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ʾAdab (‫)أدب‬

Traditionally describes good manners, as in etiquette. For example, being courteous is good ʾadab.
However, the term can be used very broadly, and the proper translation would be "the proper way
to go about something," as in the example, ʾĀdāb al Qitāl, or, "The Proper Ways of Fighting in War,"
(Qitāl in Arabic means mortal combat) in which the word "etiquette" does not befit the context. A
secondary meaning of ʾAdab is "literature".

Dīn (‫)الدين‬

(literally 'religion') the way of life based on Islamic revelation; the sum total of a Muslim's faith and
practice. Dīn is often used to mean the faith and religion of Islam.

Duʿāʾ (‫)دعاء‬

personal prayer, supplication. In Islam, Invocation is a prayer of supplication or request. Muslims

regard this as a profound act of worship. Muhammad is reported to have said, "Dua is the very
essence of worship."

Ḥāfiẓ (‫)حافظ‬

someone who knows the Qur'an by heart. Literal translation = memorizer or Protector.

Ḥijāb (‫)حجاب‬

literally "cover". It describes the covering of the body for the purposes of modesty and dignity;
broadly, a prescribed system of attitudes and behaviour regarding modesty and dignity.

ʾIfṭār (‫)إفطار‬

a meal eaten by Muslims breaking their fast after sunset during the month of Ramadan.

ʾImām (‫)إمام‬

literally, leader; e.g. a man who leads a community or leads the prayer; the Shi'a sect use the term
only as a title for one of the twelve Allah-appointed successors of Muhammad.

Muftī (‫)مفتى‬

an Islamic scholar who is an interpreter or expounder of Islamic law (Sharia), capable of issuing
fatawa (plural of "fatwa").


an acronym that stands for "peace be upon him" a blessing which is affixed to Muhammad's name
whenever it is written. In some circles and English writings, Sufis regard PBUH to signify "Peace and
Blessings Upon Him" (the Rasul or Messenger of Allah). These are the primary English explications of
the P.B.U.H. acronym. The Arabic version is S.A.W.

Ṣaḥābah (‫( )الصحابة‬sing. Ṣāḥib) (‫)صاحب‬

companions of Muhammad. A list of the best-known Companions can be found at List of

companions of Muhammad.

ʿUlamāʾ (‫ )علماء‬or ulema

the leaders of Islamic society, including teachers, Imams and judges. Singular alim.
Ramaḍān (‫)رمضان‬

month of fasting when the Qur'an was first revealed. Spelt as Ramzaan, Ramadhan, or Ramathan as

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