Guia de Estudio de Ingles

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A great number of people SHARE THE VIEW THAT...




... its ADVANTAGES CLEARLY OUTWEIGH its disadvantages

... has many BENEFITS, including...

the deciding FACTOR when...

INFLUENCE of the media ON... (as a noun)

INFLUENCE (as a verb)
AFFECT those who... more than...
have an enormous IMPACT ON (as a noun)
IN FACT, ...



TROUBLE (usually uncountable)
Writing Task 1 formal letter
Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing this letter to seek your help in tracing a paper that I just realize (past - realized)
was left in your hotel by mistake. Last Tuesday I assisted (wrong word) to a important
meeting in your hotel (Conference Room No: 02). I was there on the 6th of
july. The room was nice and comfortable and the staff was polite and

Unfortunately, I forgot my file in the room where I have the meeting (or where the meeting was
held.). I didn’t
know that the file was missing until I reached my place this morning. That
file is very important for me because it contains my annual report and some
other important documents. If I don’t get it back, I will be in serious trouble.
As for the file it is in a black folder. I think it´s in the drawer of the table near
to the window.

I would highly appreciate it if you can make arrangements to trace the file
and deliver it to my address mentioned on the attached envelope. I will
bear the shipping charges.

Thank you for your time and support.

I look forward to hear from you.

Yours Sincerely, (Yours faithfully, because you don't know the name of the addressee)

Luis Javier Vazquez Gonzalez

Task 2
Practical vs theorical

There is no doubt that practical skills are as important as theoretical

knowledge. A number of people think that (too) much time is devoted to teaching
the facts instead of focusing on hands-on experience in all phases of
learning, whether it is primary school or university. I completely agree with
the statement. And this is why: (Is the wording in this introduction your own? Some of it is
excellent, although the colon and starting a sentence with And is not quite appropriate for
an essay).

Most of the schools follow the conventional method of teaching which

includes reading, learning and writing. By this method, children can only
recall concepts for a limited time and when it is time to apply that
knowledge at practical work they have forgotten it. Consequently, many
students who have degrees in computer systems or electronics cannot
even fix a laptop. Likewise, many accountants cannot properly fill out a tax
form. All of these is the result of (All of this is... or All these examples are...) the system of
learning that focuses only on

Another example of this is that the current universities (possessive ' apostrophe after
the s) curriculum does not
have an equal number of theory and practical classes. For example, while I
had one lecture each day on the theoretical aspects of computers, there
was only (one) 2-hour laboratory session in the whole week. Due to this division,
I could not practice everything that I have being taught (was taught) and hence lacked
proper understanding of the concepts. If the schools had a equal proportion
of theorical and practical classes, I would have gained better skills and
confidence. That could have been helpful in a lot of job interviews.

To conclude, I agree with the argument that (too) much time is being spent on
theorical instead of experimental learning because of the current structure
of teaching.
Sample answer 2

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing you to express my dissatisfaction with my roommate and request for

another accommodation next term.

My main problem is that I cannot study in my room because my roommate always has
friends visiting. He also has parties which usually end early in the morning, several
times a week. Furthermore, he often borrows my things without asking me.

I cannot accept this situation any longer. Especially because I have very important
exams next term and I really must study hard. This is why I would be very grateful if I
could have another room next term. It would be most convenient for me not having to
share my room with someone else.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Your faithfully,

Ivan Sidorov
Dear friend (comma here, also you could have invented a name).

I hope you are okay, I have been thinking about you predicament, and my advice will be to
get a job
before you get into (go to) college because of many reasons, like you will get a break for
academics (a break from academia? Or do you mean the people?) to clear your mind, that’s
because some people need a longer break than 2 or 3 months between high school
and college to make a transition. It’s not easy coming out of that stressful time into the
territory of a college education. It will make you good be a year away ('It will do you good
to spend a year away') (or the time that you need) from
learning, so you can jump back into learning when the time its right and your batteries fully

A year off from school can actually prepare (you) for college, working for a year before
college (you could use a synonym - 'studying' or similar) can teach you
how to be independent and handle difficult situations on your own, you will learn a lot of
real-life skills
like paying your bills, make a budget, maintaining employment and handling difficult social

You could get one of the different jobs for young people, like retail, delivery, fast food
construction and transport. (This short paragraph is a bit abrupt and doesn't read very

I hope I have been helpful in your decision.

My best wishes,
Luis Javier Vazquez Gonzalez
Nowadays companies ask applicants to fill (reveal? fill in the details on a form?) the details about their
personal choices and life such as their
likes, dislikes, hobbies and marital status. This is opposed by a section of the society while appreciated
by others. In my own opinion, I believe that revealing personal information anywhere in the job
application is not beneficial for the person.

On one side (hand), there are a lot of people who consider that providing personal information to
employers is
advantageous for them because it enables the company to offer incentives that suit the interests of the
staff. For example, employers sometimes offer free memberships of clubs and fast-food companies,
which is definitely helpful for workers. In Mexico ('for example' would go better here than later in the
sentence), a lot of companies, for example, take all the relevant information about an applicant before
offering a job and after joining (before and after? Sorry, I'm confused), In Christmas these companies
hold a raffle of different products that are in the interest(s) of the employee´s (no apostrophe - it's just a
plural), and for the rest of the year
certain discounts on various entertainment and food companies according to employee´s (this time you
want employees' - the apostrophe after the s, because it's the possession of the plural noun) areas of
interest. That´s why giving personal information is beneficial to some extent.

On the other side, many people consider this information irrelevant and I agree with these
people (repetition). First,
during the application for a job, personal information does not (or do you mean 'should' not?) play any
role. An application should have
all the details about the candidate’s technical experience and educational details because a position is
offered only on the basis of the candidate’s ability and not if he is married or what hobbies he likes or
dislikes. Secondly, sometimes firms show favoritism when they learn about a worker’s marital status.
For example, a person can work in night shifts and he can work on weekends also because he is not
married. Consequently, these companies may show unwillingness to hire married applicants. Therefore,
making personal details available to companies could be harmful to workers.

To conclude, it is a frequently practice among companies to collect the personal information of their
employees. However, I believe that it is not helpful and sometimes it can have a negative impact on
employees. (or vary your wording, perhaps 'workers').
There´s some people (treat 'people' as a plural, so 'There are some') who believe the
tv (TV) could be used a (... as an...) educational tool and another ('others that are' as it
should be plural) that is totally the opposite.

In my opinion, television has many positive and informational uses.TV is now being used
in school because it has been demonstrated that students remember and comprehend
than from a regular class lecture,and we can see it now with the problem of the pandemic,
Mexico the tv become (wrong tense - the present perfect simple would be good here) the
principal (false cognate; use 'main') tool of distant education and it’s complemented by the
teacher´s (plural noun - it doesn't need the apostrophe) that are using different platform’s
to help the students. We have to remember that
before the children start school, they learn many basic and fundamental tools from
Most kids learn the alphabet and how to count from shows like Sesame Street , Barney and
another similar shows. As children get older there are many story-telling shows that either
feature stories with good morals o educational and informational documentaries.

In the other hand there´s people who think that television is nothing more than mindless
entertainment (it's preferable to avoid lifting words/phrases from the task instructions) and
should be discouraged, this is because there (are) some garbage tv shows (I feel 'garbage' is
too informal for an essay) that doesn’t give anything good or cultural to the society,
other ('Another' - try reading this webpage) problem is that they encourage violence, a tv
show or movie may showcase and in some cases, glorify violence as part of providing
entertainment, and many of our younger impressionable audience might try to imitate the
mentioned scenes. One big problem in Mexico it’s (is) the tv not only encourage(s)
violence, they glorified the drug dealer life with novels (soap operas?) where the drug
dealer it’s the principal
character with a life of money, women a excess. (and excess)

In conclusion, television if used appropriately, can significantly aid teachers in educating

students, relieve boredom, at the same time facilitate family bonding; however, care should
taken in choosing age-appropriate content. Is that why a good solution could be parents
teachers, ensuring children watch only age-appropriate tv or movies.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with my roommate and request a change in

accommodation for next term.

It has unfortunately been extremely difficult for me to study in my room this term, since my roommate has
friends visiting on a daily basis. He also has parties which usually end early in the morning, several times
a week. Furthermore, he often borrows my things without asking me.

I cannot accept this situation any longer, especially because II have very important exams next term and
I really must study hard. This is why I would be very grateful if I could have another room next term; if it is
at all possible for me not to have share my room with someone else, that would be ideal.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Carlos Herrera

Band Score & explanation for Answer D: Band 8

Band 8 answer (leave) Improve this version

to see if we can achieve a band 9!

Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction I am writing to you to express my dissatisfaction with my

with my roommate and request a change in roommate and request a change in accommodation for
accommodation for next term. next term.

It has unfortunately been extremely difficult for It has unfortunately been extremely difficult for me to study
me to study in my room this term, since my in my room this term, since my roommate has friends
roommate has friends visiting on a daily basis. visiting on a daily basis. He also has parties which usually
He also has parties which usually end early in end early in the morning, several times a week.
the morning, several times a week. Furthermore, Furthermore, he often borrows my things without asking
he often borrows my things without asking me. me, despite requesting him politely on several occasions
not to do it. As a result, this behavior affects our
I cannot accept this situation any longer, roommates' relationship.
because especially I have very important exams
next term and I really must study hard. This is For all these reasons, I would like to make a formal
why I would be very grateful if I could have request for a change in my accommodation, especially
another room next term; if it is at all possible for because I have very important exams next term and I
me not to have share my room with someone really must study hard. If it is at all possible for me not to
else, that would be ideal. have to share my room with someone else, that would be
ideal. I would be grateful if you could let me know if there's
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. anything else I need to do to continue with the application.

Yours faithfully, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Carlos Herrera
Yours faithfully,
Carlos Herrera
The bar chart below shows the number of students in three different courses from 2001-2004.
Identify the main trends and summarize the data.

Band 8 answer (leave) Improve this version

to see if we can achieve a band 9!

The bar chart shows students attending three different The bar chart shows students attending
courses over four years from 2001 to 2004. three different courses during the span
of four years from 2001 to 2004.
In 2001, 4.3 million students took course A. In 2002, 2.5
million people attended course A. Moving onto the year First of all, in 2001, 4.3 million students
2003, 3.5 million people took course A. Finally in 2004 enrolled for course A. In contrast, in
the number of students taking course A had increased to 2002 just 2.5 million people attended.
4.5 million students. There was significant growth in the year
2003, course A had an attendance of
Moving onto Course B, in 2001, 2.4 million students took 3.5 million people. Finally in 2004 the
the course. In 2002, 4.4 million people attended course number of students taking course A had
B. In 2003, 1.8 million people took course B. By 2004, the increased steadily to 4.5 million
number of students taking course B had decreased to 2.8 students.
million students.
Moving onto course B, in 2001, 2.4
Taking a look at the course C we can see that in 2001, 2 million students attended the course. In
million students took the course. In 2002, 2 million people 2002, student numbers nearly doubled
attended course C. In the year 2003, 3 million people to 4.4 million people. In 2003,
took course C. By 2004, the number of students taking enrollment for course B plunged
course C had increased to 5 million students. considerably to 1.8 million.
Nevertheless, by 2004, the number of
If we analyze the data we can see several trends students taking course B had risen to
emerging. Firstly, the number of candidates taking course 2.8 million students.
A has stayed almost the same over the four years,
despite declining in 2003. The number of candidates Regarding course C it can be seen that
taking course B varied substantially and saw a decline in 2001, 2 million students took the
between 2002 and 2004, from 4.4 million to just 2.8 course. In 2002, the number of students
million.However the number of candidates taking course remained constant. In the year 2003,
C has grown from 2 million to 5 million over the four there was a positive change and 3
years. million people took course C. By 2004,
the number of students taking course C
In conclusion then, one can say that over the four year had increased by two thirds to 5 million
period from 2001 to 2004, there has been an increase in students.
overall numbers of students attending all three courses.
If we analyze the data we can see
several trends emerging. Firstly, the
number of candidates taking course A
stayed practically the same over the four
years, despite declining in 2003. The
number of candidates taking course B
varied substantially and saw a decline
between 2002 and 2004, from 4.4
million to just 2.8 million. However, the
number of candidates taking course C
grew from 2 million to 5 million over the
four years.

In conclusion then, one can say that

over the four year period from 2001 to
2004, there was an overall increase in
numbers of students attending all three
Sample Task B
Some say that young people should take a break between school and university to go travelling and
learn more about the world. Others say that it is better for them to go straight to university from
school, and then go travelling when they have finished their studies.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any
relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.
Write at least 250 words.

You have probably already looked at the writing task 2 above and have planned how you would
answer it.

Here is a sample answer to the essay question (sample task B). First, ignore the gaps and have
a quick read of it; decide how close to the plan you made it is. Then, for each numbered gap,
think of a linking word or phrase that you think fits best. If possible, don’t repeat your choices.
For each gap highlighted in yellow, write an expression of opinion such as “I think” or an adverb
such as “arguably”- again, if possible, don’t repeat your choices.

These days, it is very common for young people to take time off studying between school and university.
Many of them go travelling, and spend a year or longer visiting interesting and exotic places.
(1)However, is it better to do this, or to continue studying without a break?

(2)First of all, there are several benefits to taking time off to travel. (3)For instance, meeting lots of
interesting people, you can also experience cultures that are very different from your own. Receiving
that first-hand knowledge and experience of the world around you early in life are useful things to have.
(4)Besides, you learn to look after yourself in different and often difficult situations.
(5)Nevertheless, few people have serious problems when they travel, you will occasionally encounter
situations where you need to think and act quickly without having friends or family to turn to.
Unfortunately, travelling has its disadvantages (6) when you travel on your own, such as homesickness
and culture shock. (7)However, these inconveniences are an inevitable part of travelling and are greatly
outweighed by the advantages.

On the other hand, the best reason for going straight to university after school is the fact that the
sooner you get qualifications, the quicker you can get a job and start earning. Firstly, starting work and
making money is one of the most important things in life. I am not alone in this opinion. Many consider
a sound career and a good salary to be one of life's most important goals. (8) Secondly, if you go straight
to university, you learn so many things that will help you in your future life. (9)Finally, going straight to
university from school means that you maintain a momentum that you might lose if you go travelling. In
other words, you remain focused on studying.

(10) To conclude, I would say that spending a year travelling between school and university has its
advantages and disadvantages. (11)While travelling, you are seeing something of the world.
(12)However, you are delaying your education and career. In my opinion, it is better to carry on with
your studies, and leave the travelling until later.
1 Describe a book you have read.
You should say:
• what kind of book it is
• what it is about
• what sort of people would enjoy it
• and explain why you liked it

2 Describe a piece of advice you have recently received. You should say:
• when this happened
• who gave you this advice
• what the advice was
• and explain how you felt about the advice

3 Describe a piece of art you like.

You should say:
• what the work of art is
• when you first saw it
• what you know about it
• and explain why you like it

4 Describe a time of the day you like.

You should say:
• what time of day it is
• what you do at that time
• who you are usually with
• and explain why you like it

5 Describe a form of exercise you know.

You should say:
• what it is & how it is done
• when you first tried it
• what kind of people it is suitable for
• and explain why you think it is a good form of exercise

6 Describe a member of your family you get on well with. You should say:
• who it is/what the relationship is
• what that person is like
• what you do together
• and explain why you get on so well

7 Describe a gift you have given someone.

You should say:
• what the gift was & who you gave it to
• what kind of person s/he is
• what occasion the gift was for
• and explain why you chose that gift

8 Describe a useful website. You should say:

• what it is & what kind of site it is
• what kind of information it offers
• how often you visit it
• and explain why you think it is useful

9 Describe your favourite photograph. You should say:

• Where was the photo taken?
• Who took the photo?
• What does the photo show?
• and explain why it is your favourite photo

10 Describe an area of your country you know and like. You should say:
• Where is it?
• What can you do there?
• Are there any special features of it?
• and explain why you like it

Now that you’ve seen the ten samples above, you can probably imagine what the tasks would
look like if they were on the following topic. Try writing some of the topic cards:

• your favourite movie

• a city you know well
• an important invention
• a subject you have studied
• a party
• a newspaper or magazine you enjoy reading
• a special occasion in your life
• something you own which is important to you
• one of your neighbours
• a shopping centre
• your favourite animal
• a historical place
• your holidays

If you’d like to compare your ideas to some examples, see ielts-

Watch a candidate who got 8.5 in speaking here:

Describe a book you have read. Describe a book you have read.
You should say: You should say:
• what kind of book it is • what kind of book it is
• what it is about • what it is about
• what sort of people would enjoy it • what sort of people would enjoy it
• and explain why you liked it • and explain why you liked it

Describe a book you have read. Describe a book you have read.
You should say: You should say:
• what kind of book it is • what kind of book it is
• what it is about • what it is about
• what sort of people would enjoy it • what sort of people would enjoy it
• and explain why you liked it • and explain why you liked it

Describe a piece of advice you have recently Describe a piece of advice you have recently
received. You should say: received. You should say:
• when this happened • when this happened
• who gave you this advice • who gave you this advice
• what the advice was • what the advice was
• and explain how you felt about the • and explain how you felt about the
advice advice

Describe a piece of advice you have recently Describe a piece of advice you have recently
received. You should say: received. You should say:
• when this happened • when this happened
• who gave you this advice • who gave you this advice
• what the advice was • what the advice was
• and explain how you felt about the • and explain how you felt about the
advice advice

Describe a time of the day you like. Describe a time of the day you like.
You should say: You should say:
• what time of day it is • what time of day it is
• what you do at that time • what you do at that time
• who you are usually with • who you are usually with
• and explain why you like it • and explain why you like it

Describe a time of the day you like. Describe a time of the day you like.
You should say: You should say:
• what time of day it is • what time of day it is
• what you do at that time • what you do at that time
• who you are usually with • who you are usually with
• and explain why you like it • and explain why you like it

Describe a form of exercise you know. Describe a form of exercise you know.
You should say: You should say:
• what it is & how it is done • what it is & how it is done
• when you first tried it • when you first tried it
• what kind of people it is suitable for • what kind of people it is suitable for
• and explain why you think it is a good • and explain why you think it is a good
form of exercise form of exercise

Describe a form of exercise you know. Describe a form of exercise you know.
You should say: You should say:
• what it is & how it is done • what it is & how it is done
• when you first tried it • when you first tried it
• what kind of people it is suitable for • what kind of people it is suitable for
• and explain why you think it is a good • and explain why you think it is a good
form of exercise form of exercise
Describe a member of your family you get on Describe a member of your family you get on
well with. You should say: well with. You should say:
• who it is/what the relationship is • who it is/what the relationship is
• what that person is like • what that person is like
• what you do together • what you do together
• and explain why you get on so well • and explain why you get on so well

Describe a member of your family you get on Describe a member of your family you get on
well with. You should say: well with. You should say:
• who it is/what the relationship is • who it is/what the relationship is
• what that person is like • what that person is like
• what you do together • what you do together
• and explain why you get on so well • and explain why you get on so well

Describe a gift you have given someone. Describe a gift you have given someone.
You should say: You should say:
• what the gift was & who you gave it to • what the gift was & who you gave it to
• what kind of person s/he is • what kind of person s/he is
• what occasion the gift was for • what occasion the gift was for
• and explain why you chose that gift • and explain why you chose that gift

Describe a gift you have given someone. Describe a gift you have given someone.
You should say: You should say:
• what the gift was & who you gave it to • what the gift was & who you gave it to
• what kind of person s/he is • what kind of person s/he is
• what occasion the gift was for • what occasion the gift was for
• and explain why you chose that gift • and explain why you chose that gift

Describe a useful website. You should say: Describe a useful website. You should say:
• what it is & what kind of site it is • what it is & what kind of site it is
• what kind of information it offers • what kind of information it offers
• how often you visit it • how often you visit it
• and explain why you think it is useful • and explain why you think it is useful

Describe a useful website. You should say: Describe a useful website. You should say:
• what it is & what kind of site it is • what it is & what kind of site it is
• what kind of information it offers • what kind of information it offers
• how often you visit it • how often you visit it
• and explain why you think it is useful • and explain why you think it is useful
The tables below show people's reasons for giving up smoking, and when they
intend to give up.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Model answer
The two tables together give a snapshot of the reasons people choose to stop smoking and
when they intend to give up.
The main reason smokers give for stopping is for general health (71%), with financial
considerations (31%) and the risk of smoking-related diseases (25%) being the next two
most popular reasons. One fact to highlight from this table is that almost twice the
percentage of heavy smokers cite present health problems as the reason compared to light

According to the second table, the majority of smokers questioned (71%) intended to give
up, with light smokers more inclined to stop (79%) than heavy smokers (60%). 35% of
smokers said they were planning to give up within the next six months and only 12% said
they were prepared to try within the following month. Although only 29% of smokers on
average were unwilling to give up, heavy smokers were almost twice as unwilling to try as
light smokers, which perhaps reflects the level of addiction in the former group.
The table below shows the changes in some household types in Canada from 1984 to

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The table shows the changes in household types in Canada at 10-year intervals from 1984
to 2014 and again in 2020.

There has been a steady increase in households without children during this period. One-
person households doubled from 6% in 1984 to 12% in 2020, whilst the percentage of
couples with no children rose from 19% in 1984 to 23% in 2004 and to 25% in 2014.
However, this figure levelled out in 2020. Even bigger changes have occurred when it
comes to couples with dependent children. This category shrank from 52% in 1984 to 36%
in 2020. In contrast, the percentage of lone parents trebled over the same period, rising
from 4% in 1984 to 12% in 2020. The percentage of families with non-dependent children
has remained more stable: 10% in 1984, rising only 1% over the next 20 years before falling
to 9% in 2014.

In conclusion, the table shows definite patterns of change within the Canadian family over
the past 40 years, in particular the decline in the traditional. model of one couple with
dependent children.

(179 words)
The charts show projections for global production by sector in 2040 and 2060.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The charts show projections for global production by sector in 2040 and 2060. Generally
speaking, there is little change in the projected proportion of production by the various
sectors in the two years, with manufacturing and services being the most dominant.

It is forecast that the services and manufacturing sectors together will account for more than
half of global production in 2040 and 2060, 71% (40% and 31%) and 74% (41% and 33%)
respectively. By contrast, the proportion of production from energy is expected to decline
from 7% in 2040 to 5% in 2060, a drop of approximately one third. It is also anticipated that
there will be a similar dramatic drop for agriculture production from 4% to 1% with
production in materials, by contrast, comprising 4% in 2060 compared to 3% in 2040.

As regards info-communications and technology, there is expected to be little difference in

the proportion of production the sector constitutes, with a slight rise from 15% to 16% over
the period.

(165 words)
The chart gives information on the percentage of women going into higher education
in five countries for the years 1980 and 2015.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart shows the percentage of females entering higher education in the years 1980
and 2015. The chart shows the percentages in five countries, the UK, the USA, Australia,
South Korea and France. Overall, the proportion of women in higher education increased in
the five countries.

In general, there were more female students in 2015 than in 1980, with more than half of
women in higher education in all of the countries apart from South Korea. In four of the
countries, the percentage of women going into higher education rose.

The most dramatic change was in South Korea, where the percentage doubled from 15% to
30%. The smallest change was seen in France, where the number increased only from 50%
to 54%. The only country in which there was not an increase was Australia. Although the
percentage of Australian women going into higher education remained the same at 58%,
this was the highest in 1980 and equal highest with the USA in 2015.

(164 words)
The chart and graph below give information about participants who have entered the
Olympics since it began.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The two charts give information about the gender and number of athletes who have entered
the Games since they started. The bar chart illustrates the number of men and women
entering the Games, whereas the line graph shows the number of participants.

It is evident from the bar chart that, until 2012, there were always significantly more men
entering the Games than women. In 1924 and 1952, there were hardly any women entering
the Games, yet in 1952 there were over 4,000 male participants. In 2012, however, the
number of female athletes rose significantly to nearly 5,000, only approximately 1,000 lower
than male participants.

The line graph shows a similar trend, with the number of participants increasing throughout
the century. The most significant increase occurred between 1984 and 2012, when the
number of athletes rose from just over 6,000 to over 10,000 in 2012.

To summarise therefore, since 1924 the number of athletes entering the Olympic Games,
has increased dramatically. This is particularly the case for women, who are now
represented in nearly the same numbers as male participants. (179 words)
The graph gives information about male and female gym membership between 1980
and 2010.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The line graph shows male and female gym membership over a thirty-year period. The
vertical axis represents the number of members in units of 1,000. The horizontal axis
represents the period from 1980 to 2010.

Overall, the graph indicates that there were greater fluctuations in gym membership among
men than among women. The number of male members started the period at just over two
thousand and reached highs of four thousand in 1985 and five thousand around 2005. The
lowest rates were between 1993 and 1997 and more recently in 2010 when the rate dipped
as low as one thousand.

Female gym membership began lower at one thousand, doubled by 1984, and then
fluctuated between two and three thousand for the remainder of the period. When male
rates were at their lowest, female rates were higher. This was particularly true between
1993 and 1997 when over three thousand women held gym membership.

In brief, there were marked differences in rates of male and female gym memberships in the
period covered.

(170 words)
The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The diagram shows the seven most important stages in the making of honey by bees. The
process begins with the honey bees building a hive, and then finishes when the honey is
ready to be collected and used.

Firstly, the bees have to build a container. This is called a hive and it consists of many
individually built cells. Next, the bees leave the hive in order to search for flowers. When
they find a suitable flower, they collect the nectar from it, which is used to make honey.

The nectar is then taken back to the hive where the production process can begin. First, it is
put into cells. Then, following this, the nectar must be cooled down. In order to do this, the
bees fan the nectar-filled cells with their wings. As a result, the nectar loses its water
content and then finally, the honey is produced.

(150 words)
The maps below show the town of Langley in 1910 and 1950.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Model answer
The two maps show the town of Langley in the years 1910 and 1950 and the urban developments
that took place. Overall, there were a number of notable changes to the buildings and amenities
of this area.
In 1910, the area had a combination of residential and industrial features, but by 1950 the
industrial features had largely disappeared. Whereas in 1910 a railway line ran through the
neighbourhood, by 1950 this had been removed. Furthermore, the townhouses which used to
dominate the 1910 map had been replaced by blocks of flats by 1950, and the areas of wasteland
had gone.
Another major change to the area in 1950 was the development of more commercial and
recreational features. The demolition of a second row of houses on Sherman Street and the
removal of the railway line made room for a spacious park and children's play area. On the
commercial side, to the right of the park some new stores were built on the aptly named New
Lane, replacing the small store of 1910, and the cafe and laundry were relocated.
To sum up, the area was renovated extensively, seeing fundamental changes to its residential
accommodation, and its commercial and recreational facilities were developed.
Dear Mr Harrison,

I am a volunteer in your community, especially (more specifically) at the Westchester

Nursing Home and I
have been helping since 2019. I regret to inform you that I will not be able to continue
this activity because I will leave this town. (Okay, but 'will' is best used either for
spontaneous decisions about the future - which this is not - or predictions about the
future, which it isn't either. It would be better as 'I am going to leave/move away from
this town'.)

It has been a wonderful experience for me to work with many humble people and help
amazing elders. I get along with them and enjoy spending a lot of time doing and
diverse physical activities, such as; Tai Chi, walking in a small park, and dancing.

As you may remember, I am pursuing my master's degree at Stanford University and I

to move to California. For this reason, I will not be able to stay more than a week as a

However, I would like to introduce my best friend, who is willing to take over my
Her name is Laura Salazar, she is an excellent person and she loves planing different
activities. She will contact you as soon as possible.

On the other hand, I would take this opportunity to thank everyone who stood beside me
during my time there.

Your faithfully, As you know Mr Harrison's name, Yours sincerely would be better here.

Anahí Lucero

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