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Classroom Management


Davereon Freeney
Table of Contents
Introduction to my CMP
Classroom Management Philosophy
First Day of School
a. Artifact 1- Icebreakers
b. Artifact 2- Classroom Scavenger Hunt
c. Artifact 3- All About Me Survey/Activities
d. Artifact 4- Classroom Constitutions
Class Environment
a. Artifact 1- Classroom Managers
b. Artifact 2- Classroom Layout
Classroom Policies and Procedures
a. Artifact 1- Morning greet/entrance
b. Artifact 2- Daily quote/Interesting Fact
c. Artifact 3- Daily Agenda
d. Artifact 4- Attention Getter
Addressing Misbehavior and Discipline
a. Artifact 1- Reward System
b. Artifact 2- Code of Conduct
c. Artifact 3- Individual Talks
d. Artifact 4- Reflection sheets
Student Motivation
a. Artifact 1- Classroom Managers
b. Artifact 2- Positive Reinforcements
Student Engagement
a. Artifact 1- Name Cup
b. Artifact 2- Kahoot/Educational Games


My name is Davereon Freeney. I’m an aspiring early childhood

educator, with the hopes of teaching Fourth through Sixth Grade Science

or Math. I have created this Classroom Management Plan as a guide for

my students and also for myself to reflect upon once I begin my career as

an educator. Within this plan, I have my personal teaching philosophy and

numerous artifacts of my classroom management strategies I plan to use in

my own classroom soon. I hope this plan shows my management style and

the kind of educator I aspire to become.

My Philosophical Statement

Being an educator my main goal will be centered on creating and

providing a safe comfortable learning environment for all my students. In

my classroom I want everyone to treat each other with the same respect

one would like to be treated. I feel that establishing this type of climate and

environment will help ensure that each student feels safe, valued, cared

for, and heard.

First Day of

First Day of School

For the first day of school, I will have many activities for my students to get familiar with

one another and develop bonds with peers. I will plan because according to Wong and

Wong’s First Days of School Theory, the most important thing one must do as a

teacher, especially for the first day of school, is to prepare as much as possible. These

activities will allow students to get to know more about each other and also their

teacher. I would begin with an introduction to the class about myself and the structure of

the class and start with the first activity. I will have the students participate in an

icebreaker activity that will allow each student to share something interesting with them.

Then I will have the students participate in a classroom scavenger hunt to get the

students to relax and become more comfortable. After my students have gotten to know

me a little better, I will have them complete an “All About Me” page that will allow me to

get to know them a little better in terms of their interests, hobbies, birthdays, etc. Lastly,

I will introduce the Classroom Constitution that the students will create the classroom

rules and expectations. This is important because it allows students to be a part of the

rulemaking process within the classroom because it allows them to take pride and

ownership in the rules they will follow throughout the school year. Doing this aligns with

Jerome Freiberg’s Consistency Management and Cooperative Discipline Theory.

Ice Breaker Activity

“Skit-tell Us About Yourself”

Artifact 1 - Skit-tell Us About Yourself

The first activity I will have my students participate in is a short ice breaker activity.
Students will be in a circle and I pass around a bag of Skittles, telling each student to pick
two. Once everyone has their candies, I turn around the Skit-tell us About Yourself board.
Going around the circle, students share information about themselves based on the color
candy they have selected. This fun icebreaker is a great way to have students make friends
and get to know each other a little better.

Classroom Scavenger

Artifact 2- Autograph Scavenger Hunt

The second activity I will have my students complete on their first day is an
Autograph Scavenger Hunt. This activity will allow students to roam around
the classroom trying to find classmates to sign their sheets. This activity
might get loud but in a good way as students go from one to another, but
conversations get started that definitely break the ice!

“All About Me”

Artifact 3 - “All About Me” worksheet
On the first day, the third activity I have prepared for students is an “All
About Me” worksheet. Having students complete an “All About Me” page is
a great first day of school activity that allows the teacher to get to know
each student as an individual. This will create a bond between the student
and teacher that will help set a positive and productive classroom
Classroom Constitution

Artifact 4 - Classroom Constitution
Finally after the students have had the chance to get to know each other and me,
the class will work together to create our classroom constitution. The students
will create the majority of the rules and I will include a few rules. This will be a
great way to help students take responsibility and a sense of pride for the rules
they have created and will be expected to follow.


Classroom Environment

William Glasser stated that students have five basic psychological

needs: 1.) need for survival, 2.) need to belong, 3.) need for power, 4.)

need for freedom, and 5.) need for fun. To help my students feel all these

needs I will like to make my classroom a fun, comfortable, and positive

classroom to be in. I will have classroom managers for my students to

rotate each week, this will give my students a sense of belonging and a

need for power. I will also have flexible seating arrangements for my

students. The classroom layout also plays an important role in creating an

environment that promotes safety, efficiency, and productivity. The main

purpose of this is to create a safe environment that makes my students feel

comfortable but it also would help me as the teacher to be able to monitor

and move around the room easier.

Classroom Managers

Artifact 1- Classroom Managers

I would like to include classroom Managers in my classroom so my students can play a

role inside the classroom. Each week a new student will be a different manager in order
to make sure everyone has a turn. By doing this my students will develop a sense of
belonging and ownership. These classroom job positions will allow my students to help
me fulfill and complete a variety of the daily classroom duties such as keeping the class
neat and taking attendance.

Classroom Layout
Artifact 2- Classroom Layout Blueprint

In order to create a comfortable learning environment, my classroom will need to have

flexible seating and room to move around freely and easily. My ideal classroom will be
set up similar to this blueprint because it would allow me to easily monitor students from
different areas of the room.

and Policies

Classroom Procedures and Policies

The theory of Positive Classroom Management by Fredric Jones states that a

foundation for an effective classroom is the establishment of rules, routines, and

procedures. The first procedure I will use is a morning greeter/entrance. Every morning

before my students walk into the classroom I will greet them with a gesture being a

handshake, fist bump, verbal welcoming, or even a little dance move. My students will

feel welcomed as soon as they walk through the door. The next procedure I will have in

place will be a daily quote/ interesting fact just to start the day off on a positive note.

Each day I will provide a clear agenda for the day so each student can be aware of what

topics we covered that day and as a way to stay on track. Before I start the lesson I will

provide some type of attention getter to get the students engaged to start the lesson. I

believe attention getters are a quick and easy way to get your student's attention when

they’re engaged in a task or activity.

Within procedures and policies, we will also refer to our classroom constitution and the

school’s code of conduct.

Morning Greet/Entrance

Artifact 1- Morning Greetings/Entrance

Each morning I will be outside my door greeting and welcoming each student inside the
classroom. By doing this I’m trying to start my student's day off with some positivity and
cheer for the students who have other issues they might be facing at home. This will
create a very strong teacher and student bond which is something that contributes to
later success in life. I’m immediately taking away whatever might be bothering the
student by ensuring I will be there for them. This can also prevent a student from having
behavior issues later in the day.

Daily Quotes/Interesting Facts

Artifact 1- Daily Quotes/Interesting Facts
Each day I would like to start off with motivation to help get my students through the
day. I might read them a quote or read a random fact before we start the main lesson. I
believe students always should receive encouragement and motivation because words
travel and if a quote really sticks with a student or students then I’ve done my job

Daily Agenda

Artifact 1- Daily Agenda
Another procedure my classroom will have is after I’ve read the quote of the day the
students will take a look at the agenda to prepare for instructional time. By doing this my
students can see exactly what we will be working on for the day, the upcoming
assignment due dates, and other reminders. The agenda will also assist me by making
sure I stay on task and complete everything in a timely manner.

Attention Getter

Artifact 1 - Attention Getter
The last procedure I plan to use in my classroom is the use of an attention-getter.
Attention Getters also alert the student that they need to stop what they’re doing and
give their focus and attention to the teacher. Once I do this my students will know it’s
time to start the lesson and I need everyone’s undivided attention and for everybody to
remain on task.

Addressing Misbehavior and Discipline

B.F. Skinner’s Behavior Modification Theory states a child’s behavior

can be shaped or modified through positive reinforcement or rewards. From

this theory, I have created a class reward system for students who display

positive behavior. I also plan to have a plan in place for students who have

trouble abiding by the rules. I will refer to our code of conduct to handle

misbehaviors in a fair and appropriate manner. Depending on the situation

I might be able to address misbehavior through nonverbal warnings such

as eye contact or a signal and my next step will be individual talks with the

student. Lastly, at the end of class, I will have that student fill out a

reflection sheet to reflect on their misbehavior and create a plan to correct it

for better days.

Classroom Reward System

Artifact 1- Classroom Store

One of the things I would like for my classroom to have is a class reward system. By
doing this I can give recognition to students demonstrating positive behavior. It serves
as a good way to encourage students to be on their best behavior and follow all the
rules because with the money they earn they can work towards a bigger prize. The
students will have the opportunity to earn “money” throughout the school week that will
be awarded to students for positive behavior. At designated times every two weeks
students will have the opportunity to redeem the currency they have collected for a prize
of their choice.

Code of Conduct

Artifact 1 - Code of Conduct
I know nobody is perfect so there will be days when my students misbehave. I plan to
address misbehaviors by referring back to our class constitution and code of conduct.
For small behavior issues, I plan to implement the same strategy with the hopes to
redirect my students in the right direction.

Individual Talks

Artifact 1- Individual Talks
Instead of yelling and dismissing students, I will try to have one-on-one conversations
with my students. By doing this I am showing my students I care deeply about them and
sometimes that’s all a student might need. A talk to get them right back on track.

Reflection Sheets

Artifact 1- Think Sheet
Lastly, I plan on implementing student behavior reflection sheets. If a student isn’t
making very good choices throughout the school day, even after they have been
warned and redirected, I will send them to the designated think time area. While they’re
in the think time area, I will ask them to fill out a sheet like the one pictured above. I
believe having students fill out a reflection sheet allows them to take responsibility for
their behavior as well as come up with possible solutions to solve it.


Student Motivation

According to Jerome Freiberg’s Consistency Management and

Cooperative Discipline Theory, classroom management positions are a

great way to encourage students to take a sense of ownership within the

classroom, develop discipline, collaborate with others, and establish a

classroom community. From his theory, I plan to use classroom managers

to boost student motivation. With these jobs, students are given the

opportunity to help the teacher maintain order and organization within the


B.F. Skinner’s Behavior Modification Theory states that a child’s

behavior can be shaped or modified through positive reinforcement or

rewards. According to this principle, behavior that is followed by pleasant

consequences is likely to be repeated, and behavior followed by

unpleasant consequences is less likely to be repeated . I will implement

positive reinforcements to motivate my students to participate in class and

also to promote positive behavior inside the classroom.

Classroom Managers

Artifact 1- Classroom Managers/helpers

To help develop a sense of ownership and self-discipline I will have student jobs or
classroom managers. In order to keep things fair, the jobs will be rotated periodically
throughout the school year. These classroom job positions will allow my students to
help me fulfill and complete variety of the daily classroom duties such as keeping the
class neat, taking attendance, etc

Positive Reinforcements
Artifact 1- Classroom Treasure Chest

I would like to implement a class Treasure Chest inside my classroom. With this
students will be awarded at random times, by doing this I’m presenting a set routine as
a way to make sure my students stay engaged because they never know what day I will
be giving prizes out of the treasure chest. I think having an economically driven reward
system is a great and fun way to give recognition to students demonstrating positive


Student Engagement

Freiberg’s Consistency Management and Cooperative Discipline

Theory states , for one to create a classroom environment that promotes
cooperation, participation, and support, it’s important for students to be

turned from passive into active learners. One way I plan to make sure
every student has the chance to participate and share their ideas is through
the use and implementation of a “go around the cup.” Since students aren’t
sure if and when their name will be called the “go around cup” is a great
way to promote student participation and engagement.

Another way I will promote student engagement in my classroom is

by using educational websites such as Kahoot to test my student’s
knowledge. I feel that by using games like Kahoot and other educational
games, students will be engaged because they will see this as “fun”. I will
use Fridays to review our lessons by having educational games and other
“fun” activities for my students. According to William Glasser’s Choice
Theory students are driven by five basic psychological needs. A need for
fun is one of those five basic psychological needs.

“Go Around Cup”

Artifact 1- The “Go Around Cup”
I will promote and increase student engagement inside my classroom by using the “go
around cup”. Inside the cup, all my student’s names or nicknames will be written on a
popsicle stick. The cup will be used during lessons to make sure each of my students is
given the opportunity to participate in class discussions and answer questions. This is
also a great method to make sure everyone is on task and is paying attention.

“Kahoot/Educational Games”

Artifact 1- Kahoot/Educational Games
Another way in which I plan to promote student engagement in the classroom is by
using activities such as Kahoots and other educational games. The purpose of this is to
create a fun learning environment for my students. The students will be engaged while
learning in a fun way.


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