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Jollibee Tony Tan Caktiong

Mang Inasal Edgar Sia

Alaya Jaime Zobel de Alaya

Potato Corner Joe Magsaysay

Goldilocks Milagros Leelin Yee Clarita Leelin Go Doris

Wilson Leelin

 They are unafraid to take chances. They are involved in day-to-day battles.
They make quick decisions. Decisions can sometimes have terrible effects. They stutter. They fall. They get back on
their feet. If one firm fails, they move on to the next. They don't have to have an MBA to work in this field. Neither
of them has a college diploma. In fact, some students only completed elementary school. Their business ideas, on
the other hand, are incredibly original, practical, and simple to implement.

They show sympathy and respect to their staff. They are aware of the employees' sensitivity and feelings. They
know everything about the business. They are active participants. As a result, the employees hold them in high
regard. One reason why employees don't respect their managers is because they realize they don't know much
about their firms.

They are quick in spotting/detecting disasters. They are quick to react. They are not embarrassed or fearful of
falling. They do not approach failure with a sense of closure. They use their failure as a launching pad for new
endeavors. Their axiom is, "If you are not falling down, you are not learning." In other words, failure is part of their
business education. They believe it is safe for them to fail.

They enjoy working. When they work, they do not use a time clock. They are adaptable. They pay attention to what
others have to say. They are open to new things, new trends, and new technology. They are constantly on the
lookout for new opportunities. It is what we do with our time that matters, not how many hours we have in a day.
 Has a clear vision that he or she can articulate in a way that inspires others.
Passionate about work and driven to achieve great things.
A risk taker and isn't afraid of failure.
Resilient and bounces back quickly from setbacks.
Has integrity and treats others with respect."

 Tony Tan Caktiong is the most successful entrepreneur I admire. Jollibee Foods Corporation was founded
and is led by Tony Tan Caktong. Tony was born in Fujian to Chinese immigrants. He went to Chiang Kai
Shek College for high school and graduated from the University of Santo Tomas with a degree in chemical
engineering. Tan originally intended to open an ice cream parlor when he founded Jollibee, but he later
expanded his menu to include hamburgers, french fries, and fried chicken.

Tony Caktiong is an intrepreneur with many admirable characteristic. What makes him so successful today are his
excellent qualities that make him an inspiring entrepreneur; he is a visionary and a team player; he decided to wait
and launch Jollibee at the right time, which has contributed to the company's success. He also never fails to
mention that Jollibee's current success is due to the people he works with. Tony Tan Caktiong believes that if you
dream big and put your dreams into action, you will make mistakes indefinitely. However, don't be afraid to make
mistakes. Simply be quick to recognize them and learn from them as soon as possible. And it inspires me to keep
going, to keep doing the next thing, to keep believing that I'll get there.

Finally, don't forget about his entrepreneurial spirit and his patients. For example, he works to fund Jollibee and is
motivated by the fact that he adds value to people's lives when hearing about how Jollibee has positively impacted
their lives. As a leader, he believes that patience is essential because he sometimes has brilliant ideas but it is not
the right time to put them into action. Tony Tan Caktiong encourages all young business owners and entrepreneurs
to remember that in order for a brand to be successful, it must have a purpose.

 A great entrepreneur must be able to effectively communicate, sell, focus, learn, and strategize, as well as
have empathy. If you can understand others' minds and visualize yourself in their shoes, you will be able to
recognize actual problems. You can't solve a problem unless you understand it. Being empathetic allows
you to understand other people's major problems, and then you can be more practical with solutions.

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