Lesson 3: Ethical Dilemmas Lesson Outcomes

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Lesson 3: Ethical Dilemmas

Lesson Outcomes:

At the end of this lesson, you should have:

 recognized and recalled a moral experience; and
 analyzed and differentiated the three levels of ethical dilemmas.


In an everyday situation, people decide to satisfy the self and resolve the current conflict.
This decision-making involves two moral imperatives, where neither option is preferable or
acceptable. The dispute arises because following one of the choices would result in another's
good or bad. This section will help the students decide according to what is good, moral, and


Lesson Content:

Moral dilemmas

Moral dilemmas are situations in which the decision-maker must consider two or more
moral values or duties but can only honor one of them; thus, the individual will violate at least
one crucial moral concern, regardless of the decision.
Moral dilemmas are a situation in which, whatever choice is making, the agent commits
a moral. Example from Book I of Plato's Republic, Cephalus defines 'justice' as speaking the
truth and paying one's debts. However, Socrates quickly refutes this account by suggesting that
it would be wrong to repay certain debts (weapon).

There is a conflict between two moral norms: repaying one's debts and protecting others
from harm. The agent regards herself as having ethical reasons to do each of two actions, but
doing both is impossible. When one of the conflicting requirements overrides the other, we do
not have genuine overrides the other; we do not have a real moral dilemma.

A moral Dilemma is something morally right or something ethically wrong; Bad outcome or
Good outcome.

Kvalnes (2019). Moral Dilemmas. https://link.springer.com/

Nursing (2014). Moral Dilemmas. https://www.slideshare.net/ParveenKumarChadha1/moral-


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