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PurposiveCommunication’s LEARNINGGUIDES 1

Purposive Communication

E-WORKTEXT Committee
PurposiveCommunication’s LEARNINGGUIDE

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Purposive Communication is a General Education Course designed to increase the

student’s knowledge, skills and appreciation about the modern communication concepts in
various purposes and settings. The Purposive Communication Learning Guide emphasizes the
significance of communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience. Since
the distance learning is the “new normal,” the students are expected to adapt in the blended
learning setup where lessons, activities, and homework assignments are crafted to address
their current learning needs.

The Purposive Communication Learning Guide contains e-worktext that follow the Hook
(warmer) –Look (activity) –Book (discussion) -Took (homework) format, wherein the instructions
are specially devised to suit the new normal way of learning. Just like the traditional learning,
the e-modules utilize varied student participation dynamics whereby tasks are given as
individual, pair and group works to provide learner interactions using available platforms
online. Student works will be submitted in the recommended Learning Management System
such as Google Classroom.
Furthermore, video lectures are made by the PC Committee/Media Team along with the
use of supplementary videos to ensure a better understanding of the content of the Course.
The topics covered in the e-modules are based on the Purposive Communication syllabus
provided by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

The Purposive Communication Learning Guide is divided into three units.

UNIT 1 presents Communication Across the Globe which provides an overview of
communication and its impact in globalization, an exposure to culture and language varieties,
a practice in evaluating multimodal texts, and an experience in the use of communication
aids and strategies using technology.

UNIT 2 tackles Communication for Various and Work Purposes which elaborates on
communication for various purposes (modes of delivery, types of speaking, and written
communication), and explores on communication for employment purposes (workplace
communication, and writing emails, application letters and resumes.)
UNIT 3 introduces Communication in the Academe which employs the techniques,
principles, and ethics in writing a research paper, and in constructing political science and
literary analyses.
All lessons and tasks provided in the Purposive Communication Learning Guide are carefully
designed to aid the learners to become effective, flexible and purposive communicators not
only in the classroom but also in the society as a whole.

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The PC Committee, with sincere gratitude, would like to acknowledge the following:

• To the Mindanao State University, for the great opportunities;

• To Dr. Sharifa K. Masorong, the Chairperson of the MSU English Department, for the
superb layout and for the all-out support and encouragements given to the PC
Committee as they undertake this work;

• To Dr. Bai Salam M. Ibrahim, the Purposive Communication Coordinator of the MSU
English Department, for the strong leadership;

• To Prof. Lylee Norah M. AbdelGafur, the Media Team Coordinator for the video lectures
and supplementary materials; Prof. Hammim B. Casan and Prof. Mosaab Z. Mangurun
for editing the video materials;
• To their respective families and colleagues for the love, guidance and motivation; and •

To the Almighty Allah SWT for all the blessings.

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UNIT 1 is composed of four lessons, such as: Communication and its Impact in
Globalization, Culture and Language Varieties, Evaluating Multimodal Texts, and
Communication Aids and Strategies Using Technology. This part follows the Hook (Warmer) –
Book (Discussion) – Look (Activity) – Took (Home Task) format to guide the learner towards a
better understanding of the lessons.


At the end of this UNIT the students are expected to demonstrate understanding of
communication and its impact in globalization, culture and language varieties, evaluating
multimodal texts and the use of communication aids and strategies using technology. Sstudents
are also expected to know the use of communication aids and strategies using technology.

Learning Expectations:

At the end the Chapter, the students are expected to:

1. describe the nature of communication, its process and categories;

2. explain competence and its components;
3. clarify how globalization affects communication;
4. identify their culture and the culture of the other people;
5. explicate the uniqueness of their culture from the other culture;
6. embrace their individuality by becoming proud of their culture;
7. create an interesting vlog about their culture;
8. demonstrate one’s identity;
9. recognize and evaluate multimodal texts;
10. utilize the multimedia authoring tools in making creative and engaging presentations;
11. create their own blogs and vlogs to communicate their thoughts to a certain group of
audience using the Internet; and
12. make witty Memes and share Public Service Announcements in YouTube.

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 5
Teaching Goals:

At the end the Chapter, the teacher is expected to:

1. discuss and differentiate communication and communication competence; 2. make the

students appreciate the impact of globalization to communication; 3. examine the positive
and negative effects of globalization to communication; 4. be able to guide the students in
discovering the importance of their culture in molding them as individuals;
5. be able to appreciate the individuality and uniqueness of his/her students; 6. provide
supplementary videos that will help the students understand deeper their lesson; 7. define
multimodal texts and identify the steps in evaluating them;
8. discuss the different multimedia authoring tools in making creative and engaging
9. guide the students in creating students’ blogs and vlogs to communicate their thoughts to
a certain group of audience using the Internet; and
10. provide guidelines in making witty Memes and sharing Public Service Announcements in

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Communication across the World

Lesson 1
Communication and Its Impact to Globalization

In a community, interaction and connection are essential. Some people may think that
they understand you but getting your message across is difficult. If communication is as simple
as we think it is, there will be no conflicts, misunderstanding and chaos. Sometimes, we hear our
loved ones saying "why do you not get it?," or "she might have misinterpreted what I meant."
No matter how we choose our words carefully, others do not always understand our message.

Communicating effectively becomes more challenging in global arena. With global

communication, encoding and decoding the message can be more complicated than when
communicating with someone in your own country due to differences in language and culture.
Thus, it is imperative that you must learn to communicate effectively not only in local but also
global setting.

Watch the video of TriduumLearningLabs (2014) on

“Communication Barriers: An Animated Adaptation of James Sherman’s Hu’s on First”

using the link Then,

answer these guide questions below based on your understanding:

1. Who was the sender? What was his message/s?


2. Who was the receiver? Did the receiver interpret the message/s of the sender?

3. What was the medium used? Was it effective in conveying the message/s?

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 7
animals. The known form of primitive
communication created by species of men is cave
paintings. Men created pigments made from the
juice of fruits and berries, colored minerals, or
animal blood and used them to create depictions
of primitive life on the cave walls.
Communication is very important part of all living
things. It is as old as our civilization. Even in Every interaction we have with another person,
pre-civilization days, non-verbal communication from a raised eyebrow in a
was in existence between man, nature, and
busy checkout lane, to an obscene gesture at another motorist in traffic, to the simple wave to
your family as you pull out of the driveway in the morning, is a form of communication.

According to Weekley (1967), ‘the word communicate derives from the Latin word
communicare which means “to share “or “to make something common.”’ “Communication is
defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning” (Pearson & Nelson, 2000). This
simply means that to communicate is to transfer or exchange an information between two or
more people who convey intended meanings through a shared system of rules.

The Communication Process

Understanding the communication process can help us to communicate our message

more effectively. It can help ensure that we construct and present our message to the best of
our ability. Whether we give an important presentation, write an email, or participate in a
brainstorming session, it is very important to send the message you intend to communicate to
your audience for them to easily understand the meaning you want to express.
The Expert Program Management (n. d.) believed that:
“The communication process can help ensure you construct and deliver your
message to the best of your ability. There are many different communication process
models in existence. The one we will look at is the most widely used and the first one
published, known as the Shannon-Weaver model. It was developed by Claude Elwood
Shannon and published with an introduction by Warren Weaver in 1948.

The Communication Process consists of eight stages and is shown in the diagram below:

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 8 Figure 1.

Communication Process
8 Stages of the Communication Process

1. Sender. The person who wants to communicate

2. Message: The information the sender wishes to communicate
3. Encoding. How the message is to be communicated e.g. verbally or written
4. Channel. How the message is sent, e.g., face-to-face or by email
5. Receiver. The person to whom the sender sends the message
6. Decoding. How the receiver understands or interprets the message
7. Feedback. The receiver’s response to the message
8. Noise/Interference. Anything that might interfere with communication or
reduce the chance of successful communication

There are four types of noise:

1. Psychological Noise. This type of noise comes from within us, for example, our
preconceived stereotypes, our biases, our beliefs, and our assumptions.
2. Physical Noise. This is any type of noise that distracts us, for example, loud colleagues
talking around you or listening to music.
3. Environmental Noise: This type of noise comes from the environment around us, for
example, passing traffic.
4. Semantic Noise: This type of noise is created by the sender, for example, using
technical language or verbose language.

Each of the eight components of the communication process serves an integral function
in the overall process. Breaking communication down into its constituent steps and knowing
each component can help us improve the effectiveness of each communication we originate.
Thus, knowing and understanding the eight-stage communication model can help us to improve
our communication skills.

Communication Competence

After defining communication and discussing communication process, you

probably know that to be competent at something means you know what you’re doing. When
we combine these terms, we get the following term—communication competence.

According to Cooley and Roach (1985), communication competence is “the knowledge of

effective and appropriate communication patterns and the ability to use and adapt that
knowledge in various contexts.” To better understand this definition, the following
components are discussed:

1. Knowledge. The cognitive elements of competence include knowing how to do

something and understanding why things are done the way they are. According to
Hargie (2011), “people can develop cognitive competence by observing and evaluating
the actions of others and can also be developed through instruction.”

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 9
2. Ability to Use. Cooley and Roach (1985) believed that individual factors affect our
ability to do anything. Not everyone has the same ability because everyone has different
physiological and psychological abilities that can affect their competence. Physiological abilities
include age, maturity, and ability to communicate and they affect competence. Psychological
abilities include a person’s mood, stress level, personality, and level of communication
apprehension. When you apply your knowledge in communicating, your individual abilities can
either help or hinder your competence.

3. Ability to Adapt to Various Contexts. Context refers to the setting in which

communication takes place. According to Cooley and Roach (1984) “What is competent or not
varies based on social and cultural contexts, which make it impossible to have only one standard
for what counts as communication competence.” A social variable refers to a set of
characteristics of people such as status and power. On the other hand, cultural variables are
differences in behavior, outlook and values between a group of people from varied societies
such as race and nationality. In other words, although we have a clear definition of
communication competence, we have no exact definitions how to be competent in a particular
situation because competence varies at the individual, social, and cultural levels.
Categories of Communication

There are a wide range of ways in which we communicate and more than one may be
occurring at any given time.

Willkomm (2018) discussed five types of communication and McLean (2005) expounded
on the sub-types of verbal communication as follows:

1. Verbal Communication. Verbal communication occurs when we engage in

speaking with others. It can be face-to-face, over the telephone, via Skype or Zoom, etc.

McLean divided verbal communication into five subcategories:

A. Intrapersonal Communication. It refers to communication with one’s self. It
includes your personal thoughts, imagination, assessments and even
feelings. An example of this is when you encounter a problem and you start
talking to yourself to reflect.
B. Interpersonal Communication. Unlike Intrapersonal Communication which
involves one individual, Interpersonal Communication involves two
individuals and a face-to-face conversation. It is the process of exchanging
information, ideas and feelings in a form of voice, facial expressions, tone of
voice, body language and gestures. An example of Interpersonal
Communication is when you are having a conversation with your friend
using a cellphone.

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 10
C. Small Group Communication. It refers to an interaction among three or
more people who share a common goal and communicate collectively to
achieve common purpose, mutual influence, and a shared identity.
Examples of this are press conferences, board meetings, and group
D. It refers to an interaction between an individual and a number of
heterogeneous audience in a public place. It usually occurs when there is an
important event or issue. Public speeches and election campaigns are some
examples of Public Communication.

2. Non-Verbal Communication. Non-verbal communication includes facial

expressions, posture, eye contact, hand movements, and touch.
3. Written Communication. Whether it is an email, a memo, a report, a Facebook
post, a Tweet, a contract, etc., all forms of written communication have the same goal to
disseminate information in a clear and concise manner–though that objective is often
not achieved.
4. Listening. Active listening … is perhaps one of the most important types of
communication because if we cannot listen to the person sitting across from us, we
cannot effectively engage with them.
5. Visualizations. We are a visual society. Facebook is visual with memes, videos,
images, etc. Instagram is an image-only platform, and advertisers use imagery to sell
products and ideas. … [T]he images we post on social media are meant to convey
meaning–to communicate a message.

The Concept of Globalization

Globalization refers to the integration of the world-wide interconnectedness in

terms of ideas, practices, economies, cultures, and populations, brought about by exchange of
goods, services, technology, flows of investment, people, and information across the border.

In 1990, English sociologist Anthony Giddens described globalization as “the

intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local
happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa.”

Global communication is directly affected by the process of globalization. It helps to

increase business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a global village. Both
globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural, political and
economic elements of the world.
Instructions are written in the TEST file
that will be given by your teacher.


The Impact of Globalization on Communication

Globalization has greatly affected the paradigm of communication process.

Communicating effectively across the globe with different gender preference, color, age, religion,
ethnicity, education, social and economic status and political beliefs is very important in
economic development. The influence of globalization and cross-cultural interaction, more
language interactions happened making communication more challenging. Gone were the days
that people can afford to simply communicate well within their own homogenous cultures.
Nowadays, we need to understand the importance of building global alliance, the implications of
spoken and body language to a group’s culture and how technology changed the way we
communicate with other people on the other side of the globe.

In the article The Impact of Globalization on Communication Skills Development, Ingram

(2018) discussed the four impacts of globalization on communication:


Globalization has introduced virtual communication and collaboration as a major

part of workplace dynamics. For example, communicating via email to distant team
members requires a certain etiquette and nuance not necessarily required in face-to face
interactions. Holding virtual meetings requires a similar change in approach, and people
who are unaccustomed to communicating in groups in virtual settings can find
themselves lost, confused or unable to share their input.

The need for cultural awareness is a major impact of globalization on the

required skillset of effective communicators, resulting in the evolution of
communication skills development programs. Modern entrepreneurs and employees
need the ability to catch subtle nuances of people's manner of speech when
communicating across cultures. Even when two people are speaking the same language,
cultural differences can affect vocabulary, colloquial expressions, voice tone and taboo
In Japanese business culture, for example, it can be considered rude to ask
personal questions in an initial business meeting. In the U.S., on the other hand, asking
personal questions and sharing personal information can display warmth and openness.
American and Japanese business people who understand this about each other can
communicate in ways that resonate more effectively with each other.

Modern training programs teach students to understand acceptable speaking

distances, conflict styles, eye contact and posture in different cultures, accepting that the
physical expressions of their own culture are not universally accepted.

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 12

When people collaborate with others on the other side of the globe, their
counterparts are usually at home asleep while they themselves are at work. Today's
communication skills development programs should address the nuances of overcoming
this challenge by teaching people to understand the information needs of their
colleagues, according to the communication styles of different countries or cultures.
Being able to effectively share information between shifts can make or break the
productivity of a geographically dispersed team, making this an important issue for
many companies.

PAIRWORK. How does globalization affect the

language and communication of your community? Give five
positive effects and five negative effects and write each in
sentence form. Then, discuss these effects with your partner.

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Lesson 2

Below are pictures of the different cultural attire from

various countries around the world. Match the attire with the country where it originates.
Write your answer on the blank provided after each number.
2. ________________________

_____________________ 4. ______________________

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 14


7.____________________ 8.____________________
10. ____________________

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 15

In every community, there are distinct customs, traditions, beliefs and

culture that people observe and practice which make them unique from one
another. The culture that people practice encompasses their ideas, religion,
art, language and their social behavior and makes it their identity.

In Magan, Nano, and Turano (2018), Ting-Toomey and Takai (2006, p. 691 cited
in Oetzel, 2009) defined culture as the overall learned behavior of a group of people that are
generally considered to be tradition and are handed from generation to generation. It is a
learned system of meanings that fosters a particular sense of shared identity-hood and
community-hood among its group members. It is a complex frame of reference that consists of a
pattern of traditions, beliefs, values, norms, symbols, and meanings that are shared to varying
degrees by interacting members of an identity group.
Culture refers to society and its way of life. It is defined as a set of values and beliefs, or
a cluster of learned behaviors that we share with others in a particular society, giving us a sense
of belongingness and identity. Because of this, cultural understanding is becoming even more
important because of the call to interact with many individuals from other countries and other
cultures (Lee, 2006 cited in Lebron, 2013). Bodley (1999 cited in Lebron, 2013) added three
basics components of culture, namely: what people think, what they do, and the material
products they produce. All forms of culture exhibit unique ways and value systems that aid and
affect individuals in their perception and reaction to different life circumstances.

The figure below shows the elements that comprise culture that molds the identity of
an individual. Each element strengthens the characteristics of every individual, the way they live,
act, do things and think may differ but it is through its differences that will give them a strong


dressing cure




child rearing methods


Celebrations Folk art

Figure 2.
of Culture

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 16

Multiculturalism is the practice of giving equal attention to many different backgrounds

in a particular setting. Multiculturalism is a community with people belonging from different
groups and having different traditions and practices live together and embrace the uniqueness
of one another.

Multiculturalism is defined as “the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities,

particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgement of their differences
within a dominant political culture” (Eagan, n. d.).

Such practice of multiculturalism is evident in every society through intermarriages

where the husband/wife belongs to another culture. Another good example of this is in school,
where students belong to different families with different attitudes, traditions, practices and
language too but the teacher finds a way on how to link each student despite their differences.

Instructions are written in the TEST file that will be given

by your teacher.
Collect 10 pictures about your
own culture including your cultural attire, foods, infrastructures,
beliefs, arts and make a collage out of the collected photos. Give a
title and a ten-sentence explanation of your collage.

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Lesson 3

Watch the video of Bustos (2011) entitled the

“Filipino Accent Tutorial” on YouTube ( Then, make a short
reflection by doing the task and answering the question below:

1. List down five Philippine English words mentioned by Mikey Bustos and their meanings.
Example: Plip - (flip) to move or toss with quick action

2. How do these Philippine English words differ from American English words in terms of

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 18
With the advent of globalization (exchanges of goods, easy access to information,
learning different cultures and languages around the world), different varieties of the English
language were also introduced. In some ways, human beings are becoming globalized in
lifestyle, business, factories, music, fashion, and even food, however the other elements of
culture such as language, philosophy, religion, and the value system remain diverse and

Culture and language are inseparable. An individual creates his identity through
the culture that he practices and observes as he grows older. Likewise, the language that he
learned is basically rooted from his background, culture and tradition. Without culture, an
individual has no identity and cannot be distinguished.


World Englishes are varieties of the English language spoken by non-native English
speakers who created their own version of the said language as if they owned it. Since English is
the international language of countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Philippines, and
many more, these countries made their own flavor of the English language that is somehow
spoken and understood by their own citizens (Putri, 2017). The pronunciation and enunciation
vary as well as the meaning of the words, example in America, the term “robot” means a
machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one
programmable by a computer. However, in South Africa the term “robot” means traffic light.
South Africa created 10,000 English words that only people from South Africa can fully
understand their meanings (Crystal, 2013 in British Council Serbia, 2013). This new variety of
English is basically influenced by the culture of the people.

For further understanding about World Englishes, watch the YouTube videos of David
Crystal on World Englishes created by British Council Serbia (2013) (
watch?v=2_q9b9YqGRY) and Putri (2017) on World Englishes (

A. Make a three-minute video about your daily

routine especially during this Pandemic.
B. Take a three-minute video of yourself doing this activity. Imagine that you are
narrating your embarrassing moments to the following individuals:
a. best friend b. your mother c. your teacher d. stranger/acquaintance

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 19
Lesson 4

Let’s Watch! View the video-lecture on Multimodal Texts and answer the
questions posted there.






Many young people today have constant access to texts in different

modes and through different media. These texts are often a
combination of written texts, pictures, moving images and sounds
mediated through digital devices such as computers and mobile

According to Mize (2019), a multimodal

text is an instructional
phones. These texts are called multimodal
resource that incorporates various modes of communication. These modes of communication
are visual, spatial, audio, gestural and linguistic. The key elements for each mode are shown

Modes of Multimodal Texts

Visual Spatial Audio Gestural Linguistic

Colors, vectors, Direction, Volume, pitch, Movements, Language,

view point in position of and rhythm of speed and vocabulary and
still and layout, and music and stillness in facial grammar
moving organization of sound effects expression and
images object in space body language

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 20
Moreover, multimodal texts can be paper, digital or live. Examples of the different types
are shown in Figure 3.
(slide shows, e-books,
web pages, digital
posters, social media,
animations, films, video
PAPER posters)
(textbooks, comics,
(performance or event)

Types of
Multimodal Texts

Figure 3: Types of MULTIMODAL TEXTS

Indeed, multimodality looks beyond language and examines multiple modes of

communication and meaning making. It is very important that 21st century teachers build on
these experiences and enhance the multimodal literacy in the classroom.

Multimodal Text Evaluation

After recognizing the different multimodal texts, one must then learn the steps
of evaluation to come up with a desired meaning.
1. Determine the type of message to evaluate.
2. Identify the message.
3. State the purpose of the message.
4. Describe how the message is conveyed.
5. Specify the target audience.

. Imagine yourself as a community leader in

your purok, barangay, city, municipality or province. Then, create an
advertising poster to promote your advocacy on environment

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 21
Lesson 5
Nowadays, communication with the aid of technology has become very useful especially
with the changes happening that are beyond human’s control. Particularly, the pandemic has
forced many to conduct their transactions via the aid of technology, such as in areas of
education, business, medicine, etc. As K (2019) pointed out,
“…communication is primarily, the exchange of information between a
sender and a receiver. It used to be that you only had to worry about the way
you communicated face-to-face or on paper. Now, technology has changed this
completely. It is important for people to consider every aspect of how they are
relaying information. This is where communication strategies come into play.
Communication strategies are the blueprints for how this information will be

Multimedia Presentations

According to Childress (2017), multimedia is “a combination of types of media in

a presentation, such as images, audios, and videos. Multimedia brings variety to the
presentations and helps the visual learners understand the content better.”

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 22

Watch the video on The Importance of Copyright and answer the given

5 Reasons Multimedia Presentations Are a Classroom Must

Denby (2016) detailed five (5) REASONS why Multimedia

Presentations are a must to learn and use in the classroom:
Denby (2016) mentioned detailed five (5) REASONS why
Multimedia Presentations are a must to learn and use in the classroom:

1. Multimedia presentations boost learner’s confidence in language.

When students are given tasks, e.g. self-introduction, by presenting a video, they have
ample time to rehearse their scripts until they are able to have a good output.

2. Process-driven presentations encourage meaningful feedback and promote interaction

between teacher and student. Class activities that require certain steps will definitely ignite
some inquiries from the students. Naturally, they will try to contact their teachers for
clarifications and even some help from their classmates.

3. Information literacy skills are strengthened such as searching databases, evaluating

resources, and creating citations. Pre-pandemic, some students rely on the notes provided by
their teachers. Now, almost anything can be searched and found on the Internet. The role of the
teacher is to ensure to guide students in proper documentations of the materials taken from
the Internet.

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4. Multimedia presentations challenge students to think creatively. Creating presentations can
really be challenging to all. It requires a know-how of the digital tools for editing content.
5. Allowing students to choose tools provides opportunity for to shine. Giving students the
freedom to choose the tools they can use for their multimedia presentations enhances their
creativity and provides ore room for improvement.

With all the digital presentation tools at our fingertips, we can start building the next
generation of orators in effective, engaging ways. There's no reason not to start today.

Multimedia Authoring Tools

Multimedia authoring is assembling different types of media contents like text, audio,
image, animations, and video as a single stream of information with the help of various software
tools available in the market. Multimedia authoring tools give an integrated environment for
putting together the different elements of multimedia production. It provides the framework for
organizing and editing the components of a multimedia project. It enables the developer to
create an interactive presentation by combining text, audio, video, graphics, and animation
(“Multimedia Authoring,” n. d.).

These multimedia authoring tools include PowerPoint Presentations, CanvaVideo Editing,

and Microsoft Publisher.

Microsoft PowerPoint

Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin created Microsoft

PowerPoint was released on April 20, 1987. It is a multimedia tool
that primarily allows the use of tables, images, drawings charts, links,
word art, videos, audio, and even embedded add-ins from Microsoft
(Donohoe, 2020). It is usually used for presenting reports, posters, and documents that contain
combinations of multimedia tools. Knowing the ins and outs of making PPTs is an advantage for
students in
achieving success in their academics.


If you are fond of creating social

graphics, presentations, posters,
documents, and
other creative visual content, Canva
comes in
handy. It’s a very user-friendly
application can be
accessed both via mobile and computers. The app
contains varied templates the users can choose for
ready use (Perez, 2013).

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 24
Video Editing
“Video editing is the manipulation and
arrangement of video
shots. Video editing is used to structure and present
all video
information, including films and television shows,
video advertisements
and video essays” (Wikipedia, 2020).

Beal (2020) explained that a “video editing software can be used

to record video, but is used more often in post-production design and editing raw footage in
digital file formats. The video file can be viewed on a computer or device with appropriate
viewing software, uploaded to video sharing websites or exported to external media, such as a

*** Kinemaster

Video editing is
the skillful
of video shots to come
up with a creative
output. Kinemaster is
application available for mobile gadgets. It
can create video projects using images,
audios, and or video clips (Velarde, 2019).

GROUP WORK. Using the Breakout Rooms in the Google meeting that
will be set by your Instructor, do the given task. With a group of 4, make an
INFOGRAPHIC PPT (a graphic visual representations of information, data,
knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly) on one of the

given topics. Each group will be assigned a topic. Limit to 3-5 slides only.

1. Everything To Know About Plagiarism

2. Pros and Cons of Online Classes

3. Pros and Cons of Vaccinations

4. Best Things Brought by the Pandemic
PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 25
Communication in Social Media

It cannot be denied how communication has shifted from “face-to-face” to “through

the-screen” mode. Bhamare (2018) discussed in his article entitled “Effects of Social Media on
Communication Skills” that social media has become a platform for facilitating daily information
and communication needs. It has played a vital tool for everyday social interactions with people
for various purposes as in education, business, medicine, and others. It has brought people
closer and connected with each across the globe. It allows people to reconnect, plan and
organize events, transact business, and communicate instantaneously.


Skrba (2020), mentioned in her blog

What is a Blog? - The
Definition of Blog, Blogging, and Blogger that
in 1994, when blogs
began, a blog was more of a personal diary
that people shared
online. In this online journal, you could talk about your daily life
or share about things that you were doing. Then, people saw an
opportunity to communicate information in a new way online. Thus, beginning the beautiful
world of blogging.
A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website
displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first, at
the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual
The main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience. Another one is to
boost your traffic and send quality leads to your website.

How to Start a Blog in 5 Simple Steps:

1. Decide on a TOPIC. Think of what interests you the most.

2. Choose a DOMAIN NAME. This will serve as a keyword that can be searched by your
readers to find your blog.
3. Choose a BLOGGING PLATFORM. Explore platforms that allow you to personalize your
entries, such as,, Wix, Tumblr, Blogger, etc.
4. Customize your blog. Select your own preferred themes or templates to enhance that
appearance of your blog.
5. Write a striking CONTENT. Think of yourself as an audience and give yourself the
content you wish to read about and enjoy writing it.
PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 26

As The Arts Development Company (n. d.) explained:

Vlog stands for a video blog

or video log and refers to a
type of blog where most or all of the
content is in a video
format. Vlog posts consist of creating a video of yourself where
you talk on a particular subject such as reporting or reviewing a
product or an event.

In fact, just like blogs you can vlog about almost anything. The term
vlog is also used by video streamers or Youtuber’s who don’t use a blog but
post scheduled updates via other means like YouTube and other video
websites; their profile often promotes them as vloggers. You can also do live
broadcasts from social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram.

Once you create your video (and edit it to make it look and sound
great), you can upload it online or embed the video within a post on your
blog or website so all your followers can see your latest update.

How to create a vlog

The Arts Development Company (n. d.) stated that you can post your vlog anywhere, but
the first step is to know how to make a video. To do this you will need:

✓ an interesting story or topic

✓ a recording device, like a webcam or dedicated video camera – you can even use your
✓ a microphone
✓ a good location that is well lit without too much background sound

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Write your first blog entry by describing your experiences and adjustments during your first
online class. What are the things that you will do once we are Pandemic free? Invite everyone in the
class to follow each other’s blogs. Take screenshots of your work and attach in the Classwork.

Record your first 3-minute vlog by showing live scenes or images of your routine in the New Normal
(e.g. how you study, what you do for leisure time). Post it in your Story in your facebook account.

Social Media and Learning Platforms

Social media capitalizes on providing avenues for conversations, community, connecting

with the audience and building relationships. It allows people to hear and respond to
each other anytime they are online. In some instances, it can also serve as a platform for
educational purposes (Communications and Marketing, Tuffs University Relations, n. d.).

These are the common social media platforms, such as: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest,
Youtube, Tiktok, and Telegram.
1. Facebook

Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zeckerberg for college

students while he was enrolled at Harvard University. Now Facebook has
over 2.45 Billion users around the world. Facebook is a social networking
site that makes it easier for you to connect and share with family and
friends online (Goodwill Community Foundation, Inc., n. d.).

Pappas (2015) observed that nowadays, Facebook has become a handy

tool as an eLearning platform, where learners are allowed to discuss ideas, ask
questions, share experiences, and discover new information. Given that social
interaction positively impacts the way that people learn and work, Facebook is an
ideal platform to boost collaboration and active learning.

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 28
2. Instagram

Instagram was “launched in 2010 with over 1 Billion active users”

(Kellogg, 2020). Instagram is a free photo and video sharing app
available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone. People can upload photos or videos to
Instagram and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends. They can also
comment and like posts shared by their friends on Instagram (Instagram, Inc., 2020). “It is also a
social network where product-based businesses, influencers, and coaches can thrive” (Kellogg, 2020).

3. Pinterest
Pinterest was “founded in 2010 and now with 322 million active
users” (Kellogg, 2020). “Pinterest is like a virtual bulletin or cork board
that allows users to find and curate images and videos” (Ayotte, 2020).
“Some of the most popular content on Pinterest includes fashion, food,
decor, wedding, workout and DIY-related pins” (Kellogg, 2020). If you’re
looking for inspirations for your projects, Pinterest will give a number of ideas for creativity and
various works.

Notably, 81% of Pinterest users are female—if you have a predominantly female
audience, that is a compelling reason to invest time in social media marketing on Pinterest. That
is not to say that men are not on Pinterest. In fact, 40% of new Pinterest signups are male
(Kellogg, 2020).

4. YouTube
“The first ever video uploaded to YouTube was on April 23rd 2005…
[and by 2019,] YouTube has 2 billion users worldwide” (Mohsin, 2020).
“YouTube is a free video sharing website that makes it easy to watch
online videos. Anyone can create and upload videos to share with others”
(Goodwill Company Foundation, Inc., n. d.).
Although many people think of YouTube as an entertainment-based website, the
number of educational videos are innumerable. You can teach yourself almost any skill by
watching Youtube videos. Youtube is a very useful tool to not only learn things but also to

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 29
network with other people (State University of New York, n. d.). During this Pandemic, YouTube
has become the go-to consultant and teacher of most people.

5. Tiktok

According to Influencer Marketing Hub (2020),

TikTok is a short-form,
video-sharing app that allows users
create and share 15-second videos, on any
topic. TikTok maintains
a separate app for the Chinese market, known as Duyin, which has
over 300 million active monthly users.
Since its launch, the TikTok app’s popularity has been growing tremendously. In
October 2018, it was the most-downloaded photo and video app in the Apple store,
globally. The app reportedly has amassed over 500 million monthly active users, the US
being the most popular country where it has been downloaded over 80 million times.
Undoubtedly people are hooked with these short TikTok videos as its contents vary from
the latest dance craze, viral, funny videos, and even on informative topics.

6. Telegram

According to Dave Johnson (2021):

Telegram is a popular cross-platform messaging app that is widely used
because it offers some enhanced privacy and encryption
features as well as support for large group chat features. It
also has no ties to other social media platforms (both
Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp are owned by
Facebook, for example), which makes the service more
appealing to some. It was founded by the Russian social
media entrepreneur Pavel Durov.

PurposiveCommunication’sLEARNINGGUIDES 30
Aside from its enhanced privacy feature, Telegram allows the user to
schedule to auto-delete messages, send and receive images without
reducing its quality or size, attach large file size, play games, and download

Make your original meme by creating a witty or funny statement

(using a combination of two languages you speak) about POLITICS
and attach a picture that represents it. Then, post it your FB wall
#JustForMEME(Section) or on
your GStream.

With a group of 3 members, make a Public Service Announcement (PSA)

that is designed to inform and educate the public rather than sell a product
service. Your Instructor will select the best video and will be submitted as entry

for the GEC102 Culmination Activity at the end of the semester.

Follow these PSA Guidelines:

1. It should aim to change public opinion and raise awareness on important issues while
disseminating information quickly and efficiently.
2. It should focus on the group’s theme: Social Media, Plagiarism, Politics, Mental Health, and
3. The video should NOT exceed 1 minute (60 seconds), not including the 10-second title screen.
4. All entries should begin with a 10-second full-screen “title screen” that includes the following

- Students’ names with roles

- GEC 102 Section

- Title/tagline of the PSA

- 1 minute total running time (not including the title screen)

5. The PSA must be submitted in English or must include English subtitles if language used is

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