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Accessing and
Maintaining Information
from the Work Readiness
Modules on 21st Century
Skills by the USAID
Opportunity 2.0 Program

Reported by: Lordy May J. Enderes

Jamaican F&B Training Center, Inc.
Whether you are conducting
academic or professional research,
working to solve a problem, or
trying to make an informed decision,
information is crucial. The ability to
strategically collect information is a
skill that will serve you well.
Information can help you
understand the fuller picture of
the situation you are
researching or the magnitude
of the problem you are trying
to address. Data can help to
fill in the details and ground
your understanding in reality.
● Credibility.
Information can help
ground your ideas,
opinions, and research
with reliable facts and
figures. Such data is
especially important in
communicating with
clients, possible donors,
instructors, or colleagues.
● Awareness can
lead to change.
By sharing and contextualizing data
for your audience—whether they are
your colleagues, your clients, your
classmates, or your friends and family
—you can empower others with
knowledge. This knowledge, in turn,
can lead to positive change.
Personal Information
refers to any information whether
recorded in a material form or not, from
which the identity of an individual is
apparent or can be reasonably and
directly ascertained by the entity holding
the information, or when put together
with other information would directly
and certainly identify an individual.
refers to any and all forms of
data which under the Rules of
Court and other pertinent
laws constitute privileged
Sensitive Personal Information
refers to personal information that is

1 2 3 4
About an About an individual’s Issued by government Specifically
individual’s health, education, agencies peculiar to an established by
race, ethnic genetic or sexual life of individual which an executive
a person, or to any includes, but not limited
origin, marital order or an act
proceeding for any to, social security
status, age, of Congress to
offense committed or numbers, previous or
color, and be kept
alleged to have been current health records,
religious, classified.
committed by such licenses or its denials,
philosophical or person, the disposal of suspension or
political such proceedings, or the revocation, and tax
affiliations sentence of any court in returns
such proceedings
Rights of a
Data Subject
The phrase “data subject”
refers to an individual
whose personal
information is processed.
The data subject is entitled
to the following:
(a) Be informed
whether personal
information pertaining
to him or her shall be,
are being or
have been processed
(b) Be furnished the information indicated hereunder before the entry
of his or her personal information into the processing system of the
personal information controller, or at the next practical opportunity:
(1) Description of the personal information to be entered into the system
(2) Purposes for which they are being or are to be processed
(3) Scope and method of the personal information processing
(4) The recipients or classes of recipients to whom they are or may be
(5) Methods utilized for automated access, if the same is allowed by the
data subject, and the extent to which such access is authorized
(6) The identity and contact details of the personal information controller
or its representative
(7) The period for which the information will be stored
(8) The existence of their rights (i.e., to access, correction, as well as the
right to lodge a complaint before the Commission)
Your Data Privacy Rights
✓ Right to be informed
Under RA 10173, you have the following rights as a data subject:

✓ Right to Access
✓ Right to Object
✓ Right to Erasure or Blocking
✓ Right to Damages
✓ Right to File a Complaint
✓ Right to Rectify
✓ Right to Data Portability
If you feel that your personal data has been used incorrectly, you
have the right file a complaint with the National Privacy Commission.
More information can be found in their website at
Do you have
any questions?

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