Research Proposal Under Parb Cgs System

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1. PROJECT TITLE: Development of climate resilient varieties to address

drought and temperature extremities at reproductive stage of
Chick Peas crops
2. PARB THEME UNDER Theme-1: Development of Drought resistance variety

3. PARB SUB-THEME Sub-theme 1.4: Impart temperature resistance

UNDER WHICH THIS characteristics to that variety

4. PARB PROJECT GROUP Project Group 1.2.9: Improve productivity of Chick Pea
FOR WHICH THIS Crop by developing drought and
PROJECT MATCH pest resistance Cultivar.

5. OBJECTIVE OF THE To develop Drought resistance and temperature

PROJECT extremists variety for the advancement of production at
(Mission statement) reproductive stage in Chick Pea crop.


a. Name of the Host Organization: University of Agriculture , Faisalabad

b. Name of the Host Institution Department of plant breeding and Genetics UAF

c. Administrative Contacts
i. Head of the Host Organization (VC/DG/DIRECTOR/etc.)
Name Dr. Munim Khan
Title Assistant Professor PBG UAF
Telephone 041-0000000

Signature with date and seal



Name: Dr. Munim Khan
Title: Assistant Professor PBG UAF
Organization/Institute: University of
Agriculture , Faisalabad Qualification and
Relevant Experience : 05 Year
Telephone 041-0000000

Signature with date and seal


10. PROJECT DURATION: 36 months


12. TOTAL PROJECT COST Rs. 14.447 million

13. LOCATION OF THE PROJECT: University of Agriculture Faisalabad


i. Problem to be addressed

The productivity of rainfed Chick Peas is often threatened by climate change due to
unusually high temperature and drought especially during podding stage. Majority of the
Chick Pea-growing regions are vulnerable to climate change as maximum threshold
temperature for tolerance of Chick Peas has already been reached beyond 35oC. Chick
Peas are unable to derive benefits of high CO2 fluxes, because these crops are grown
under climatologically stressed environment. Since both drought and heat are invariably
recurrent phenomenon in Chick Pea-growing regions, gene exploration from required
germplasm for stress tolerance would remain the possible future hope for evolving newer
varieties tolerant to multiple-abiotic stresses. Therefore, strategies have been made to
develop climate-resilient varieties based upon screening of large number of gemplasm.
Early flowering, short duration, faster biomass accumulation, deep root-system, high
water-use efficiency and high root proliferation before onset of terminal drought and heat
have been found to be the desired strategies to escape the abiotic stresses. A number of

genotypes have been identified which are tolerant to heat stress based on high fertility of
pollen and pod formation at temperature beyond 40oC. Drought-specific genes such as
Dreb 1A, Dreb 1B and Osmotin are being used for developing drought-tolerant chickpea
(Cicer arietinum L.) and pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] varieties. Similarly,
drought specific signal molecule ABA and its role in drought tolerance have been
characterized. Identification of linked quantitative loci QTL’s for root and high yield
(MAS) and gene mining for abiotic stresses tolerance, have widen the scope towards
developing drought tolerance in Chick Peas. Improved agronomic strategies such as
restructuring plant types, changing cropping pattern, efficient nutrient and water
management, conservation agriculture, seed bank for alternate legume crops, watershed
management, micro-irrigation etc. are some of the innovative options to address climate-
change issues in Chick Peas. Under changing climatic scenario, the soil organic carbon
(SOC) is subjected to depletion and adoption of resource-conservation technologies and
best of these management practices have tremendous potential in sequestering carbon in
soils. (Ray et al., 2020) Resource-conservation technologies, conservation-agriculture
practices and improved farming practices can reduce emission of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) and enhance carbon storage in soils. Moreover, organic system of Chick Pea
production increases soil organic matter and cultivation of cover crops and lessens the
emissions of gases through production and transportation of synthetic fertilizers due to
less demand for them. The inclusion of Chick Peas in crop rotation reduces the need for
fertilizer inputs and contributes nitrogen to succeeding crops. Lesser fertilizer
requirements are also significantly lowering GHGs emissions.(Annepu et al., 2021).

ii. Relevance of the Project to the problem to be addressed

In this project genetic resources will be screened for identification of drought and
temperature resistance genotypes and this trait will be combined with high yield and
disease resistance to develop Chick Pea breeding material capable of producing
reasonable yields even under water stress conditions. The parameters related to nutrient
use efficiency will be identified and their correlation with yield under stress conditions
will be established.
iii. Literature review preferably for the last 5 years.

Chick Peas are broadly classified into cool-season Chick Peas and summer/Kharif season Chick
Peas. Chickpea, lentil, fieldpea and rajmash are the winter Chick Peas often experience terminal
drought and heat stresses during podding stages while frost or cold injury usually occurs at
vegetative phase. (Akhtar et al., 2021). The other group of Chick Peas like greengram and
blackgram are subjected to exposure with supra-optimal temperature (>400C) during summer
cultivation. All Chick Peas are inavariably sensitive to salinity and water-logging. Pigeonpea
particularly respond adversely to both temperature extremities and water-logging during its
different growth stages. (Basu et al., 2016)
The productivity of Chick Peas is generally very low as a result of various abiotic stresses and
these factors are almost inevitable for Chick Peas as they are primarily grown under water-
limiting and less fertile environments. A number of abiotic factors are naturally imposed together
such as drought, heat and high solar radiation, cold and frost, salinity and alkalinity etc. The
multiple effects of stresses often aggravate the conditions in a way that their cumulative effects
are more detrimental than individual stress. (Sehgal et al., 2018).Chick Peas, being highly
sensitive to photothermoperiods, tend to deviate from their potential yield across different
locations. Therefore, yield instability across the locations is further intensified if stress is
imposed.The best strategies of all Chick Peas are to shorten their life cycly by inducing early
flowering before onset of stress. Escaping terminal drought and heat by early flowering, high
biomass with shorter crop duration is known to be one of the most practical approach to improve
22 260 (Malhotra, 2017).
Abiotic stress Management in Chick Peas-Physiological Approaches yield under both heat and
drought prone areas. The photo-thermoperiods insensitiveness is another added adavantage that
confer stability under diverse environmental condition. Physiologically a large number of Chick
Peas germplasm have been screened for high and deep root system with high biomass, osmotic

adjustment for improving drought adaptation and postpone dehydration of tissues of Chick Peas
with a high yielding background. (Malhotra, 2017) Using chlorophyll fluorescence technique,
membrane stability and pollen viability, heat tolerance in Chick Peas was characterized. A number
of physiological tools are now available to identify genotypes with high level of tolerance to
various stresses.(Akhtar et al., 2021) Physiological mechanisms of drought tolerance have been
well understood.
Drought and heat escape through earliness in flowering and maturity is the most desired attribute
widely used by breeders for Chick Peas and other crops to escape drought especially in low
rainfall terminal drought environments. (Sharma, 2017) To develop cultivars resistant to specific
stresses remains the primary objective to manage abiotic stresses.(Bal & Minhas, 2017) Further
abiotic stress can be minimized by selecting the most appropriate Chick Pea species with
appropriate phenology with tolerance to stress along with managing agronomic practices
involving sowing time, plant density, soil management etc that can reduce the effect of frost and
drought in Chick Pea crops in dryland environments with terminal stress. (Singh et al., 2018)The
wild species of cool season Chick Peas posses desired traits for a number of abiotic stresses.
Future effort is required to identify desirable genes from this germplasm for transfer to adapted
cultivars by conventional and/or biotechnological approaches to develop abiotic stress resistant
cultivars.(Sharma, 2017).
Presently lack of simple and accurate phenotyping to screen parental genotypes and breeding
population for various abiotic stresses is the major bottleneck in the development of stress tolerant
cool season Chick Pea crops.(TIWARI et al., 2018)
The male reproductive organs including microsporogenesis, germination of pollen tubes ,
receptivity of pollens to stigma are very sensitive to high temperature compared to the female
reproductive component such as ovule development and growth A reduction in number of flowers
borne (Singh et al., 2018) and the duration of flowering and pod filling was observed in chickpea
under high temperature. The heat stress causes reduction in pod set by reducing pollen viability
and pollen production per flower (The heat tolerant genotypes can be identified using the pollen
viability test, though it is not the absolute full proof screening methodology to screen the
germplasm. The pollen of heat tolerant genotype (ICCV 92944) was viable at 35/200C (41%
fertile) and at 40/250C (13% fertile), whereas the pollen of heat sensitive genotype (ICC 5912)
was completely sterile at 35/200C with no in vitro germination on the stigma. (Ozga et al., 2017)
contrary, the stigma of the sensitive genotype (ICC 5912) remained receptive at 35/ 20oC and
non-stressed pollen (27/16oC) germinated on it during reciprocal crossing. The study indicated
that pollen grains were more sensitive to high temperature than the stigma in chickpea(Kaur et al.,

Both anthers and pollen showed more structural abnormalities under stress such as changes in
anther locule number, anther epidermis wall thickening and pollen sterility, rather than function
(e.g. in vivo pollen tube growth). The critical temperature for pod set was = 37°C in heat tolerant
genotypes (ICC 1205 and ICC 15614) and = 33°C for heat sensitive genotypes (ICC 4567 and
ICC 10685). In mungbean, high temperature increases flower shedding and pollen sterility,
dehiscence of anthers in cowpea (Malhotra, 2017). Heat stress affects flower initiation, flowering,
pollen formation, fertilization and pod set/development in common bean and pea High night
temperatures affect pod and seed set in common bean, lima bean and cowpea(Sahebi et al., 2018).


a. Scientific/technical methodology (give details):

The Chick Pea accessions collected will be planted in a drought Soil i.e. Chick Pea trial
will be sown in extreme of the temperature. The trial of Temperature Extremists and
drought study will be conducted under two droughts and moisture levels a) High
Temperature and drought and b) low temperature and drought (Rain Shelter) conditions.
Three levels of treatments will be applied under each moisture regime.

The data regarding morphological parameters and yield and yield components like No. of
Pods, length, Pod length, No. of beans/pod, total biomass, grain yield, , chlorophyll contents
(With the help of Chlorophyll meter), stomatal conductance, net photosynthesis &
transpiration rate (with IRGA Photosynthesis Analyser) will be recorded to develop indirect
selection criteria for nutrient use efficient genotypes and their correlation with yield, the
ultimate goal of the project. Before sowing and after completion of the experiment, composite
soil samples will be collected for their detailed fertility status. Soil sampling will be done
fortnightly from different depths (0-15, 15-30, 30- 45 and 45-60cm) to know the soil moisture
status available at different stages.

First Year

1. The 100 Chick Pea accessions mentioned in section 14 (iv) and collection of some
new lines comprising of commercially approved varieties, local collections from
drought areas, local land races and accessions from already available germplasm of
Chick Pea Breed at this institute, will be used in this study.
2. These collected accessions will be planted with optimum, half and minimum input
(high and low treatment) under drought and irrigated field conditions. The accessions
will be screened for Nutrient use efficiency,
Second Year
1. First year results will be confirmed by sowing again same accessions.
2. Nutrient use efficient lines selected during first year will be crossed with high
yielding and disease resistant wheat genotypes. At least 20 crosses will be made.

3. At maturity, plant and grain samples will be collected, prepared and analyzed for
different macronutrients (N, P, K) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe) contents.

Third Year
1. Final confirmation of first and second year results will be made to finally select
nutrient efficient wheat lines.
2. The F1s will be planted during third year to know the physiological basis involved in
Nutrient use efficiency, Uptake efficiency, Utilization efficiency and Biomass
production efficiency.
3. At maturity plant and grain samples will be collected, prepared and analyzed for
different macronutrients (N, P, K) and micronutrients (Zn, Fe) contents.
4. Plant morphological parameters, yield and yield components and data pertaining to
chlorophyll contents etc. will also be recorded to develop indirect selection criteria for
nutrient use efficient genotypes and their correlation with yield, the ultimate goal.

16. Milestones: Barani Agricultural Research Institute, Chakwal.

Completion Cost
Item Description Achievement indicators Risk involved Scientists Involved
date (Rs. Millions)
Objective Development of nutrient efficient Chick Genotypes with better Nutrient efficient 30-04-2024 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 14.447
Pea germplasm for food security in nutrient use efficiency. lines may not be 2 Research Associates
rainfed areas of Pakistan available in
existing germplasm

Output-1 Screening of local/exotic germplasm of Genotypes with better Climatic hazard 30.6.2023 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 7.821
Chick Pea for nutrient use efficiency nutrient use efficiency 2 Research Associates
under drought and variable nutrient under drought & different
levels. nutrient levels
Activity-1 Collection of some new Chick Pea Results of testing genotypes Nil 30.10.202 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 1.850
accessionsbelonging to different genetic for nutrient use efficiency. 30.10.2013 2 Research Associates
backgroundwith tolerance to various
biotic & abiotic stresses in addition to
already available
100 lines.
Activity-2 Plantation of 100 + accessions with Nutrient use efficient lines Low soil moisture 15.11.2025 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 1.700
optimum, half and minimum input under will be identified. under rainfed 15.11.2024 2 Research Associates
rainfed and irrigated field conditions. conditions may
lead to failure of
Activity-3 Recording of physiological data like Data of yield, nutrient levels Low soil moisture 31.7.2022 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 4.271
Stomatal conductance, net and quality at various under rainfed 31.7.2022 2 Research Associates
photosynthesis, transpiration rate, and nutrient levels will be conditions may
chlorophyll contents etc. At maturity, available lead to failure of
plant and grain samples will be collected, crop
prepared and analyzed for different
macronutrients (N, P, K) and
micronutrients (Zn, Fe) contents. Grain
yield and yield components will be
Output-2 Systematized hybridization to combine Crosses of five best nutrient Nil 30.4.2024 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 2.561
traits of nutrient use efficiency with use efficient lines with five 2 Research Associates
high yield elite varieties/ lines.
Activity-1 Systematic hybridization Seed of 20 crosses will be Crosses may not 30.4.2022 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 2.561
 20 crosses will be made between available succeeded due to 30.4.2013 2 Research Associates
nutrient use efficient lines and low soil moisture 30.4.2014
high yielding lines. available

Output-3 Understanding physiological basis of Data on nutrient use Nil 30.4.2025 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 4.065
efficient nutrient uptake under drought efficiency of 100 wheat 2 Research Associates
and variable nutrient levels accessions and their F1s.

Activity-1 Final confirmation of 1st and 2nd year Data of yield, nutrient levels Low soil moisture 30.4.2024 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 2.000
results to find out nutrient efficient wheat and quality at different under rainfed 2 Research Associates
lines nutrient levels will be conditions may
available with its statistical lead to failure of
analysis crop
Activity-2 Sowing of F1 generation of last year Data on Physiological basis Nil 30.4.2024 Dr. Abid Mahmood* 2.065
crosses and determination of their nutrient of nutrient use efficiency 2 Research Associates
levels and physiological characters to find will be available.
out physiological basis of nutrient use

Note: Put * on activity incharge and put share of each scientist in ( ) if not equal.


a. Host Institute- PARB Faisalabad

Additional staff requirements and their proposed qualifications

Name of No. of posts Proposed Experience Pay Package
post with justification qualifications
Research 1 (Available staff is Ph. D (Soil Science) 5 years Rs. 100,000 PM
Associate engaged in ongoing
research activities)
Research 1 (Available staff is M.Sc.(Hons) Agri. Nil Rs. 40,000 PM
Associate engaged in ongoing (Plant Breeding &
research activities) Genetics)


PARB Faisalabad (Give detailed activity wise costs as annexure, given in Annexure I)
Research Phase
Item of Expenditure Total
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Salaries 1.830 1.948 2.074 5.852
Operating 0.580 0.590 0.610 1.780
Equipment 2.030 0.740 0.000 2.770
Overseas Travel 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500
Sub-Total 4.440 3.778 2.684 10.902

Management Cost (25% of the project 1.110 0.945 0.671 2.726

Incentive for PM (1% of the project cost) 0.056 0.047 0.034 0.137
Incentives for Scientists (5% of the 0.278 0.236 0.168 0.682
project cost)
Sub-Total 1.444 1.228 0.873 3.545
G. Total 5.884 5.006 3.557 14.447


Instalment (Million Rs.)

(Half Yearly) Main Insti. Collaborating Insti. Total
1st 3.401 - 3.401
2nd 2.483 - 2.483
3rd 3.124 - 3.124
4th 1.882 - 1.882
5th 1.833 - 1.833
6th 1.724 - 1.724
TOTAL 14.447 14.447


a) Name of linking international institute(s) with justification

b) Type of collaboration

c) Scientist(s) involved



a) Name of visiting scientist

Dr. Abid Mahmood
b) Name of institute(s) to be visited
John Innes Centre for Plant Sciences Research, Norwich, U.K
c) Purpose of each visit
Seven days visit to learn modern techniques/methodologies in estimation of nutrient


Not Applicable


i) Method of transferring results: Please see section 15

ii) Agency/company/consultants involved in adaptation and adoption
Directorate of information Department of Agri. Govt. of Punjab
iii) Expected benefits to end users.

The breeding material developed with nutrient use efficiency will provide a
launching pad for the development of wheat cultivars capable of producing higher
yields under drought and sub optimal nutrient levels. Such wheat genotypes will be
ideally suited for cultivation and increased wheat production in the barani areas.

24. FINAL REPORT SUBMISSION (date) 30 April 2025


DETAILS OF COST (Rs. Millions)
Item of Expenditure Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total
A. Salaries
i. Research associate 1 @ Rs.100,000PM 1.200 1.284 1.374 3.858
ii. Research Associate (1 @ Rs.40,000PM) 0.480 0.514 0.550 1.544
iii. Daily wages labour (un-skilled) 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.450
Sub-Total (A) 1.830 1.948 2.074 5.852
B. Operational
Research Material & Supplies
Fertilizer 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.075
Selfing bags/tags/labels etc 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.030
pesticides/weedicide/fungicide 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.030
Others (specify)Glasswares/chemicals etc 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.450
Travelling Allowance 0.070 0.060 0.060 0.190
POL 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.450
Stationery 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.075
Repair of equipments/machinery 0.040 0.040 0.040 0.120
Repair of vehicles 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.120
Communication costs (postage/phone/fax/internet) 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.030
Advertisement costs 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.060
Others (plastic sheet for rain shelter etc) 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.150
Sub-Total (B) 0.580 0.590 0.610 1.780
C. Machinery and equipment
Field Spectroradiometer 1.100 0.000 0.000 1.100
One Lap Top Computer 0.100 0.000 0.000 0.100
Digital camera 0.050 0.000 0.000 0.050
Digital Balance 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.040
Rain shelter 0.740 0.740 0.000 1.480
Sub-Total (C) 2.030 0.740 0.000 2.770
Overseas Travel (D) 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.500
TOTAL (A+B+C+D) 4.440 3.778 2.684 10.902
Management Cost (25% of the project cost) E 1.110 0.945 0.671 2.726
TOTAL (F) = (A+B+C+D+E) 5.550 4.723 3.355 13.628
Incentives for Scientists (5% of theF) 0.278 0.236 0.168 0.682
Honoraria for PM (1% of the F) 0.056 0.047 0.034 0.137
Sub-total 0.334 0.283 0.202 0.819
TOTAL PROJECT COST 5.884 5.006 3.557 14.447


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