NF Lesson 3 4

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Nonfiction Lesson 3 and 4

Teacher Name Ms. Merk Date January 2022


Subject Area LA Grade 5

Topic Nonfiction Time/Duration 1 hour, 10 mins

General General Outcome 1

Outcome(s) - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
Taken from
General Outcome 2
Alberta Program
of Studies - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and
other media texts.

General Outcome 3

- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to

manage ideas and information.

General Outcome 5
- Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
respect, support and collaborate with others

Specific Learner 1.1 Express ideas and develop understanding

- use appropriate prior knowledge and experiences to make sense of
Taken from new ideas and information
Alberta Program - read, write, represent and talk to explore personal understandings
of new ideas and information
of Studies
Experiment with language and forms

- select from provided forms of oral, print and other media texts
those that best organize ideas and information and develop
understanding of topics

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

Use prior knowledge

- describe ways that personal experiences and prior knowledge

contribute to understanding new ideas and information
- use knowledge of organizational structures, such as tables of
contents, indices, topic sentences and headings, to locate
information and to construct and confirm meaning

Use textual cues

- use text features, such as maps, diagrams, special fonts and

graphics, that highlight important concepts to enhance
understanding of ideas and information
- identify and use the structural elements of texts, such as letters,
brochures, glossaries and encyclopedias, to access and comprehend
ideas and information

2.2 Respond to Texts

Experience various texts

- experience oral, print and other media texts from a variety of

cultural traditions and genres, such as historical fiction, myths,
biographies, poetry, news reports and guest speakers
3.1 Plan and Focus

Focus attention

- summarize important ideas in oral, print and other media texts and
express opinions about them
- combine personal knowledge of topics with understanding of
audience needs to focus topics for investigation

Determine information needs

identify categories of information related to particular topics, and ask

questions related to each category

Plan to gather information

- develop and follow own plan for gathering and recording ideas and

3.2 Select and Process

Access information

- use a variety of tools, such as chapter headings, glossaries and

encyclopedia guide words, to access information

4.2 Attend to Conventions

Attend to spelling

- use phonic knowledge and skills, visual memory, the meaning and
function of words in context, and spelling generalizations to spell
with accuracy in own writing

Learning Students will be able to:

1) Apply knowledge of text features
What do you
want your 2) Think critically about a nonfiction text
students to

Assessment 1. Text feature poster task

How will you 2. Participation in group activities and independent work
know your
students have

Materials - Task worksheets

- Nonfiction books
What resources - Poster paper
will you need?

Introduct Okay everyone, let’s get ready for LA

- What do we remember about text features?
(attention - *read off of scavenger sheet
grabber) - Let’s watch a review video

Text feature review video - 3 min

- let’s review our text features with a short video

I am going to give you about 10 minutes to work with a partner to finish your scavenger
hunts and then we will go over them as a class

- Okay let’s all come back together and discuss

Discussion - 2 mins

- Hold on to your scavenger hunts you can use them to help you in the next

Body Text Feature Performance Task

- Today we are going to start a small project with a group of 3 or you can work alone
(Activity if you please
For this project, you will be making a poster:

-hand out worksheets

- You will use a nonfiction book to find text features

- You must use 8 text features on your poster from your scavenger hunt, including at
least 4 images you will draw
- You will choose the information you think is the most important and write a small
- We want these to be nice and presentable
- You can see how I will grade you on the back side of the sheet on the rubric
- To get a good mark make sure you read it over and include all I asked

Does anyone have any questions?

- Next class we will present them when they are finished

- Hand out poster paper and books
- *Circulate while they are working

Assessme Okay can I have everyone come back to their desks and put everything away, you can put
nt your posters on this desk
/ - Great class today, I’ll see you next class for more nonfiction learning
Closure /
ation of

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