and foreign corporations with annual
revenues in excess of $1,000,000,000 that do business
in California, defined as “covered entities,” to publicly
disclose their greenhouse gas emissions. Requires the
state board, on or before January 1, 2024, to develop
and adopt regulations requiring covered entities to set
science-based emissions targets based on the previous
Generation Ratify
California Policy Pack
Senate Bill Insurers: Diversity Encourages insurers to consider making investments
655 with diverse investment managers, focusing on
women, veterans, minorities, or lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, or queer persons. Requires insurers to
provide to the commissioner a board diversity policy
statement or a measurable goal(s) to include at least
one diverse board member on its board of directors.
Requires admitted insurers with premiums equal to or
in excess of $75,000,000 to provide information
regarding its minority procurement efforts and board
diversity efforts every two years.

Senate Bill 2 Peace Officers: Certification: Civil Rights Increases accountability for peace officers and
custodial officers through numerous methods,
including the creation of the Peace Officer Standards
Accountability Division. Eliminates certain immunity
provisions for peace officers and custodial officers, or
public entities employing peace officers or custodial
officers sued under the act. Sets specified disqualifiers
to becoming a peace officer, including but not limited
to, crimes against public justice.
Generation Ratify
California Policy Pack
Senate Bill 107 CalFresh Increases accessibility by permitting individuals to
apply, report, and recertify for CalFresh in person, by
mail, online, or by telephone and to complete the
interview requirement and client signature by
telephone. Requires the State Department of Social
Services to participate in the Elderly Simplified
Application Project.

Senate Bill Pupil Meals: Free School Meals For All Act 2021 Requires school districts and charter schools to
364 provide two free meals each day to any student
without consideration of their eligibility for free or
reduced lunch programs commencing with the 2022-
23 school year. It would adjust the definition of
“eligible for free or reduced-price meals” to carry
over the number of pupils at the school who were
eligible for free or reduced-price meals from the
school year in which the school applied to use a federal
universal school meal provision, and to use each
pupil’s eligibility status in the base year to report
eligibility for up to each of the following 3 school
Generation Ratify
California Policy Pack
Assembly Legislation - California Legislature

Number Title Summary

Assembly Bill Menstrual Products Requires public agencies and public schools with
367 students in grades 6 to 12 to stock at least 50% of
restrooms with free menstrual products at all times.
Including the California State University and
community college districts, while encouraging the
Regents of the University of California and private
institutions of higher education.

Assembly Bill Substance Use Disorder treatment Services Requires substance use disorder treatment programs
77 to be licensed, renewed after a period of two years.
Authorizes licensed programs to treat individuals of
ages 12 to 17. Requires the department to perform at
least one on site visit during the licensed period, and a
visit if the program is in alleged violation of policies
and procedures created by the substance use disorder
treatment programs.
Generation Ratify
California Policy Pack
Assembly Bill Correctional Officers Requires a correctional officer employed by the
94 Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to
undergo a confidential mental health evaluation every
calendar year to determine whether the individual has
an emotional or mental condition that might adversely
affect their exercise of the duties and powers of a
correctional officer. If a condition which may interfere
with the duties of a correctional officer is determined
it must be reported to their supervisor and kept in
their file. Requires the department to refer the
individual to resources to provide an opportunity to
address their condition. Prohibits the use of their
condition for disciplinary purposes.

Assembly Bill Office of Suicide Prevention Existing law authorizes the State Department of Public
234 Health to establish the Office of Suicide Prevention
within the department, and requires the office to
perform specified duties, including providing
information and technical assistance to statewide and
regional partners regarding best practices on suicide
prevention policies and programs and reporting on
progress to reduce rates of suicide, and authorize the
Generation Ratify
California Policy Pack
office to apply for and use federal, state, and
foundation grants. This bill removes the limitation
that all duties and responsibilities of the Office of
Suicide Prevention be carried out using existing staff
and resources, encouraging inclusive participation.

Assembly Bill Domestic Violence: Victims: Address Requires the Secretary of State to make the application
277 Confidentiality form and notices under the program available in
English and the other languages described in Section
1632 of the Civil Code and to maintain certain
information relating to the program on the secretary’s
internet website. Requires the Judicial Council to
amend a form relating to domestic violence
restraining orders to include information relating to
the program and to make that form available in
specified languages.

Assembly Bill Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, To enact the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention,
1500 Drought Preparation, Flood Protection, Extreme Heat
Drought Preparation, Flood Protection,
Mitigation, and Workforce Development Bond Act of
Extreme Heat Mitigation, and Workforce
2022, which, if approved by the voters, would
Development Bond Act of 2022 authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of
$6,700,000,000 pursuant to the State General
Generation Ratify
California Policy Pack
Obligation Bond Law to finance projects for safe
drinking water, wildfire prevention, drought
preparation, flood protection, extreme heat
mitigation, and workforce development programs.

Assembly Abolition of U.S. Immigration and Customs This measure would urge the federal government to
Joint abolish U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Resolution 1 within the Department of Homeland Security, and
implement an orderly and just transfer of essential
and basic legally required functions in a manner that
upholds values of due process, equality under the law,
and family unity.

Assembly Death Penalty This measure would amend the California Constitution
Constitutional to delete that provision and instead would prohibit the
Amendment 2 death penalty from being imposed as a punishment for
any violations of law.

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