Line X Tester Analysis

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10 Line x T est : or Analysis Using a broad based genotype as a tester, the ge sity of ‘lines is tested in the top CfOss method sig is an extension of this method in which Several te (Kempthorne, 1957). The latter design thus Provides nines are shout general and specific combining ability of parents ang mation game time it is helpful in estimating various types of pene effects id ossing plan of this design is as follows : Let us Consider‘) jin, . ad‘ testers. All of these P lines are crossed to each of ‘f* eae and thus /X ¢ full-sib progenies are produced. These Progenies along with or without parents, 7.e., testers and lines, are tested ina Teplica- ted trial using suitable design, say randomized block design, Suppose there are 3 testers and 5 ‘lines. Thus, we have 5x3=15 Crosses.. These crosses along with ‘8 parents, i.¢., 5 lines and 3'testers, total catty being 23, were tested in a R.B.D. with 4 feplications and the data on grain yield were obtained (Table 1). 7 |, ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE The first step in the line tester analysis is to perform analysis sfvatiance as per design used and test the significance of differences ‘tong the genotypes including crosses and parents. If these differ are found significant, line x tester analysis is done. Considering eta in Table 1, : Cottecti (Grand total)? ston factor = Total number of observations = {7882.46 _ 675360,605 Total g 23x4 um of Squares 2 = (74.40)*-+(91.82)"+..+ (89-40) +(81.48)?—-CF. a = 38646.235 58)1(2002.32) “otiion 3 w= (1959.28) (1977 20)04 UB —C.F. =83.000 2% pIoMETRICAL METHODS IN QUANTITATIVE GENETic ANALY TABLE 1 Yield data on parents and crosses eee | 4 Gace | a | a Re | Tota a) Ce! 74.40 70.86 Ll 63.00 ie 91.82 99.18 118.88 120.68 ae 1x8 48.08 62.10 58.54 4184 21056 2x6 59.06 65.62 81.62 86.76 293.06. 2x7 84.16 109.74 102.14 94.52 sai 2x8 96.92 91.44 79.86 74.38 3x6 109.86 98.16 . 93.26 102.26 3x7 117.20 100.28 116.16 112.52 7 3x8 109.68 116.48 123.92 120.86 4x6 103.14 109.66 90.98 119.40 4x7 53.40 0.86 74.46 69.08 4x8 53.86 48.30 40.64 44.62 5x6 98.46 B10 89.18 75.86 5x7 81.36 72.82 89.82 83.74 5x8 86.62 94.18 90.32 108.16 379.28 1 104.86 84.32 16.92 16.48 342.58 2 88.02 106.54 89.82 108.68 393.04 3 77.94 71.34 77.82 69.48 296.28 4 80.82 106.52 83.28 95.92 366.56 5 59.96 52.48 52.98 50.98 216.40 : 96.44 98.82 99.14 107.16 401.56 7 91.44 99.66 83.28 89.46 363.84 8 91.78 84.82 69.92 81.48 328.00 Total 1959.28 1977.28 1943.58 2002.32 7882.46 Treatment 5.8, = (274.200 + (430.56)?-+ ...+(328.00)"_¢ p =32552.940. Error S.S.=Total 5.S.—Replication S.S.—Treatment 5S. =38646.235—83.000—32552.940 These =6010.295 results may be Presented in form of Table 2. 2) TABI 5 Analysis of Variance For Simple R.B.D. urce | af. | SS. MS. | 4 Replications Treatments : , 83.000 27,667 0304 Error 2 32552940 1479.679 (16249 Total &. 6010.295 91.065 ee ‘TESTER ANALYSIS unex 207 To test the significance of geno! t c typic differences, T; Ms|Etrot MS is compared with table value of ‘F’ at the desired low, of significance, say at 57%, for treatment and error degrees of freedom, ively. : » 2, FURTHER PARTITIONING OF TREATMENT S.S. If some one is interested in testing the significance of the crosses and parents individually, it is possible to-partition the treatment SS. into various components like parents, crosses and parent ys? crosses. as given in Table 3. The treatment S.S. being: ° SEC +E S.S. (treatments) = ECet SEP nor, (over all) with 22 degrees of freedom (number of parents-++number of crosses being 23) where, Cy is the observation for i Xjth cross Yj, is the observation for ith parent r is the number of replications. TEC r 5. (crosses)= —C.F. (crosses) with 14 df. SS. (Parents) Por. (parent) with 7 d.f. j.S. (parent vs. crosses) =S.S. treatment—S.S. (crosses) —S-S. (parents) with 22—14—7=1 df. = [Pet or, (over a | r = =a —C.F. (crosses) ] = (ae CF. (paren) | =C-F. (crosses) C.F. (parents) —C.F. (over all) r this purpose the grand total for crosses and panel aro separately. Pooled data over the replications ‘9 Osses. in Table 3. 208 BIOMETRICAL METHODS IN QUANTITATIVE GENETIC ANALY Sis Now : ; ( ) Comrection facies [Grand total (crosses)? = Total number of crosses X number of replication — (5174-20) _ 446905.761 ~ 1SK4 TABLE 3 Pooled data on line-tester in a two-way table Total 1730.58 1852.82 1590.80 2 430.56)?+- ...+-(379.28)* S.S. (crosses)= (274.20)°+ (43 ve —C.F. (crosses) =26199.654 ‘Correction factor (parents) = (Grand total for parents)? No. of parentsx No. of replications Considering the parental totals from Table 1, C.F. (parents) ~GOB1393.06+ $328,009 =229208.51 S.S. (parents) = (342.58)? + (393.04)*-+...-+.(328.00)8 —C.F. (parents) =6299.62. S.S. due to parents vs. crosses SGF. (crosses)+ CF. (, its)—C.F. (over =446205.761 Oa +229208.510—675360.605 =53.666. Notes S.S. due'to parent vs, Srosses can also be obtained by sub sex TESTER ANALYSIS. 20s 55. (P. v5. C)=S.S. (Treatment)—S.S. (Parents) = 32552.940—6299,620—26199 54ers) Similarly, 453.656 §.S. due to crosses can also be obtained by subj §.S, (crosses)=SS. (Treatment)—S.S. (Parent) —S.S. (Parent vs. Cross) =32552.940—6299,620—53.666=26199,654, With these values, the ANOVA Table 2 looks as follows (Table 4). traction, ie,, TABLE 4 Anova with Parents and crosses Source df. SS. | M.S. R Replications 3 83.000 Treatments 2 32552.940 Parents 7 6299.620 899.946 9,882 Crosses 14 26199.654 1871.404 20.500 Pv, C, 1 53.066 53.666 0,589 Error 6 10.295 91,065 It is to be noted here that all the sources of variation are to be inst error source of variation. @: Socal and Rohlf (1969) have given following generalized formula, estimates of such mean sum of squares: 8.8. (2. vs, H.)= [ken] =, bers, we n= number of replications (or number of observations added in @ sum); ¢=coefficient of contrast; @=number of groups; and ‘Y=sum of entries in a contrasted set. i In fact the rule is that to each sum in a linear comparison i trast~ the integer representing the number of samples in the me Bie 4 . there are 8 parents, 15 bybrids on te the Sandchence the integer for parental sum ft Ui. 15, samples of the contrasted set, i.e., hybrids cordingly, integer forhybrids sum willbe parents, £¢- 8 AC BIOMETRICAL METHODS IN QUANTITATIVE GENENG . ‘Suny [(no. of hybrids) (Sum of parents}—{n9, of ~ (Sum of hybrids)? Sats) SSAP. ¥8. H™ gapications (Hybrids* x Parents+ Parent Pe Prt.. 2 PORE Ftp 4(15* x 8+8*x15) [15(2708.26— 8(5174.20)P aa 4(225 x 8+64 X 15) (169.70)" 53,663 = "T1000 210 3, LineX TESTER ANALYSIS = From the data given in Table 3, we can work out the follovitg sums of squares : 5.S. due to lines = (915.32)*+(1026.22)*-+...+(1043.62)* rxt(=4x3) —C.F. (crosses) =10318.361 (1730.58) +( 1852.82)8+-(1590.80)? rX 1(=4% 5) —C.F. (crosses) =*1718.925 S.S. due to line X tester =S.S. (crosses) —S.S. (lines)—S.S. (teste =26199.654—10318.361—1718.925 =14162.368 ~ Now the ANOVA is given in Table 5. S.S. due to testers = TABLE 5 Anova for line x Tester analysis a — . ; sowee | | : - 1 fens 4 woos 5795 “ : 2 1718.925 359.46) Linex Tester 2 7 710.296 Now, ; : ited ® (Table 6). Whole of the information can be comP i Error 14162.368 ot qesTER ANALYSIS ser 21 TABLE 6 5 ANOVA for Line x Tester Analysis Including | af. | SS. | = 3 83.000 Replication 2 32552940 Kaen Pe vs 7 629.620 899.945 ae vee cromes 1 53.666 53.666 0599 foal 14 26199.654 1871404 20.550 Fa 4 10318.361 My=2579,590 1457 a 2 1718.925 My= 859,463 0.485 Lines x Testers 8 14162.368 Miy¢™1770.296 19.440 Bank % 010.295 Mam 91.650 Total 1 38646.235 It is to be noted here that Af.S. due to lines (M;) and testers are to be tested against the Af.S. due to lines X testers (Mix). latter is, in turn, tested against M.S. due to error (M,)- t Sometimes the line xtester analysis is done using cross means (Je, the means of crosses over replications). In that case the M.S. due to error (Tab. 5) which is used for testing the significance of M.S. (line x tester) _ Should be divided by number of replications before testing. However, it is not required in the present case because linextester analysis has ae done on the basis of individual observations and not on the basis of ‘Means, ~ Eastuation of GCA EFFECTS : (a) Lines : oe Xp. Xoo yao t ltr ere, r , se. =no. of lines . oS t=no. of testers Thus, r=no. of replications- _ 915.32. 5174.20 29.960 B= ax4 5 K3x4 1026.22 5174.20 0.718 “3x4 60 r 12 BOMETRICAL METHODS IN QUANTITATIVE Gayene : g3=23.817 Sc=— 13.879 gs= 0.732 Check : =g,=0 (6) Testers : x3- x: rea(tester) =p 8«=(1730.58/5X 4)—(5174,20/60) 0,299 g7=(1852,82/20) —(5174.20/60) =eqqy &+=(1590.80/20)—(5174.20/60) =~6.697 Check : Zg=0 5. Estimation or SCA Erpects : soe Xen Fh pe ~ r tr fr ltr Thus, for instance : 274.20 915.32 1730.58 | 5174.20 20 se 4 12 “es =—8.019 Similarly, Six= 24.959 s%™= 14.379 Sis=— 16.940 Sqg= 33.136 S%= — 12.545 $67 — 14,321 sa= 5.718 Ses= — 18.815 Ss= 6.829 Sa=—3.110 Su=— 9.460 Sq= — 11.447 Sa=— 4.917 Se= 14.549 Check : D3 a> =>> sy=0 i i i S$: STANDARD EnnoRs ror Cownune ApiLiry EFFECTS: SE. (geafor line}—(a4,/rx1)12=(91.065/4%3"” = (7.5888)! =2.755 S.E. (ca for tester) =(44, [rx 1)12=(91.065/4% 5" =(4.5533)22=2.134 S.E. (sca effects) (a4, /ry22 = (91.065/4)'* (22.7623) 8=4.771 LYSIS ae 213 (gi— g3) line=(2M, Jr x 1)" =[2(91 965 SB =(15.1775)2=3 996 4x aRe » (gi— gi) tester=(2M,/1 ita 065)/5 SE. (gr (9.1065)! WSxqpe SE. (si—su)= (2M, [r= om -065)/4}.4 ~ (45.5325) 6.748 (exo 1, Generic COMPONENTS : «) Mi—Mixr _ 2579.590-1770: Cov H.S. (line)= = ee = 67.441 M.—M; 859.463—1770.296 Cov H.S. (tester)= O96 =—45,542 | (=1)(M) +(t-1 | Cov HS. (averase) =a [eve nay My | i a [ 4(2579.590)+2(859.453) ="88 6 —(1770.296) | =2.681 (M,= M.)+(M.— M)+(Mrg—M) 3xr 4. 6rCov ov HS..—r(a-+t)Cov H.S. i 3r pee: 065)+ (859.463—91.065)+(1770.296—91.065) OS a a ; 6x 4(2.681)—4(5-+3)(2.681) — “409.559 _ "econ Hs — [HEP en 2681 Cov F.S.=-— te 5.362 | Seas MoM, _1770.296—91.065 _ 419 608 teas [Ite . : [ey or=419,803 ich mean Pa 8 for, FRO, sure o>—=4(r19, 808) = 1679.732 6 *0=419.808 214 BIOMETRICAL METHODS IN QUANTITATIVE ‘ iin, %. PROPORTIONAL CONTRIBUTION OF Lines, TESTERS aNp INTERACTIONS TO TOTAL VARIANCE: ™ | | | | | _ SSDX100 __ (10318.36 Contribution of lines= SS (Crosses) > ~ Ie =39.384 SS(1)X 100 (1718.925) 100 Contribution of testers="So (Crosses) 26199.654 =6.561 SsUxx100 (1 Contribution of (1X)= Sx eo -' ae = $4.056

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