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The Effects of Potato’s Skin to Tissue Scarring in Wounds and Burn Healing

Prepared by:

Chris-Ann Delfino

Mark Alexis Del Rosario

Geisha-Mariecomb C. Latonio

Jedd Shermel Rabe

S.Y. 2020-2021



Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

Objectives of the Study -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Statement of the Problem ------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Conceptual Framework --------------------------------------------------------------------------6

Scope and Limitations ------------------------------------------------------------------------7

Significance of the Study ---------------------------------------------------------------------------8

Definition of Terms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------8


Literature Review --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10


Research Design --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

Data Gathering Procedure ----------------------------------------------------------------15


Analysis Interpretation --------------------------------------------------------------------- 17


Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

Recommendations ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20


References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23

CURRICULUM VITAE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27





Potatoes are our major food in our industry. It is also said that it is another alternative to

use for treatments or medicines to alleviate pain and acidity or alkalinity, these are what we called

the juices from the tubers. Solanum Tuberosum was cultivated around 8,000 BC to 5,000 BC in

1536 in Inca Indians in Peru. Sir Walter Raleigh introduced potatoes in Ireland in 1589 that spread

to European countries, the European agriculturists found that potatoes are easier to grow than the

other crops and this potato has become vastly known for its rich vitamin and sustenance. The use

of natural products to enhance wound healing is a common practice in many parts of the world

especially in Asian countries.

Aside from the lack of scientific research, the possibility of allergic reactions ought to be

another consideration before you rub potatoes on your skin. Clinical studies have shown a few

possible explanations. Peeling of raw potatoes and rubbing them in your face may cause allergic

symptoms, such as sneezing, wheezing, and contact urticaria, for adults. For children, potatoes as

food may cause various allergic reactions. However, the identity and molecular structure of the

putative allergens in potato have remained unknown. And the clinical study found that raw potato

sensitivities could also be linked to latex allergies in adults. This was also linked to Patatin. Other

possible food triggers to latex allergy include carrots, tomatoes, apples, and bananas. If you have

known latex allergy, you shouldn’t use raw potatoes on your skin.

During the 1960s, the growth spurt of potato has rapidly increased across different

countries wherein over a million of people use it. One of the reasons why the majority of the people

use potatoes is because it carries 100-400 seeds that can be planted to produce new tubers. Out of

more than a billion people worldwide eat potatoes in which the total crop production exceeds 300

million metric tons. Solanum tuberosum are potatoes that usually yield nutritionally valuable food

taken in a form of tubers.

The researchers intended individuals to be more knowledgeable to the value of potatoes

and to be able to grasp in their minds that potatoes are not just naturally a valuable food who’s rich

in vitamins, but it can also be the solution to healing our sick bodies. A potato can do a lot of

things, it can be prepared in different ways and still be nutritious. The potato peels (Solanum

tuberosum) contain an array of nutritionally and pharmacologically interesting components, such

as phenolic compounds, glycoalkaloids, and homograft’s and xenografts which may be used as

natural antioxidants. The components of potato contain toxic compounds known as glycoalkaloids

to treat swollen gums and to heal burns, it is often used in India, however too much consumption

may lead to excess toxic to our body.

Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of this study are to determine the potential impact whether the raw

Solanum Tuberosum is effective as a treatment to people who are engaged in outside activities, to

identify the result or outcome of applying it to cure our wounds, and the side effects of putting a

large amount of solanum in curing scarring and burns in our skin.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to distinguish the potential impact of raw Solanum Tuberosum skin in healing

the wounds and burns. The researchers synthesize the following questions to be answered as the

study goes by:

1. Can the potato skin be effective as a treatment to those people who are engaged in outside


2. What can be the result or outcome when we apply the potato skin in curing our wounds?

3. What can be the side effects of putting a large amount of potato skin in curing scarring and


Conceptual Framework

Effects of Potato skin in
terms of healing wounds
Potato’s skin Document Analysis
and burns

Figure 1.1. Effects of Raw Solanum Tuberosum Skin in Wound Healing

In the first box, the researchers put the “Potato skin” as the input or the independent

variable of the study. For the second box, the process of this study is document analysis, wherein

the related documents and studies about the potato skin will be analyzed. Lastly, the researchers

will have the output of the study as the effects of the potato skin to the healing of wounds and

burns in the human body.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on the potato skin’s effect in healing the damaged tissues in wounds

and burns of a human body, as well as to classify potatoes as one of the organic alternatives in

treating scars.

The researchers aim to focus only on the effects of raw solanum tuberosum. The data

gathered will be helpful in the process of research in which we find the skin of the potato rich in

antioxidants that can help to retain white blood cells in the scars and burns.

Other information about potatoes that are not in line of its effect on burns and wounds will

not be included in our study. This study will be conducted during the second semester of the

researchers’ school year of 2020-2021.

Significance of the Study

The study of raw Solanum Tuberosum can be a learning paradigm to enhance the people’s

knowledge. This part of the research contains the beneficiaries and the contributions of the research

for the following:

For the public. This study will help people be aware of the benefits that we can obtain from

potatoes, aside from being one of the main sources of food production purposes.

For the officials in the academic field. By accomplishing this study, it allows them to

engage in understanding the contribution of potatoes in society, showing the effectiveness of

treatments and medicinal properties of these potatoes that can be applicable in some cases in our

lives. Teachers may counsel their students' right conduct in their learning through these potatoes

and to acknowledge the assistance of this in our way of living. Also, to take concrete steps towards

promoting this certain kind of vegetable that will regulate the students or youth to implement this

as an alternative way for other instances. To better have a concrete understanding that can

particularly contribute in another way and can be applied.

For the students. The research conducted may enlighten the students the right knowledge

about the facts and details of the effects of the potatoes. Through this, it can be a way for students

to promote awareness to their fellow students since they now know how these potatoes contributed

and they will protect and preserve potatoes.

For future researchers. This study will serve as a reference to help the future researchers

with their upcoming research paper. They could also address and improve their paper by

addressing the topics that were not evident in this study.

Definition of the Terms

Glycoalkaloids - are a set or group of nitrogen-containing compounds that are made naturally in

different cultivated and ornamental plant species of the Solanaceae family

Putative Allergens- can be defined as a substance that causes an allergic reaction


Patatin- is a family of glycoproteins that are found in potatoes (Solanum tuberosum); it is also

identified as a major cause of potato allergy.

Latex allergy- is a reaction to certain proteins found in natural rubber latex, a product made from

the rubber tree. Having the latex allergy, latex will be identified as a harmful substance in your


Homograft - a tissue that has been moved to another body from a donor that is the same kind as

the receiver

Xenografts – this refers to the transportation of an organ, tissue, or cells to an individual of another


Antioxidants – this can be defined as the substances that protect our body like the purpose of the

white blood cells’ in fighting bacteria.

Phenolic Compounds – are the substances containing benzoic molecules with one or more

hydroxylic groups; when a molecule has two or more hydroxylic group, then it’s considered as


Tubers- can be identified as asexual reproduction since these are plants that can be used as storage

for certain species of plants; plants that grows with the help of the roots of another plant.

Alkalinity- it is properties of water that rely on the presence of chemicals like carbonates, and

hydroxides; it is also the measure of the body of water’s ability to balance acid.
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This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies that the researchers did

after the thorough and detailed search.


“Potatoes are edible tubers, available worldwide and all year long. They are relatively

cheap to grow, rich in nutrients, and they can make a delicious treat,” stated by (Ware, 2017).

According to Waglay and Karbourne (2016) potatoes or solanum tuberosum are characterized by

a large starch content, which supplies energy, and by the presence of nutrients like proteins, fibers,

and organic acids. Potatoes are the fourth most important staple crop after rice, maize, and wheat

in Nepal (MOAD, 2018). Based on the article of the Archives of Agriculture and Environmental

Science (2019), it could be a good option to improve the health and nutrition factor of the rural

population since potatoes are considered more productive than cereals.

The production of potatoes (raw solanum tuberosum) decreased in the past 2011 to 2014,

124,671.18 to 119,140.02 due to limited planting materials and low price. In the areas of Benguet

and mountain province in the cordillera administrative region these were the areas where potatoes

are locally grown and elevated the potatoes usually planting 2 times a year while cropping every

may and December however it could be planted the whole year round especially if they have

irrigation facilities. (Gonzales, et al. 2016)

Benefits of Solanum Tuberosum

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Potatoes are usually use in diet plans because the tube or the starch that found in potatoes

contains 110 calories and completely free from any kind of fats, sodium or cholesterols, also a

good source of nutrients that are essential to body to support the skeletal bones by containing its

fats or by consuming every layer of potatoes fats and nutrients (Panlasang Pinoy).

The skin of a potato is rich in Vitamin C that is vital in skincare. It can be used in removing

dark circles under the eyes, treat the wrinkles in your face, remove dark spots in the body, get rid

of blemishes, treat sunburns, and nourish dry skin. (Del Rosario, A. A., 2018). Similarly, an article

written by Dela Cruz, (2019) states that potato peel has an enzyme called Catecholase, the one

responsible for facilitating cellular detoxification that removes the harmful toxins in the body and

protects the cells from oxidative damage.

It was stated in Filipino Recipes article, that potatoes are best when it comes to helping to

reduce inflammation, serves as a protection against arthritis and rheumatism, and the skin or the

potato peel extract and the glycoalkaloids (bitter compounds in the vegetable) in potatoes exhibit

an anti-inflammatory effect. In line with this, an article entitled “Raw Potatoes: The Benefits,

Damages, and Features” claims that raw potatoes has anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce

swelling, antiseptic that is responsible in decreasing the risk of having infection, and it cleans the

bacteria in the skin. Additionally, a Filipino study said that some varieties of the potato contain

antioxidant and fiber holes, unprocessed potatoes contain very little sodium, only 10 mg per 100

grams, or less than 1 percent of the suggested daily limit. The Quercetin is a flavonoid, a kind of

phytonutrient that helps our body to be protected against different types of diseases, found in potato

skin that contains the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect that protects body cells from

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A research study by Monde (2019) states that one of the versatile foods in the Philippine

industry is potatoes or the staple foods. The skin of the potato carries a variety of nutrients and

antioxidants that helps in repairing damaged skin tissues in our body. Another opinion from Raman

(2018) claims that potatoes are packed with the nutrients and minerals that our body needs to fight

diseases. Solanum Tuberosum helps in blood sugar control, reduces heart disease risk, and makes

our immunity stronger.

According to Subrahmanyam (2015), potato peels resembles our skin since it also has an

outer and inner surface. Potato peels with the inner surface in contact with the burns can be used

to cover the burn. Boiled potato peels have been used to cover the fresh burns wounds.

The latest study by Susarla (2019) explains that the potato peel or the potato’s skin contains

an array of nutritionally beneficial compounds. It can be an antioxidant invaluable food.

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in potato skin, possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties and

antioxidant capabilities that protect the body's cells from free radical damage. Potatoes have

Vitamin C that promotes collagen's ability or the skin’s support system to smooth wrinkles,

improve the overall texture of the skin, and works in our bodies as an antioxidant to help prevent

damage caused by the sun, pollution and smoke.

Based on the study of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (2019), the healthiest part of

the potato is its skin. The potato skin provides lots of fiber that normalizes the bowel movement,

potassium that regulates the fluid balance, and other nutrients vital for our body.

In an article written by Jessimy (2019), it is said that potatoes contain some exceptional

properties to nourish skin cells. Minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium can be
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used to prevent aging signs. Potatoes water exfoliates the skin and improves complexion and

provides a quick relief on the burnt skin.

Olsen, Thornton, and Nolte (2017) explained that potatoes act as a natural Band-Aid for

any wound. Potatoes can heal wounds by the wound periderm since it is the one that makes wound

healing possible. The healing process depends on how severe the wound is, but regardless of how

deep or shallow it is, potatoes can still help in the healing process of any area where there is a

break in the skin.

Potato skin moisturizes and help in healing burns. Potatoes have the antibacterial properties

needed in healing the wounds and burns in the skin. The juices in a potato helps in keeping the

wound moist that makes the process of healing faster. (Honey, Potato and Other Home Remedies

for Minor Burns on Diwali, 2020)

An article entitled “Effects of Polyhalite Fertilization on Skin Quality of Potato Tuber”

depicted that the potato tuber's defensive strip is composed of periderm tissue, the peripheral cell

layers of which have corky cell dividers and are alluded to as "skin." The skin of the tuber shields

it from water misfortune and microbe attack, and its appearance is a key showcasing factor.

Physiological skin imperfections, for example, russeting jumble and cleaning wounds, are of

extraordinary concern.


Potatoes are one of the versatile foods in the Philippine industry. The skin of the potato

contains the nutrients that our body needs like antioxidants that help in repairing damaged skins in

our body. Potatoes can act as a natural band-aid for burns and wounds since the wound periderm
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that a potato has is the one that makes wound healing possible. The healing process of a wound

differs depending on how severe it is and its size, potatoes can help in the healing process of a

wound in our skin. The juice from the potatoes makes the healing process of every wounds and

burns faster. Potato peels have a flavonoid called Quercetin that possesses powerful anti-

inflammatory properties and antioxidant capabilities that protect the body's cells from free radical

damage. It is also rich in vitamin C that enhances the ability of the collagen (skin’s support system)

to improve the overall skin texture.

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This chapter concentrates on the discussion on the research method and procedures adhered

to by the researcher in order to answer systematically the specific problems posed for investigation.

Specifically, the research design and the data gathering procedure will be explained in this chapter.

Research Design

The researchers of the study entitled The Effects of Raw Solanum Tuberosum Skin to

Tissue Scarring in Wounds and Burn Healing, will be using a descriptive design as the research


Descriptive Research Design was the most appropriate method to use since this

methodology’s primary concern is answering the questions “What” and “How” rather than the

“Why” in a research project (“Descriptive Research: Definition, Characteristics, Methods,

Examples and Advantages”, 2020). Description emerges following creative exploration, and

serves to organize the findings in order to fit them with explanations, and then test or validate those

explanations (Krathwohl, 1993).

The Researchers used the descriptive method to describe the study of effectiveness, cause,

and effect of the certain study better and more efficiently.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers will be reading and analyzing articles, documents, newspapers, and books

that are aligned with the research topic as a method of gathering the data required for the study.
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Allowing it to distinguish the effects of using Raw Solanum Tuberosum Skin to heal Tissue

Scarring in Wounds and Burned skin.

The gathered data from the articles will help the researchers to determine if Raw Solanum

Tuberosum Skin has an effect on wounds and if it helps in the healing process of Tissue Scarring

wounds and Burned skin.

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This chapter contains the result of the data gathered by the researchers, along with the

analysis of findings. This shows the interpretation of information that is essential in determining

the effects of potato’s skin to tissue scarring in wounds and burn healing.

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

The researchers take time to gather collective data, using document analysis correlated with

the Effects of Raw Solanum Tuberosum Skin to Tissue Scarring in Wounds and Burn Healing.

Potatoes have a specific part where the healing comes from. It has numerous constituents:

Tannins, Flavonoids, and Alkaloids. Tannins have a drying activity that is helpful for the external

curing of damaged skin like burns and inflammation (Umadevi, et al., 2013). Flavonoids are rich

in antioxidants that help the body fight harmful molecules that can be present in one’s body. It can

assist in dismissing the inflammatory reaction which is triggered by allergens, germs, toxins, and

other irritants and reduce the symptoms that one may feel (Watson, 2019). Lastly, Alkaloids who

came from the name alkali-like, are generally produced by plants. It has diverse physiological

effects like antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Scientists and Pharmacologists are now having an

interest in the said compound (Kurek, 2019).

Potatoes can create as a Band-Aid to human skin due to their components of natural aid of

wound periderm found on the skin of potatoes that contributes to healing the wounds of the human

skin. The wound periderm tissue of potatoes has three layers; phellem, phellogen, and phelloderm

that significantly contributes to protecting the potato from pathogenic attack and water loss.
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Potatoes curing the wound may depend on how deep it is. The shallow the wounds, the faster they

will heal. Deep wounds may take a while before they heal. Wounds are refrained from circulating

air and decrease the ability to become dry (Olsen et al., 2017).

Magnesium can help in protecting your skin from external damage since it regulates the

cell regeneration or replacing the tissues and cells that are damaged (George, 2019).

Potato skin contains B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, and other nutrients. (Academy of

Nutrition and Dietetics, n.d.). B vitamins have a positive effect on keratinocytes or the outermost

layer of the skin and fibroblasts that make collagen (Rembe, et al., 2018). On the other hand,

numerous studies were conducted to prove that vitamin c can help wounds heal faster. Vitamin C

has an effective antioxidant that protects cells from any damage by free radicals. (Moores, 2013).

Also, it promotes collagen’s ability which plays a vital role in healing wounds due to its

chemotactic role. It attracts fibroblasts and keratinocytes to the wound itself that makes the tissues

and the healing of wounds quicker (Hochstei & Bhatia, n.d.).

Iron has an essential role in production of collagen. It stimulates and promotes

angiogenesis, a crucial factor in repairing the tissues that delivers immune cells, remove the dead

skin or debris, and provide enough nutrients for regenerating of tissues (Bodnar, 2015). Not having

enough iron in the body can result with skin-related conditions while excess iron can also increase

the risk of having skin changes like lipodermatosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory condition

(Lazarevski, 2021).
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This chapter concludes the study by discussing the summary, conclusions, and

recommendations based on the assessment and evaluation of data that the researchers made

throughout the study.


Potatoes are our major food in our industry. It is also said that it is another alternative to

use for treatments or medicines to alleviate pain and acidity or alkalinity, these are what we called

the juices from the tubers. The aim of this study is to determine the effects of potato skin when

applied to wounds and burns in the skin. This study will be conducted during the second semester

of the researchers’ school year of 2020-2021.

For this study, a qualitative, descriptive study is used in order to describe the possible

impact of potato peels in wounds and burns focusing on questions like “what?” rather than “why?”

The data gathering procedure of this study is document analysis. The researchers looked

through several articles, previous studies, and anything related to the components of potato peels

and their possible benefits in healing wounds and burns.


Based on the data and information that the researchers collected, they can now write

conclusions that will answer the research questions for this study. The conclusions are made as

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§ Can the potato skin be effective as a treatment to those people who are engaged in outside


- Potato skin can be effective and a remedy for those people engaged in outside activities

that can have wounds and burns anytime. The skin of the potato helps in healing the injuries and

cuts they may have.

§ What can be the result or outcome when we apply the potato skin in curing our wounds?

- The result or outcome when we apply the potato skin in curing our wounds is that it

creates a Band-Aid in the skin due to its natural components that heals the wounds. Components

like vitamin C, B vitamins, and other minerals that helps in healing. Potato skin also helps our cells

to make platelets or a top layer of the wounds to be able to dry and cure.

§ What can be the side effects of putting a large amount of potato skin in curing scarring and


- Putting a large amount of potato skin in healing the wounds and burns on the skin is

dangerous. One of the components that potato peels’ contain is iron. Iron is a mineral that can

help in treating damaged tissues in the skin but when used excessively it can damage your skin

like the illness lipodermatosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory condition involving your lower



This study revealed the effectiveness of Potato’s Skin to Tissue Scarring in Wounds and

Burn Healing. Thus, the following recommendations are hereby presented:

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§ For the public, since the researcher revealed the healing effects of solanum tuberosum,

they need to be counseled that taking a lot of this treatment may cause different kind of

toxins it is better to apply naturally don’t overuse it and don’t use it in any kind of sickness

and bruised in the skin, it is better to consult doctors for more any information regarding

to your sickness and bruised.

§ For the officials in academic field, putting aside in applying the solanum tuberosum they

must produce a sedative regarding to potato skin to be a lot safer than applying it because

there is still circumstances that it cannot be affected specially those who have a sensitive

skin. Making this a head start to them to make a lot more counselling regarding this kind

of alternative treatment.

§ For the students, they should be wary and wise about this alternative treatment to be able

to help others. They should be knowledgeable not only in academics but also in practicality

and indigenous things that can provide assistance for everyone.

§ For the future researchers, they should look deeper not just in this research because there

are many aspects that yet to be discovered in terms of this kind of alternative treatment.

Furthermore, they should take this to improve a lot more and look for the better answers in

their research.
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Olsen, N., Thornton, M., & Nolte, P. (n.d.). Wound healing: Potatoes Natural Band-Aid.

Ware, M. (2017). How can potatoes benefit my health?.

Raman, R. (2018). 7 health and Nutrition Benefits of Potatoes.

Monde, J. (2019). Potato Benefits: Amazing Skin & Health Benefits You Probably Don’t Know


Susarla, N. (2019). Benefits of Potato Peels.


Subrahmanyam, M. (2015). Potato Peels in the Treatment of Burn Wounds.



Jessimy, M. (2019). 11 Surprising Benefits of Potatoes.


Health benefits of Potato You May Not Know, (2019).


Subedi, S., et al. (2019). Economics of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Production in Terai Region

of Nepal.

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Potato Nutrition. (n.d.).



Waglay, A., Karboune, S. (2016). Advances in Potato Chemistry and Technology (Second



Gonzales, I., et al. (2016). Sustainable Potato Production in the Philippine Cordillera Region.

Baghel, R. S., et al. (2019). Effects of Polyhalite Fertilization on Skin Quality of Potato Tuber.



Del Rosario, A. A. (2018). 20 Great Benefits of Potatoes for the Skin, Hair, and Health.


Dela Cruz, F. (2019). Remedies Using Potatoes that You Can Use for Dark Underarms, Elbows,

and Knees.


Raw Potatoes: The Benefits, Damages, and Features. (2021).
25 | P a g e

Honey, Potato and Other Home Remedies for Minor Burns on Diwali. (2020).


Umadevi, M., et al. (2013). Health benefits and cons of Solanum Tuberosum.


Watson, K. (2019). What are Flavonoids? Everything You Need to Know.



Kurek, J. (2019). Introductory Chapter: Alkaloids – Their Importance in Nature and for Human



What are the nutritional benefits of potato skins? (n.d).




Rembe, J. D., et al. (2018). Effects of Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C on Human Skin Cells: Is

the Perceived Effect Measurable?

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Moores, J. (2013). Vitamin C: A Wound Healing Perspective.


Hochstei, A & Bhatia, A. (n.d.). Collagen: Its Role in Wound Healing.

Bodnar, R. J. (2015). Chemokine Regulation of Angiogenesis During Wound Healing.


Lazarevski, L. (2021). 3 Micronutrients to Help with Wound Healing.

George, J. 2019. Everything You Need to Know About Magnesium's Skincare Benefits.
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Chris-Ann S. Delfino
B2 9-10 Makawili 2 Gemini St. Llano Rd. Caloocan City


Date of Birth : September 26, 2003

Place of Birth : Manila City
Age : 17 years old
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2020- 2021)

SECONDARY: Academy of Saint Andrew Caloocan Inc. (2016 - 2018)

PRIMARY: Academy of Saint Andrew Caloocan Inc. (2010- 2016)


• Making creative designs in a journal, portfolio, and albums

• Developing of pictures and laminating
• Multi-tasking
• Time Management


SHS First Semester Average : 86


Mr. Rowell Andrew R. Recio

Senior High School Coordinator, INBCS

Ms. Laissa Mae Francisco

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS

Ms. Reybe Camit

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS
29 | P a g e

Mark Alexis C. Del Rosario

B15 L11 Gillian Hills Subdivision. Llano, Caloocan City

Date of Birth : June 27, 2004
Place of Birth : Cavite City
Age : 16 years old
Religion : Christian
Citizenship : Filipino


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2020- 2021)

SECONDARY: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2016- 2020)

PRIMARY: Saint Catherine School (2013- 2016)


• I can speak confidently in front of many people

• Reliable even under pressure
• Critical Thinking
• Strategist


SHS First Semester Average : 89


Mr. Rowell Andrew R. Recio

Senior High School Coordinator, INBCS

Ms. Laissa Mae Francisco

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS

Ms. Reybe Camit

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS
30 | P a g e

Geisha-Mariecomb C. Latonio

#9 Katipunan Street, Jordan Heights Subdivision, Barangay

Nagkaisang Nayon, Quezon City

Date of Birth : June 16, 2004
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Age : 16 years old
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2020- 2021)

SECONDARY: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2017- 2020)

PRIMARY: Academy of Saint Andrew Caloocan Inc. (2013- 2016)


• Can speak and understand English and Filipino

• Creative Thinking
• Public Speaking
• Organization
• Assertive


SHS First Semester Average : 89


Mr. Rowell Andrew R. Recio

Senior High School Coordinator, INBCS

Ms. Laissa Mae Francisco

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS

Ms. Reybe Camit

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS
31 | P a g e

Jedd Shermel DL. Rabe

#547 Llano Road Caloocan City


Date of Birth : June 11, 2003
Place of Birth : Valenzuela City
Age : 17 years old
Religion : Roman Catholic
Citizenship : Filipino


SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2020- 2021)

SECONDARY: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2016- 2020)

PRIMARY: Ina ng Buhay Catholic School (2009- 2016)


• I can give good advices to others

• I can communicate well with other people
• I can play basketball
• Editing Skills
• Time Management


SHS First Semester Average : 85


Mr. Rowell Andrew R. Recio

Senior High School Coordinator, INBCS

Ms. Laissa Mae Francisco

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS

Ms. Reybe Camit

Senior High School Teacher, INBCS

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