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A Study on the Recruitment

and Talent Acquisition

Process at
Clear Exam

Summer Internship Program Report

SESSION : 2020-2022
ROLL NUMBER : 107/MBA/201077
REGISTRATION NUMBER : 107-1111-0037-20
Summer Internship Program Report

(Submitted for Summer Internship Program under the University of Calcutta)

A Study on the Recruitment and Talent Acquisition Process at

Clear Exam


Souvik Bose
MBA 2nd Year
Session: 2020-2022
Specialization: Human Resource
Registration Number: 107-1111-0037-20
University Roll Number: 107/MBA/201077
Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Kolkata

Under Guidance of:

Mr. Rajan Aggarwal,
Director and CEO, Clear Exam

Certificate of Internship from Clear Exam


I, hereby declare that the project work with the title “A Study on Recruitment and Talent Acquisition
at Clear Exam” under the guidance of Mr. Rajan Aggarwal is submitted by me for the partial
fulfilment of the degree of MBA and specialization Human Resource under the University of Calcutta
is my original work and has not been submitted earlier to any other University/ Institution for
fulfilment of the requirement for any course of study.

This has not been submitted in part or full towards any other degree or diploma.


Roll Number: 107/MBA/201077

Registration Number: 107-1111-0037-20

Date- 15th February,2022


I would like to thank Mr. Dipankar Das Gupta, Director of Indian Institute of Social Welfare and
Business Management and Prof. (Dr.) Archana Sharma, Head of Department of MBA Day at Indian
Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management and also, my guide Mr. Rajan Aggarwal,
Director and CEO at Clear Exam for guiding me through my internship.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculty members of Dept. of MBA of Indian Institute of
Social Welfare and Business Management and the who helped me get through the required materials
throughout my project completion period.

I would like to thank all the employees of Clear Exam from whom I have successfully acquired
valuable professional knowledge during my internship program.

Thanking You,
Souvik Bose.

Table of Contents


1 Executive Summary 7 - 18

2 Organization Profile 19 - 30

3 Objective of Study 31 - 35

4 Problem Statement 36

5 Methodology 37

6 Observation and Analysis 38 – 41

7 Findings 42

8 Conclusion and 43

9 Future Scope 44

10 References 45

Executive Summary

What Is Talent Acquisition?

Ability obtaining alludes to the method involved with distinguishing and

procuring gifted laborers to meet your authoritative requirements. The
ability obtaining group is answerable for distinguishing, procuring,
surveying, and employing contender to fill open situations inside an
organization. Manager marking, future asset arranging, enhancing an
organization's workforce, and fostering a hearty competitor pipeline are the
foundations of ability securing.

Now and again, the ability procurement group is important for an

association's Human Resources division. In others, Talent Acquisition is its
own area of expertise that works in a joint effort with HR. The ranges of
abilities of powerful ability securing experts incorporate obtaining systems,
up-and-comer evaluation, consistence and recruiting norms, and familiarity
with work marking rehearses and corporate employing drives.

Talent Acquisition and Recruitment:

Naturally, many conflate these two jobs. All things considered; both offer a
similar goal of employing individuals to fill open positions. While ability
securing and enrollment cross-over in numerous ways, there are likewise
significant contrasts. Think about the accompanying games relationship.
Enlistment is similar to free specialist signings. Sports front workplaces

regularly recognize and sign free specialists to fill prompt group needs.
Ability procurement, in this similarity, connects with the drawn out list
wellbeing, which incorporates drafting youthful ability, remaining
monetarily adaptable, employing a training staff that makes a triumphant
group culture, keeping up with that culture and guaranteeing long haul
group achievement.

To put it plainly, scouts fill opportunities. Ability procurement advisors,

then again, use a continuous technique of distinguishing trained
professionals, pioneers, and future leaders for your association. Ability
procurement offices center more around long haul HR arranging as opposed
to shorting term work requests. As one CEO put it, ability procurement "is
more centered around the essential side of harder situations to fill."

Efficient Talent Acquisition:

To enlist and recruit the best ability, organizations should adjust their
preparation and ability obtaining technique across divisions to recognize,
target, and draw in the top possibility for a given job. Ability of securing
groups are likewise answerable for creating manager marking and conveying
that brand to expected competitors. Marking ought to plainly provide
applicants with a comprehension of your organization culture, its standing,
key differentiators among contenders, and its items and administrations.
The ability securing group should likewise oversee competitor life cycle,
from the underlying application through the last bid for employment. Viable

coordinated effort, clear correspondence, and objective arrangement with
the employing supervisor is vital, in such manner.

Moreover, ability obtaining groups are answerable for holding fundamental

representatives and creating and keeping up with resolve among their

The Talent Acquisition Method:

The talent acquisition process involves several complex steps. The most
essential of those include:

• Lead generation
• Recruiting and attracting top candidates
• Interview and Assessment
• Evaluating references
• Selecting the best candidate(s)
• Hiring and Onboarding

For a more inside and out take a gander at the ability securing process, look
at our Talent Acquisition Software. We utilize direct obtaining to find more
competitors, make it simple to support up-and-comers through all web-
based media channels, use a single tick application capacity to make
applying as simple as feasible for work searchers, and deal interesting

apparatuses to construct excellent profession locales upgraded for portable

Tips for Efficient Talent Acquisition:

Compelling ability procurement is frequently a long and finely nitty gritty

interaction. Here is a rundown of fundamental advances that guide that

• Forecast efficiently: don't just project the jobs you should fill, where
your association plans to extend, and so on You ought to likewise check
out your association's previous experience filling those jobs. For jobs
that have demonstrated hard to fill (for example since there are less
qualified up-and-comers, the screening requires a more extended
course of events, and so forth) ensure your conjecture represents such
challenges to guarantee that every one of your projected accessible jobs
are filled in a suitable measure of time.
• Build a high-quality assembly line: it is fundamental to have processes
set up to produce and recognize top notch up-and-comers. Each
association source’s ability in an unexpected way, so ensure your
selecting interaction reliably creates helpful applicants. What's more,
the system through which you track up-and-comers will fluctuate
contingent upon the size of your association and search. For more
modest organizations, a straightforward dominate bookkeeping page

might do the trick. For other people, programming like our own can
help associations smooth out and figure out bigger informational
• Work in Collaboration: Aligning your ability procurement objectives
with those of the bigger organization will expand your possibilities
obtaining ability that will find a place with your corporate culture as
long as possible. Make certain to work together, along these lines, with
your HR division and other applicable groups all through the ability
obtaining process.
• Wait Patiently: compelling ability procurement requires abundant
time. Try not to rush the screening, cut corners in distinguishing up-
and-comers, or whatever else to save time to the detriment of the
procurement interaction. By putting vigorously in guaranteeing you
source and recruit the best ability, you will save your association
undeniably more assets over the long haul.

Why Talent Acquisition is Imperative for Business Success:

To construct an effective business, you really want a mix of various key

components, among which individuals are one of the most significant.
Workers are the main impetus behind an organization's tasks. Henceforth,
finding and holding the ideal individuals is essential for business

Albeit many individuals actually haven't understood how ability
procurement helps a business, organizations are progressively beginning to
comprehend the distinction among selecting and getting ability, and
perceiving how compelling ability securing is imperative for any business.
To completely get it, it's essential to define a boundary between ability
securing and enlistment.

The primary large distinction between them is that while enrolling follows
through on an organization's present moment recruiting needs, ability
securing is fixated on the association's drawn out objectives as far as HR
system. The ability obtaining task is important for (HR) and includes
selection representatives, obtaining organizations, HR experts and
recruiting chiefs in the exercises of obtaining, drawing in, meeting,
employing, and onboarding workers. Though enrolling is only one part of
ability procurement, that has to do with the choice and recruiting of a
possibility to fit a task opening. Rather than basically filling the places that
are open at a given second, the ability obtaining process goes further and
runs persistently to recognize the best possibility for future places that can
be more diligently to fill, like chief level positions, influential positions, or
occupations that require particular preparation.

How Talent Cultivates Business Value:

The recipe for making business worth can be characterized as an
assumption for future income driven by resource execution. As to, there are

two sorts to consider: substantial resources (gear, structures, trucks, and so
on - all of which organizations report) and elusive resources (brands, client
connections, IP, restrictive innovation - none of which organizations report
except if they have bought from another organization). Late Study features
how more than 90% of the benefit of driving organizations, for example,
Facebook can be credited to elusive resources, explicitly to its kin. It's the
human resources of an organization that drives scholarly capital, which can
be considered the significant aggregation of representatives' result over the
long haul.

In that capacity, it's critical to see how worth is made inside a business to
have the option to gauge the worth of ability procurement interests in a
particular organization. For example, for an organization like Raytheon, it's
a somewhat little group of designers that makes most of an incentive for the
association. Though, for organizations like Coca-Cola and Proctor and
Gamble, individuals making the most worth are brand supervisors and item
pioneers. In this way, it's not difficult to perceive how creating the best
recruits in these utilitarian regions can incredibly help the business. While
terrible recruiting choices can make raised gamble and be biased to the
organization. Considering this, organizations need to adopt a more essential
strategy to ability obtaining and center around putting more in the
fascination and determination of the ability that is generally important to
their business.

Building a Link Between Quality of Recruitment and Business Success:

Getting what makes a decent recruit permits organizations to keep

employing to that equivalent (or better) level and attempt to guarantee their
best ability is held. This expects HR to have the option to quantify the nature
of recruit and to figure out who is liable for it. The best methodology is to
put together it with respect to business esteem conveyed through scholarly
capital rather than simply thinking of it as a metric that demonstrates the
achievement of ability obtaining. Thus, everybody from senior pioneers to
HR, ability the board, ability procurement, and bleeding edge pioneers
should have an impact in estimating, overseeing and working on nature of
recruit. Having the option to see how individuals add to business
achievement is fundamental to keeping an upper hand, considering that
ability is progressively filling in as a major differentiator. Henceforth,
recognizing what makes somebody fruitful in their occupation permits
organizations to continue to employ individuals who have the best
likelihood of succeeding. This understanding is fundamental to making and
supporting a high-performing association and should be important for your
ability securing endeavors.

The Main Benefits of an Efficient and effective Talent Acquisition:

Having a compelling ability obtaining procedure offers organizations the

chance to draw in the most capable and gifted workers accessible available,

which adds to the improvement of the associations' business execution and
results. Register how that deciphers with significant advantages:

1. Recruiting the Right People

A successful ability procurement methodology centers around finding the
most ideal contender for the gig rather than filling open situations
straightaway. Considering that, competitors are assessed on each
perspective that is important for the gig, from abilities to future
advancement to social fit, so the most appropriate individual gets recruited.
This impacts the nature of recruit (higher) yet in addition the turnover rate
(lower) of an organization, for example.

2. Keeping Competitive
An organization's greatest resource is its representatives. As said previously,
having the ideal individuals set up can help your business and create
incredible worth. Employing the right ability with the right abilities and
inspiration is crucial for maintained your business effectively and to
continue to improve which will give you an edge on the lookout. Going
against the norm, poor employing regularly brings about ineffective and
unmotivated staff. Having some unacceptable individuals in your group can
make raised gamble and make your business battle, hurting your market

3. Saving Time and Money
One of the fundamental justifications for why ability procurement is so
important is that supplanting a worker can be expensive. That being said,
employing the perfect individual for the gig can save you a ton of time and
cash over the long haul. Enrolling processes are made out of many
undertakings like work promoting, CV screening, applicant appraisal and
talking, among others. These assignments require a ton of assets and a
major measure of the selection representative's time and energy. Be that as
it may, assuming these endeavors are applied to tracking down the right
ability and to recruiting as long as possible, the expenses lessen altogether.
A viable ability obtaining methodology can assist you with accomplishing

4. Preparing the Future

One of the main parts of ability securing is that it is forward-looking. In
spite of the fact that supplanting key jobs in your organization might appear
to be unthinkable, an essential way to deal with ability obtaining assists with
guaranteeing that individuals you're recruiting have what it takes and
attitude to form into pioneers. This implies that your organization won't
simply employ somebody to fill a position and do a task. Up-and-comers will
be thoroughly screened and evaluated so when you choose to enlist them
you're certain that they're not just an ideal choice for their present positions,
yet they likewise can possibly take on new jobs later on.

Talent Acquisition Strategy Impacts Future Decisions and Success:

Having the right ability is indispensable for the development of any business
(huge or little). Without the right arrangement of assets to complete pivotal
business works, no business can hope to accomplish upwards development.
With a proper ability obtaining technique, a business can flourish in present
as well as secure its likely arrangements.

Talent Acquisition Saves Time and Money:

Enrollment is a period and cost-serious cycle. As per a review by the Center

for American Progress (CAP), the normal expense of supplanting a worker is
around 20% of their yearly compensation. To fill a vacant position, an
organization needs to hand over cash for promotions, work entrances, and
talent scouts. Notwithstanding this expense, application and screening takes
time and settling a right competitor in a little while is rarely conceivable.
The notification time of recruited asset and instance of wrong recruits are
likewise not uncommon. Every one of this together makes a genuine mark
on an organization's spending plan and takes as much time as necessary.
With a right ability securing methodology, or by cooperating with an ability
obtaining master organizations can set aside time and cash both.

Talent Acquisition Provides Competitive Edge:

Without a gifted and experienced labor force to convey our essential

business capacities, dealing with a business is somewhat of a battle. It
impacts generally speaking efficiency, consumer loyalty, and influences
income stream straightforwardly. An advanced ability procurement system
ensures the right pool of ability is accessible at untouched contribution an
upper hand.

Talent Acquisition Goes Beyond the Active/Available Candidate:

As an ability procurement proficient myself, I track down it the main
advantage for an association. It helps in alluring aloof competitors as well,
who are not as of now prepared for a task change. I ran over a few such
situations where an up-and-comer was impartial towards a vacant situation
(on a similar degree of ordered progression he was as of now chipping away
at) when reached interestingly. In any case, a similar applicant
communicated his eagerness to take action assuming that a superior job is
introduced to them.
The course of talent acquisition is unique in relation to enrollment.
Enlistment centers around filling quick opportunities inside the association,
while ability procurement deals with the long-haul recruiting procedure
lined up with the authoritative objectives and estimating.
Enlistment helps in filling quick openings. Nonetheless, ability securing
deals with the open situations as well as deals with conceivable future
situations as per the drawn-out necessities and development plans of an

Organization Profile

Clear Exam
An Ed-Tech Company

Clear Exam is an EdTech Company based in Delhi. They are a full-service

coaching institute for K12 level Entrance exam. It operates mainly for IIT-
JEE, Medical, Law and Management Entrance Exams.
Problem they are solving: The biggest problem for an aspirant comes when
there is no improvement in outcome even after learning the concept through
a good teacher. Clear Exam understands this challenge and uses 2
techniques viz. Practice-based learning and mentoring along with teaching.

Clear Exam is a full-service coaching institute for K12 level entrance exam.
It operates mainly on IIT, Medical, Law, Management entrance
exams. Clear Exam is a perfect cue for an educational company which
pushes back the boundary of test preparation and creates seamless
experiences. It also conjures up the image most associated with expert
coaching which helps students to crack the entrance exams.
Clear Exam is a coaching institute as well as learning platform where you
can access over a large number of course-specific study resources
contributed by a community of faculties. You'll find practice problems, study
guides, videos, class notes, and step-by-step explanations for every subject
you're studying.

Location and Contact Details:

Location - District Center, Laxmi Deep Building, Office No. 207, 2nd,
Laxmi Nagar, Delhi, 110092

Phone: 093949 49438


Mission and Vision

Impart quality education to meet the needs of the profession and society,
and achieve excellence. Attract and develop talented and committed human
resources, and provide an environment conducive to innovation, creativity,
team-spirit and entrepreneurial leadership.


We're Fanatical. We Honor Passionate Teachers. We believe that teachers

with passion can change the world for the better. Our love for education,
culture & technology ignites the passion for everything we do.

We Win Through Creativity:

We are determined to find creative solutions across all job functions, taking
bold risks and using every challenge as an opportunity to learn, innovate
and push the boundaries.

We Get Things Done:

We are relentless about execution and pride ourselves on shifting quickly

from decision to delivery. Our can-do attitude, focus and willingness to take
ownership drives our success and ability to scale.

We Embrace Openness:

We encourage open dialogue and transparency across all levels and teams.

Culture is our Core:

Our biggest advantage is our culture. We are diverse and yet feel connected

Important Personnel at Clear Exam

1- Mr. Rajan Aggarwal, Founder and CEO

“The mind is a fire to be kindled, not a vessel to be filled.”

Mr. Aggarwal is an Entrepreneur and Visionary. His Mantra is- A genius is

not born, but is educated and trained.
He is very adept at Idea synthesis, Rapid Learning, and adaptability.

He is a strong believer in continual learning and doing something that

improves life.

His purpose is to help people live their greatest life possible through his
teaching, coaching, and writing.

His real strength is ability to truly understand the need of entrance exam.
He has been mentoring from last 15years and helped many students getting
through in world's toughest exam IIT JEE , Medical and law Entrance

He is a natural teacher and started teaching very early in his life. In 15 years
of Teaching Experience, he helped a lot of students in getting through
India's toughest entrance exams - IIT JEE, NEET and AIIMS.
AIIMS 2010 all India toppers Abhinav Dhingra was mentored and taught by

He prides on his reputation to creating one of the most successful coaching

and EdTech company. He knows his students loves and wants to spread
positive word of mouth.

Apart from teaching his passion is developing efficient, sustainable and

scalable model of learning, building product and talking to users.

Mr. Aggarwal has long list of hobbies. This includes reading, chatting,
storytelling, hiking, exploring new places, music, meditation, stretching,
spending time with his kid and of course eating.

His work is expression of his essence.
He is always looking for brilliant mind who could add value to the society.

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.

2- Ms. Akanksha Jain, Co-Founder and COO

“Greetings, every day when I walk into the office, I feel a sense of honor,
delight and a sacred responsibility. We at CLEAR EXAM are part of a
family, absolutely committed to the success of the students. Here we see
our role as mentors/partners, deeply involved with parents and therefore
helping in empowering students to reach the pinnacle of success.”

--Akanksha Jain, Co-Founder and COO

She is an Entrepreneur, Educationist and Techie. She is passionate about
using upcoming technologies like Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in
Education and Training.

Ms. Jain, at Clear Exam ( is working to scale

personalization using Artificial Intelligence. She is working closely with
Digital Marketing and Operations team. I'm also involved in Strategic
decisions and team building.

She is available on LinkedIn and her profile id is given below:

LinkedIn id-

The History of Clear Exam

CLEAR EXAM (SUCCESS MANTRA) had its beginning by Mr. Rajan

Aggarwal (Founder, CLEAR EXAM) in 2011. Before this, his
collaborations with the IIT JEE and clinical applicants while showing
them caused him to understand that he hugely appreciated instructing.
His energy of critical thinking without hardly lifting a finger, before long
turned into his enthusiasm.

In 2014, Ms. Akanksha Jain (Co-Founder, CLEAR EXAM), pooled in her

ability and endeavors and the couple set off to accomplish their shared
objective of furnishing the understudies with the most doable training
without thinking twice about the nature of tutelage.

Which began as a convincing longing has now thrived into an undeniable

foundation. CLEAR EXAM has kept up with its dynamic achievement
years during that time which elapsed by. In any case, consistently CLEAR
EXAM sets new benchmarks for itself.

About the Logo of Clear Exam:

The North Star- A Symbol of Inspiration and Hope

Clear Exam symbol is derived from "North Star aka Polaris", an ancient
symbol that depicts inspiration and hope to many and is as real as it is
inspirational, and as spiritual as it is celestial. At its heart is an 8 pointed star
derived from the compass rose that signals the brand's commitment to

North Star is also a landmark, or sky marker, that helps those who follow it
determine direction as it glows brightly to guide and lead toward a purposeful
destination. As we look within ourselves, we can seek our own internal
compass that can guide us. We can discover and develop the gifts that we
already have that can help us move forward as individuals and as a

Ed-Tech Services Provided by Clear Exam:

1- Law
2- Medical
3- Engineering
4- Management
5- Teaching
6- Career Discovery

In all these disciplines, the below services are provided:

Class Room Coaching

Study Material
Test Series
Online Coaching

Coaching in both Class rooms and online are provided by certified and
qualified teachers and the teaching is both Result oriented and
Understanding Oriented so as to ensure that the candidate gets the most
value out of the investment and also get ready for his/her future.

Objective of the Study

The objective of this study is to enable the readers get an idea about how to
conduct Interviews and Recruit suitable candidates.

How to conduct an Effective Interview:

The Personal Interview is your opportunity to truly get to know your

forthcoming workers. You'll dig further into the abilities and prerequisites
you've noted on the list of references and telephone screening. For the most
part, the meeting permits you to get a feeling of the intangibles, like
enthusiasm, drive, objectives, social fit, perspectives, and relational abilities.

While leading a Personal Interview might appear to be straightforward, it's

anything but a simple errand. A great deal of arrangement goes into
directing a powerful new employee screening. Tragically, many employing
directors don't plan as well as they ought to for this basic advance,
prompting exorbitant recruiting botches. The expense of a terrible recruit is
steep, and we are not simply discussing pay. Preparing costs, severance
installments, recruiting a substitution, and client care issues are things that
can altogether affect a business' financial plan.

An ideal prospective employee meeting should allow us an opportunity to

more deeply study the up-and-comer and the up-and-comer an opportunity

to find out about the organization. Figuring out how to direct a meeting is
critical for recruiting the best possibility for the business.

The following are a couple of methods which I learnt at this Internship:

1- Set the candidate at ease:

Visually connect and lay out compatibility by tracking down a common
subject to discuss before you get down to the hard inquiries. Audit the list of
references and telephone screen notes in advance so you have some private
information to draw on.
2- Pose open-ended inquiries:
Plan inquiries ahead of time and pose similar fundamental inquiries of all
interviewees so you can look at answers later. Be ready to ad lib founded on
various reactions. You can go through some "consider the possibility that"
reactions you could expect and take note of how you would follow up to
every situation. Assuming your candidate is modest and offers responses
that are excessively broad, burrow for more detail. Test questions
incorporate, "For what reason did you leave your last position?" "How treat
yourself doing in five years?" "How the executives style assists you with
treating best work?" "What's the main component in your workplace for you
to be effective?" "When you work in a group, what job would you say you are
generally OK with?"

3- Listen more, talk less:
The meeting is for the most part about the candidate, so listen mindfully.
Focus on non-verbal signs like stance, readiness, dress, and individual
preparing. Note assuming they have gotten their work done with regards to
your organization. Pass on schedule toward the end for the contender to ask
you inquiries. You can give bits of knowledge about the organization, your
administration style, and even "sell" the position.

4- Keep notes of the interview:

It's hard to keep up-and-comer reactions straight while you're doing
different meetings. So take great notes in a coordinated design so you can
undoubtedly audit sometime in the not too distant future. Consider having
someone else in the room, if by some stroke of good luck as a note taker.

5- Understand what you can't inquire:

Keep your inquiries zeroed in at work, workplace and just incidentally
engaged with a candidate's very own life. You need to keep away from a
separation claim, so avoid questions focused on age, race, orientation,
nation or public beginning, religion, inability, and conjugal or family status.

Two pieces of Important Work done and inferences
acquired during the Internship
On 9th June,2021, I was tasked with conducting interviews of 8 people
From Symbiosis College.
Out of the 8 candidates, 2 were absent and the rest were present.
The 6 candidates that I interviewed were all highly motivated and
ambitious in their nature. They wanted an exposure wherein they could
learn the skills required to further their career. I interviewed them each
for about 20-25 minutes and found them highly suitable for the job role,
which was of an internship at Clear Exam. Hence, all the 6 candidates got
selected and I passed on this information to my superior.
My inference form taking the interviews was that, the interviews should
be more logical in nature rather than asking bookish knowledge questions.
Interviewer should be asking questions that would reveal if the candidate
will remain motivated throughout his/her job tenure and not loose that
motivation after getting the job.
Questions should enquire about the psychological parameters of the
candidates and should assess if he/she is the right one for the job, rather
than asking bookish questions to which only bookish answers are to be

After conducting the interviews, Myself and two of my batchmates were

placed in the Recruitment group.

On 14th June,2021, I was tasked with the Interview of a candidate,
Vaibhab Sharma from MIT-WPU college.

He had previously represented India in Under 19 and Under 21 Football

Tournaments. He came from a business family wherein his father is a
Mobile Phone Distributor.

While conducting his interview, I came to know that he had done his
graduation in B.COM and now was doing MBA in Marketing. On asking as
to why he decided to per sue a career in marketing rather than continuing
on his path to playing football for the nation, he answered that there was
more security in marketing jobs rather than a footballing career. This, to
me, implied that he always wanted to take a safe course rather than taking
a little bit risk and perusing his ambitions. I found this a rather negative
approach to his thinking and on asking as to why marketing jobs give a
sense of security, he answered that the was going to get inducted in his
father’s business.
Now this statement only made my doubt clear that he did not want to
work on his ambitions and the only thing he wanted was getting a job
wherein he would have to do only routine work and not much effort was

Hence, I found him not suitable for the job and he was rejected.

Problem Statement

Conducting an interview with a job candidate might seem easy to

inexperienced interviewers. Many business owners and
managers think that conducting job interview is as simple as asking
candidates a few job-related questions.

That is the problem and the reason why 74% of employers had to face
the fact that they’ve hired a wrong person for a position

Source- Career Builder

This staggering statistic highlights the fact that choosing the right
person for the job isn’t easy at all. Conducting effective job interviews is a
very demanding and complex process. This is why the whole
interviewing process must be extremely well-planned.

According to, an internet based
recruitment assessment firm, reported that in the Recruitment
Stats Infographic, 38% of candidates are more likely to accept a job offer if
they have been satisfied with the overall candidate experience, of which
interviews form a huge proportion. And, 78% of candidates say the
candidate experience is an indicator of how a company values its people.
In short, you can’t afford to get the interview process wrong if you intend to
attract the best talent.


Observation and Analysis

Here are the results from one of the recent surveys about how to improve
the interview process to give you the best possible chance of attracting and
hiring quality candidates held by the above mentioned firm Here are what the surveyed respondents
said when we asked them a few questions about their experiences of being

Question 1: What recommendations would you give to

employers, in general, to attract candidates when interviewing?
What could they do differently at interview stage to impress you?
“Communicate clearly and professionally with candidates – show
them that you are organised in your approach.”

Respondent 1:

We anticipate that up-and-comers should be coordinated in interviews,

bringing a journal and wearing suitable clothing, however would you say you
are, as a questioner, bringing a similar degree of association and impressive
skill to the screening? Is it true that you are following up instantly with up-
and-comers after each interview?

Respondent 2:

Share more social data about the association, their objectives for the future,
and verification concerning how they reward steadfast representatives.

Respondent 3:

Joining another organization is a major advance for a representative - they

need to realize that they will fit in and that they can see a future with that
association. The way of life of an organization is regularly similarly as
significant as the gig and pay.

Respondent 4:

Approach what is going on more nonchalantly and take part in a more

private discussion with your competitors, remembering the business side of
the meeting. More private and loosened up discussions with potential
recruits permit you to pass judgment on the sort of individual an applicant
is and in the event that they will opening effectively into your group.
Perhaps pose a few arbitrary and fun inquiries, for example, getting some
information about interesting situations outside of work to uncover more
with regards to the up-and-comer's character.

Respondent 5:

Making the meeting more loosened up assists you with discovering more
with regards to your applicant, and perceive how they respond in various
situations to the normal meeting setting. How might you stir up your
meetings to incorporate this?

Respondent 6:

As an applicant, you currently have more decision than you completed 5

years prior when the downturn hit. It is fundamental for me to have a
'discussion' with a potential business rather than an 'interview' as this
means that how we will cooperate if effective. I will continuously get ready
why I need to work for a business, nonetheless, according to an applicant's
viewpoint, I need to know why I should pick a specific manager over a

Respondent 7:

Keep in mind, the meeting is as much with regards to the competitor settling
on a choice with regards to you, for what it's worth for you to evaluate an up-
and-comer. It's critical to have a two-way discussion, examining the job and
open doors accessible, rather than it exclusively being about an interviewee
attempting to dazzle a business.

Question 2: Prior to an interview, what do you look for in

a company, as a candidate?

Respondent 1:

Uprightness, Glassdoor remarks and audits, organization notoriety,

items/administrations offered and the general culture of the business.

What's more, Great surveys on the web, and on locales like Glassdoor.
Organization development. Site quality. The normal residency of staff which
can be found on LinkedIn. Client audits on the lookout.

Respondent 2:

We can't disregard that internet-based administrations like Glassdoor are

affecting on businesses' brands and capacity to select new staff. Actually,
assuming you are focusing on indisputably the top ability in the business,
you can't stand to have a terrible standing on the web or negative
representative audits on Glassdoor.

The organization we work for definitely shapes part of our character - it's
the place where we spend a tremendous measure of our waking hours, so it's

critical to feel lined up with your organization's qualities and desires.
Competitors need to feel pleased with the organization they work for; you
need your representatives to be giving shining surveys of your business
while addressing companions, family and clients.

Question 3: Do you feel that in previous roles, how the

interview process has been handled or conducted
matched what the company was actually like to work for?

Our respondents overwhelmingly agreed that ‘Yes’, the interview process

was indicative of what the company they went on to work for was like. In
this way, to get that across to your likely workers, then, at that point, check
out how your screening can be improved to be more intelligent of your
organization. In the following not many months, we will be distributing
more with regards to further developing your boss marking and further
developing your applicant encounters.

The findings of my study are the qualities that a good interviewer should
possess in order to Recruit Talent suitable for the organization.

They are:

A good interviewer understands the hiring need

A good interviewer researches the candidate
A good interviewer makes a conversation
A good interviewer asks the logical questions and not
bookish ones
A good interviewer understands body language
A good interviewer sells the job
A god interviewer provides closure

These are the basic qualities that a good interviewer should

possess and these will help conduct a more accurate interview and
in turn, lead to good Recruitment and Talent Acquisition.

Conclusion and Recommendations

The way where Human Resource professionals and employing chiefs

interview candidates can be urgent in distinguishing the top possibility for
a task. A fruitful and viable interview is one in which both the questioner
and the interviewee get precise data and can settle on informed choices
about the candidate's reasonableness for the gig. See Basics for Effective
Interviews preparing show.

The screening can be distressing for both the questioner and the
interviewee. It is typical for a candidate to be apprehensive, so questioners
should attempt to reassure the individual from the second the person goes
into the room. By assisting the interviewee with feeling loose and
agreeable, the questioner has a superior possibility getting an
unmistakable thought of the candidate's capacities and character.

Prior to beginning with arranged inquiries, the questioner could ease

pressures by empowering the candidate to discuss a specific interest-
maybe something on the individual's resume. Now the questioner could
likewise need to recap the position and what it involves. This can assist the
candidate with responding to questions all the more proficiently and
rethink whether the person is truly intrigued by the job.

Future Scope

Artificial Intelligence - The Future of Talent Acquisition

The future of Talent Acquisition will be to take advantage of Artificial

Intelligence (AI), an innovative computer technology that can perform
tasks involving Human Intelligence. AI provides a multi-disciplinary
approach to replicate the problem-solving, decision-making and learning
capabilities of humans in machines. The TA teams of big companies are
looking forward to leveraging the exponential benefits of AI technology to
recruit people.

The integration of AI-powered chatbots with the initial application

screening process will facilitate the hiring professionals in identifying,
assessing, and shortlisting suitable job applicants in a better way. The
chatbots will be pre-programmed to identify and segregate resumes
having specific terms, initiate preliminary interviews with the shortlisted
candidates, and provide recruiters with a set of qualified candidates for
further screening.



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