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7 HTML – Advanced Features

Q.I Select the correct option.

1) Which of the following are the elements of a form that can be added to
a webpage?
(a) text fields (b) checkboxes

(c) radio buttons (d) all of these

2) A list that can be placed inside another list is called a .

(a) definition list (b) nested list

(c) both a and b (d) none of these

3) Every item in an unordered list is displayed with the style of

bullet by default.
(a) disc (b) square

(c) circle (d) none of these

Q. II Answer the following questions.

1. Write HTML code to insert an image with the following attributes in a
web page.
URL of the image - sunset.gif
Alternate Text - Sunset
Width of the image - 32
height of the image - 32
width of the border = 4

Ans: <html>
<img src="sunset.gif " alt="Sunset" width="32" height="32"

2. Write the HTML code to display the following on a web page.

iii. Ice-cream
 I like to have vanilla ice-cream

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Ch. 7 HTML – Advanced Features

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Ch. 7 HTML – Advanced Features

iv. Dark Chocolate

Ans: <OL TYPE = ‘i‘ START= 3>
<LI> Ice-cream
<LI> I like to have vanilla ice-cream
<LI> Dark chocolate

3. What is the use of a marquee tag in HTML? Explain its attribute.

Ans: A marquee tag is used to make the text or image roll across a
small section of a browser window.
The direction attribute of the <marquee> tag specifies the rolling
direction of the marquee.

4. You have created the following link in HTML.

<a href= “#Section 1”> India is my country!!!</a>
Identify the type of the link. Explain the name attribute of the <a> tag.
Ans: Internal link.
The ’name’ attribute is used to name the section of the document
to be linked.


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