Risk Assessment

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Loaction South of Ladol mud plant JRA No: 1 Reviewed Date: Contract No:
Contract/Project tittle: SNEPCO PIPE TESTING FACILITY Expected manpower
Plant & Equipment: concrete mixer, hand tools, hiab crane, scalffolding, angle grinder, handrills handtools etc.
s/n Attendees Attendees Cold Work Hot Work
1 Oni Gbenga Nat ure o f Permit requ ired for the tas k (Hot work or cold work
2 Ogunsola James p er mit - Tick as appro priat e)
3 Dare Mayowa
4 Jacob Austin Consequences
Severity Minor Mi(1) Moderate (Mo (2) Serious Se (3) Major Maj (4) Fatality Fat (5) STOP work till further notice
] further controls should be plan
Likelihood Improbable Im (1) Remote Re(2) Occassional O(3) Probable P (4) Frequent F (5) maintain current level of control

Risk Profile Residual Risk Profile

Top even t (Th e Hazard Effect Perso ns at risks (Who Exis iting contr ols Additio nal co ntrols R espon sible Recovery
s/n Hazards or wh at might be (Eliminatio n, Subs titution, En ginner ing, L S RP (Elimination, Subs titu tion , L S RRP
releas e of the Haz ar d) (Cons equence) Action Party Meas ures
harmed) Adminis trative and P PEs) Enginn erin g, Adminis trative and P PEs)

Milestone: site preparation

Task Decription: Equipment and personel mobilization/demobilization and site preparation

C2 -Lighten the load through reducing the

wei ght or shari ng the load through a greater
number of men. Safety boots wi th good grip C2 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng
to be us ed. to do th e jo b. Repetiti ve tasks to be
Overbend ing / M usculos kel etal d isor der GBEMICH Perso nnel Hand p rotecti on fo r heavy tasks. rotated and s hared. Train workers on C2 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
1 Manual handling exertio n. Awkward (MSDs), muscle s train and 2 4 8 2 2 4 Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel pro per han dlin g tech nique. Mo nitor Su pervisor
po sture. s prain injury Medi c on site
Ens ure that everyone is aware o f their safe wo rker s and ensu re ri gh t handl ing
li fting l imit and ens ure th at this is no t techniq ues are maintain ed.
exceeded . Tw enty kilo s i s ou r recommended
safe liftin g load.

2 Sh arp edges / abrasive Sharp edges gettin g in Laceration, body injury GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Use of appropriate PPEs 2 2 4 C4 - Ensure appropriate supervision 2 1 2 C4 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
surfaces contact wi th the body LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site

C3 -ensure load is with in the appro ved

overloadi ng, unsecure Equ ipment/l oadin gfal l GBEMICH Perso nnel cap acity o f the eq uipment. C3 - GB EM ICH
3 loads off Damage to equipment LADOL Pers onnel Ens ure l oad i s pr operly secu red befor e 2 3 6 C3 -Ensure load are double checked 2 2 4 Person nel Team on si te/
Medi c on site

C3 - Identify wi nd direction and

Dus t getting i nto th e C3 - Use ap propri ate protective cloth ing, po siti on your self ap propri ately. LADOL SHEQ
s ight impairment. Difficulty GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - GB EM ICH
4 Dust eyes. Inhalati on of safety bo ots, safety glas ses an d no se mask. 2 4 8 Adequate s upervis ion. Use of vis or 2 2 4 Team on si te/
concrete du st. b reathing, si li cos is. LADOL Pers onnel Ens ure area i s cord oned o ff w hil e wor ki ng. face shi eld to pro tect operator fro m Person nel Medi c on site
flyin g particles

GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - Portabl e water to be provid ed to prevent

Deh ydr ati on, UV Rays Heat s tress and exhaus tion Op C1 - Portabl e water to b e taken by C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
4 Hot weather er ato rs, spectators, dehydrati on and fatigue. Provid e appro priate 2 2 4 1 1 1 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
of th e sun skin burn op erators as at w hen app ropri ate
LADOL Pers onnel sh elter. Su pervisor Medi c on site

Task Decription: Earth works/Laying of geo-grid and stone base mterial

Di slocation , b ruis es, body GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C1 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
1 poor housekeeping Trip and fall 2 2 4 2 1 2 Team on si te/
i nju ry LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall , helmet) and walkways Su pervisor
Medi c on site

C2 - Train workers on proper handl ing LADOL SHEQ

2 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder GBEMICH Perso nnel techniq ue. Monito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 C2 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng 2 2 4 C2 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel to do th e jo b Su pervisor
handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. Medi c on site

Inhalati on o f dus t, and C3 - Use ap propri ate safety glass es an d no se C3 - Identify wi nd direction and LADOL SHEQ
3 Flying/dust particles du st p ar ticl es gettin g iEye an d breathi ng
GBEMICH Perso nnel mask. Ensure area is cordoned off wh ile
LADOL Pers onnel 2 4 8 po siti on your self ap propri ately. 2 2 4 C3 - GB EM ICH
Person nel Team on si te/
i n contact with eyes wo rki ng. Adequate s upervis ion. Medi c on site


4 Sharp edges of tools Contact with body Cut / body injury
LADOL Pers onnel C4 - Use of appropriate PPEs
2 2 4 C4 - Use of competent workers 2 1 2 Team on si te/
Su pervisor
Medi c on site

5 Long duration of work Fatigue Headache and Dizziness GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks
and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train 2 2 4
C5 - Unders tand and set you r
op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the 2 1 4 C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel in juri es. Su pervisor
job Medi c on site

Task Decription: Mechanical plant operation

W hol e body vi bration/

Hand Arm Vib eration
Syndro me (HAVS) .Damage
fro m the di sease can C1 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks LADOL SHEQ
1 Vibration Expos ure of body to i nclude the i nabil ity to do GBEMICH Perso nnel and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train 2 4 8 C1 - Use of competent workers 2 2 4 C1 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
vib ration LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor
fi ne wo rk, and co ld in juri es. Medi c on site
temper atu res can tri gger
p ai nful attacks i n the
fi ngers.

Long te rm hearin g
p roblems , s uch as
d eafn ess. Noi se can al so b e
C2 - Ensu re adequ ate sup ervi sio n. Al so, LADOL SHEQ
Expos ure to repetiti ve, a dangerous dis tracti on GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Use ap propri ate PPE. Ensu re area i s C2 - GB EM ICH
2 Noise and excess ive no ise and may dis tract the LADOL Pers onnel cordoned off whi le working. 2 3 6 un derstand and s et your operating 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
rhythm, Be strategic wi th the job Medi c on site
w orker from th e task at
h an d, whi ch can caus e
acci dents.

Dus t getting i n contact C4 - Use ap propri ate safety glass es an d no se C4 - Identify wi nd direction and LADOL SHEQ
w ith eyes . Inhal ati on Eye an d breathi ng GBEMICH Perso nnel mask. Ensure area is cordoned off wh ile C4 - GB EM ICH
3 Flying/dust particles 2 4 8 po siti on your self ap propri ately. 2 1 2 Team on si te/
of dust. Inju ry to i mpairment. LADOL Pers onnel wo rki ng. Adequate s upervis ion. Person nel Medi c on site
pas ser-by

4 Long duration of work Fatigue Headache and Dizziness GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks
and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train 2 2 4
C5 - Unders tand and set you r
op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the 2 1 2 C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel in juri es. Su pervisor
job Medi c on site

Milestone: Construction of Column Base, Floor Drain, Slab, Column, and Ground Beam. Setting of blocks and Plastering

Task Decription: Setting out, Excavation and Backfilling

C1 - Train workers on proper handl ing LADOL SHEQ

1 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder GBEMICH Perso nnel techniq ue. Monito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 C4 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng 2 2 4 C1 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel to do th e jo b Su pervisor
handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. Medi c on site

Dus t getting i n contact

w ith eyes . Inhal ati on Eye an d breathi ng GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Use ap propri ate safety glass es an d no se C1 - Identify wi nd direction and C2- GBEMICH LADOL SHEQ
2 Flying/dust particles of dust. Inju ry to i mpairment. mask. Ensure area is cordoned off wh ile
LADOL Pers onnel wo 2 4 8 po siti on your self ap propri ately. 2 2 4 Person nel Team on si te/
rki ng. Adequate s upervis ion. Medi c on site
pas ser-by

3 Underground cab le Electrocution/ death Sho ck affectin g the GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Inspect all cables before use 2 4 8 C3 - Inspect all cables before use 2 1 2 C3 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
(Expos ed l ive cable) n ervo use system LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor
Medi c on site

C4 - Do no t sto re sp oil or other

C4 - Ensu re at least 1 m away from excaated material s clos e to the s ides of
area d uring excavti on. excavations .
- Soi l condi tion must be checked/ ins pected - En sure gr ound is sol id/ dry enou gh
pri or to excavati on to determi ne so il typ e and to with stand th e appl ied weight after
Nearby s tructure. And B ury,str ap ped, Col lapse of wh eth er pro tectio n i s req uired rai nfal l. LADOL SHEQ
4 Loo se s oil /Earth, n earby structure. Tip off of GBEM ICH Per sonnel
s poil s fro m excavated excavator - Excavation sho uld not b e car ried out w here 3 2 6 -Prevent col lpase by sh oring of the 2 1 2 C4 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
CAVE-IN (W orkers LADOL Pers onnel we have nearby s tructu re or structure to be trenches Su pervisor
s and Medi c on site
i nju ries: moved away fro m excavated zon e.Excavated -Ensu re excaation is cehecked daily
materials and cargoes to be pl aced up to 1m for stabil ity.
away from th e excavation edge. - Insp ect tr enches fol lowi ng a r ai nfall.
-Ens ure excavatio n is no t done duri ng rain fal l Avo id w alking o n or cl ose to an
or wet/s oaked ground . excavation edge.
wo rker s to wear app ropri ate PPEs

fall of person s i n to Cor dorn off work area to prevent Use of apprp priate PPE.- ENSURE LADOL SHEQ
5 Unauthori sed acces s to GBEM ICH Per sonnel C5 - GB EM ICH
site/ fall s. Falli ng lo ad s the excavati on/ Dislocation and bruises LADOL Pers onnel unauth ori9s ed acces s to si te and w ork area. 3 3 9 s ignages are on s ite fo r 1 2 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
damaged p roperti es -Provid e safe acces s and egress to entrant warn ings.Ensur e safe means of exit Medi c on site

Sh arp edgeof working LADOL SHEQ

6 tools / Protru ded nai l Sharp edges gettin g in Laceration, body injury GBEM ICH Per sonnel C6 - Use of appropriate PPEs 2 3 6 C6- Ensure appropriate supervision 2 1 2 C6- GBEMICH Team on si te/
likel y lodged in the s oil contact wi th the body LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site

7 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Di slocation , b ruis es, body GBEMICH Perso nnel C7 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e 2 2 4 C7 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es 2 1 2 C7 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
i nju ry LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) and walkways Su pervisor
Medi c on site

C8 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks C8 - Unders tand and set you r LADOL SHEQ
GBEMICH Perso nnel and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train C8 - GB EM ICH
8 overwork Fatigue Headache and Dizziness 2 2 4 op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the 2 1 2 Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel in juri es. job Su pervisor Medi c on site

Task Decription: Blinding, Casting and setting of blocks

C1 - Ensu re contacted parts are

1 Wet cement B ody contact with wet Skin burns , skin cancer and GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Avoi d contact with wet cement by use of
appro priate PPEs( Co veral l, rubb er hand 2 4 8 was hed o ff w ith water i mmedi ately. 2 2 4 C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
cement pro ducts d ermati tis LADOL Pers onnel gloves , ru bber b oot and safety glas ses). Ens ure to refer to the SDS pri ort to the Su pervisor Medi c on site
commen cement of task.

Cement Inhalati on o f Cement GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Perso nnel to b e provid ed wi th n ose C2 - Adopt w ork method that redu ces C2 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
2 dust/ hazardo us du st p ar ticl es. Lung function impairment LADOL Pers onnel masks to prevent cement d ust i nhal ati on. 2 4 8 the rate in whi ch cement dust is 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
chemi cal rel eased. Medi c on site

GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C3 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es C3 - GB EM ICH
3 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) 2 2 4 and walkways 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site

4 Long duration of work Fatigue Headache and Dizziness GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks
and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train 2 2 4
C4 - Unders tand and set you r
op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the 1 2 2 C4 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel in juri es. Su pervisor
job Medi c on site

lifti ng and carrying LADOL SHEQ

GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Ad opt a stable posi tion , En sure a good C5 - Kno w ur li mi t, Look ah ead, Moove C5 - GB EM ICH
5 (Man ual materi al Heavy physical work Low back pain and disorders LADOL Pers onnel hol d o n the load, Don’t twi st w hen you li ft 2 4 8 s moo thly, Think before you lift 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
handl ing) Medi c on site

Task Decription: Preparation and installation of formworks, Striking-off formworks

GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C1 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
1 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises 2 2 4 2 1 2 Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) and walkways Su pervisor
Medi c on site

C2 - Train workers on proper handl ing LADOL SHEQ

2 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder GBEMICH Perso nnel techniq ue. Monito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 C2 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng 2 1 2 C2 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. to do th e jo b Su pervisor Medi c on site

W ood dust getti ng in

3 Fl ying w ood dust contact wi th eyes. Eye an d breathi ng GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Use ap propri ate safety glass es an d no se
mask. Ensure area is cordoned off wh ile 2 4 8
C3 - Identify wi nd direction and
po siti on your self ap propri ately. 2 2 4 C3 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
particles Inhalati on o f dus t. i mpairment. LADOL Pers onnel wo rki ng. Person nel
Adequate s upervis ion. Medi c on site
Inju ry to p as ser-by

Sh arp edges / GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Get ri d of protrud ing nai l. Al so, C4 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
4 Contact with body Cut
LADOL Pers onnel C4 - Use of appropriate PPEs
2 2 4 2 1 2 Team on si te/
Protrud ed nai l make use of competent w orkers Su pervisor
Medi c on site

GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks

C5 - Unders tand and set you r LADOL SHEQ
5 Long duration of work Fatigue Headache and Dizziness and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train
LADOL Pers onnel in 2 2 4 op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
juri es. job Medi c on site

Task Decription: cutting of rebars

Dropl ets of fire sparks Damage to pro perty, s erios GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Ensu re wor ks pace is properl y ventil ated C1 - Pos itio n a fi re extingui sher clo seby C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
1 Fire/Explosion o n combusti ble 2 4 8 2 2 4 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
materials i njur y or death LADOL Pers onnel and free from combus tible materials and assi gn a fi re watch Su pervisor Medi c on site

C1 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es

and walkways
s lip s, trips and fal l di slo catio n, bruis es, GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - ensu re pro per ho use keepi ng C2 - keep harmful materials away from C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
2 Poor house keeping laceration C2 - Use ap propri ate PPE(co veral l, safety 3 4 12 1 2 2 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
strai n and sprai n LADOL Pers onnel sh oes, hard hats etc.) wo rk area Su pervisor Medi c on site
C3 - On the job s upervion to l imit
s cattering of materials

GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - use of l eath er glo ve, fire retardant C1 - Keep other people cl ear of work C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
expos ure to skin and Skin burn or parman ent cover al l. area
3 Hot metal surface oth er bod y parts s ki n d amage Op er ato rs, spectators, C2 - Do no t touch w ork su rface that has just 3 4 12 C2 - Unit to b e all owed to cool down 2 1 2 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site
been worked on before carryi ng out any adjus tments

GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - Stay upwi nd to avoid breathin g in C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
4 Toxic fumes inhalation of fumes lung cancer C1- Respi rator to be w orn by operators and
Op er ato rs, spectators, other 2 3 6 fumes 2 2 4 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
pers ons C2 - Keep other people cl ear of work
LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site

C1 - Operators to chrct mach ine fo r lead ,

C1 - Ensu re there is a safety overl oad
Electris ati on/ Seri ous injury, s hock GBEMICH Pers onnel , motor or gri ndin g wheel damage C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
5 Exposed/frayed cable el ectrocuti on from affecti ng the nervous Op er ato rs, spectators, C2 - Firm foo tware to be w orn and car e taken 2 4 8 device i n the power ci rcu it 1 3 3 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
C2 - Make su re pow er cord does not
faulty h eal th current system or death LADOL Pers onnel to prevent sl ips and trips . tangle with grind ing w heel Su pervisor Medi c on site
C3 - safety gloves to b e wor n

C1 - Al ways u se s afety gl oves to prevent han d

in juri es C1 - keep oth er peop le clear of wo rk
C2 - Make su re fingers , hands and po wer cord area
GBEMICH Pers onnel , are w ell cl ear on grind ing w heel C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
Co ntact with rotating C2 - Stop other peopl e from o perating
6 Moving Grinding wheel wheel Hand injuries, amputation Operators, 2 3 6 2 2 4 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel C3 - Switch o ff u nit before attempting to the unit. Su pervisor Medi c on site
touch gri ndi ng wheel C3 - Avoi d u se of loos e clothi ngwhen
C4 - Ensu re grin ding d isc and guard are not hand lin g grinder

expos ure to noi se GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - Operators and other p ersons to wear C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
7 Noise l evel above 85d b for Hearing l oss /Damage to Op er ato rs, spectators, heari ng protectio n e.g. hear plu g duri ng 3 3 9 C1 - Other person s to stay clear o f 2 2 4 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
heari ng wo rk area
lo ng LADOL Pers onnel oper ati on Su pervisor Medi c on site


8 Hot weather Dehydration Headache and dizziness C1 - Portabl e water to be provid ed to prevent
Op er ato rs, spectators, dehydrati 2 2 4 C1 - Portabl e water to b e taken by 1 1 1 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
on and fatigue op erators as at w hen app ropri ate
LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site

Work p iece not Work p iece movi ng Damage to w ork peice, GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - Ensu re wor kpi ece is prop er ly secured and C1 - Safety shoe to be worn to p reven t C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
9 Op er ato rs, spectators, su pported with the ap propri ate device 2 3 6 1 2 2 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
properl y secured out o f place injury to o perator i njury to feet
LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site

C1 - Use ap propri ate dis c for the work p iece

Co ntact with shattered GBEMICH Pers onnel , bei ng cut. C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
C1 - Never exceed the R MP ratin g
10 Shattered disc dis c mo vi ng at hi gh Serious injury to body parts Op er ato rs, spectators, C2 - In spect di sc for d efects before us e. 4 4 16 i ndicated of the device. 4 1 4 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
s peed LADOL Pers onnel C3 - Ensu re the dis c i s seated pr operly b efore Su pervisor Medi c on site
tighten ing

Lo st o f con trol by GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - Mai ntain a firm gri p on the to ol and C1 - keep oth er peop le clear of wo rk C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ
11 Kick backs injury to operator Op er ato rs, spectators, pos iti on bo dy and arms to resis t kick backs 3 3 9 3 1 3 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
o perator area
LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor Medi c on site

Contact wi th Fl yi ng GBEMICH Pers onnel , C1 - LADOL SHEQ LADOL SHEQ

12 Flying sparks s parks Ski n bu rn Op er ato rs, spectators, C1 - Safety gl asses to be wo rn 3 3 9 C1 - Signages indi catin g use of PPE to 2 2 4 Team/ GB EMICH Team on si te/
Sight impairment LADOL Pers onnel C2 - protective cloth ing to be w orn be placed appr opriatel y Su pervisor Medi c on site

Task Decription: Preparation and installation of rebars

C1 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es

and walkways. Instances o f sl ippi ng
and tripp ing o ver obstacles can be LADOL SHEQ
GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C1 - GB EM ICH
1 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises 2 2 4 dramaticall y reduced by everyone 2 1 2 Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) keepin g their work an d sto rage areas Su pervisor Medi c on site
ti dy and d esignati ng specifi c areas for
was te collectio n.

2 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Train workers on proper handl ing
techniq ue. Monito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 C2 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng 2 2 4 C2 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. to do th e jo b Su pervisor Medi c on site

br eaki ng/snapp ing fal l agains t nearb y

du ring bendin g and GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Material in spection to be carri ed o ut C3- mai ntain good h ousekeepi ng, C3 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
3 Partily cut rebars thr owin g bender off s tructure or materials , LADOL Pers onnel pri or to work to ens ure to partial y marked or 2 4 8 pro perly s tack ben ded material s 2 2 4 Person nel Team on si te/
b ody in jury, Fracture, etc cut rebar Medi c on site
bal ance.

4 Sharp edges Sharp edges get in GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Use of appropriate PPEs C4 - GB EM ICH
contact wi th the body Cut or body injury LADOL Pers onnel 2 2 4 C4 - Use of competent workers 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site

Task Decription: Welding/Fabrication activities

GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Use o f wel ding sheil d w ith the C1 - GB EM ICH
1 UV rays Exposure to UV rays Skin cancer or sunburns LADOL Pers onnel appro priate lens 2 5 10 C1 - Use of welding sheild 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site

W ater mixes w ith GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - No w eldi ng acti vi ty shal l b e carr ied out C2 - No w eldi ng acti vity shal l be car ried C2 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
2 Inclement weather Electrocution/ death 2 4 8 2 2 4 Team on si te/
el ectri ci ty LADOL Pers onnel und er in cl emen t weather ou t under incli ment weather Su pervisor
Medi c on site

C3 - Train workers on proper handl ing LADOL SHEQ

3 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder GBEMICH Perso nnel techniq ue. Monito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 C3 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng 2 2 4 C3 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. to do th e jo b Su pervisor Medi c on site

El ectrocutio n from
faul ty earth current. C4 - Ensu re the use of prop er earthi ng
GBEMICH Perso nnel conductor C4 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
4 Exposed live cable Electrocution/ death to reduce th e li kel yh ood of in jury 2 4 8 C4 - Inspect all cables before use 2 2 4 Team on si te/
Shock affecting the LADOL Pers onnel from el ectri cal fault withi n the system. Su pervisor Medi c on site
ner vou se s ys tem

B ody contact with hot GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Use o f leather glove, fire r etar dant C5 - Adopt s afe manual handli ng C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
5 Hot metal surface s uraface Skin burn LADOL Pers onnel cover al l. Ens ure your worksp ace i s free from 2 5 10 techniq ues 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
flamable matei als Medi c on site

GBEMICH Perso nnel C6 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C6 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es C6 - GB EM ICH
6 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises 2 2 4 2 1 2 Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) and walkways Su pervisor Medi c on site

7 Dry work atmospere Dehydration Headache and Dizziness GBEMICH Perso nnel C7 - Potabl e water shall be provided to 2 2 4 C7 - Potabl e water shal l be provid ed to 2 1 2 C7 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel prevent dehydration and fati gu e prevent dehydration and fati gue Su pervisor
Medi c on site

Naus ea, d izz ines s, or eye,

Inhalati on o f weld ing n ose an d thro at irri tation GBEMICH Perso nnel C8 - Do no t wel d i n confined spaces witho ut C8 - Stay upwi nd to avoid breathin g C8 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
8 Welding fumes fumes as wel l as nervous system LADOL Pers onnel ventil ation 2 2 4 wel din g fume and gas es. 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site
and kidne y damage.

Fl ying parti cl es/ Hot weldi ng sl ag Skin burn and d amage to GBEMICH Perso nnel C9 - Wear appropri ate PPE like face sh ield , C9 - Ensu re adequ ate sup ervi sio n and C9 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
9 weld ing s lag getting in contact wi th th e eyes goggles to p rotect yo ur eyes from hot  slag,
LADOL Pers onnel sp 2 2 4 us e of competent person nel 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
the skin or eyes ar ks , intens e li ght, an d chemical bu rns. Medi c on site

Dropl ets of fire LADOL SHEQ

s parks /melted metal Damage to p roperti es, GBEMICH Perso nnel C10 - Ensu re wo rks pace is well ventil ated and C10 - Pos itio n a fi re extingui sher and C10 - GB EMICH
10 Fire sparks /explosion 2 3 6 2 2 4 Team on si te/
on combusti ble s eriou s i nju ry and death LADOL Pers onnel free fro m combu stibl e material s ass ign fire watch. Su pervisor
material s Medi c on site

5 Long duration of work Fatigue Headache and Dizziness GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks 2 2 4
C5 - Unders tand and set you r
LADOL Pers onnel and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the Su pervisor Team on si te/
in juri es. job Medi c on site

Milestone: Installation of Aluminium cladding sheets

Task Decription: Measurement

• C onstru ct p roper barricades an d edge

pro tectio n
• C onduct regul ar in spection and
1 usi ng Fall from height. Di slocation , fractyu re, GBEMICH Perso nnel maintenan ce o n s caffo lds 3 5 15 C1 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es 2 1 2 C1 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
scaffol ds s erioi us injuryies or d eath LADOL Pers onnel • P rovide an d us e adequate and app ropriate and walkways Su pervisor
access Medi c on site
• P rovide, maintain and use safety harness ,
hard hats an d s afety s hoes

C3 - Be vi gilant of your surou ndin g.

C3 - Is olate land ar ea beneath whil e wo rki ng Avo id w orking to o clos e/beneath
Struck by fall ing moving object.
B ody in jury, Death, GBEMICH Perso nnel above to prevent o bjects d ropin g on workers Check an d clos e gaps at toe-boards C3 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
2 Falling objects ob jects (debr is) Fracture, etc LADOL Pers onnel bel ow. Use of hi gh visi bil ity jacket to e nsure 2 5 10 and decki ng 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
you ar e seen and h ar dhat to protect your Practi ce goo d ho usekeeping Medi c on site
head from fall ing ob jects
techniq ues
Conduct regul ar s ite i nspection

Task Decription: Delivery of product to site

C1 - En sure ad equate s upervisi on LADOL SHEQ

1 Improp er Dropping of load crus hing of pers onnels GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Employ quali fied l ifting crew for l orry 2 2 4 Ens ure the use of PPE ( safety sh oes, 2 1 2 C1 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
unlo ading metho d P TDs of b ody parts LADOL Pers onnel crane unl oadi ng Su pervisor
coverall ,hard hat) Medi c on site

Outriggers not being l oad crus hing personn el LADOL SHEQ

2 full y extend ed Failure of lorry crane i nfli ctin g seri ous injury or GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Get l iftin g supervi sor to coordi nate the 2 4 8 C2 - Ensure even and stable ground 2 1 2 C2 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel li fting activiti es Su pervisor
or i mproper sitti ng d eath Medi c on site

improp er B ody in jury, Death, GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Get l ifting s upervis or to co ordin ate C3 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
3 lifti ng gear Dropping of load Fracture, etc LADOL Pers onnel C3 - Switch to proper lifting gear 2 5 10 the lifti ng acti vi ties 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site

l oad crus hing personn el GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Employ quali fied l ifting crew for l orry C4 - Foll ow an d us e the specified safe C4 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
4 Failure of lorry crane i nfli ctin g seri ous injury or 2 2 4 2 1 2
overloadi ng LADOL Pers onnel crane unl oadi ng wo rk load Su pervisor Team on si te/
d eath Medi c on site

C5 - Use a proper desi gn

Develop guid elin es on material handl ing (e.g.
improp er Cr ushi ng and col laps e fracture, di slocation , and GBEMICH Perso nnel not more than a sp eci fied nu mb er of layer s) C5 - Us e a l evel ed grou nd for stacki ng C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
5 of materi als 2 3 6 2 2 4 Team on si te/
stacki ng of material s or pl atform b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel En fo rce strict s upervis ion Cordon off the area of s tacking Su pervisor Medi c on site

Task Decription: Transport of materials to actual location

Material dropp ing C1 - Impl ement l ifting P er mi t-To-Work LADOL SHEQ

1 from hei gh t duri ng Dropp ing o f mater ial crus hing of pers onnels GBEMICH Perso nnel Secure materi al pro perly and tightl y to l ifting 3 4 12 C1 - C heck th at no one s tan ds below 2 1 2 C1 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
on pers onnel P TDs of b ody parts LADOL Pers onnel the lifti ng area. Su pervisor
lifti ng process device Medi c on site

Lack of Co mmuni cati on mis directio n of s triking agai nst structures GBEMICH Perso nnel • En sure unbroken communi catio n betw een C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
2 between rigger and 2 4 8 • Use standardised language 1 3 3 Team on si te/
op erator and pers onnel LADOL Pers onnel ri gger and s ignalman Su pervisor
signal man Medi c on site

l oad crus hing personn el C2 - C onduct regul ar in spection and LADOL SHEQ
GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Comply with materi al h ois t safe w orking C2 - GB EM ICH
3 overloading Failure of material hoist i nfl;li ctin g seri ous injury or 4 4 8 pro per main tenance of material hoi st 2 1 2 Team on si te/
d eath LADOL Pers onnel lo ad and sl ing Su pervisor Medi c on site

C3 - • Do not overl oad crane b eyon d i ts s afe C3 - P ar k the crane on level and fi rm LADOL SHEQ
4 Uneven ground Overturning of crane B ody in jury, Death, GBEMICH Perso nnel wo rki ng lo ad at i ts s peci fied radius and boom 2 5 10 groun d wi th i ts o utriggers full y 2 2 4 C3 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
Fracture, etc LADOL Pers onnel len gth extended and res ting o n s teel pl ates Su pervisor Medi c on site

Task Decription: Distribute materials to respective areas

C1 - C over sharp edges with protective

i nabil ity of worker to work GBEMICH Perso nnel materials C1 - P rovide, maintain and use C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
1 sharp edges Cut by sharp edges 2 3 6 2 1 2 Team on si te/
effecti vel y d ue to pain LADOL Pers onnel Insp ect on correct us age of PPE appr opriate gl oves Su pervisor
Medi c on site

Li fti ng heavy GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Con duct traini ng on proper C2 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
2 Overlifting/exertion Back injuries
LADOL Pers onnel C2 - • Provide and use mechanical devices
2 4 8 2 1 2 Team on si te/
objects manual handl ing techni ques Su pervisor
Medi c on site

pl acement o f
C3 - Demar cate s afe storage areas for LADOL SHEQ
materi als near th e Struck by fall ing o f B ody in jury, Death, GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - • Enfor ce i n-hous e rul es an d regul ations C3 - GB EM ICH
3 edge of material s Fracture, etc LADOL Pers onnel • Implement safe wo rk procedures 2 5 10 claddi ng dur ing i nstall ation. 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Provid e, mai ntain an d us e hard hats Medi c on site
buil din g

Task Decription: Use of toxic materials during touch-up and rectification/Patch-up

rep etitve motio n and C1 - Cond uct ins pecti on and pro per LADOL SHEQ
1 hand tools usage contact wi th hand or Hand injury, MSDs GBEMICH Perso nnel maintenan ce o f hand tools 2 2 4 C1 - Con duct traini ng on usage o f hand 2 1 2 C1 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel too ls Su pervisor
bo dy part Medi c on site

Electrical haz ards fro m El ectrocutio n from

electrical dr ill s and faul ty earth current. GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Ensu re the use of prop er earthi ng C4 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
2 other equipment or Shock affecting the Electrocution/ death LADOL Pers onnel conductor to reduce th e li kel yh ood of in jury 2 4 8 C4 - Inspect all cables before use 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
improp er electrical from el ectri cal fault withi n the system. Medi c on site
con necti on ner vou se s ys tem

Task Decription: Use of toxic materials during touch-up and rectification

M ild skin irri tation, al lergy C1 - R evi ew and commun icate

material safety data s heet to all
o r asthma symp toms or
pers ons.
So lvents, Inhalati on and contact b reathing difficu lties if GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Provid e train ing for workers C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
1 w ith s olvents , i nhaled , d rows iness or 2 2 4 2 1 2 Team on si te/
epoxy paints , etc. LADOL Pers onnel P rovide, maintain and use safety harness Pro vi de and use appropr iate PPE Su pervisor
epo xy pai nts, etc. d izz ines s, damage to Medi c on site
o rgan s thr ough p rolon g or (Res pirators and gloves).
r epeatd exposu re Practis e good person al hygiene

Milestone: Installation of Steel Structure

Task Decription: Installation of steel members and roof sheets

GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C1 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es C1 - GB EM ICH
1 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) 2 2 4 and walkways 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site

GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Train workers on proper handl ing

C2 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng C2 - GB EM ICH
2 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder LADOL Pers onnel techniq ue. Mobito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 to do th e jo b 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. Medi c on site

C3 - Is olate land ar ea beneath whil e wo rki ng

Fall ing o bjects get in B ody in jury, Death,
GBEMICH Perso nnel above to prevent o bjects d ropin g on workers
C3 - Be vi gilant of your surou ndin g. LADOL SHEQ
3 Falling objects contact wi th in dividu al Fracture, etc LADOL Pers onnel bel ow. Use of hi gh visi bil ity jacket to e nsure 2 5 10 Avo id w orking to o clos e/beneath 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
w orking ben eath you ar e seen and h ar dhat to protect your moving object Medi c on site
head from fall ing ob jects

Sh arp edges / GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Use of appropriate PPEs C4 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
4 Contact with body Cut 2 2 4 C4 - Use of competent workers 2 1 2 Team on si te/
Protrud ed nai l LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor
Medi c on site

C5 - Avoi d w orking at height where

fracture, di slocation , and C5 - Use o f safety harnes s b elt and en sure it
GBEMICH Perso nnel secures po ssi ble. For example, i f somethi ng C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
5 Working at heights Fall from height co rrectl y to th e anch orage. Ob tain 2 3 6 2 2 4 Team on si te/
b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel PTW for h eight abo ve 1.8m can be assembl ed on ground level, do Su pervisor
Medi c on site
i t there.

6 Long duration of work Fatigue Headache and Dizziness GBEMICH Perso nnel C6 - Wor kers to observe i ntermittent breaks
and job rotatio n to prevent repeti tive s train 2 2 4
C6 - Unders tand and set you r
op erating rh ythm, Be strategic wi th the 2 2 2 C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel in juri es. job Su pervisor Medi c on site

Moving o bjects Mo vi ng object getting C7 - Wear Person al Pro tective Eq uipment C7 - Wo rkers s hould be vi gi lant of thei r LADOL SHEQ
B ody in jury, Death, GBEMICH Perso nnel (PPE), such as a hi gh vis ibi lity jacket, to ens ure C5 - GB EM ICH
7 (Overhead li fti ng i n contact with 2 5 10 s urround ings, es peci ally i f the object 2 2 4 Team on si te/
equip men t) w orkers Fracture, etc LADOL Pers onnel they are seen. Avoi d w orking/ walking under do es no t have li ghts or beep ers. Su pervisor Medi c on site

Task Decription: painting of steel menbers

poor hous ekeep ing; ens ure ther e are no trip and sli p haz ard to LADOL SHEQ
painti ng tool s an d GBEM ICH Per sonnel ens ure th e use of appr opriate PPE C1 - GEMICH
1 slip, trip and fall fracture, sprain, bruises pers onnel s th rough p roper h ouse keep ing 2 6 12 2 2 4 Team on si te/
cou ntainers not LADOL Pers onnel and signages before and d urin g operatio n Su pervisor Medi c on site
properl y kept.

trai n pers onnel on man ual h an dli ng LADOL SHEQ

M SD, muscle strain and GBEM ICH Per sonnel avoid awkward p osture, twi sti ng bend ing C2 - GEMICH
2 manual handking awkward posture s prain LADOL Pers onnel reaching etc. 2 6 12 techniq ue, handle mater ial with care 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
and with the ap propri ate PPE o n Medi c on site

. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, fire exti nguis her mus t be located close LADOL SHEQ
Fl ammabl e l iqui d and GBEM ICH Per sonnel open flames an d oth er igni tion sou rces . No C2 - GEMICH
3 vapo ur fire skin burn LADOL Pers onnel smokin g. . Take precauti onary measures 2 3 6 to the w ork area wh ere it can be eas ily 1 2 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
s potted Medi c on site
agains t
Obtai n sp eci al i nstruction s befo re us e.
Do n ot hand le u ntil all safety
precautio ns h ave been read and
un derstood . Us e pers onal protective
equ ipment as requi red. Wear
mi ld skin irritati on, all ergy pro tective gl oves. Wear eye or face
o r asthma symp toms or Read label before use. Store p roperl y, have pro tectio n. In cas e of i nadequate
b reathing difficu lties if ventil ation wear res pirato ry LADOL SHEQ
4 Inhalati on, co ntact
hazardous vapour, liquid w i nhaled , d rows iness or GBEM ICH Per sonnel pro duct con tainer or l ab el at hand.SDS s hall 3 4 12 pro tectio nstatic di scharge. Keep 2 2 4 C3 - GEMICH Team on si te/
ith s kin an d eye LADOL Pers onnel be mad e avai labl e and acces si ble to Su pervisor
d izz ines s, damage to container tightl y cl osed. Use onl y Medi c on site
pers onnel and other w orkers aro und.
o rgan s thr ough p rolon g or ou tdoors or in a well -venti lated area.
r epeatd exposu re Avo id r elease to the environment. Do
no t breathe vapo r. Do not eat, dr ink or
s moke when usin g this pro duct. W ash
hand s tho roughly after handli ng.
Co ntami nated w ork cl othi ng sho uld
no t be al low ed out of the workpl ace.
Task Decription: Scaffold Erection/ Use

GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Train workers on proper handl ing

C1 - Pl an ahead an d know who' s goi ng C1 - GB EM ICH
1 Manual handling injuries Overbending / exertion Musculoskeletal disorder LADOL Pers onnel techniq ue. Mobito r wor kers and ensur e right 2 4 8 to do th e jo b 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
handl ing techni ques are main tai ned. Medi c on site

GBEMICH Perso nnel C2 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e C2 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es C2 - GB EM ICH
2 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) 2 2 4 and walkways 2 1 2 Su pervisor Team on si te/
Medi c on site

C3 - Avoi d w orking at height where

3 Working at heights Fall from height fracture, di slocation , and GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Use o f safety harnes s b elt and en sure it
secures co rrectl y to th e anch orage. Ob tain 2 3 6 po ssi ble. For example, i f somethi ng 2 2 4 C3 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
Team on si te/
b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel PTW for h eight abo ve 1.8m can be assembl ed on ground level, do Su pervisor
Medi c on site
i t there.

4 poor housekeeping Trip and fall Dislocation, bruises GBEMICH Perso nnel C4 - Ensu re pro per ho usekeepin g,.Ens ure th e 2 2 4 C4 - Avoi d creating obstacles in aisl es 2 1 2 C4 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
LADOL Pers onnel us e of P PE ( safety s hoes, coverall ,hard hat) and walkways Su pervisor
Medi c on site

Overl oad Co llaps e causin g fall fracture, di slocation , and GBEMICH Perso nnel C5 - Avoi d s caffo ld compon ents overl oaded C5 - Ensu re clos e sup ervi si on and use C5 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
5 of scaffo ld compon ents from height. b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel beyond desi gn l imits. 2 3 6 competent p ersonn el 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
. Medi c on site

C6 - Avoi d th e use of di fferen t scaffol d

Unstable scaffol d du e Inju ry due to  scaffol d C6 - Ensu re Found ati on or groun d i s s uitabl e s ys tems mixed to geth er. (mix and LADOL SHEQ
6 to l ack of  competency coll apse  or parti al fracture, di slocation , and GBEMICH Perso nnel for mo bil e scaffol d. 2 3 6 match prob lems).Ens ure clo se 2 2 4 C6 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel Su pervisor
in  erecti on.  coll apse.  s upervisi on an d us e competent Medi c on site
pers onnel

Base fr ames Instabi lity/  co llaps e of fracture, di slocation , and C7 - Ensu re su fficien t diagon al bracing or
GBEMICH Perso nnel bracing C7 - Ensu re castor wheels are l ocked to C7 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
7 not ad eq uately bas e frames fixed co rrectl y. Adjus t castor wheels 2 3 6 prevent mo vement and u se competent 2 2 4 Team on si te/
b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel correctl y when levell ing the base frames. Su pervisor
braced  or supp orted. causi ng fall.  pers onnel Medi c on site

C8 - Scaffold must b e in spected and

Fall from fracture, di slocation , and GBEMICH Perso nnel C8 - Avoi d Un-autho rised removal o f or tagged by LADOL competent s caffo ld C8 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
8 Incomplete  scaffol d s caffold  fr ames or b ody in jury LADOL Pers onnel in terference with scaffol d components . 2 3 6 i nspector. Ensu re is olati on s ys tem for 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
w orking pl atfo rm. i ncompl ete s caffo lds, e.g. Danger tag Medi c on site
warn ing s igns in place.

Task Decription: Hiab operation

C1 - Ensu re adequ ate sup ervi sio n and

Object/ items droppi ng fracture, di slocation , and GBEMICH Perso nnel C1 - Use competent workers, s ecure load Never w al k under the crane b oom C1 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
1 Falling Loads from above b ody in jury, damage to LADOL Pers onnel pro perly to prevent s lip ping of item. Isolate 2 3 6 wh ile in 2 2 4 Su pervisor Team on si te/
s tructure the liftin g area . Do no t exceed the ho ist limi t op eration Medi c on site

C2 - Carry ou t routi ne i nspectio ns, C2 - Avoi d u se of defecti ve

crus hing/s hearin g injuries components , swi nging and sud den LADOL SHEQ
2 Mech an ical /str uctural Object/ items droppi ng to bod y/ limbs or GBEMICH Perso nnel maintenan ce an d repai rs at sui tab le i ntervals. 2 3 6 dro p of loads . Never walk un der the 2 2 4 C2 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
fai lure from above d eath ,damage to structure LADOL Pers onnel Do n ot exceed the crane’s op erational crane bo om whi le in Su pervisor Medi c on site
cap acity
op eration

C3- Carrry out tool box talk to make LADOL SHEQ

3 H eat h eat related il lness es an d GBEM ICH Per sonnel C3 - Ensu re por tab le w ater /sufficient shel ter 2 3 6 wo rker s aware of the dangers of 1 2 2 C2 - GEMICH Team on si te/
Hot weather s ympto ms LADOL Pers onnel is availabl e i n the work area Su pervisor
stress/e xh aution deh ydr ati on Medi c on site

C3 - At all times stand cl ear of the l oad

Low ering of hydraul ics Object/ items droppi ng crus hing/s hearin g injuries GBEMICH Perso nnel C3 - Do no t put any part o f yo ur bo dy into a bei ng moved i nto C3 - GB EM ICH LADOL SHEQ
4 to bod y/ limbs or 2 3 6 2 2 4 Team on si te/
with out w arn ing from above LADOL Pers onnel trappi ng s pace. po siti on . Cr an e must be certified by Su pervisor
d eath ,damage to structure thi rd p ar ty Medi c on site

crus hing/s hearin g injuries C4 - Never move the vehi cl e wh ile the crane LADOL SHEQ
5 Crane ti ppi ng over Object/ items droppi ng to bod y/ limbs or GBEMICH Perso nnel has a su spend ed lo ad. Ensure the crane i s n ot 2 2 4 C4 - Ensu re the use of su itable 2 1 2 C4 - GB EM ICH Team on si te/
whi le i n op eration from above LADOL Pers onnel footp ad s i f requi red. Su pervisor
d eath ,damage to structure overlo aded Medi c on site

S(P) S(A) S(E) S.(R)

Harm to people Asset damage Environmental Improbable Remote Occasional Probable Frequent
impact Impact on reputation

No injury or No damage No effect Slight impact Minor 1 2 3 4 5

health effect
Sevrity of consequence

Slight injury or Slight damage Slight effect Minor impact Moderate 2 4 6 8 10

health effect

Minor injury or
health effect Minor damage Minor effect Moderate impact Serious 3 6 9 12 15

PTD or upto 3 Major damage Moderate effect Major impact Major 4 8 12 16 20


More than three Massive damage Maasive effect Massive impact Fatal 5 10 15 16 25

This allows us to establish what more (if anything) needs to be done to reduce the risk and this can be determined, in simplest form as;

1-4. LOW Maintain current level of controls

5-12. MEDIUM Some further controls should be planned to reduce the risks

12-25. HIGH At this level work must STOP (or not begin in planning stage ) Until further controls reduces the risk

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