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D&D 5e Races and Subraces

Race Subrace Size Speed Language Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Extra Source
Aarakocra N/A M 25/50F Common +2 +1 Talons 1d4 Elemental
Aarakocra 4-5
Aasimar N/A M 30 Common +1 +2 Darkvision, Celestial Resistance, Celestial DMG
Celestial Legacy 286-287
Changeling N/A M 30 Common +1 +1 Duplicity, Shape-changer Ebberon
+2 Languages 1-2
Dragonborn N/A M 30 Common +2 +1 Breath Weapon, Damage Resistance PHB
Draconic 32-34
Dwarf -- M 25-HA Common +2 Darkvision, Dwarven Resistance, Dwarven PHB
Dwarf Combat Training, Tool Proficiency, Stone- 18-20
Hill Dwarf +1 Dwarven Toughness PHB 20
Mountain Dwarf +2 Dwarven Armour Training PHB 20
Elf -- M 30 Common +2 Darkvision, Keen senses, Fey Ancestry, Trance PHB
Elvish 21-23
Drow +1 Superior Darkvision, Sunlight Sensitivity, Drow PHB
Magic, Drow Weapons Training 24
Eladrin +1 Elf Weapon Training, Fey Step DMG 286
High Elf +1 language +1 Elf Weapon Training, +1 Cantrip PHB 23
Wood Elf +5ft +1 Elf Weapon Training, Mask of the Wild PHB 24
Genasi -- M 30 Common +2 Elemental
Primordial 7-9
Air Genasi +1 Unending Breath, Mingle with the Wind Elemental
Earth Genasi +1 Earth Walk, Merge with Stone Elemental
Fire Genasi +1 Darkvision, Fire Resistance, Reach to the Blaze Elemental
Water Genasi -/30ft swim +1 Acid Resistance, Amphibious, Call to the Wave Elemental
Gnome -- S 25 Common +2 Darkvision, Gnome Cunning PHB
Gnomish 35-37
Deep Gnome + Undercommon +1 Superior Darkvision, Stone Camouflage Elemental
Forest Gnome +1 Minor Illusion Cantrip, Speak with Small PHB
Beasts 37
Rock Gnome +1 Artificer's Lore, Tinker PHB 37
Goliath N/A M 30 Common +2 +1 Natural Athlete, Stone's Endurance, Powerful Elemental
Giant Build, Mountain Born 10-11
Halfling -- S 25 Common +2 Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness PHB
Halfling 26-28
Lightfoot Halfling +1 Naturally Stealthy PHB 28
Stout Halfling +1 Stout Resilience PHB 28
Half-Elf N/A M 30 Common +2 2x (+1 ASI), Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Skill PHB
Elvish Versatility 38-39
Half-Orc N/A M 30 Common +2 +1 Darkvision, Menacing, Relentless Endurance, PHB
Orc Savage Attacks 40-41
Human -- M 30 Common +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 PHB 29-
+1 Language 31
Variant Human +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 2x (+1 ASI), +1 Skill, +1 Feat PHB 31
Minotaur -- M 30 Common +1 Conqueror’s Virtue, Horns, Hammering Horns, Waterborn
Goring Rush, Labyrinthine Recall, Sea Reaver 1-3
Shifter -- M 30 Common +1 Darkvision, Shifting Ebberon
Sylvan 2-3
Beasthide +1 AC Shifting Feature Ebberon 2
Cliffwalk +1(+2 total) Climbing Shifting Feature Ebberon 2
Longstride +1(+2 total) Dash Shifting Feature Ebberon 2
Longtooth +1 Bite Shifting Feature Ebberon 2
Razorclaw +1(+2 total) Claw Shifting Feature Ebberon 2
Wildhunt +1 Wisdom Shifting Feature Ebberon 3
Tiefling N/A M 30 Common +1 +2 Darkvision, Hellish Resistance, Infernal Legacy PHB
Infernal 42-43
Warforged N/A M 30 Common +1 +1 +1 AC Ebberon 3
+1 Language Living Construct

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