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T&D Case Study Analysis

Swetha S - II MBA -2013712036044

Case Study 1:

The case study is about Ros, a student who had shifted from England to France to work in a
hotel as a waitress to improve her language skills and also save money for her university. The
conversation between them was about how rose had her experience in France, she started her
conversation of how she survived her first day and her difficulties, when she landed France she
was waiting for the hotel to send her a cab but unfortunately she had to take a taxi which costed
her a extra fortune, After reaching the hotel, the Hr manager took her to the accommodation
where she was given a room where already 8 people were sharing and she had to stay with
them, she was comfortable but she found a bed which was broken near the kitchen which made
her upset. She had to wake up early as nobody informed her about the working schedule and
she assumed that she would be working for 35 hours a week. She did not get her uniform either,
as she didn’t get her luggage she had to borrow some clothes for work as her airline lost her
baggage. The HR manager informed her that she would be joining as a receptionist rather than
a waitress, when she turned up next morning she was placed in a marketing department as she
had to replace this post for another girl temporarily. She couldn’t even get a proper meal.
Whatever should be provided from the company side was not provided properly as Ros had to
use her own money to survive her first few days. All the information which was provided to her
was completely wrong.

Ans 1. The company that had employed Ros has not provided her with the exact details of her
job and orientation or training program to make her familiar with the job. The company makes it
difficult for Ros by not giving her a clear understanding of her job which may affect her
performance. Since there is no proper information given to her, she is confused and struggling
to cope up with her work and this is making her really uncomfortable. The company should have
provided proper details and an induction program for the proper understanding of the work that
has been given.

Ans 2. As per my opinion during an online interview Ros should have been asked questions
such as her qualifications, her ability and skills that are required for the job. And questions to
make sure that she is qualified to take up this job. During the period of interview the company
should have disclosed details such as her job description, her compensation, working hours,
accommodation, mode of payment, intervals of salary, uniform and basic regulations and rules
that have to be followed.

Ans 3. Ros should have received the following information before she left england.
● Her job description and responsibilities
● Accommodation
● Food
● Payment of compensation
● Reporting time and other details regarding her arrival

Ans 4. An Ideal organisation should have the following information available in the intranet site
● Company strategy and goals
● Values and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
● Product and services information
● New hire center
● Task and process information
● Information about different locations - how to get there, map, facilities and safety
● Company policies, official documents, and forms

Ans 5. If Ros could have contacted her company before leaving England it would be easier for
the company to make proper arrangements at the time of her arrival and provide with proper
accommodation. But she can still make her first day easier by trying and understanding her
work environment and could make a few friends in the company. Since she has to spend her
savings till her first salary she could cut down her expenses a bit by using public transport,
improve her communication skills and also could take help from any of her colleagues to finish
her basic requirements for her to become comfortable with the company and work. The
company could also provide her with an induction program and give her space to know her

Case Study 2:

This case is about Apex Door Company and its President Jim Delaney who has problems with
his employees. The employees of the company do the work in their own way and their mistakes
cost a lot of money to the company. There is no formal training process for the new employees
inducted. The order processing department is chaotic as most of the order clerks don’t know
how to use a multipage order form. Job descriptions are outdated and Homogeneous training
for machinists, secretaries, assemblers, engineers and accounting clerk’s are the problems
faced by the company and the employees.
Ans 1. The training process of Apex is not well designed and not well adhered to, which is very
clear from the attitude of its employees. It is unstructured, and there is no training
documentation which further makes the entire training process weak. The Apex Door Company
has many flaws in delegating work and it also shows the employee’s lack of interest in work.
This is due to the incomplete and unorganized job descriptions. It shows that every employee is
trained equally across all departments and is not actually trained according to their job profile.
There is a weak accountability system as well. The person assigned to perform the training is
likely to have very low motivation as he is a departing employee. Without any formal description,
the trainer will teach “his own way” of accomplishing tasks. There are no outcome measures to
determine if the training was successful. Due to lack of specialized knowledge and training the
employees are pushed to do things in their own way.

Ans 2. A well-articulated Job description can set the course of training and development of
employees on Apex. Employee job descriptions are written statements that describe the duties,
responsibilities, required qualifications and reporting relationships of a particular job. In case of
employee training, job descriptions can play a pivotal role. Job descriptions can also be used to
determine areas in need of training and development when expectations or requirements are
not being met and could help the trainer provide customised training for each employee which
would in turn improve the performance of the company.

Ans 3. To improve the training process, I will first start with Job description. Every position in a
company should have a proper Job Description. Additionally every functional activity the
employees have to perform should have a specific written procedure. To develop a job
description, the following steps will be followed:

● Review relevant backgrounding information of Apex door such as organization charts of,
process charts.
● Select representative positions in the company.
● Actually analyze the job by collecting data on the job activities, working conditions, and
human traits and abilities needed to perform the job.
● Verify the job analysis information with the employee performing the job and with his and
her immediate supervisor.

I would incorporate a well-developed orientation program along with so many training

techniques like OJT(On Job Training), (JIT) Job Instruction Training, Programmed Training etc.
Which will help new employees socialize into important organizational values, whereby their
chances of easing smoothly into the organization are improved.

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