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eC MEIER) ‘Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Dr Homa Bahrami, Senior Lecturer at the Haas School of Business, California aa Per) DISCUSSION cro Pca eer pee ad Siar coe ete eeneeeniy Writing: avoiding een CSO EY 4) coz1-28 Listen to eight speakers and decide which of the work patterns Cee below (a-h) each person is talking about. What are the advantages and The future of disadvantages of each for a) employers, and b) employees? work a) seasonal work b) teleworking ¢) casual labour d) migrant work ©) self-employment) shift work g)fixed-term/temporary contract) part-time work Ei Discuss these questions. 11 What are the employment trends in your region/country in terms of length of working week types of contract ‘= seltemployment * unemployment? 2 Do you think there isan acceptable work-life balance in your country, or is there a corporate work-all-hours’ culture? 3 What are the arguments for and against employment legislation to regulate working 4) 02,9 Listen to lan Brinkley, Director of the Knowledge Economy programme for the Work Foundation, talking about employment trends Jan Brinkley in the UK. Write a summary of what he says in 50-60 words. 44 UNIT'S =» EMPLOYMENT TRENDS. Relate each of these jobs to one of the five high-value service industries lan Brinkley mentioned in Exercise C. accountant architect biochemist financial analyst games designer journalist lawyer lecturer radiologist software developer technician telecommunications engineer +4) co2.10 What do you think lan Brinkley will say about the impact of technology on work? Listen to the next part of the interview and make alist of the points he mentions. What are the most important ways in which technology has changed the way you work or study? How do you think it might change the way you work in the future? 4) co2.11 Listen to the final part of the interview about job skills and correct the five factual errors in this summary. ‘When starting out on a career, it's important to get the most specialist set of skills and ‘experiences possible. Nowadays, most employers are not laoking for specialist staff eae ‘they want people who can perform a wide variety of tasks within the company. eater Employers especially want people who have good organisational skill, who can aa ‘manage other people, and who can work independently as well as people with some intercultural competence. Read this blog and complete the gaps with the words in brackets in the correct form. Skills for 215-century jobs Just what skills are needed to capture and retain the high-value jobs of tomorrow? While * (know) and strong analytical skills will be necessary, they may not be sufficient to keep these jobs. Those employees who hope to make themselves (dispensable) must have much more. They must be capable of coming Lp with unique, breakthrough ideas and express these ideas in a way that willbe * (compel) and elicit the desired response from others. Easy to say, but very tough todo. ‘And how will we begin teaching another trait that may prove to be even more Important in ensuring lifetime career * (Gucceed) in an increasingly volatile, > (predict) world? How wil we teach the type of. * (adapt) that il be required to ” (continue) reinvent oneself to meet the demands of conditions we cannot even imagine, or jobs that we cannot yet define? Although schools, family, peers and employers must all play some role in teaching these * Gincrease) critical skills, there is no escaping the uncomfortable truth, Every individual must assume greater * (responsible) for defining thelr vn skills 2 (Fequire) and for ensuring that they develop these skills. TD __ Discuss these questions. ‘Towhat extent do you agree withthe writer ofthe blog in Exercise H? What sils are essential for your job, or the job you would like to do in the future? 1 2 3. Would you like to workin the same field or profession for the rest of your ife? 4 o you know of anyone who has successfully changed career? UNITS +» EMPLOYMENT TRENDS EOI EY tiow many people do you know that have a job for ife'? How many do you aS know who do different jobs at the same time? EX Look at the photo in the article. What do you think giganomics might be? Read the first two paragraphs of the article to check your ideas. Discuss these questions. 1 Inwhich fields or sectors would you tend to find portfolio workers? 2. What are the benefits and disadvantages of being a portfolio worker? Discuss with ‘partner and repart tothe group, Read the complete article and check your answers. Giganomics: And what don’t you do for a living? by Judith woods Ifyou ever meet John Les at a party hhe might talk about being a coach, mention that he writes books ‘on business or drop inthe fact that 5 he’s also a part-time Anglican priest T've gota classic portfolio career,” says Lees, 50, The avantaye is hat by working for a variety of employ- cers, no one has complete power over {you to switch work on or off. The “rawrback is that T have an immensely ‘complicated diay. "These days, many of us are ju ing one-off projects, shortien ts contracts and stsorted consultancies Knowing where Ilbe in six months. __ tolerance attitude to being late or inabid to survive. Job security used I managed OK, and Tearned as much» ‘a commitment. But it's a tobea given. But growing aumbers as I had done previously, but there fesyle fof professionals are reinventing 50 Wasa price to pay in terms of slep- Anyone with this pick-and-mix themselves by sting up as portfolio less nights. 1pproach to work noeds to be excel 2» workers in a new employment phe ‘Suzy Walton,a former senior civil lent attime management. The upside omenon dubbed ‘giganomies. servant and mother of four, with ass is the freedom to pick and choose Tnstead of jobs fr ife.they ely ona background in central government, work, and todo ta atime that suits sees of “gi ss including the Ministry of Defence, Cary Cooper Professor of Organise Former Vanity Fair and New has taken upa series of non-execu- tional Psychology and Health at as Yorker editor Tina Brown, who tivedireciorstips, A ponfollo career Latnater University, saysit’s aclas- coined the term, writes: “No one T has proved a lucrative alternative to 9 sic swings-and-roundabouts Know has «job any more. They've corporate life, scenario. “The good news is that got gigs’ a bunch of free-floating «@ — “Tsiton the boards of a military you're supposed to have control over projects, consultancies and bts and organisation Combat Stress, which what work you do. The bad news is, ” Tooks after veterans with posttrau- that you feel you can’t say no to s. You should also Brown paints bleak picture matic stress disorder, the Intemet «= anything.’ he lancers lives, burdened with ‘Watch Foundation and Birmingham be able to have a better work-life all the ‘anxieties, uncertainties and 6s Children's Hospital, and a few oth- balance. But the people who employ indignities of gig work’, grafting ers, says Walton, 45. you expect you to be on call when: three times as hard for the same ‘Walton admits that none of thes ‘ever they wat you. ‘money asa salaried employee, with- roles generates a substantive salary The creative industries such as ‘out any of the benefits, such as sick on ifs own ~@ PTSE 250 company advertising, graphic design and the land holiday pay or a pension +» might pay about £30,000 a year toa media already rely heavily on fre Nick, 37,agraphic designerbased non-executive board member— but _lancers, as does IT. Many more w inLondon,can atestto thestress‘felt when combined, her directorships _ companies will need portfolio work: by portfolio workers. ‘Iiwas made provide a good income. Just as os ers in future. “There's going to be indant two years ago and went importantly, she enjoys the ch ple part-time work freelance, he says. "I hated it, lenges, "I's hard to keep up os ing, says Professor Cooper because 1 am terrible at selling with the issues in each, but Lenjoy "Organisations are getting rid of «= myself and I'm not laid-back enough hat. A portfolio career isn't staff, but they will buy back some of to live with the insecurity of not fainthearted; there's a zero- uo them on a portfolio basis. from the Daily Telegraph UNITS ++ EMPLOYMENT TRENDS i [Ei_ hat do the words and expressions in italic mean? Correct the definitions, according to the context in the article. 1 “These days many of us are juggling one-off projects.” lines 13-14) happening or done several times, not as part of a regular series ! 2 ‘consultancies and bits and pieces. (ines 29-30) us kinds of big things 3 *..paints a bleak picture of freelancers’ lives. (lines 31-32) ives the impression that something is or will be good 4 ‘Ws hard to keep up to speed with the issues..." (lines 75-76) continue to learn about a subject so that you know al the historical facts, et. 5 ‘Aportfolio career isn’ for the fointhearted "lines 77-78) used humorously to say something is easy and doesn't need a ot of effort 6 tnitsaclas swings-and-roundabouts scenario. (lines 89-91) When two choices have more gains than losses so that theres litle difference Choose the correct meaning of these words as they are used in the article. 1. dropin (ine 4) 4) mention something casually in conversation ») visit someone without arranging a particular time 2 jugeting (ine 13) a) changing things or arranging them inthe way that you want ») trying to fit two oF more jobs or activities into your life, especially wth uifculty 3. bid (line 16) 8) anattempt to achieve or obtain something ') an offer to do work or provide services fora specific price 4 setting up line 19) a) starting your own business ») preparing the equipment that will be needed for something 5 gig (ine 23) @) job, especially one that does not lasta ong time (Amé) ) a performance by some musicians or a comedian 6 coin ine 26) a) make pieces of money from metal ») invent a new word ar expression | 7 grafting (ine 34) a) working very hard (informal) ') getting money by the dishonest use of influence (Amé) 8 commitment (ine 80) a) hard work and loyalty that you give to a company ») something you have promised you will do, or have to do Work in pairs. How would you feel about being a portfolio worker? Use information from the article and expressions like these. |1am pretty good at selling myself, so... I think there's a price to pay in terms of. Lenjoy having the freedom to pick and choose, so... 'malaid-back sort of person, s0 I. E_ How many examples of the -ing form or the infinitive (with or without fo) can you find in the article? Which forms do we use in these cases? 1 after a preposition 5 toexpress purpose 2 aftera modal vero {6 when we want to avoid repeating the subject +a relative + verb 3 asanoun 7 with certain verbs, e.g. decide, expect, be abl, afford, etc. 4 afteritsis+adjective & aftercertain expressions, e.¢ n a bid, be + adj. + enough, be supposed. Language reference: 1 forms and infintives page 132 UNITS +> EMPLOYMENT TRENDS Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Discuss your answers. Resolving 1 Conflict isn’t necessarily a bad thing. conflict 2. When there's a conflict, 'sbest to keep things rational rather than show your emotions. 3. The most common kind of workplace conflict is between colleagues of the same grade. i EX Look at this checklist of techniques used to deal with conflict. Which do you - most often use? Which get the best worst results? What other techniques have you used or seen used? Ignore the problem itll sort itself out. ] ‘Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. [] Use humour to defuse a tense situation. [") Say loudly and clearly exactly what's on your mind. 7] Remain calm and don't get emotional. [] Ask lots of open questions. C] Speak more than you listen. [] ‘Try to reach a compromise. [1] Sew awhune Accept you'e in the wrong anything fora quiet tife. (] +10 Summarise what the other person says in your own words. [1] Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? How do you show other people you'e listening to them? Read this description of communication problems. To what extent does it reflect your experience? ‘According to Roger Fisher and Secondly, people don't pay enough _said and question your assumptions. Wiliam Ury in their book Getting to. attention ta what other people say. Understanding isnot agreeing, but Yes, there are three major problems Then there are misunderstandings _unless you can show that you grasp in communication. Firstly, people which are compounded when people how the other person sees things, ‘may not be talking to each other. speak different languages. ‘you may be unable to explain your Frequently, each side has given up on point of view to them. You therefore the other and is no longer attempting The solution they propose/isto listen maximise the chance of having @ any serious communication. actively; acknowledge what is being constructive dialogue. Di 4icoz.12 Listen to a conversation between two work colleagues. What techniques does Carl use to show he's listening actively to Yolanda? How would you resolve the situation? Tl Which of these expressions are used to a) paraphrase and summarise, b) show understanding, and c) encourage someone to keep talking? So, your point is that the office is too noisy. Is that it? Tell me more about what you were just saying. You sound as if you're disappointed. | sense you'e feeling anxious about the meeting. So, what you're saying is you have too much work. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Iflunderstand you correctly, you're saying the plan isn't viable, 7 moot sure understand, Could you explain what you mean? 8 Imlistening. Please go on. 9 Ok, from your point of view, we should scrap thisidea. Correct? 4M (0 It sounds like you'e not convinced by that argument. | a eee UNITS *» EMPLOYMENTTRENDS 11 Lappreciate how you feel 12 So, you'e telling me that this isthe wrong document. s that right? | 13 | can see why you feel that way, 14 What exactly do you mean when you say it can't be done? [Ld Work in pairs. Read this information and try to resolve the conflict with your partner. You are both sales reps fora direct-banking organisation. The company rule is that Ifyou ! get a first contact, then the client is yours and no other banker can approach that cient. However, inthis highly competitive environment, it's common practice for bankers to g0 after clients they know their colleagues are also following up. What's more, the company does nothing to stop this happening. Student A: Turn to page 151. Student 8: Turn to page 159. Does your company or organisation have a training programme on ‘e-mail etiquette’? What would such a course deal with? Do you think it would be useful? Why? / Why not? +4) co2.13 How would you answer these questions? Listen to Rob Giardina, an intercultural communications consultant. Does he mention the same points as you? 1. Why are there sometimes problems and misunderstandings when people write e-mails toeach other? 2. What can you do to avoid these misunderstandings? 3 What can you do to solve the problem when there's obviously a confit? Work in pairs to rewrite these e-mails so that they sound more polite and Rob Giardina neutral in tone. Student A, rewrite e-mails 1-3; Student B, rewrite e-mails 4-6, Then exchange your e-mails and write your replies. : Hello everyone. | must have an update on all your projects for a departmental | report ASAP. Hi guys, Samira wants a meeting on Tuesday mor there, This meeting is very important! 1 at 10.00. Pla un being , — SS ey CAN YOU SEND ME THE MONTHLY FIGURES ASAP??? OR EVEN SOONER 4 | Limextremely busy and just don’t have time to deal with this right now! 5 Hi, guys. What the *$#@ is happening with that 94*@& product presentation? 6 ‘You don't understand. was simply azking you te follow up with them and report back to me. Wrting file page 143 49 Acall centre wants to find ways to reduce absenteeism and retain staff Delaney is @ Dublin-based call centre wurking for a major Curopean earhire © ‘employs 260 fulltime and part-time agents. Most agents are European 20s, many of them fluent in English, Spanish, Italian, French or German. The car-ire company s outsourced mo men in their mid: to fits booking operations to Delaney. smman with many cal centres, Delaney has problems with absenteeism and high levels of staff turnover. The average length of service is only three ms of recruiting, electing and training call-centre agents, Added to that cost the act that new agents are not as productive as experienced agents. There is also concern about the competitiveness of he ltish call-centre industry ars. This means high costs int Read the report. What possible reasons could there be for the high levels of absenteeism in Delaney? How could the company try to reduce it? Report on absenteeism Student A, you area team leader at ——— Delaney. Student &, you are a callcentre agent at Delaney and Student Ais your manager. Read your information and meet The Human Resources Department monitored absenteeism aver a 12-month period ‘The inings show that there are high avels of absenteeism inthe to discuss Student B's sickness record, company. The average is seven days taken in sickness per agent teach year. The most common causes of absenteeism are reported ‘as headaches and migraine, cals and flu, ack problems and stress, J student A: Turn to page 151. Student 8: Turn to page 159. This level of absence may be causing delays in answering calls, and is placing extra work and stress on colleagues. In addition, ‘there i the cost of finding replacement staf to cover absences ‘and! the uinertainty that absences can cause in planning services. 49 c02.14-2.19 Delaney recently hired a consultant to run a series of stress-management ‘workshops, Listen and summarise the main problems based on comments thatthe cal centre staff made ta her. How would you try to deal with the problems? Uttimately, our callers and clients may become dissatisfied with the level of customer service. The imperative, therefore, is for the ‘company to find ways to reduce absenteeism and to deal with it effectively when it occurs | E UNITS +> EMPLOYMENTTRENDS Decision-making meeting ‘+ Decide a company policy to manage and reduce Work in groups. You are the management team spaticneailteass at Delaney. You have heard rumours that your ‘+ Define good practice forthe use of call recording main client, a major European car-hire company, and monitoring, is investigating an alternative supplies, possibly ing Eastern Europe, where staff and aperating costs are ‘more competitive than in ieland. The CEO and Chief Financial 0 ‘oming to * Decide the company’s internal e-mail policy Review staff performance targets and the bonus scheme, er of the car-hire company a vist you next week Devise a strategy to reduce staff attrition rates Hold an emergency meeting. Prartise the issues : ta deal with. Then discuss and decide how best to resolve them Decide how best to persuade our main client not to.change supplies Watch the Cose study | Subject: * Monthly performance commentaryon te bvD-RoM. GD | Tricia For the second consecutive month, you have failed to reach your target. This is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE. As | have told you in the past, all ‘agents are expected to deal with a customer's booking in no more than five minutes. The average time you spend with a client is 6.2 minutes. {As for absences, you were off sick three days this month, and arrived late for work on four occasions. Try to do better next month. Rogarde Bemadette

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