Argumentative Essay (Draft)

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“Is it necessary to physically and emotionally harm your child in order to discipline them?” This question
requires a no as an answer. Other parents must be thinking, "I love my children, that's why I beat them
with slippers," but no. Harming your child to discipline them may have an impact on their attitude and
behavior toward you and others.

Child discipline refers to techniques used to prevent children from engaging in undesirable behavior in
the future. But what if the discipline method you have used to your children makes them uncomfortable
when you are around and develops a trauma as they grow older?

One of the parenting styles practiced in the Philippines is beating their children with a broomstick,
hanger, belt, and slippers. And one of my parents' parenting styles was to use harsh words to us, such as
"you are worthless," which made us uncomfortable and caused trauma. We began to doubt our worth
and ability as individuals and as children. These common parenting strategies must be ended.

Parenting their children should not be permissive, authoritarian, or neglectful. Parents should be the on
es who encourage us, show us genuine love and care, and help us gain confidence. The best parenting
style should be authoritative, with a high level of love and discipline. This type of parent is caring while
also being firm. They have firm boundaries but are also extremely loving. These parents respect and
honor their children while not jeopardizing his or her disciplinary needs. As a result, the child has a
healthy sense of self-esteem and coping skills. This type of parent, who balances love and discipline
without sacrificing either, raises well-adjusted children who have positive relationships with their

To discipline your children, you do not need to physically or emotionally harm them. There are, in fact,
additional ways to practice healthy parenting styles. To have a healthy relationship with your children,
we need to stop being neglectful, permissive, and authoritarian parents.

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