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Cesare Lombroso

- Positivist School
- Father of Modern Criminology
Cesare Beccaria
- On Crimes and Punishment
- Classical
Charles Darwin
- Origin of Species and The Descent of Man
Edwin Sutherland
- Theory of Differential Association
- White-collar crime
Charles Goring
- Crime is normal and part of nature society
- studied the case history of 2,000 convicts
Alphonse Bertillon - classifying criminals according to bodily measurements
William Sheldon – body build or Somatotype
R.H. Goddard - “feeblemindedness”
Hammurabi’s Code - “an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth”
Holy Three in Criminology – Cesare Lombroso, Enrico Ferri and Rafael Garofalo
PD 603 - the Child and Youth Welfare Code
PD 603 - provides care and treatment
RA 7610 - Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act
RA 7610 – Act Prohibiting the Employment of Children
RA 7659 - death penalty for heinous crimes
RA 8369 - Family Courts Act
RA 9344 - Comprehensive Juvenile Justice System
Interactive - Verbal and physical abuse
Isolated – cursing or swearing
Covert - emotional and cognitive
Anthropologist - study of disorders
Insane criminals - abnormalities or psychological disorders
Born criminals – Criminal tendencies according to Lombroso
Criminaloids - less physical stamina or self control
Phobia – fear
Monophobia – Fear of being along
Paranoia – reacting alertness and vigilance
Schizophrenia - thinking disturbance and regression
Bipolar disorder – the next day, warm and sociable
Frustration - experience tension and anxiety
Amnesia - painful memories
Demetia Praecox – failure of the mental faculties
Pyromania – burn anything without motivation
Neurobiological approach – brain and the nervous system
Criminal Psychology - behavior and mental
Criminal Etiology – Scientific analysis of the causes of crime
Criminal Epidemiology - study of crime’s relation to environment
Child Abuse – Maltreatment of a child
Child Dilemma- negligent treatment or maltreatment of a child by a parent or caretaker
Child Trafficking - exchange of sexual favors for money without any emotional
Child Prostitution – sex abuse among children
Heredity - transmission of physical characteristics
Spree murder - kills at two or more locations
Serial murder - kills a number of people
Social control – weak or broken
Social Pathology – Personal and social factors
Prosecution – CJS
Corrections – Criminal Justice
Correctional institutions – weakest pillar in the Philippine CJS
Court – Judicial tribunal
Trial - informed of the nature
Subpoena - witnesses and presentation of evidence
Discretion - justice and fairness.
Recognizance - bond assumed by a parent or custodian
Parens Patriae – Parents of the victim
Fiscal- issuance of a search warrant
Strain – social and financial success
Barangay – Basic political unit
Family – Basic social institution
Neo-classical School – children and lunatics
Classical theory – punishment should fit
Criminoloid - “weak natures”
Positivist theory of Criminology - mentally ill or sick
Somatology - human physical characteristics
Id – Evil side
Ego - Neutral
Conscience of Man – Super ego
Conscience - Avoid evil and do good
Mesomorphic – Muscle
Endomorph - short, fat, and small-boned
Crime – Punishable by law
Offense – Special Penal Laws
Felony- Revised Penal Code
Special law – Enacted by Congress

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