Dog Ownership and Dog Walking

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Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

Vol. 33, No. 2, pp E7YE14 x Copyright B 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Dog Ownership and Dog Walking

The Relationship With Exercise, Depression, and
Hopelessness in Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease
Susan L. Dunn, PhD, RN, FAHA; Michael Sit, BSN, RN; Holli A. DeVon, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN;
Devynn Makidon, BSN, RN; Nathan L. Tintle, PhD
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Background: Dog ownership has been associated with increased physical activity in the general adult population.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine dog ownership and dog walking and their relationship with
home-based and phase II cardiac rehabilitation exercise, depression, and hopelessness in patients with ischemic
heart disease. Methods: A total of 122 patients with ischemic heart disease were included in this prospective
observational study. Patients completed dog ownership/walking questions during their hospitalization. The
Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise Participation Tool, Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and State-Trait Hopelessness
Scale were completed by mail at 3, 8, or 12 months later. Regression modeling was used to evaluate the
significance of dog ownership/walking on exercise, depression and hopelessness. Results: The sample was 34.4%
female and had a mean age of 64.7 T 9.1 years. Forty-two patients (34.4%) reported owning a dog. Patients who
owned but did not walk their dog reported significantly lower levels of home exercise compared with patients who
walked their dogs at least 1 day per week (36.8% for nonYdog walkers vs 73.9% for dog walkers, P = .019). The odds
of participating in home exercise were significantly higher for dog walkers compared with nonYdog walkers (odds
ratio, 8.1 [1.7, 38.5] vs 1.0). There were no differences in phase II cardiac rehabilitation exercise, depression, or
hopelessness between dog owners and nonYdog owners or between dog walkers and nonYdog walkers.
Conclusions: These findings show a beneficial effect on home-based exercise for those who dog-walk at least 1 day
per week. Healthcare professionals should encourage dog walking to increase dog owners" physical activity levels.
KEY WORDS: cardiac rehabilitation, depression, dog, exercise, ischemic heart disease

T he American Heart Association recommends at

least 30 minutes of moderate to intense aerobic
activity at least 5 days per week for secondary prevention
and risk reduction in patients with ischemic heart disease
(IHD).1 Despite clear guidelines and known benefits,
less than 20% of individuals with IHD participate in a
phase II (outpatient-monitored) cardiac rehabilitation
Susan L. Dunn, PhD, RN, FAHA (CR) exercise program.2,3 Home-based CR exercise,
Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Michigan State University,
East Lansing.
as a supplement or alternative to phase II CR, promotes
Michael Sit, BSN, RN physical activity, improves exercise capacity,4,5 improves
Graduate Student, Nurse Anesthesia Program, NorthShore University, risk factor control, and increases health-related quality
Evanston, Illinois. of life in patients with IHD.5 However, of patients who
Holli A. DeVon, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN receive a recommendation by their physician to exercise
Professor, College of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Devynn Makidon, BSN, RN
at home, only 47% report doing so.6
Undergraduate Student, College of Nursing, Michigan State Evidence suggests that physical inactivity accounts
University, East Lansing. for 25% of increased risk for cardiovascular mortality7
Nathan L. Tintle, PhD and 30% increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events
Professor, Department of Statistics, Dordt College, Sioux Center, Iowa.
associated with depression.8 A higher risk of myocardial
Drs Dunn and Tintle received funding for this work through Hope
College from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Dr Dunn infarction (MI) or death has been identified in patients
received funding through the Great Lakes Colleges Association and with both IHD and depression symptoms, with physical
the Kappa Epsilon Chapter-at-Large of Sigma Theta Tau Honor inactivity accounting for 20% of the increased risk.9
Society of Nursing.
Hopelessness is another important psychological factor
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
associated with increased adverse clinical events10 and
Susan L. Dunn, PhD, RN, FAHA, College of Nursing, Michigan State decreased survival11 in patients with IHD. Evidence
University, Bott Building for Nursing Education and Research, 1355 suggests an association between increased hopeless-
Bogue St, East Lansing, MI 48824 ( ness and decreased exercise in both home6 and phase
DOI: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000418 II CR12 settings.


Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

E8 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing x March/April 2018

Dog ownership has been associated with increased depression, or hopelessness in patients with established
physical activity in the general adult population, speci- IHD. Further study is needed because exercise is
fically related to more minutes per week of walking.13Y17 recognized as a key to secondary prevention and there
Dog owners in the general population who walk their are known associations among depression, hopeless-
dogs are more likely to achieve recommended physical ness, and exercise.
activity levels.16,18 Dog ownership/walking has also
been examined in older adults. The Physical Activity
Cohort Scotland study investigators enrolled 547 people Objective
65 years and older and identified dog owners as being The objective of this study was to examine dog owner-
12% more physically active than nonYdog owners.19 ship and dog walking and their relationship with
Yet, in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study, home-based and phase II CR exercise, depression,
which examined dog ownership and dog walking in US and hopelessness in patients with established IHD. It
adults aged 71 to 82 years, investigators found that only was hypothesized that patients with IHD who walk
36% of dog owners walked their dogs at least 3 times their dogs would report more frequent home-based
per week.20 Despite the small percentage of dog walkers and phase II CR exercise than those patients who do
in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study, not walk their dogs. It was also hypothesized that
older adults who walked their dogs were more likely patients with IHD who were dog owners, and those
to achieve 150 minutes of walking per week and at a who own and walk their dogs, would report lower
faster walking speed than dog owners who did not walk depression and hopelessness levels. Research questions
their dog.20 included the following:
Older dog owners in the general population have
been identified as having fewer symptoms of depres- 1. Do patients with IHD who own dogs report more
sion than nonYdog owners in some studies.21,22 Yet, frequent exercise than those patients who do not
a study of 814 older dog owners in the general popu- own dogs?
lation found a higher incidence of depression in dog 2. Is increased number of days per week of dog
owners as compared with nonYdog owners.23 Less walking associated with increased number of days
research has been conducted focusing on dog walking per week of patient exercise (beyond dog walking)?
and depression, with only one published in the past 3. Do patients with IHD who own dogs report less
10 years. A study of younger adults (39 T 13 years) in the depression and hopelessness than those patients
general population determined that regular dog walkers who do not own dogs?
had significantly lower depression than dog owners who 4. Do patients with IHD who own and walk their
did not walk their dogs and nonYdog owners.24 No dogs report less depression and hopelessness than
research has been conducted examining hopelessness in those who do not walk their dogs?
either dog owners or dog walkers in the general public 5. Is increased number of days per week of dog
or in illness populations. walking associated with decreased depression and
A number of studies have explored the relation- hopelessness?
ship between pet ownership/walking and risk for
cardiovascular disease. Pet owners25 and pet (dog)
walkers24 have been identified as having lower blood Methods
pressure than nonYpet owners/walkers. Dog walkers A prospective observational design was used with data
have reported lower cholesterol levels, less diabetes, collected over 4 time points (baseline and 3, 8, and
and less tobacco use as compared with nonYdog 12 months). Time points were chosen based on standard
walkers.24 completion of phase II CR within 3 months and use of
Research on dog ownership/walking in patients with 8- and 12-month follow-up in previous research.12 In-
established IHD is limited. An early study identified a patients were enrolled at a large teaching hospital in
beneficial impact of pet ownership on 1-year survival in the midwest from November 2010 to September 2011.
patients who had been hospitalized in a coronary care Patients completed baseline measures while hospitalized,
unit for MI or angina,26 with pet ownership significantly and follow-up data were collected by mail. The human
predicting long-term survival.27 A scientific statement subject review boards of the college and hospital ap-
from the American Heart Association concludes that proved the project.
there is ample evidence to suggest an association be-
tween pet ownership and reduction of cardiovascular
disease risk factors and increased survival in patients
with established cardiovascular disease.28 Patients were eligible if they were 21 years or older
Yet, little is known about how dog ownership and and had a diagnosis of MI, unstable angina, or acute
dog walking may be associated with exercise habits, coronary syndrome or underwent percutaneous

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Dog Ownership and Dog Walking E9

coronary intervention, stent, or bypass surgery. Pa- abilities of the total scale (! = .85) and 2 dimensions (somatic,
tients were excluded if they were unable to speak or ! = .70; cognitive, ! = .82) were adequate in this study.
read English, unable to provide consent or complete Hopelessness was measured using the State-Trait
an interview or had a planned discharge to an insti- Hopelessness Scale. The State-Trait Hopelessness Scale
tutional setting. is a 23-item (10 state items, 13 trait items) instrument
A total of 188 inpatients provided dog ownership measured on a 4-point Likert-type scale (1, strongly
and dog walking data during their hospitalization. disagree; 4, strongly agree). The State-Trait Hopeless-
Patients were then contacted by mail to complete ness Scale was developed using key components of the
exercise, depression, and hopelessness questionnaires Theory of Hopelessness Depression.33 Reliability and
at 3 (n = 91), 8 (n = 78), and 12 (n = 99) months validity of the State-Trait Hopelessness Scale are establ-
later. Each patient also received 2 reminder tele- ished in patients with IHD.34 Earlier factor analysis
phone calls at each time point. Time points were identified a state hopelessness factor (6/10 state items),
chosen on the basis of a standard phase II CR program a trait hopelessness factor (8/13 trait items), and state
of 3 months and use of 8- and 12-month follow-up in and trait hopelessness absent factors (remaining items).34
previous research.12 Of the original 188 patients, 122 For this study, only hopelessness factor items (6 state
provided data for at least one of the remaining items and 8 trait items) were analyzed because the aim
follow-up time points, resulting in a 64.9% response was to determine differences in hopelessness between
rate. Eighty-nine of the 122 patients had measure- exercise groups. Adding the item scores and dividing
ments for 2 or 3 follow-up time points, and 57 had by the number of items provide a total score for each
measurements at all 3 follow-up time points. factor. In the current study, the Cronbach ! for the
Patients self-selected whether they participated in hopelessness factor was high for the 6-item state
home or phase II CR exercise. Patients who reported (.84Y.87 at all time points) and 8-item trait (.85Y.89
participating in phase II CR were part of a 12-week at all time points) scales. In addition, ! decreased in
outpatient group exercise program. Phase II patients nearly all cases when an item was removed, indicat-
were also encouraged to exercise at home on non- ing that virtually all items contribute to the internal
attendance days. The phase II CR program included consistency of the scales. Finally, item-total correlations
monitored exercise training and group educational were strong, varying between .42 and .77 for the state
sessions focused on exercise, nutrition, smoking cessa- and .64 and .79 for the trait scales across all time points.
tion, and stress reduction. Patients who reported home Home and phase II CR exercise participation was
exercise participation had been provided written in- measured using the Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise
structions in the hospital to gradually increase their Participation Tool. The Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise
exercise to 30 minutes per day, exercising at a speed Participation Tool is a 20-item self-report questionnaire
and intensity that were comfortable for them, while assessing a patient"s referral and participation in home
not increasing their resting pulse rate by more than 20 and phase II CR exercise using both dichotomous ques-
beats per minute during exercise. tions and Likert-type scales. The Cardiac Rehabilitation
Exercise Participation Tool was developed and tested in
an earlier study of patients with IHD and deemed to
have adequate reliability and content validity.12
Demographic characteristics (including dog ownership
and dog walking), clinical history, cardiac diagnoses
Statistical Analysis
and procedures, depression, hopelessness, and exercise
participation were measured. Demographics and clin- Data were entered into IBM SPSS Statistics software,
ical history were collected at baseline using a self- version 20.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Illinois), with double
report questionnaire. Dog ownership and dog walking data entry used to ensure data quality. SPSS and R were
were measured by 2 questions asking patients whether used for data analysis.35,36 Multiple linear regression
they own a dog and the number of days per week that and multiple logistic regression were used to evaluate
they walk the dog. Cardiac diagnoses and procedures the significance of dog ownership and dog walking on
were collected using medical records review. hopelessness and depression and exercise behaviors,
Depression was measured with the Patient Health respectively. A power analysis was conducted because
Questionnaire-9, a 9-item measure of depression sev- of the small sample sizes used for the primary dog
erity. Items are scored from 0 (not at all) to 3 (nearly ownership/walking comparisons in this study. It was
every day), providing a score range of 0 to 27. Internal determined that comparisons of dog owners with non-
consistency reliability29 and criterion and construct valid- owners (sample sizes of approximately 40 and 80, re-
ity30 have been confirmed in previous research. Separate spectively) would result in 70% power to detect differences
cognitive and somatic depressive symptom dimensions of 25 or greater percentage points on dichotomous
have been validated in patients with IHD.31,32 The reli- outcomes and 0.5 SD on quantitative outcomes. For

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

E10 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing x March/April 2018

comparisons of dog walkers with nonYdog walkers P = .019). Among those who walked their dog, there
(among dog owners), samples of 20 per group would were higher rates of home CR exercise in more avid dog
result in approximately 70% power to detect differ- walkers (87.5% if dog-walking 6Y7 days/week, n = 8)
ences of 40 or more percentage points on dichotomous versus those dog-walking only 1 to 5 days per week
outcomes and 0.8 SD on quantitative outcomes. Thus, (66.7%, n = 15). The effects of smaller ranges of ex-
although sample sizes were small, there was reasonable ercise could not be analyzed (eg, 1Y2 and 3Y5 days/week)
power to detect large effect sizes. All tests were 2-sided, because, among the 15 individuals who indicated that
and ! of .05 was used to determine significance. they walked their dog 1 to 5 days per week, only 2 of
the 15 indicated 3 to 5 days per week.
Results Depression and Hopelessness
Sample Characteristics Among Groups

Participants were typical of patients with IHD, with In unadjusted analyses, dog owners were significantly
34.4% being female and with a mean age of 64.7 T more depressed (mean, 4.8 T 5.4) as compared with
9.1 years (Table 1). Forty-two patients in this study nonYdog owners (mean, 3.2 T 3.5; P = .045), although
(34.4%) reported owning a dog, which approximates this difference became nonsignificant after adjusting
the national average of 36.5% of US households.37 for age and sex (P = .13). State and trait hopelessness
levels were not significantly different between the 2
Exercise Among Groups groups (Table 3). Further analysis showed no signif-
icant differences in depression levels of dog owners
There were no significant differences in participation
who did not walk their dogs (mean, 5.6 T 5.5) and
in home or phase II CR exercise in dog owners versus
those who dog-walked 1 to 5 days per week (mean, 4.1
those who did not own dogs (home CR, 57.1% vs
T 5.4). Dog owners who walked their dogs 6 to 7 days
62.5%, P = .57; phase II CR, 31.0% vs 32.5%, P =
per week had the lowest depression levels (mean, 1.7 T
.86) (Table 2). Among dog owners, 23 (54.8%)
1.4), but differences were not statistically significant
reported walking their dog at least 1 day per week.
compared with those who walked their dogs 1 to
There was no significant difference in phase II CR
5 days per week (mean, 5.4 T 6.3; P = .12). Frequent
exercise participation among dog owners who walked dog walkers (6Y7 days/week) also had the lowest state
their dogs at least 1 day per week and those who did
(mean, 1.7 T 0.4) and trait (mean, 1.5 T 0.7) hopelessness
not walk their dogs (34.8% for dog walkers vs 26.3%
levels, but differences were also not statistically sig-
for nonYdog walkers, P = .56). Patients who owned
nificant as compared with less frequent dog walkers
but did not walk their dog reported significantly lower
(Ps = .47 and .12, respectively).
levels of home exercise compared with patients who
owned and walked their dogs at least 1 day per week Sensitivity Analysis
(36.8% for nonYdog walkers vs 73.9% for dog walkers,
We conducted 2 separate follow-up analyses to ensure
TABLE 1 Sample Characteristics (N = 122) sensitivity of our findings to posthospitalization re-
sponse patterns. First, we further adjusted models re-
Characteristic n (%)
ported in Tables 2 and 3 for whether a patient had
Age, y 64.7 T 9.1 data from each wave (3 separate indicator variables),
Sex as well as whether the patient had more than 1 post-
Female 42 (34.4)
Male 80 (65.6) hospitalization measurement. The pattern of significant
Race findings in both tables remained the same. Second, we
White 114 (93.4) reduced the sample to (1) only patients with data from
Nonwhite 8 (6.6) wave 2 (n = 91) and (2) only patients with more than
Marital status 1 posthospitalization measurement (n = 89). In both
Married 91 (74.6)
Not married 31 (25.4) cases, estimated odds ratios/"s, as illustrated in Tables
History of IHD 2 and 3, remained similar (although less significant
Yes 63 (51.6) due to reduction in sample size) (detailed results not
No 58 (47.5) shown). In summary, the posthospitalization response
Previous depression patterns had little impact on results.
Yes 31 (25.4)
No 91 (74.6)
Previous exercise Discussion
Yes 78 (63.9) We asked 5 research questions in this study. The first
No 43 (35.2)
was whether patients with IHD who own dogs re-
Abbreviation: IHD, ischemic heart disease. port more frequent exercise than those patients who

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Dog Ownership and Dog Walking E11

TABLE 2 Exercise Participation by Dog Ownership and Dog Walking (N = 122)

Home Exercise Hospital Exercise
Unadjusted Adjusted Unadjusted Adjusted OR
n (%) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)a n (%) OR (95% CI) (95% CI)a
Dog ownership Dog owner 24/42 (57.1) 0.8 (0.4Y1.7) 0.8 (0.3Y1.7) 13/42 (31.0) 0.9 (0.4Y2.1) 1.1 (0.5Y2.7)
(n = 122) (n = 42)
Not dog 50/80 (62.5) 1.0 1.0 26/80 (32.5) 1.0 1.0
(n = 80)
Dog walking Dog walker 17/23 (73.9) 4.9 8.1 8/23 (34.8) 1.5 (0.4Y5.8) 1.4 (0.3Y6.7)
(among dog (n = 23) (1.3Y18.5)b (1.7Y38.5)c
owners, Dog owner, 7/19 (36.8) 1.0 1.0 5/19 (26.3) 1.0 1.0
n = 42) not dog
(n = 19)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

Adjusted for age and sex.
P G .05.
P G .01.

do not own dogs. Although dog ownership has been depression and depressive symptoms compared with
associated with increased physical activity in the gen- men.40,42Y44 There were also no group differences in
eral adult population,13Y17 no differences were found state or trait levels of hopelessness, indicating that dog
in the frequency of exercise between patients with owners have a similar outlook and sense of control
IHD who did and did not own dogs in this study. The regarding their future33 as patients with IHD who do
second research question was whether increased not own dogs. This is the first study examining hope-
number of days per week of dog walking is associated lessness levels in dog owners in either the general
with increased number of days per week of patient population or illness groups.
exercise (beyond dog walking). Home exercise was The fourth research question was whether dog
significantly higher in patients who walked their dogs owners who walk their dogs report less depression
at least 1 day per week as compared with nonYdog and hopelessness than those who do not walk their
walkers, with an additional (nonsignificant) trend for dogs. Dog walkers had lower levels of depression
greater home exercise among avid dog walkers. Given and trait hopelessness, but these findings were not
that higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness have statistically significant. The trend in lower depres-
been linked to reduced morbidity and mortality in sion levels in this sample is similar to earlier research
patients with IHD,38,39 it is reasonable to recommend that identified significantly lower depression in dog-
any form of exercise as a secondary prevention strat- walking younger adults in the general population.24
egy for patients with IHD after hospitalization, in- Finally, we asked whether increased number of days
cluding dog walking. Individuals who walk their dogs per week of dog walking was associated with decreased
are likely expressing a value for exercise as part of a depression and hopelessness. Again, levels of depression
healthy lifestyle because dog walkers have been identi- and hopelessness were lower in those who walked their
fied as having lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol dogs the most (6Y7 days/week), but significance dis-
levels, less diabetes, and less tobacco use as compared appeared after adjustment for sex and age. Additional
with nonYdog walkers.24 research is needed with a larger and more diverse sam-
The third research question was whether patients ple to evaluate the associations between dog walking
with IHD who own dogs report less depression and and depression and hopelessness and associated covariates.
hopelessness than those patients who do not own The key finding of this study was significantly
dogs. Dog owners were significantly more depressed higher home exercise levels in dog walkers who walked
in this study as compared with nonYdog owners, sim- their dogs at least 1 day per week. An important
ilar to findings in previous research with older dog underlying mechanism through which dog ownership
owners in the general population.23 However, findings leads to increased physical activity is the dog owner"s
in the current study were only significant in unad- sense of obligation for the health and well-being of
justed analyses. After adjusting for age and sex, the one"s dog.45 Behavioral intention and motivation have
differences were not significant. It is not surprising been identified as important mechanisms through
that younger patients with IHD in this study would which dog ownership facilitates increased physical
report more depression,40,41 and research is consistent activity on the dog owner"s part.46 Most dog owners
in demonstrating that women with IHD report more have positive intentions to walk yet most fail to meet

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

E12 Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing x March/April 2018

j0.11 (0.34)

depression scores measured in standardized units by changing dog ownership or dog walking status. For example, dog owners have, on average, 0.38 SD more depression than nonowners, and dog walkers,
Adj " (SE)b
0.28 (0.18)

" is the standardized " coefficient estimated by predicting standardized hopelessness or depression scores by dog ownership or dog walking status and can be interpreted as the change in hopelessness or
What"s New and Important
h Findings show a beneficial effect on home-based
exercise for patients with IHD who own and walk their
dog at least 1 day per week.
h Healthcare professionals should assess patients with

j0.35 (0.39)
0.38 (0.19)c
IHD for dog ownership and encourage dog owners to
" a (SE)

walk their dogs.

h Dog walking is a simple and potentially effective way
to increase physical activity in a high-risk population.
Mean (SD)

these intentions.43 Strategies to assist a dog owner in


putting intentions into action include assisting with af-

fective judgments about a walking plan (eg, a comfor-
j0.10 (0.34)

table and safe place to walk), behavioral regulation (eg,

Adj " (SE)b
0.05 (0.19)

setting goals), habit (eg, an exercise schedule), and iden-

tity formation (eg, affirming commitment and progress).45
Trait Hopelessness

j0.30 (0.35)
0.16 (0.19)
"a (SE)

The sample was drawn from 1 midwestern hospital and

included a homogeneous sample, thereby limiting gener-
Hopelessness and Depression Among Dog Owners and Dog Walkers (N = 122)

alizability. The convenience sample could have resulted

in selection bias. Dog walking rates were measured by
self-report, and this may have been affected by potential
Mean (SD)

recall bias or socially desirable response bias resulting in

participants overreporting their exercise levels. Fre-

quency of dog walking was limited to number of days

per week and did not include length of time of the dog
Adj " (SE)b
0.12 (0.19)

0.18 (0.29)

walks. Measurement of number of minutes of exercise

per day at home or in a phase II CR setting would have
strengthened the study"s findings. Patients also reported
on average, have j0.35 SD less depression than owners who do not walk their dogs.
State Hopelessness

high rates of exercise before their IHD event, potentially

resulting in a ceiling effect and fewer significant find-
j0.01 (0.31)
0.15 (0.19)
" a (SE)

ings. There were small effects associated with dog walk-

ing in this study, and subsequent studies with larger,
more heterogeneous samples are needed.
Mean (SD)


These findings show a beneficial effect on home-based


exercise for those who own and walk their dogs at least
1 day per week. When assessing a patient"s physical
Not dog owner (n = 80)

activity level, healthcare providers can ask about dog

Dog owner, not dog
Dog walker (n = 23)
Dog owner (n = 42)

walker (n = 19)

ownership and encourage dog owners to walk their

dogs on a regular basis. Healthcare professionals should
encourage dog owners to walk their dogs to increase the
owners" physical activity levels. This is a simple and
potentially effective way to increase physical activity in
Abbreviation: Adj, adjusted.

Adjusted for age and sex.

a high-risk population.
Dog ownership

Dog walking

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