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MRES 201


Thesis writing is a form of writing with particular perspective, idea, or position applied to the chosen
topic of investigation, such as, establishing, proving, or disproving solutions to the research questions posed
for the topic. It answers the questions What findings do you want to make? What questions do you want to
answer? In the case of your thesis being divided into theoretical and practical parts, consider what theoretical
information should be presented in the first part in order to precede to the practical findings.

It is clearly state what the purpose of the study is and explain the study's significance. The significance is
addressed by discussing how the study adds to the theoretical body of knowledge in the field and the study's
practical significance for communication professionals in the field being examined.

A thesis should be useful. You'll be happier about doing a thesis if you feel that somebody will use it. And
you'll want to do a better job if you feel that somebody will read and use your thesis. It is even better if the
thesis is useful not just at the moment of completion, but also later. It should not be a snapshot of information
that immediately becomes dated; the thesis should ideally be something with information you can talk about
and that people can use for years.

Book writing is mostly academic in nature but it is less formal. It should be based on your experience
and it allows you to react to personal feeling after reading a book. While writing a book, you are expected to
provide personal feelings and support them with examples while citing the knowledge of an expert if possible.
Regardless of the setting or purpose of book writing, there are characteristics that can be used to identify it. A
book is written to communicate ideas or to narrate a story to readers

A book is a written, printed, illustrated work or blank pages fastened together and bound in covers. Various
publications such as textbooks, map books, guidebooks, novels, notebooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, poetry
books, etc. are considered as books. Books have always been one of the most important sources of
information and education. A book can provide information in the format of text and illustrations (pictures,
graphs, maps, tables, etc.). Books can provide a wealth of information on theoretical subjects as well as
practical subjects.

Although thesis has the format of a book, there is a distinct difference between book and thesis. The
main difference between book and thesis is their purpose and focus. In addition, there are other differences
such as style, language, and target audience. However, a thesis can be published as a book, but after major

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