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Conveying group ideas 65

Interacting with people


Are you a good decision-maker? Look at the sentences below and decide which sentences are
similar to your opinion and which are different.
1 I look at different options and take my time.
2 I like to get advice from lots of people before I make a decision.
3 I make a decision quickly, and go with my first thought.
4 All decisions are the right decision if I make it!
5 A bad decision is usually better than no decision.


1 You are going read some emails between colleagues about when to have a conference. What is
the final decision?

Dear Bob,
Karen and I have been discussing when to hold the annual conference next year.
Last year many people complained that the first week in July was not suitable
because it clashed with the start of the school holidays, so we’ve been looking at
some ideas. We have two alternatives. The first is to hold the conference in the last
week of June and the second is to move it to the first week of September. Martha
thinks that the June option would be best because people are used to having the
conference around that time. It is, however, hot at this time of the year, which is
not always a good thing, so maybe a complete change would be better, and we
could move the event to September. That would bring something new to the event
and I think in September the venue might be cheaper. But we were wondering if
September would be too late for many people. We need to make a final decision by
Friday and would love to have your input by then.

1  myClass  Pre-intermediate 65 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Conveying group ideas 65

Dear Magda,
Thank you for your email outlining the option for next year’s conference. I agree
that moving the conference would be a good idea. It seems both options have
advantages. I like the idea of moving to September to save money, but this might
cause problems with some customers and I agree that maybe it would be too
late, so I think June would be better. Have you considered a date in August? In my
opinion this would also be a good time to get people together. I hope my input
helps and I will support you whatever you decide.

Dear Bob,
Thank you for your thoughts. We considered August but decided that people
with families would still have the same problem as in July. Therefore, we propose
holding the conference in June. We think that most people will be happy with this
and we look forward to working with you to organise the event.
Thanks again for your help.

2 Three options were discussed – holding the conference in June, August and September. What
were the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion?

Advantages Disadvantages




2  myClass  Pre-intermediate 65 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Conveying group ideas 65

Language focus

1 Match the formal, email phrases on the left with more informal phrases.
1 have been discussing a were thinking
2 two alternatives b What about …?
3 were wondering c have been talking about
4 we would love to have your input d good idea
5 I agree e two choices
6 I like the idea of …, but f What do you think?
7 Have you considered …? g Yes …,but
8 We propose h we suggest
2 Look at these sentences from the emails with a partner. What tense do they use? Why is
sentence 5 different?
1 The June option would be best.
2 A complete change would be better.
3 That would bring something new to the event.
4 Moving the conference would be a good idea.
5 We think that most people will be happy with this.
3 What is the difference in meaning between these sentences?
1 In September the venue might be cheaper.
2 In September the venue would be cheaper.


1 You have just received an email from the company’s HR manager asking for your opinions about
a Staff Party and Staff Awards. Complete the tasks then compare with a partner.
2 You now attend the meeting to discuss and agree the ideas.

Managers Meeting Agenda

1 Staff Party
2 Staff Awards

3 Tell the class what your group has decided.

3  myClass  Pre-intermediate 65 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

Conveying group ideas 65


4  myClass  Pre-intermediate 65 PHOTOCOPIABLE © British Council 2014

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