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Chemical Plant TYPES OF MODEL * LUMPED PARAMETER: FUNCTION OF TIME * DISTRIBUTED .PARAMETER: FUNCTION OF TIME AND SPACE * RESULTS INTO LINEAR/NONLINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS, ODE, PDE, DAE SYSTEMS OF EQUATONS Code of Conduct Turn off your cell phone when you enter the classroom Keep the internal discussions to a minimum — Background chattering noise is distracting for the instructor and eventually to classmates - i you have something interesting to share, share it with the whole class If you are sleepy, your bed may provide a better environment for rest than the classroom chair What | expect of you General Expectations Ask question whenever something is not clear to you Help each other understand the course material Perform all assigned reading on time Arrive on-time for class Be courteous to each other and to me Provide me with feedback/suggestion —on how the course and my delivery can be improved & Linear Algebraic Equations JL Purohit Chemical Engineering Department, DDU Introduction Scalars, vectors and matrices The linear equation ax+by+ez+dw=h a, b, c,d and h are known numbers, while x, Y, Z and w (variables) are unknowns If h = 0; the linear equation is said to be homogeneous A linear system is a set of linear equations and homogeneous linear system is a set of homogeneous linear equations Introduction (cont.) Forexample, 2%, —-3% =! is a linear system x, +3x, =-2 While, 2% -30§ =-1 is a nonlinear system X+x,=1 The system 2x,-3x,-3x,=0 is a homogeneous system x, +3x, =0 X,-x, +x, =0 Vectors and matrices offer a convenient and compact way of treating nonlinear/linear system Vectors A vector is an ordered set of numbers arranged as a column (the default). An m-element vector takes the form For example, in physics i Force vector Acceleration vector Vector operations & * Addition and subtraction: vectors of same size (no of elements) and same shape (row/column) can be added or subtracted * Multiplication by a scalar * Vector transpose: interchange of column with row and vice versa * Linear combination of vectors * Inner product, vector norm, orthogonal and orthonormal vectors Vector operations * Addition and subtraction: vectors of same size (no of elements) and same shape (row/column) can be added or subtracted * Multiplication by a scalar * Vector transpose: interchange of column with row and vice versa * Linear combination of vectors * Inner product, vector norm, orthogonal and orthonormal vectors Vectors and Matrices How to use the concepts of vectors to formulate mathematical models of physical systems Vectors in three dimensional coordinate space 3-D space : set of vectors Essential properties: satisfied by all vectors in vector space s Vectors and Matrices ° Consider F(x) -0 * Xis a vector and F(.) is some linear or nonlinear operator (function) which operates on x to yield zero vector * In any numerical scheme, iterative methods are used Vectors and Matrices * Formulate iteration sequence xt a G(x! ) . {xt k= 0,1,2,3,..... is sequence of vectors in vector space * Solution Vectors and Matrices S (x)= 2° + 7x? + xsin( s Single variable Rearrange (k 1) __ exple lh) pl in ix(*) filv.y.2.w) vy — x2 —2Qw 0 % 3 yy—1 F(x,y.2.w) = falayew) | | vet ey =|0 fala. y.2.w) zsin(y) — zsin(x) — ywr 0 we fala. y.2.w) wyz — cos() multivariable pt) dw) /(y*) — 2) He yen | fay (yx + 2) a6 fx] = | en) yx w(4)/ (sin(y) — sin(2®)) | wiht) cos(x"")/ (y* 2) Vectors and Matrices ° In iterative methods, how to know whether the sequence of vectors * converges to the solution * Concepts of norm of a vector is used to generalize the convergence of a vectors Vectors and Matrices In 3-D, lengths or magnitudes are used to compare any two vectors Cauchy sequence Convergence Matrix norm Vectors and Matrix operations Determinants Rank Eigen values and Eigen vectors Orthogonal vectors Dot product of vectors ee & Linear Algebraic Systems II Vector and matrix norms Generalized matrix problems Least-squares minimization Metabolic flux balance model Vector Norms o Ascalar measure of vector magnitude o Notation: ||x|| « Common norms 1-norm 2-norm (Euclidean) oo-nom IxL. = max, | ponorm fof, =u? + ey)? ++ be? o Example: x'=[2 -3 0 1 -4] t-norm bel =e +l +ff+-4=10 2-norm (Euclidean) xl, = (2)? + (-3)* + (0) +)? +(—4)? = 30 non [x], = max[x,| = 4 Vector Norms cont. o Properties » ||x|| is a non-negative real number » ||x\] =0 if and only ifx=0 » |lkxl] = |kiTlxl] » ||x + yl] <= |lal| + lly|| (triangular inequality) o Example: Euclidean norm bl.-ee ee » First three properties hold trivially » Triangular inequality can be proved (see text) Matrix Norms A scalar measure of square matrix magnitude Notation: ||Al| Equivalent definitions max jay- [A] = max A [Al =max]Aa| Common norms 1-norm (column sum) Al, = max > fa,| ia «©-norm (row sum) |All, = max Ya Frobenius norm {Al = Matrix Norms cont. co Properties » Satisfy same four properties as vector norm » [|Ax|| <= |[All|[xl|, | ABI] <= |/Al||/BI| o Example, a” toe 3 “Lol -1 5000.0 5000.5 — 5000.0 4999.5 1—norm (column sum) |All, = max ¥ |a,| =2,0001 Ja“, =10000 gf co-norm (row sum) — [Al = max Yl =2 |A''[ =10000.5 k=l 1. Matrix norms ‘The worm of a sqnare matrix A is 4 non-negative real number denoted || Al). There are several difforent ways of defining a matrix norm, but they all share the following properties: 1, All 2 0 for any square matrix A 2, Al] = 0 af and only sf the matrix A = 0. 3. || kA] = Jel [[Al|, for any scalar k. A, ||A+ Bl) < |All] + Bi) 5, WABI

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