Echin, Kathleen Ashley B. Eapp Activity 3 Quarter 4

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S.Y. 2020-2021

Name: Kathleen Ashley B. Echin Date: April 1, 2022

Strand and Section: STEM 11-B


4th Quarter
Activity 3

Direction: Write T if the statement is True. Write F if the statement is False and change
the word that made the statement incorrect. (2pionts each)

1. There are 3 stages in composition. They are Pre-writing, Writing, and

Post-writing. F - There are 3 stages in composition. They are Pre-writing,
Writing, and Organizing.
2. Develop your ideas by adding examples, quotations, and details to your
paragraphs is part of Pre-Writing stage. F - Develop your ideas by adding
examples, quotations, and details to your paragraphs is part of
Organizing stage.
3. A Review, Response, or Reaction Paper may range from 250-750 words
and requires critical thinking.
4. Understand the purpose of your paper is part of the Pre-writing stage.

5. The purpose of a Review, Response, and Reaction Paper is to succinctly

review recent progress in a particular topic.
6. Make sure that paragraph of each paragraphs leads into the next
paragraph. – F - Make sure that sentence of each paragraphs leads into
the next paragraph.
7. INTRODUCTION includes the basic information such as the title,
director/author, main assessment or the material.
8. PLOT SUMMARY OR DESCRIPTION is the gist of the plot or simple
description of what you just read, watched, seen, or experienced.
9. Formalism is a type of criticism that contains intrinsic properties and
treats each work as distinct work of art. – T
10. Feminism advocates social, political, economic, and intellectual inequality
for women and men. – T

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