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Reflection # 1(Prelim)

Based on the documented video, here are my reflections guided by the following

1. What are the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Treat as a

A researcher has the quality of being analytic. Researchers must be able
to take a step back and analyze the situation presented to them, the ability to
ensure that data is accurately presented and reported and committed because
the research will take long it won’t finish just a day.
Lack of trainings and workshops about research are also some of the
reasons why researches are not able to pursue for some teachers.

2. If you are in the situation of the documenter/ teacher what will you do?
It is not an exaggeration to say that a great teacher can change a student’s
life. Every student is different. And we teachers are in a unique position to address
their needs giving the best for them.

Like what the documenter /teacher did, I still do the same reaching out
children in the remotes areas to teach them with a heart, inspire them although it is
difficult, but with the help of parents and community little by little the hardships will
pay off. I strongly believe no one should left behind when it comes to education. In
a place like in Sitio Tuli they also have a right to be given education like others do.

3. Suggest a Research Title to be conducted in that Area?

My research title would be,

“School and Community in the Cognitive Development of Students in Sitio Tuli.”

4. Any program activities or action plan you may suggest?

I think the LGU’s should provide more educational assistance to Sitio Tuli like
learning materials appropriate to the learners. Additional teachers should be also given

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to them so that the learning process may convey to them fully. But teachers should also
be given additional benefits.


Reflection # 3(Prelim)

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The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) shocked the world as it spread

rapidly from continent to continent, and finally, it became a pandemic mounting many infected

patients, increasing number of deaths, and a devastating effect on worldwide economics. The

protection of life is the top priority of humanity at this moment that’s why health and safety

protocols were implemented. But at this battle no one could protect, defend us but ourselves.

So while we are at home we should take care of ourselves. There is no harm in trying ways to

boost our immune system, and also to care our mental health. Action starts with learning the

facts about the virus and the health measures we can take to keep ourselves safe — we can all

better protect ourselves and those around us. There is no medication yet to cure coronavirus

but we should not stop and lose hope to fight this virus. It can be hard to find the silver lining

amidst a storm, but as Christians we know we will face hardships. This is a time when we need

to lean in on our dependence on the Lord. Let us have hope, faith and the ability to assimilate

the lessons that the experience of the last weeks and months has offered us about what is most

important to us. This is, above all, a human crisis that calls for solidarity,


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Reflection # 4(Prelim)

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As we always hear ‘There is light at the end of the tunnel”. The tunnel represents our
life’s journey, filled with challenges, difficulties, pains, sufferings. In such moments it’s natural to
look for a way out, yet we should trust that a turning point awaits us further down the road.
Everyone has been in the position of feeling themselves engulfed by being helpless. The truth is
that hope remains. We need to remember how to see it. We can see it more clearly
and focus on it when the dark threatens to swallow us up. The light that shines in the darkness
is always there, waiting for us. It can be hard to recognize, to reach, and to keep.

Life will go on, time will never stand still, and it rests upon you to make the right
decision of moving forward. Don’t dwell on “what could be” or “what if” circumstances; things
are done, and it’s time for you to see that you may have a new battle scar, but you will
certainly have gained a whole lot more character.

I believe that beyond what I can see in the now, God has bigger and better things
planned. He is working things out for me according to His purpose for my life (Romans 8:28)
and as long as I find a hope for tomorrow, I can stand firm in the uncertainty that may surround
me today.




Reflection # 5(Prelim)

The title occupies an exclusive place in the text as it immediately captures the reader’s
attention and influences his/her decision to read the paper or not. It’s a good idea to take

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advantage of this fact and create a concise, informative, and catchy title that will draw the
reader in. Good titles describe the topic of the paper, the method, sample or participants of the
study, and/or the results. This part of the study gives the readers an idea of the purpose of the
paper. Through this, readers and other researchers can tell if it is what they are looking for, and
if it is worth the time reading.
The significance of the study must compliment with the title of the research, it must
highlight how the research will be beneficial to the development of science and the society in
general. It can first outline the significance in a broader sense by stating how the research will
contribute to the broader problem in the field and gradually narrow it down to demonstrate
the specific group that will benefit from the research
Like Sir Mario said the title of any research is specific, attainable, measurable and
reasonable, Ask questions that get to the heart of the article. What is the purpose of the
research? What's the narrative tone of the article? What methods do you use to write the
article? The purpose of the article provides the perfect lead-in to conclusion. Meanwhile, the
narrative tone depends on the point you make, such as delivering results of a paradigm-shifting
study, breaking news of some major story or making a startling conclusion that no one


MRES 201


Reflection # 6(Prelim)

Thesis writing is a form of writing with particular perspective, idea, or position applied
to the chosen topic of investigation, such as, establishing, proving, or disproving solutions to the
research questions posed for the topic. It answers the questions What findings do you want to
make? What questions do you want to answer? In the case of your thesis being divided into

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theoretical and practical parts, consider what theoretical information should be presented in
the first part in order to precede to the practical findings.

It is clearly state what the purpose of the study is and explain the study's significance. The
significance is addressed by discussing how the study adds to the theoretical body of knowledge
in the field and the study's practical significance for communication professionals in the field
being examined.

A thesis should be useful. You'll be happier about doing a thesis if you feel that somebody will
use it. And you'll want to do a better job if you feel that somebody will read and use your thesis.
It is even better if the thesis is useful not just at the moment of completion, but also later. It
should not be a snapshot of information that immediately becomes dated; the thesis should
ideally be something with information you can talk about and that people can use for years.

Book writing is mostly academic in nature but it is less formal. It should be based on
your experience and it allows you to react to personal feeling after reading a book. While
writing a book, you are expected to provide personal feelings and support them with examples
while citing the knowledge of an expert if possible. Regardless of the setting or purpose of book
writing, there are characteristics that can be used to identify it. A book is written to
communicate ideas or to narrate a story to readers

A book is a written, printed, illustrated work or blank pages fastened together and bound in
covers. Various publications such as textbooks, map books, guidebooks, novels,
notebooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, poetry books, etc. are considered as books. Books have
always been one of the most important sources of information and education. A book can
provide information in the format of text and illustrations (pictures, graphs, maps, tables, etc.).
Books can provide a wealth of information on theoretical subjects as well as practical subjects.

Although thesis has the format of a book, there is a distinct difference between book
and thesis. The main difference between book and thesis is their purpose and focus. In addition,
there are other differences such as style, language, and target audience. However, a thesis can
be published as a book, but after major editing.


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Reflection # 7(Midterm)

In the face of the struggle for Philippine independence, Dr. Jose P. Rizal believed that
the future of the country lies in its youth. But if he were alive today, witnessing the struggles of
our children, would he still have the same conviction? A week ago in the program of Jessica
Soho, featured in a town in Surigao Del Sur where children are carrying heavy logs from logging
site down from the mountain. They were paid 40 pesos for 4 logs but for one log it pays 5

Watching like this breaks my heart, working so hard at a young age for a little amount of
money to buy some food for the family, to buy for their needs to think that they should enjoy

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their childhood, playing and studying like other children do. It is also disappointing that there
are also people who are taking advantage of the situation of these children just to benefit
them. Poverty is stealing their childhood but who’s to blame. It deprives children of their
childhood, their potential and dignity and is harmful to their physical and mental development.
Child labor perpetuates poverty. Child labor creates poverty. If the children are deprived from
education, then they are bound to remain poor for the whole of their life.

Despite of these, there are still good people who are willing to give help for these
children. We need mutual support and cooperation to understand this situation If there is
no decent job for parents, children naturally help parents to earn for the survival of the
Just because a child’s parents are poor or uneducated is no reason to deprive the
child of basic human rights to health care, education and proper nutrition.” — Marian
Wright Edelman, Founder and President of the Children’s Defense Fund.




Reflection # 8(Midterm)

On 11 November 2020, Typhoon Vamco/Ulysses lashed the main island of Luzon

whipping destructive winds and dumping heavy rainfall that triggered massive flooding in
several areas including, Region II (Cagayan Valley), which was one of the most severely affected.

Considering the frequency, range, and gravity of the natural disasters that visit our
country every year, it is hard to imagine any other people that are as resilient (and as positive in
disposition) as the Filipino nation. We are a nation that “eats” calamities for breakfast. We are
used to them. They come, they leave a trail of death and destruction, but we rise the following
day—ready to face the next one. Typhoon “Ulysses” is just the latest reminder of lessons that
the natural environment seems to be “teaching” us with every passing event in its unceasing

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transformation. We are, it is hoped, becoming increasingly aware that these lessons are as
much about how Nature behaves as they are about how we understand and respond to it.

I hope things get better. I hope we find long-term solutions to the problems we face as a
country every single year. It is my prayer that our leaders and our future leaders would be more
pro-active, responsible, wise and truly be accountable to the people they have sworn to serve.
Just like what Ms. Golez said, let’s refuse to glorify resiliency and demand accountability.

My heart bleeds and breaks for the Philippines. I pray for grace and comfort for all those who
lost loved ones and their precious homes caused by Typhoon Ulysses. I pray for supernatural
strength upon the rescue workers and those who are on the frontlines to help those who are
affected. I declare wisdom upon our government leaders as they navigate and find solutions to
the problems caused by the typhoon.


MRES 201


Reflection # 9(Midterm)


Research methods are specific procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Developing
your research methods is an integral part of your research design. When planning your
methods, there are two key decisions you will make.

First, decide how you will collect data. Your methods depend on what type of data you need to
answer your research question:

Qualitative vs. quantitative: Will your data take the form of words or numbers?

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Primary vs. secondary: Will you collect original data yourself, or will you use data that has
already been collected by someone else?

Descriptive vs. experimental: Will you take measurements of something as it is, or will you
perform an experiment?

Second, decide how you will analyze the data.

For quantitative data, you can use statistical analysis methods to test relationships between

For qualitative data, you can use methods such as thematic analysis to interpret patterns and
meanings in the data.


a. Determine supporting knowledge

Review and synthesize existing literature to examine knowledge development in

identified problem area

b. Identify a theory base

Use existing theory to frame research problem and interpret result, or construct

theory as part of research process


The following topics below are about Methods of Research where I learned during
online learning.

1. 21st Century Research Skills

2. Research Status in Philippine Education

3. DepEd Research Agenda

4. ALS and TESDA Research Agenda

5. Ethics of Research

6. Chapter 2 Related Literature and Studies

7. Relationship of Statistics to Research

8. Tables and Graps/ Questionnare

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Reflection # 10(Midterm)

“To understand it all he first needed to find out the other stories … It wouldn’t be easy, I
told him, because … there are never any clear boundaries. Everything is dependent on
everything else and one thing is superimposed on top of another. It all ends up as a complicated
intertextual game, like a hall of mirrors or those Russian Dolls. “ Arturo Perez-Reverte, The
Dumas Club

I believe Research is a vast and often cyclical process with no clear path from A to B. But
as with any kind of exploration, it is always worth following a path of some kind, the one that
you think is most appropriate and you know that you can stick to.

The report of LLanera Group is one of the most important topics in Research which will
give explanation why we want to do the research. Explaining the methodology helps to know
why we want to do our research in a particular way. It helps others know that you know what
you are doing. It gives confidence to funding agencies that you are not going to waste their
money. If your methodology is new, innovative or just plain different then you have to write
more of a justification so that others will understand what you are trying to do and why it is
important to do it this new way.

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I also understood that Sampling helps a lot in research. It is one of the most important
factors which determine the accuracy of your research/survey result. If anything goes wrong
with your sample then it will be directly reflected in the final result. There are lot of techniques
which help us to gather sample depending upon the need and situation. Data collection is a
systematic process of gathering observations or measurements. Whether you are performing
research for business, governmental or academic purposes, data collection allows you to gain
first-hand knowledge and original insights into your research problem.

I gained a lot of insights and leanings from the report of the RPN-Llanera group which I
believe will be very helpful for me as a student and educator. I know I will gain a deeper
understanding of the scientific process... develop research questions and form and test your


MRES 201


Book Review (Midterm)


Phases of the Moon: Stare into the Night and Discover the Meaning of True Love
Through Heartbreaks written by Jhona Micah N. Esteban is a poetry book where the
poet describes each phase of a girl’s life in a poetic and lyrical manner. This book gives
an expression, to the various emotions of a human heart. The poetries in this book will
echo your heart and will give words and voice to your emotions. The emotional highs
and lows and practical ups and downs a woman experiences during her lifetime on this
Earth with many factors playing are explained in a poetic manner in the book

Author has been able to cover divergent phases of a girl’s life, starting from teenage to
womanhood. She has been able to clearly bring out the essence of the title of the book,
“Phases of the Moon”. As the moon changes and grows through distinct phases, in the
same way a girl’s life goes through different transitions. Beautifully written and

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In the part teenage shower, the poet talks about teenage crushes and the feeling when
for the first time, a girl falls in love. Juggling between different aspects, the poet talks
about the teenage year, trying to take it all in, and then comes infatuations; we have all
had those times when we had been infatuated with someone and had taken it for love
and then we actually got to experience those butterflies in our stomach; feelings
associated with this ‘Special Someone’, and in no time this person becomes ‘So
Special’ that a girl begins to consider him as an integral part of her life.

This love soon turns into more of a deeply connected relationship where she is ready to
take the final step and thus ‘ties the knot’, swearing on her love and vowing to stay right
by his side. Soon she has kids running around the house, giving her a hard time but no
matter how much they trouble her, she doesn’t stop showering her love over them.

In the final part, the poet talks about all the experiences she had throughout her entire
life, from love to heartbreak to pain to angst to everything she had been through. This is
the time when she judges all her actions and reactions and recalls some of her
memorable memories while wishes to undo some steps she had taken. She is no longer
an innocent. She stares back at life and sees how drastically she had changed, her
once pure heart now carries a fear of all the sins with which her shoulders her

But then comes a time when she feels free; she starts to feel “lively and sane”.

Love and heartbreak are on two ends of the same spectrum; to know one, you must
know the other. Know that if you are feeling sad and in the dark, things can only get
better and brighter.

I loved how the author had this thought of writing poems describing the various phases
a girl has to endure. The language was simple and though the poetic meter dropped
down at some points, the poems didn’t fail convey the messages that the poet wanted
them to. This would be a good poetry book for beginners who have just stepped into the
world of poetry.

The moon is there to remind that even in our phases, we are still whole.


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