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Teacher Voicemail:

519-570-8123 X 7084
What’s happening in Teacher Website:

Gill-Ville …
June 2011
Mark your Calendars…
Jr. Area Comp .
Character Track & Field:
PD Day – No School
Friday, June 3rd Education:
We will be participating in
During the month of May our school track and field
IPRC Meetings we spent time talking events during the
June 7th & 9th about “Balance”. To lead a afternoon of June 10th and
balanced life is to make the morning of June 13th.
choices that are good for We will also travel to
Party in the Park
your mind and body. We Southwood S.S. for the
Tuesday, June 14th can show balance by area meet on June 17th.
eating healthy and trying a Please remember to wear
Gateway Lunches variety of activities. We’re sunscreen, loose
proud of Braydan, our May comfortable clothing, and
Weds, June 8th & 22nd
Student-of-the-Month bring a hat and water
winner! During the month bottle on the event days.
Track and Field of June we will be looking
Track - June 10th pm at all of the keys and
Field- June 13th am deciding on our Code of
Conduct award winner at
Area Meet – June 17th the end of the month. Our
Code of Conduct award
Medieval Times will be presented at our
Toronto Trip grade 6 graduation on Canada
June 28th. Connections
Monday, June 20th
Live Meeting :
Canada Connections
Live Meeting On Friday, June 24th we
will travel to Franklin P.S.
Friday, June 24th Medieval Times in Kitchener to meet with
the 4 other classes
Report Cards
Year End Trip: involved in our Canada
Monday, June 27th Connections project. We
Just a quick reminder that
will share a bus with our
$20 for our Medieval
grade 6 friends from St.
Grade 6 Graduation Times Dinner and
Andrews P.S. in
Tournament admission is
Tuesday, June 28th due by June 16th. On the
Cambridge. This is such
an exciting chance to
day of the trip, students
meet with the students
Beach Day Spirit Day will need to be picked up
we’ve only seen online
Last Day of School at the school at 4:45 upon
during our video
returning from Toronto.
Thursday, June 30th conferences each month.
Collaborative Story
Writing Projects:
We have finished writing the last
2 collaborative stories for this
Canada project. We have also illustrated
our sections. The next step is to
Connections record ourselves reading the
Project Update: story using voicethread. One of
our stories is complete and we’re
working with 11 other classes in
Our final online video conference
North America to finish up the
was a great success! During each
remaining 3 stories.
presentation students shared
ipads to participate in a back-
channel chat with the students
from the four other classes. You
can read a transcript of this chat
by visiting this link:

Our class made inukskuks out of

stones and took pictures of them You can see our story about a
in front of an online image of Louisiana fisherman and his son’s
various places in the 3 Canadian encounter with an alligator and
Territories. We also asked some some other swamp creatures by
grade 9 students in Nunavut to visiting this link:
answer some questions about life http://writeyourstory.wikispaces
in the territories. We used google .com/Story+++29
forms for the first time. You can
see the questions we asked them
by visiting our Canada
Connections project wiki page:

We used the pictures and this

information to write a story about
an inukshuk traveling around the
territories trying to find his way
home. You see our story online, You can read our fourth group
narrated by Rachel, Kara, and story about April Fool’s Day
Zach, by visiting this link: pranks by visiting this link: http://writeyourstory.wikispaces
iew/story_id/17561/ .com/Story+++35
Technology Updates: Livestream Video Broadcasting:
Our first test of the livestream
D.I.Y. Where I Live App Project: broadcast had a delayed start.
Our class has connected with Ian Once we were able to get going
Chia, an educational software the broadcast went well. We
developer in Australia. Ian is learned about the volume
going to help us write the code feedback and minor things to
and finish up the work required work on next time. During our
to make an iPod/iPad/iPhone app second test of the system, there
that can be downloaded from the were some technical difficulties.
iTunes App Store (hopefully by We will likely test the system
the Fall). This project has MANY again later in June with news
parts that we’re learning about as updates about our app project.
we go. We began researching the
parts of Cambridge and the types Teddy Bears Around
of attractions, accommodations,
and special features that are the World Project:
found in Cambridge communities.
Gill the Goldfish, our class
Our visit to the Cambridge
mascot, has posted the 6th and
Visitors Centre was a fabulous
7th blog on the Teddy Bears
way to gather resources and ask
Around the World blog site!
some questions. Back at school
These two posts describe special
we’ve been writing contact
presentations about medieval
information and summary
life. Our visiting stuffies, Blue
paragraphs for all of the places
Bob and Ella, make guest
we want to highlight in our app
appearances in the posts as well
that is geared towards tourists
Visiting the following link to read
and students around the world
our posts:
that want to learn more about
our city. We have also talked
about our title and button design. blog/travel/teddybearsaround
Over the next two weeks we will theworld/
be driving around Galt, Preston,
and Hespeler on days when the Gill, Ella,
weather cooperates. During and Blue
these excursions we will be Bob are
stopping frequently to mark checking
global positions and take out
photographs. I have created a medieval
teacher blog where I am writing siege
about this experience. If you weapons
would like to follow along this like the
learning journey with us you can catapult
visit this new blog site: and trebuchet
Travelling Mascot Lil G just left with our bus driver
last week for an 8 week trip to
Project: the Yukon. We won’t see Lil G
until the Fall when we return to
school. Check back on the wiki
site in September to learn about
this awesome vacation. This will
be the page link to visit:

Flickr Photos:
Don’t forget to check into our
G2 (Gill II) has arrived in Port Flickr site to see all of the trip
Hardy, British Columbia. Our photos and pictures of us
friends in Mrs. Soltau-Hellar’s learning recently!
class have converted him into a
Vancouver Canucks fan! You can IPRC Meetings:
follow his updates on his special
page on our project wiki: Just a reminder to our graduating students, that IPRC meetings will take place next week. Students
moving onto to W.G. Davis will
Lil Gill is currently on a castle have their meetings on Tuesday,
tour in Ireland! He has left for June 7th. Students moving on to
over three weeks of fun as he Lincoln will have their meetings
tours all of the sites in Ireland. on Thursday, June 9th. All of the
We won’t hear about his students remaining in our
adventures until he comes back program for one more year will
to us. Stay tuned to our wiki for be receiving waiver forms (at
information about this vacation. your request). Please sign and
http://gillthegoldfishgoesglobal. return those forms as soon as possible.

Gill (the original) has recently

arrived safely in New Zealand.
We’ll be watching the wiki to see
the exciting things he’s doing
there. You can follow along by
visiting this page:
http://gillthegoldfishgoesglobal. It’s been an amazing
Quest year in Gill-Ville!

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