Corporación Universitaria Republicana Formamos Más Colombianos Ética, Social Y Científicamente

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Corporación Universitaria Republicana

Formamos Más Colombianos Ética, Social Y Científicamente

ACTIVITY: Elaboremos un escrito utilizando algunos conectores de uso frecuente (then, but,
however, in fact, so, in addition to, in summary, etc).

The choco

He choco a divine territory full of fauna and flora, where people are simple, their food is exquisite,
but unfortunately the state abandoned it, that state that should watch over all of us, not to let
young mothers abort their children for not have a livelihood, where poverty abounds, and health
is a benefit that is enjoyed in the last bed, how can we let ourselves forget about them who are
also Colombians, how can we let children grow up in violence, how not to teach them that there is
more than a rifle, death and poverty, there are so many questions that we do not ask those who
hurt Colombia, especially those who feel that we are from there, then we realize that we are
nothing, we are not doing changes, we are not helping to be recognized in the most diverse part of
Colombia in fauna and flora, in fact it seems that foreigners care more than the president, so in
which nation are we, in a nation of a few, without possibility ilidad to change, or we are making
radical decisions to change a country that urgently asks for it.

They are destroying their territory, they are destroying nature in an accelerated way, and the
people manifest it, however the repressive government silences them, they are killing thousands
of harmless animals, who cannot say anything, dammed by the ambition of silver , and in fact if
this continues our country and planet will be nothing more than arid land where life will be

It is not just about criticizing, it is about advancing that the words are made that we wake up and
do not let there be more false positives, more girls who are sexually abused, no more abortions,
much less more deaths from poverty and violence, then where There is the state in this situation,
where it is to respond and face what it evaded for so many years, in addition to the territorial
entities for surveillance and control, where they are; In summary we must be the ones present
who make a change not with violence with facts, because violence is being done by the state by
being the horror participates since in fact it has not done anything to eliminate it, it must be with
facts to change towards a prosperous future a future of life of nature as of the Chocoanos.

Estudiante: Isa Valentina Nempeque Castro

Carrera: Derecho
Código: 202010090281
Grupo: 3-A

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