Background of The Study

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Background of the Study

Nowadays, mobile phones are everywhere. Whenever there is a family gathering

it is there, whenever hanging out withold friends it is there, whenever sitting in a
lunchtime with classmates it is there, there is no doubt it had been a part of every
people’s living.

This study came about due to the researchers’ observation in their present
situation wherein mobile phones / cell phones / smartphones / android phones or how
people call it, is always present wherever they are. One time, while they were wandering
around the school, thinking of a possible thesis topic, they overheard these three girls
who were gladly talking about their upcoming OJTs. Minutes had passed when suddenly
one of the girl brought out her cell phone and check something on it, just by that she had
been completely eliminated from the talk. It seems like she had created her own world
just by checking out something on her phone. The two girls who was she with were still
talking about their preferred companies for OJT when again, suddenly, the other one
from the two girls who remained talking checked something on her phone and they
witnessed how the group’s conversation got perfectly ruined. Only one girl left out, only
one girl left not using her phone, both of her friends were already using phone, she was
completely left out, seconds later she brought out her phone too and started scrolling
and swiping on the screen. After witnessing this, they came up to the conclusion that the
girl who was not using her phone got no one to talk to already, she felt left out so she
came up with bringing out her phone too so that she would not be totally isolated from
the group.

The researchers have witnessed how mobile phones changed the way the girls’
treat each other in a social situation. From a lively and interesting talk, they become dull
and lifeless, divided by their phones. The researchers had realized that mobile phones
have the tendency to bring people closer together because of faster communication, but
it also has the tendency to bring people apart from each other.Thus, they became
interested in understanding what the presence of mobile phones can do to people which

led them to their study Phubbing: A Phenomenological Study on Laguna University
Students Engagement in Mobile Phones.

Phubbing, according to the Macquarie Dictionary (2012), is the act of snubbing

someone in a social setting by looking at their phone instead of paying attention.

Susan Ramsay (2014) posted on Youngpost, that when people are in someone’s
company, they should pay attention to them, not stare at their screen all the time.This
study came about as the researchers’ believe that face-to-face communication is very
important in everyday living and that phones are getting way too much distracting
people’s social skills. ”We should make the most of a real, human connection, and put
our phones away.” Added Ramsay (2014).

Phubbing is also ruining relationships. “You’re in the middle of a passionate

screed only to realize that your partner’s attention is elsewhere. But you’ve probably also
been a perpetrator, finding yourself drifting away from a conversation as you scroll
through your Facebook feed.” James Roberts (2016) in CNN, an online article entitled “Is
‘phubbing’ ruining your relationship?”

There were lots of studies regarding mobile phones but in the field of studying
phubbing, there are only few foreign and local quantitative and qualitative studies.

In Laguna University, almost every student own a mobile phone. There are no
studies yet of describing the experiences of the Phubbers and Phubbees (people who
are engaged in Phubbing that will be later on discussed in the definition of terms) and
exploring the meaning they put into these experiences.

By looking at how phubbers and phubbees give meaning to phubbing, there will
be an understanding on why they phubb and how they came up with phubbing. These
meanings will reflect the roles of mobile phones played in their lives and their
experiences in phubbing.

Statement of the Problem

The general research problem that this study aimed to answer was: What are the
experiences of the Laguna University students who are engaged into phubbing and what
are the meanings they ascribe to these experiences?

This study aimed to answer the following specific questions:

1. What roles do mobile phones play in their lives?

2. What are the consequences of Phubbing to their:

a) Family
b) Classmates and friends
c) Studies
d) Social Situations

Theoretical Framework
Meanings are the main interest of this study so before proceeding on the
theories, the researchers’ find it relevant to briefly discuss the philosophical assumption
that served as guide in their research first. This study was biased towards the ontological
philosophical assumptionwhere the researchers relies on the voice of their participants.
They would get useful quotes from the experiences of their participants to formulate a
cluster of themes based on the experiences that they would get from their

Tele-cocooning Effect. This study was anchored on the theory of “Tele-

cocooning Effect” by Scott Campbell and Nojin Kwak , which focuses on the tendency of
cell phones to reduce interpersonal interaction. The two hypothesized that frequent
cellphone users would be less likely to talk with strangers in public settings.

Conceptual Model

The study assumed that the phubbing behavior of Laguna University students
were affected by their exposure to mobile phones: Facebook/Messenger, gaming, and
information-seeking. It also assumed that the more these students were exposed to their
mobile phones, the more they were exposed to experience phubbing. This figure shows
the roles of mobile phones in the respondents’ lives and the consequences that they
may get when they phub.

Roles of Mobile Consequences of

Phones phubbing

Communication tool Makes people

PHUBBING feel less
Source of connected
Information-seeking Hurt reputation
Time killer Distraction


Source of happiness Rejection


Boost self-confidence

Part of life

Portal to another world


Significance of the Study

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe the meaning of

phubbing experiences for the Laguna University students. The meaning of phubbing
experience will be generally defined as the experiences of the Laguna University
students who are engaged into phubbing and the meanings they ascribe to these
experiences. The people that will most benefit from this study are:

Readers. Aside from they will be aware that there is a certain term for the
phenomenon that is surely happening in their lives, they will also have a knowledge on
why do people phubb and how they came up with phubbing.

Communication Department. This study will be very helpful to the

communication department because there were no studies yet conducted using a
qualitative research design. This can serve as a guide for those communication students
who would like to conduct a qualitative study.

Future Researchers. This study will be helpful to those students who would like
to conduct a qualitative study using a phenomenological approach.

Phubbing is a new word that people need to be aware of. Most people nowadays
own a mobile phone, and aware or unaware, had engaged themselves in Phubbing. It is
a very rampant problem not only among teens but also to adults and everyone, it is a
very existing phenomenon that people needs to be aware of. Through this study, people
will be able to know that there is such a word for the existing phenomenon and this study
might help them explore the phenomenon and the meaning of phubbing to those who
experience it.

Objectives of the study

Generally, the study aimed to describe and explore the meanings that Laguna
University student phubbers and phubbees attached to phubbing by looking at their
phubbing experiences and the roles that mobile phones play in their lives. Specifically,
its objectives were to:

1. Describe the role of mobile phones in their lives.

2. Find out the consequences of Phubbing to their:
a) Family
b) Classmates and friends
c) Studies and
d) Social situations

Scope and limitations of the study

This study was conducted at the Laguna University Sta. Cruz, Laguna.
Supposedly, the respondents would be ten (10) LU students (5 Phubbers and 5
Phubbee students). This study was limited to 10 persons only because they wanted to
give more focus and in-depth understanding on studying the experiences of each one of
their respondents. This study was conducted during the first semester of the school year

The target participants for this study were the Laguna University students since
they were the most close to the researchers’ eyes, they witnessed the phenomenon in
this school and they can observe and interview them all the time they want because they
are all in the same school.

Definition of terms

Phubbing- refers to the act of snubbing or ignoring someone in a social setting

by looking at your phone instead of paying attention. It also refers to ignoring the
situation or happenings around you. There were two kinds of people involve in
Phubbing, the Phubber and the Phubbee. The phubber is the doer of phubbing, while
the phubbee is the receiver of the deed. These two people can produce a cause-effect
situation wherein phubbee, because of being phubbed, they tend to be phubbers to.

Phubbers- are those students/participants of this study who do the act of

snubbing the person they are with whenever they are using their phone.

Phubbee- sometimes referred to as the phubbed. In this study, they are

those students/participants who experienced snubbing or being snubbed by the
person they are with in favor of using their phones.

Phenomenological Study- is a study about a certain phenomenon. It focuses

on the experiences of the person being studied, how the person give meaning into those
experiences they had. It is also about creating and developing a cluster of themes based
on the meanings that the respodents/participants ascribe to their experiences and
verifying the data for completion.

The phenomenon in this study is phubbing. The researchers got to know and
study the experiences of those selected students engaged in phubbing and the
meanings that they ascribe to the experiences they had. They created, developed and
verified a cluster of themes based on the data that they gatheredfrom their participants.

Laguna University students/LU students- in this study, they are these 10

students who are engaged into phubbing. These students came from the daily
observation and word of mouth.

Mobile Phone- the medium that the LU phubbers (people who were phubbing)
used when they are phubbing.




To hold on the foundation of this study, related literatures and studies were
reviewed. This chapter is dedicated for 5 important subtopics that became helpful in the
realization of the study’s objective. These are (1) the roles of mobile phone in a student’s
life; (2) phubbing and its possible causes and effects; (3) the consequences of phubbing;
(4) an overview of phenomenological study; and (5) synthesis of the related literature
and studies.

Foreign Literature and Studies

The role of mobile phone in a student’s life

Mobile phone is one of the most common gadgets that the teenagers may have
in this generation. Just like computers, the latest version of mobile phones always tries
to simplify life in terms of almost everything. It allow people to connect with one another
anytime and anywhere via text messaging. It also brings the boredom out of them by
playing games that they can download in the Playstore and they can be in touch with
different people around the globe through social media. However, there is a growing
concern that phones may actually sometimes bring more negative than positive effect to

“In the current world, mobile phones are really essential for everyone’s life. But, it
doesn’t mean that you can’t live a life without a mobile phone.”

In this world where technology is evolving everyday, it is normal for everyone to

have a very strong desire to own a mobile phone. But, according to an online reading in

Wordofread, there are advantages and disadvantages in having a mobile phone
especially to the students who are engaged in using it. It says there that it is all up to the
student who uses the mobile phone. Students can improve themselves with the help of
mobile phone, or they can spoil their life with it. It all depends on how they use their
mobile phones.

In the same readings, a list of advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

for students were stated. For advantages, first, it says there that mobile phones are very
useful in emergency situations. If something happened to the student in or out of the
school premises, it will be easier to contact the student’s guardian or a police in a
harmful situation. Second, mobile phone is a great equipment in order to improve
knowledge. The internet offers a wide range of knowledge wherein the students can get
further explanations, and know more about their lectures in school. Through
Smartphones, they can open Google, YouTube, and Wikipedia which are three
informative giants that helps the students in many ways. Third is that doubts are cleared
as soon as you got one. If a student missed one important lecture in school, they can
phone a friend and get to know about the whole lecture. If they have any doubt or need
further explanation about the lecture, they can call the lecturer or search in the Google
for themselves. Fourth, they get to know what happens around the world. If they own a
smartphone, there are blogs on the internet or even online news articles that they can
read to be able to get to know what happens around the world. The fifth is, when a
student has a mobile phone, it seems that he has everything because it can be a laptop,
a calculator, they can use it to download their lectures, camera, etc.

Regarding the disadvantages of using mobile phones, the first in the list was
playing games most of the time. Students love mobile phones because they can
download so many games through it that may lead into distraction. Second, involvement
in unwanted things. Through mobile phones, students can search lots of bad stuff such
as porn. The third is sleepless nights and fatigue. When using mobile phones, the
students tend to forget the time passing because they concentrate too much in playing
games and chatting. Fourth is mobile phones can disturb other students when there is
an important lecture going on and their mobile phone rings during that time. Fifth, mobile

phones reduces the time with family. Instead of spending their time with their family,
students tend to use their free time in playing games, chatting, and snooping around
social media. The sixth is the road accidents. Using a mobile phone while driving can
lead to danger. Talking over the phone, typing a text, selecting the music, and finding
places on the phone map while driving can harm the one doing it and the other road
users, it can be a cause of road accidents.

Although mobile phones can be helpful, improper use of it can also lead us to
danger and misery. One of the most controversial phenomenon that mobile phones can
do to people is phubbing, the act or tendency of people to ignore the person they are
with or the situation they are in whenever there is a presence of mobile phone.

Phubbing and its possible cause and effect

"Over the years people have often asked me 'How does a word get into the
dictionary?' I explain that the word has to have some kind of acceptance in the
community, an acceptance that seems to come immediately to some new words but is
forever denied to others. The rise of phubbing as an original coinage has been a
wonderful illustration of the process by which my word becomes your word becomes our
word until finally it is a word that belongs to us all." Says Susan Butler, publisher and
editor, Macquarie Dictionary.

Phubbing, a portmanteau of the words “phone” and “snubbing”, is the act of

snubbing or ignoring someone in a social setting by looking at your phone instead of
paying attention (Macquarie Dictionary, 2012). The word was first introduced to the world
in the year 2012 by Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary in collaboration with McCann
advertising agency. Although the word was first introduced in Australia, according to the
Macquarie Dictionary blog in 2016, the word is not yet officially used in Australia English
because of the doubt that the word is not recognizable and because they observed that
every time the word is being said or mentioned, people always ask what the word is all
about and it always had to be explained, but there were some countries like America and

British who accepted and is already using the word. The word is on Urban Dictionary,
the true measure of a word’s acceptance, so “phubbing” is now completely legit (Oster,
2013). The word ‘phubbing’ was also added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2016.

“We all have been there. We’ve been slighted by the person we are speaking
with as they reach for their smartphone to check a social media notification”.

According to some researches online, there were three main reasons why people
engaged themselves in phubbing. In the study of Chotpitayasunondh and Douglas
(2016), there were three main reasons why people phub. These were revealed to be
internet addiction, the fear of missing out, and the lack of self-control.

“It is ironic that cell phones, originally designed as a communication tool, may
actually hinder rather than foster interpersonal connectedness”.

In the study Phubbed and Alone, Meredith David and James Roberts (2017)
suggests that phubbing is a vicious cycle. A phubbed individual or those individual who
were neglected by the phubbers turns to social media and their compulsive behaviour
presumably leads them to phub others, perpetuating and normalizing the practice and
problem of phubbing.

Another study of David and Roberts (2016) entitled “My life has become a major
distraction from my cell phone” suggests that mobile phone users are not just phubbing
casual acquaintances, but they were also phubbing their significant others. The
consequences are lower marital satisfaction and depression according to their study.

In the study of Varoth Chotpitayasunondh and Karen M. Douglas, they found out
that phubbing is increasingly accepted as a normal behaviour despite its consequences
to our relationships.

Another study written by Nicholas Kardakas found the urge to check social media
is now stronger than the urge for sex according to a research by Chicago University’s
Wilhelm Hoffman.

Sean Parker, the first CEO of Facebook, now considers himself a “conscientious
objector” regarding the use of social media. In a recent interview, his observations about
social media explain why we behave so rudely. Facebook, he relates, was designed with
the intention of consuming “as much of your time and conscious attention as possible.”
To keep your attention, Parker revealed, “we need to sort of give you a little dopamine
hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or
whatever. And that’s going to get you to contribute more content, and that’s going to get
you more likes and comments.” He says that people are willing to phub because the
dopamine rush (a neurochemical known as the “reward molecule”) seems worth it. The
dopamine released from exercise, from completing a job well done, or from a warm
conversation, might last all day. The dopamine released from receiving a Facebook like
lasts minutes, and for some, that’s a problem. As soon as you receive one hit, you are
reaching for your phone to receive another.

“When an individual is phubbed, he/she feels socially excluded, which

leads to an increased need for attention,” explains lead researcher Dr. Meredith David,
an assistant professor of marketing, in a university news release. “Instead of turning to
face-to-face interaction to restore a sense of inclusion, study participants turned to social
media to regain a sense of belonging.” In fact, more than a third of phubbed partners
said they used social networks specifically to meet new people. Their research
contributes to the extent literature by identifying and testing one path through which
individuals become attached, if not addicted, to social media. It may not be out of
boredom or a desire to be entertained that so many people spend so much time on
Facebook, or other social media; instead, it may be that the time spent on social media
is a pointed attempt to (re)gain community in a world that, paradoxically, is becoming
increasingly alienated (Putnam, 2000).

The consequences of phubbing

Social media has now become the trend among the youths of today. They cannot
even live a single day without checking it, scrolling and swiping, and snooping around.

Several studies had suggests that social media is one of the main reasons why most
people engaged in mobile phones phub.

Social media is designed to be addictive (Caitlin Allard, 2018). “Every time we

get a ‘like’ or ‘favourite’, a surge of dopamine is released. Our brains then concern
themselves with getting more and more of this dopamine hit, figuring out how to gain
more likes, more followers, more seals of approval. Even though the ‘likes’ we give to
others feel inconsequential, the ‘likes’ we receive feel far more meaningful. Our brains
become focused on creating content we know will get the results we desire.”

Social media has a great impact on cognitive ability as well as self-esteem.

There are growing concerns that the distracting nature of social media can reduce IQs.
As we become more addicted to social media, it becomes more damaging to our mental
health. A leaked Facebook report revealed that the company can identify when teens
feel “insecure”, “worthless”, or like they “need a confidence boost”. People feeling low
can visit these apps for a surge of dopamine., whether knowingly or not, and will
therefore comeback again and again. These apps also increase social isolation,
deliberately creating the lowness needed for users to come back again and again.

The Royal Society for Public Health suggests combatting the threats to
mental health by introducing pop-up messages on social media sites after prolonged
usage. This could identify people suffering with mental health issues and “discretely
signpost” ways to help them, by, for example, highlighting when photos have been
digitally manipulated. But, until the big social media sites make big changes, limiting our
own usage might be the only solution.

In one of the few studies that has assessed a type of phubbing behavior,
checking your phone during a conversation with another, Finkel and Kruger (2012)
observed dyads dining together and discovered that individuals were more likely to take
out their phone if their conversation partner did so. Results indicated that individuals
were more likely to use their phone if their partner had done so in the preceding 10-
second time period. The same pairs were not likely to use their cellphones
simultaneously in the same time period. It appeared that cellphone use was contagious.

The authors conducted that these results can be best explained by social exclusion and
inclusion, such that when one person of the dyad used a phone, the other felt excuded
and subsequently used a phone to restore his/her sense of inclusion. The present
research provides an empirical examination of the impact of phubbing on individuals
‘feelings of exclusion during in-person interactions, and it tests whether phubbed
individuals turn to social media (via their phone) in an effort to gain attention and a sense
of belonging. Their search is the first to tie a specific use of smartphones (phubbing) to
the well-being of others. Can turning to social media fill the void left by a sense of social
exclusion caused by phubbing? We investigate the relationships between phubbing ,
social media attachment, and personal well-being. We posit that, even for twenty-first-
century human beings, phubbing will lead to behaviors designed to regain balance to
one’s sense of inclusion. Being a part of social groups is an innate desire of humans
(Baumeister and Tice 1990; Mead et al. 2011; Lee and Shrum 2012), and such a desire
will lead “phubbed’ indivduals to search elsewhere for a sense of belonging (Han, Min,
and Lee 2015). In an increasingly technology-driven society, it is critical that
investigation continue into how the use of such technology is affecting how we relate to
one another. Indeed, and consistent with the present-absent paradox discussed above,
it may be that attachment to social media and connectedness with our phones is slowly
deteriorating real in-person connections.

In those researches above, it was stated that phubbing has a great impact on the
relationships of people, study, and social situations. To state the consequences more
clearly, here are some more researches on what else can phubbing do.

"What we discovered was that when someone perceived that their partner
phubbed them, this created conflict and led to lower levels of reported relationship
satisfaction,” said James A. Roberts, Ph.D. in a press release about the study. “These
lower levels of relationship satisfaction, in turn, led to lower levels of life satisfaction and,
ultimately, higher levels of depression."

“If your life partner is on the phone, that means that they are prioritizing
something else over you in those moments of togetherness,” Seppälä, another
researcher, says.

“Ironically, phubbing is meant to connect you, presumably, with someone through

social media or texting,” says Emma Seppälä, a psychologist at Stanford and Yale
universities and author of the Happiness Track. “But it actually can severely disrupt your
present-moment, in-person relationships.”

Phubbing also shapes our casual friendships. Not surprisingly to anyone who has
been phubbed, phone users are generally seen as less polite and attentive. Let’s not
forget that we are extremely attuned to people. When someone’s eyes wander, we
intuitively know what brain studies also show: The mind is wandering. We feel unheard,
disrespected, disregarded.  

A set of studies actually showed that just having a phone out and present during
a conversation (say, on the table between you) interferes with your sense of connection
to the other person, the feelings of closeness experienced, and the quality of the
conversation. This phenomenon is especially the case during meaningful conversations
—you lose the opportunity for true and authentic connection to another person, the core
tenet of any friendship or relationship.  In fact, many of the problems with mobile
interaction relate to distraction from the physical presence of other people. According to
these studies, conversations with no smartphones present are rated as significantly
higher-quality than those with smartphones around, regardless of people’s age, ethnicity,
gender, or mood. We feel more empathy when smartphones are put away.

Phubbing makes you feel less connected. Several studies have shown that
phubbing makes face-to-face interactions less meaningful. A paper just published in
the Journal of Applied Social Psychology found that even people who imagined they
were being phubbed while viewing a simulated conversation felt more negatively about
the interaction than people who did nott picture phubbing.

Another, published in Computers in Human Behavior in 2016, found that texting
during a conversation made the talk less satisfying for the people having it, compared to
people who interacted without phones.

A 2012 study even found that the mere presence of a cell phone during a
conversation, even if no one was using it, was enough to make people feel less
connected to each other.

Phubbing may also hurt your reputation. “Phone users are generally seen as less
polite and attentive—and as poorer conversationalists,” Seppälä says. Perhaps most
important is that phubbing may be a sign of problematic technology use. Many experts
consider a device habit worrisome when it begins to interfere with everyday life, and
feeling compelled to text or scroll through the phone during face-to-face conversations
may fit that bill.

“You might miss critical impacts of human moments that really make up what a
human life is,” Seppälä says. “It’s really scary that we’re replacing that with looking down
at a screen.”

Local Literature and Studies

“The main reason why they use their mobile phones is social. It’s all about the
sharing,” said Gary Ocampo, Managing Director at TNS. According to Joseph Webb,
head of digital at TNS, Filipino use their mobile phones for entertainment. “The mobile is
great to use when you have down time,” he stated.

Phubbing is not yet fully adopted in the Philippines but there were articles written
about it. The researchers collected some evidence of it in use that you can see in the

Phubbing as perceived by the Filipinos


In an article entitled “Let’s talk face to face. Stop phubbing”, it was stated that
phubbing destroys the effectiveness of face to face communication because of engaging
to technologies and social media. That it is a distraction to most people that cause them
hard to communicate with each other. That it affects our personal relation with each
other and that it can lead to depression and lower rates of life satisfaction. The article
simply promotes Anti-Phubbing campaign. It was stated there that people should be
aware refrain themselves from the said phenomenon.

Another article was from the which stated what phubbing is, and
what it can do to people. Aware or unaware, an individual can experience phubbing.
when mobile phones are present, phubbing can also be present. And mobile phones are
always present in people’s lives nowadays so it becomes the new normal. In a study
conducted by the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, it was stated that
those people who are engaged in phubbing are online most of the times, seeking and
searching for someone to talk to. Based on studies, most people phub because of
loneliness and because they somehow want to belong. The article simply says that
phones, instead of bringing people closer together, brings people apart from each other.

According to Rappler (2016), for anyone who's been in a relationship in the

smartphone era, it's no secret that mobile devices can sometimes put a wedge between
people in a relationship. Simply put, it's annoying to be with a person who's just
constantly on their phone, checking their social media feed or whatnot. Sometimes, the
annoyance can lead to dissatisfaction in the relationship. The article simply says that
smartphones can be a source of conflict in a relationship.

Synthesis of the Review of Literature Cited and Studies

Mobile phone is one of the most common gadgets that the youths may have in
this generation. It always tries to simplify life in terms of almost everything. The latest
version of mobile phones (smartphones) offers several applications wherein the students
can get anything that they need and want. It is also helpful in our study in a way that

whenever we need to research on something, or take photos on the lessons that we
discussed in school, if we have the gadget it will be easier for us to cope up with the
lessons. It can also be a source of entertainment for it can offer several applications that
we can get on the Playstore and most important of all, through it, it is easier to
communicate with our loved ones in life.

The problem is, mobile phones can be addictive and spending too much time on
it can make people socially isolated from the real world that instead of talking and getting
to know people around you personally, because of the presence of mobile phone, it is
the least thing to happen.

According to different researches, those mobile phone users, whenever they

engage themselves in mobile phone they tend to ignore people in face-to-face social
situations which is called Phubbing or the tendency of people to ignore the people or the
situation around them. Despite of the “easy life” that mobile phones can bring and even
though it provides us most of the things we need, most youth nowadays tend to forget
the importance of socializing with people around them face-to-face because of over
using this kind of technology. It was also said that it kind of affect our interpersonal
relationship with the people around us. They tend to forget the situation around them, for
example while walking or crossing on the street, some students use their phone and
sometimes they become unaware of the cars that may hit them.




This chapter shows the procedures that the researchers used in gathering the data.

Research design
With the aim of exploring and shaping the meanings that the student phubbers
and phubbees attach to phubbing, this studywas required to apply a qualitative treatment
where experiences of the participants in phubbing were gathered using a qualitative one-
on-one interview wherein the participants are not hesitant to speak and share ideas.
Guided by the principles of phenomenology, the lived experiences of the phubbers and
the phubbees was understood through interview and by listening carefully to those who
experienced the phenomenon. The researchers chose to applyphenomenology because
this study was after the experiences of those people who are engaged into phubbing and
they thought that phenomenology was the most appropriate to use.

Qualitative Research Phenomenological Approach

According to Creswell (1994), qualitative research is an inquiry process of

understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that explore a social
or human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyzes words,
reports detailed views of informants, and conducts the study in a natural setting.

Qualitative in nature, this study was guided by the assumptions of
phenomenology. By making sense of the students' phubbing experiences, the
researchers will be able to know the meanings they attached on those experiences. This
study is going to apply a phenomenological approach under the qualitative study. A
phenomenological study, according to Cresswell (1998), describes the meaning of the
lived experiences for several individuals about a concept or the phenomenon.

Phenomenological data analysis was done through the methodology of

reduction, the analysis of specific statements/quotations and themes, and a search for
all possible meanings that the participants give into their experiences. The researcher
should also set aside all prejudgements, bracketing his or her experiences and relying
on intuition, imagination, and universal structures to obtain a picture of the experience.

Research Locale

The qualitative interviews were conducted in the place and time more convenient
for the phubbers and the phubbees. All of the interviews were conducted in Laguna
University at Sta. Cruz Laguna and which had been scheduled on school days.

Population of the Study

The respondents of the study were supposedly 10 selected students of Laguna

University who are engaged in phubbing (5 phubbers and 5 phubbees). The researchers
had to study 10 students only because they wanted to fully focus on each one of them.
Respondents were chosen by daily observation and word of mouth.

Research Instrument

In this qualitative study, the researchers served as the primary research

instruments because they were the ones who will interview and listen to the experiences

of the respondents. They were the ones who transcribed and analysed the meaning of
their experiences regarding phubbing and they were also the ones who interpreted the
data that they got from their respondents. They applied a one-on-one interview withtheir
participants and through this, the researchers had known each student’s experiences on
phubbing and their perspectives towards the phenomenon.

Data Gathering Procedure

For the purpose of realizing the objectives of this study, the primary data
gathering method used is qualitative interviewing wherein Bingham and Moore (1959)
described this technique as a conversation with a purpose (as cited in Baxter and
Babbie, 2003). In this set-up, there would be an interaction between the researchers and
the participants.

This data collection method was the most appropriate to use in the research’s
goals because qualitative interviews can be a great help in seeking for rich data on the
meanings of phubbing for the Laguna Universty students phubbers and phubbees. Most
significant data needed in the study was expected to be gathered by using this method.

The researchers did a preliminary observation and looked for suggestions from
the students in school to find out who among the students are engaged in the
phenomenon. They approached the suggested phubbers and asked them if they would
like to participate in a long interview for a research project involving a sound recording of
their description of their experiences in phubbing. Written content will be obtained.

The following verbal instructions will be given:

 Discuss the roles of mobile phone in your life.

 Try to describe how you felt when you use it.
 Describe your phubbing experience.
 Try to describe how you felt in that experience.
 Discuss the possible consequences of phubbing.

 Describe what phubbing is for you and how will you give meaning to it.

The researchers recorded the description of the interaction. They asked

questions onlywhen it is necessary in order to clarify what the respondent is relating to.
When the respondent had finished describing his or her feelings and the total experience
of phubbing well and when no further clarification was needed, the recording was
considered complete.

Treatment of Data

The researchers transcribed the recorded files of each respondent. These

transcriptions were subjected to phenomenological analysis using the methodology
developed by Colaizzi. The procedural steps that the researchers’ used were as follows:

Colaizzi’s method of data analysis:

1. Reading and re-reading all the participants’ transcript of their experiences to get
a feeling for them.
2. Significant statements or phrases should be extracted from participants’
transcripts pertaining directly to the research phenomena.
3. Formulated meanings are constructed from the significant statements.
4. Formulated meanings would be arranged into themes.
5. Formulate the results into a rich and exhaustive description of the lived
6. Validation of the exhaustive description from the participants involved in the
7. Incorporation of any new or pertinent data obtained from participants’ validation,
and adopted to attain congruence with the lived experience of the participants’




Focusing on the roles of mobile phones in the lives of the phubber and phubbee
students and the consequences of phubbing to them and the people around them, the
researchers will present the findings of this study by 1) describing the phubbing
experiences of the students engaged in mobile phones;2) describing the roles of mobile
phones play in their lives; and 3) interpreting the meanings they attached to phubbing.

The Phubbers and Their Phubbing Experiences

Phubbers are the ones who snubbed the person or situation they are with
whenever they engaged themselves in their phones. In this section, experiences of the
phubbers will be discussed including the reasons why they are phubbing and how they
feel when they are phubbing.This section also includes the consequences of phubbing in
their lives or how phubbing influenced their lives. By looking at their experiences, the
researchers had a wider view of the phubbing lives of each phubber as well as their
similarities and differences.


Coleen Abante (Phubber)

Coleen is a 19-year old phubber. She was the first one that the researchers got
to talk to. She is a graduating student, taking Bachelor of Arts in Communication as her
program. She uses her phone every single day for entertainment, communication and
information seeking. She uses it for playing games, to snooping around in Facebook and
Instagram and taking a selfie.

“Araw araw akong gumagamit ng phone.Pagkagising na pagkagising

phone agad. Yung routine mo sa buhay mo parang yung phone parang
nakaakibat na sayo. Umaga, tanghali, gabi parang ganun ayon pagkain mo na.
Ang nagiging papel niya sa buhay ko unang una ay parang nagiging premyo ko
siya sa sarili ko tas libangan ko. Pangalawa communication. Pangatlo source of
ano thorugh mobile phone nakakakuha ko ng mga information kase nagsesearch
ako sa different social media or social sites ayun. Madalas kong gawing libangan
yung paglalaro sa phone tas Facebook rin at Instagram. Mahilig din akong
magselfie pero pinakamadalas ko talagang ginagawa ay yung Facebook.”

Being a typical millenial, Coleen engaged most of her time using her phone at
home. She enjoys scrolling and swiping on her Facebook and Instagram accounts.

“Ako kunwari sa bahay may mga gawain na inuutusan ako ng nanay ko

na oy magsaing ka na ganan ganan pero hindi ko agad siya papansinin na
parang nagbibingi bingihan ako kasi nga tutok talaga ako sa phone, busy ako
kafefacebook kasi nga libang na libang ako don tsaka sa pagseselfie paglalaro
minsan ganun. Ayon parang mas nauuna ko pa yung pagcecellphone ko kesa
dun sa inuuutos or kung anumang pinapagawa sakin.”

She also tend to use her phone whenever she is doing her school works. She
finds it very helpful in her study although she said that it can be a source of distraction
while she is reviewing for her exams.

“Minsan nagawa ako ng assignment kasi diba being a communication

student laging yung mga school works kasi natin ngayon laging nandun na sa
ano sa phone na minsan pinipicturan nalang mga ganan ganan tas ayon nag-
aaral ako tas syempre ang sakit sa ulo andami tas makikita ko yung phone ko
parang maaakit akong magcheck ng notifs sa facebook, ng chat sa messenger
mga ganun. Parang naiignore ko rin yung inaaral ko kasi minsan di ko mapigilan
magcellphone din talaga kahit nagrereview. Yun kasi yung parang reward ko sa
sarili ko e. Na pagkatapos kong mag-aral e pede nakong magphone kaso nga
minsan hindi pako tapos mag-aral e nagpophone nako, andaming nawewaste na

Whenever she engaged herself in her phone, she tend to ignore the people and
surroundings around her. She was aware that someone was talking to her, but she
chose to snubbed them because she was busy doing something else on her phone.
Sometimes when she do not want to talk to anyone, she would just focus on her phone
so that she could pretend that she did not hear them.

“Kapag kasi ano, kapag nagamit talaga ako ng phone parang hindi na ‘ko
parang oo andun parin yung awareness pero alam mo yun parang iniignore mo
lang. Kasi kagaya nga nun kapagka inuutusan ka ng nanay mo pero nagbibingi-
bingihan ka lang… Tas yung kagaya rin nung sa mendiola, naglalakad tayo tas
busy ako kakachat sa messenger tas nabunggo ko na pala yung poste
kapophone di ko pa alam tas minsan din yung mga tao na kasalubong ko
nabubunggo ko kapophone. Tas minsan depende rin kapagka meron kasing
times na ayaw mo yung kausap mo e. Yung parang alam mong kinakausap ka
niya pero kunyari hindi mo siya napansin dahil ayaw mo siyang kausap ganun.

For Coleen, mobile phones play a great role in her study. But although it did play
a great role in her study, there are consequences that she gets whenever she engaged
herself most of the time with her phone.

“Malaking tulong ang phone sa pag-aaral ko kasi nagagamit ko

pangreview ganun tas pangsearch pero yung sa family ko naman yung sa
relationship ko naman parang… para siyang lubid…”


“Parang lubid ahh nagkwento e hahaha. Lubid na kumbaga nasa dulo

alam mo yung tug of war? Yung pamilya mo nandun sa kabila tas ako nandito
tas yung mobile phone yun yung ano yun yung lubid na naghihilahan e parang
ako yung dumadala sa pamilya ko dun sa mobile phones parang nahahatak ko
rin silang gumamit non. Naiimpluensyahan ko rin sila pero hindi na yung masaya
kami na usap usap ng personal. Madalas dahil nga naimpluwensyahan ko narin
sila kasi nagtuturo rin ako sa kanila ng mga ganon kahit mga kapatid ko—hinde
kahit nasa loob kami ng bahay nagchachat parin kame yung mga ganon.

Classmates and Friends

“Halos lahat naman ng estudyante naggaganun narin pati ako so ang

consequences nun is ano misunderstanding ng bawat isa. Iba’t iba yung
interpretasyon natin (sa pagpaphub ng bawat isa) kumbaga sa halip na
interaction ay face to face, iba parin kasi talaga yung word of—yung sa personal
kayo nag uusap kesa sa chat kumbaga naman sa ignorance naman ano naman
parang “ay nang ignore” naiignore mo yung mga kaklase mo ganan kaya iignore
ka narin nila kaya ayun nga, balikan lang kayo.”

Social Situation

“Yung sa socialization naman parang nababwasan din. Nababawasan

nga. Kase ayon tutok ka na nga sa phone, mas gugustuhin ko nalang—ay mas
uunahin ko na muna yung phone bago yung yung feeling na kunware may

meeting kayo pero iiignore mo yun. Mas uunahin mo parin na magphone ka bago
ka umattend don kahit na malate ka parang yung ganon pero ansakit non.”

For Coleen, her engagement in mobile phone affects her life in a way that she
uses a lot of her time with her phone than focusing on the things in her priority list. She
loses her chance to interact with the people she are with whenever she is holding her

“Sobrang laking ano bad effect. Kase sa halip na unahin ko yung mga
priorities ko gaya ng pag aaral at pagtulong sa bahay, mas nauuna parin yung
pagcecellphone ko tapos nawawalan din ng social interaction kase ano puro ang
kaharap mo na nga lang ay phone ka ng phone pero hindi ko iniisip kung ano
bang mapapala ko dito or hinde pero depende nalang kung sa assignment basta
depende nalang sa sitwasyon. Kung nagpophone lang ako kapag gusto ko lang
or kapag nagpophone ako kase kailangan ko. Iba kasi yung kailangan ko sa
gusto ko parang ganun. Nakakaapekto siya sakin kapag ayun nga nawawalan
ako ng social interaction, hindi ko nagagawa yung mga priorities ko, yung mga
nasa timetable ko hindi ko nagagawa. Tapos may hindi ako napapansin na tao
may mga naiisnub ako, minsan nakakagalitan pa.”

The researchers asked Coleen if she was familiar with the word “Phubbing” and
she said yes. Coleen is one of the researchers’ closest friend that was why she is
familiar of the word.

“Pamilyar ako sa word na phubbing oo kasi yun yung topic nung kaibigan
ko sa thesis nila e.”

For her, phubbing has a good and bad side.

“Ang phubbing is yung ano may dalawang klase para sakin ang
phubbing. Yung nagpaphubbing na isa na tutok na tutok ka na sa mobile phone
mo sa paggamit mo ng gadgets na iniignore mo na yung mga nasa paligid mo.
Focused ka lang sa mobile phones pero wala rin naming saysay yung ginagawa
mo like naglalaro ka lang walang patutunguhan parang sarili mo lang

kaligayahan pero andami mong taong naaapektuhan sa paligid mo. And yung
isang phubbing naman is good terms naman na ayaw mong paistorbo kase busy
ka. Pero naiignore mo rin yung ibang tao kase busy ka sa paggawa ng
assignment or priority mo talaga yon.”

Also for her, she thinks phubbing could not be avoided anymore because mobile
phone has been a part of every people’s life already but we could limit our use of it. We
should control ourselves from using mobile phones and we should not let it control our

“Ayun nga hindi nga kung tutuusin hindi naman iwasan, limitahan. Kasi
hindi naman siya maiiwasan kase parte na ng buhay natin ang paggamit ng
phone. Hindi lang naman sa sarili nating kaligayahan dahil nga kailangan rin
naman talaga nating gumamit ng phone kunware sa communication hindi natin
talaga siya maiiwasan pero hindi rin siya kailangang sobrang tangkilikin. Dapat
tangkilikin natin ang mobile phone sa mabuting pamamaraan. Wag nating—gaya
nga ng tinuro satin wag nating hayaang na ang media or yung media na
tinutukoy natin is yung mobile phone nalang, wag nating hayaan na yung mobile
phone na sumira sa buhay natin o magkontrol sa buhay natin sa halip dapat tayo
ang magcontrol sa mobile phones para gamitin ito sa mabuti at wag tayong
mang iisnub ng tao dapat balance parin ang lahat ng bagay kumbaga
magmomobile phone ka pero dapat aware ka—parang interaction dapat aware
ka sa tao na nasa paligid mo at gumamit ka lang ng phone kung sa kaligayahan
mo is kapag nakalagay siya sa timetable mo. Dapat kase iprioritize mo muna ang
mga bagay na dapat mong iprioritize bago yung sarili mong kaligayahan.”


Angelique Bunyi (Phubber)

Angelique is a 19-year old phubber. She was the second one that the
researchers got to talk to and like Coleen, she is now on his 4th year taking up Bachelor
of Arts in Communication. She uses her phone every day, mostly every night when she
got home from school for watching movies and socializing with different people through
Messenger. For her, phone is life.

“Everyday ko ginagamit ang phone ko like madalas siya pag gabi talaga
pagkagaling sa school pag walang ginagawa deretso phone na. Tas depende
kasi mahilig din ako manood ng movie sa phone tapos nakakatulugan ko minsan.
Siguro inaabot din ako ng mga 1:00AM…12:00. Yon madalas yun na yung
ikinakapuyat ko. Ginagamit ko rin siya pakikipagsocialize. To interact with other
people gamit ang cellphone, social media account like messenger, facebook and
other social media. Minemessage ko madalas friends, reltives, special someone,

Whenever she is at home with her family, she cannot keep herself from using her
phone. She loves to lock herself up in her room, she does not have much things to do
outside their house. One time, she went to her cousin’s house to talk to her about
something but when she got inside, she saw her cousin busy with her phone so she
brought out her phone too. When her cousin talked to her, she would not talk back
because she was already busy chatting with someone on her phone.

“Nung kasama ko yung pinsan ko tas pumunta kami sa—ay hindi andun
ako sa bahay nila tapos nagpophone ako nun ewan ko kung anong ginagawa ko
tapos yung pinsan ko kalapit lang ng bahay namin dinayo ko lang siya sa kanila
andun ako sa may bahay nila nagcecellphone tas pumasok ako sa bahay nila

nagcecellphone siya tapos nung dumating ako don nakipag usap siya sakin.
Nakikipagkwentuhan. Pero ako naman yung nagcecellphone kasi may kachat
ako sa messenger. Tapos ayon kinakausap na pala niya ak sabi ko ha? Ha?
Ganun ako ng ganon yun pala kinakausap na niya ko di ko napapansin yung
sinasabi niya ganun syempre kapag tutok ka sa isang ano diba nawawala yung
—hindi mo pwedeng gawin ng sabay. Bawal pagsabayin dapat isa lang focus.”

She does not know what her cousin felt that time, but she felt that whenever she
is with her phone, slowly by slowly, she is starting to ignore everyone around her. She
focuses on her phone more.

“Hindi ko alam kung anong naramdaman niya non kasi ginanun lang niya
ko hoy kinakausap kitaaaa mamaya ka na magcellphone may kinukwento ako
ganun. Feeling ko di naman siya nainis, pero baka nga nainis.

Angelique being a phubber had experienced being phubbed too and she kind of
feel being rejected in that moment.

“Nakaexperience narin naman ako na naisnub ako. Yung may tinatanong

ako sa isang tao tas ang sinagot lang niya sakin napakaikli. Ha? Oo. Tas back to
cellphone na siya. Syempre naramdaman ko nun e sabi ko ah okay di kami close
hahaha. Hindi naman nakakaoffend pero sana di nalang ako nagtanong. Parang
nareject ako e.”

For her, mobile phone has a positive side in a way that it helps her do her
task in school easier and communicate faster to her loved ones and it also let her
know different people through social media but despite of the positive side it
gives, there is a negative side too. She tend to forget the important things she
have to do in their house because of too much use of it. She also tend to forget
how important it is to interact with the people she are with whenever she uses
her phone.

“Sa positive siguro nakakatulong siya in a way na nagagawa mo yung

mga task na kailangan mong gawin tapos nakakapagcommunicate ka sa mga

tao sa paligid mo at nakikilala mo yung mga tao na gusto mong makilala through
social media at sa negative naman syempre yon di na natin nagagawa yung iba
nating gawain sa bahay kase yon pag nakaupo ka phone nalang tapos hindi mo
na nakakausap yung mga tao sa paligid mo or nagiging basta lagi ka nalang
mag-isa kapag nagamit ka ng phone ganon.”


“Ayon nawawalanna masyado ng closeness kumbaga dati kasi diba kung

di pa dati uso yung phone may mga bondings pa tas di mo na nagagawa yung
mga bonding niyo sa bahay kase—actually sa bahay din kasi may kanya
kanyang ginagawa pero ano naman samin naman si mama tv, kapatid ko tablet,
ako cellphone yon. Kanya kanyang gawain narin sa bahay. Minsan pa nga kahit
nasa bahay itetext pako ni mama pag may iuutos siya kasi aalis siya mamaya
ganun. Nag uusap naman kami pero mas madalas kasi talaga akong nasa
kwarto. Kausap ko phone ko minsan computer laptop, minsan naggigitara ganon
pero balance ko naman silang inuusap.”

Classmates and friends

“Sa tingin ko naman ang nagiging epekto ng phubbing saming

magkakaibigan e ayon OP ako sa usapan kapag nagtatawanan yung barkada
kapag ako yung nagpaphub tas halimbawa sila yung gumagawa non tas ako
lang yung hinde OPpa rin ako kasi ano ba yan sumama pako sa tropahang to edi
makikicellphone ka narin. Tas pakiramdam ko ano minsan magtatampo yung isa
oy cellphone ka ng cellphone dyan ayaw mong makisama dito samin. Ganun.”


“Sa mga gawain natin sa school research ganun nakakatulong siya pero
minsan syempre ibabalance natin kapag may klase minsan iwas iwas ganun
kase nakakdistract.”


Social situation

“Sa pakikipagsocialize ko hindi naman ako yung tipo ng tao na pagka

halimbawa nasa isang reunion ganun kailangang makipagsocialize sa mga
kamag-anak hindi naman ako yung tipo na hindi makikipag-usap sa kanila at
uunahin pa ang phone pero depende rin.”

The researchers asked Angelique if she was familiar with the word phubbing and
she said she was not until she heard of this study. For her, phubbing is a choice and a
serious matter that one should be aware of because as people involved themselves in
their phones, they tend to forget how important it is to interact face to face with the
people they are with. For her, it brings people faraway from each other closer together
but at the same time it can bring you apart from the people you are with.

“Hindi natin masabi kung maiiwasan yan kase may kanya kanya kasi
yung tao e. Meron kasing tao na introvert na di talaga sila nakikipagsocialize sa
tao na talagang sa bahay lang tas through phone may kilala kong ganan e
talagang ayaw nilang makipag usap sa tao talagang tutok lang sa phone. Meron
namang tao na syempre yang phubbing siguro nakakapekto talaga yan kasi
nawawala yung closeness mo sa tao nagiging—kinakain ka ng ano bang tawag
dun—kinakain ka ng mundo ng cellphone. Tinatanggal ka sa mundo ng totoong
mundo. Parang oo napapalapit ka sa mga taong malalayo sayo pero napapalayo
ka naman kaunti sa mga taong kasama mo. Kaya ayun, maging aware lang.”


Erv Yedra (Phubber)

Erv is a 19-year old BS Mechanical Engineering student. He is now on his first

year and he considers himself as a phubber. He was in fifth grade when he got his first
phone and since then on he uses his phone 12-13 hours per day playing games such as
rules of survival, searching stuff for his school works and chatting on facebook. Phone
had been part of his everyday routine in life.

“Specifically, 12-13 hours in a day ako gumagamit ng phone.

Nagpapahinga lang ako pag tutulog na at pag kakain. Ahm actually ano it has
been part of my life na gawa ng ano halos dun na umiikot yung ano yung isang
araw ko. 12-13 hours nga ‘ko nagcecellphone sa isang araw e ganun. Tas
ginagamit ko siya for ahm research, facebook, then chat with my mother and
loved ones tapos ahm ano tamang laro lang ng ROS o yung Rules of Survival.”

Erv did not deny to himself that he was a phubber because he admitted it to
himself that he spent more of his time using his phone than talking with his family. He
also noticed himself that every time he was busy playing ROS/Rules of Survival with his
phone, he started building a world on his phone that no one could talk to him whenever
he was busy doing something on his phone. He started ignoring the situation and the
people around him especially in their home. He was aware, but he always chose to

“Lagi akong nang-iisnub kasi kunyari sa pamilya nalang naming yung

kapatid ko minsan nalang kami mag-usap dahil nga tutok ako sa phone. Minsan
nga chat nalang or text nalang ih kahit nasa loob kami ng iisang bahay. Realtalk.
Tas minsan pa tamang laro talaga ako ng ROS tapos may itatanong sila,
mamaya nalang ganun ganon kase mas pinagtutuunan ko ng pansin yung
cellphone o paghawak ng cellphone. Sometimes pag nangungulit na sila dun ko
nalang sila napapansin. Bali naririnig ko talaga sila pero di ko lang pinapansin.”


Although Erv finds his phone very entertaining, he believes that there are several
consequences the he gets whenever he puts a lot of time on his phone.


“Sa loob ng bahay naming ang laki ng epekto ng phubbing. Sa

communication tsaka ano bonding sa family namin kasi ano, katulad na nga lang
yung sa sister namin kaya ngayon medyo naiwas narin ako sa pagiging phubber
kasi yung nga imbis na mag usap kami o may problema pala yung kapatid ko o
may problema ko imbis na sabihin ko sa kanya ah mas inuuna ko yung cellphone
na katulad nung dati.”

Classmates and friends

“Ahm una sakin parang napag iiwanan ako sa mga kwentuhan nila o sa
mga pinag uusapan nila tas sa kanila naman parang lumalayo yung ano namin
yung bond baga o yung pakikipagcommunicate sa isa’t isa ganun.”


“Ahm napakalaking epekto kasi ano minsan ah nabebreak ko na yung

mga time na dapat nilalaan ko sa paggawa ng assignments projects saka kung
ano pa yung mga ginagawa sa school na imbis na gawin ko yon na mas
napagtutuunan ko yung laro. Mga mobile games.”

Social Situation

“Ayun nga kung minsan ang nangyayari sa mga public places kawalan ng
pakialam or awareness o attention sa ibang bagay kasi sa cellphone ka lang
nakatutok tas naiisnub ko yung paligid or naano nasasawalang bahala ko yung

The researchers asked him if he was familiar with the word phubbing and he said

“Phubbing? Ahm I heard it ano noon. Noong highschool ako parang eto
yung ano. Yung ano pagiging ahm tecky mo pagiging ano mo sa isang cellphone
na parang dun mo na binubuhos lahat ng oras mo sa pagcecellpphone ng
walang hanggan.Tas ang phubbing para sakin eto yung pagkahilig o pagiging
adik sa cellphone or sa mga mobile games at ito rin yung ano may mga epekto
rin to na masama tulad ng yun nga pagsasawalang bahala sa paligid,
nagkakaron ng misunderstanding at miscommunication dun sa ibang tao.”

Being fond of using his phone every single hour took him away from his family.
He had not even noticed that his sister was going through something and was having a
serious problem in school because of too much spending time on phone. This incident
made him want to change his habits.

“Sakin kasi noon wala lang parang yun nga may experience ako na
parang yung kapatid ko nga e ano para bang ano napaka ano kong tao na
parang di ako aware na ganun na pala nangyayari sakin at sa kapatid ko.
Ngayon ano honestly ngayon sinisimulan ko iwasan kasi nga meron akong
experience na yung kapatid ko nga medyo nagkakaproblema sa mga classmate
niya eh hindi siya nakakapag open sakin ngayon ang ginagawa ko pag uuwi ako
sa bahay school works nalang tas konting cellphone sa gc tingin ng mga
assignments kung meron man tas kausap sa kanila habang nakain ganun.
Medyo nagtatagumpay naman ako sa pag iwas ko sa ngayon kung percent yung
pagbabasehan nasa 5% nako ng ano nung naiiwasan ko.”


Ronnie Ramos (Phubber)

Ronnie is a 3rd year Bachelor of Arts in Communication student. He was the

fourth one that the researchers got to talk to. He uses his phone for assignment and
reviewing, research, info-seeking and gaming. Most of the time he uses it for playing
Mobile Legends.

“Pagkaawas timano deredrertso na yon onwards kinapupuyatan ko na.

Ginagamit ko for research, assignment, minsan nagrereview tapos ih naglalaro. Pero
madalas kong gawin yung naglalaro ako ng mobile legends. So yun madalas ko siyang
libangan tsaka nakakakuha rin ng news info.”

The researchers asked him if he was familiar with the word phubbing and he said
no. So they need to discuss with him what phubbing is and who are the people involved
in phubbing. The researchers also asked him to tell his phubbing experience.

“Adik ako sa phone. Pati nga pagkain ko nakakalimutan ko na dahil sa

pagpophone e. Tas eto isang besesnaglalaro ako ng mobile legends tapos ang
ganda ng laban yung nasa kunyari clash na yung kailangan ng diskarte pano
matalo yung kalaban, kinukulit ako ni Janna (his girlfriend) kinakausap ako
hanggang sa nabugnot ako sa kanya. Nasigawan ko. Ayon bali parang ano
nainis ako sa kanya pero naririnig ko siya pero ayokong sinasapuso yung
sinasabi niya. Mas focus ako sa nilalaro ko. Hindi naman sa mas mahalaga yung
nialalaro ko sa kanya, may time lang naman na naglalaro ako pag naglalaro ako
ayoko ng istorbo. Syempre sa tingin ko nasasaktan ko siya kaya kapag ayon
kunyari namatay nako sa laro edi lalambingin ko muna ng konti.”

Whenever Ronnie play games with his phone, he felt very happy and
entertained. It kind of give him the satisfaction he needed and it serves as his anti-
depressant from school.

“Masaya kasi magmobile legends nakakalibang. Minsan anti-stress sa
school tas basta sobrang nasasatisfy ako pag ginagamit ko.”

Although playing mobile legends with his phone satisfies him, he too believed
that there is a consequence in spending too much time with it.


“Sa pamilya ko naiisnub ko sila pag naglalaro ako tas di narin ako
nakakagawa ng gawaing bahay. Lalo sa mother ko yung pag inuutusan niya ko
tas di ko sinusunod kasi nagfofocus lang ako sa laro. Tingin ko naman di
naapektuhan yung relationship naming sa family kasi halos araw araw rin silang
wala may kanya kanya rin silang ginagawa. Tingin ko yung naaapektuhan lang
talaga is yung kapag di ko nasusunod yung mga inuutos sakin.”

Classmates and friends

“Pag andito naman ako sa school wala naman akong ibang

pinagkakaabalahan hindi naman ako nagpaphub dito.”


“Actually hindi ko naman kinakalimutan yung pag—kunyari once na tapos

nako sa assignment ko saka ko lang naman nilalaro ganun naman inuuna ko
parin naman yung school bago yun. May advantage din naman ang phone para
sakin yung research. Nakakapagsearch ka ng mga kailangan mo, mga
katanungan baga tapos ih yung mga uncommon word ih naiintindihan mo kasi
nasesearch mo pero ang disadvantage naman niya sakin e ayon nangangayayat
kasi minsan di na nakakakin. Laging nakahiga palaro laro.”


“Sa girlfriend ko naman diba ayon bonding namin yon naglalaro rin siya.
Nagkakatampuhan kami halimbawa pag sa clash wala siya sabi ko oy sama ka

naman sa clash tas yun nga minsan dumadating sa point na naiisnub ko siya e
yun nga naano siya syempre nasasaktan din naman siya.”

Social situation

“Nawawala yung unity parang kanyakanya nalang mundo ganon sa halip

na kami kami nag uusap bonding e may kanya kanyang walls. Parang may mga
bakod ganon.”

At the end of the interview, Ronnie described what phubbing is for him and for
him, phubbing depends on the situation. Phubbing depends on the person.

“Yung phubbing para saken maging phubber ka nalang din kung

napaphub ka. Hindi na siya maiiwasan kasi may mga tao kasi talagang yung
parang ipagpipilitan ka parin niyang isnubin kahit wala ka namang ginagawang
masama dahil ayun siya. Yun siyang tao siya. Namimili lang siya ng kaibigan
ganon. Parang nagpophone siya kasi ayaw niyang mangausap ganon pero
kunyari andyan yung mga pinaka friends niya, yon usap usap sila pero kunyari di
ka niya friend, phone phone siya yung parang namimili rin sila. Tas ginagawa
nilang panakip butas yung phone kapag ayaw nila yung kausap nila.”


Mellanie Pahutan (Phubber)

Mellanie is a 19-year old Bachelor of Arts in Communication student. She

volunteered herself as a phubber and she was the last one we got to talk too. According
to her, she uses her phone for browsing on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. She also
uses it whenever she has problems, it can be something, someone she can count on in
a way that she can write and express what she feels on it.

“Everyday akong gumagamit ng phone parang ano buong araw

nakagamit ako ng phone. Nagcecellphone ako parang pagkagising ko phone
agad. Browse browse ganun. Napupuyat din sa applications like Facebook, IG,
ayon browse lang tapos minsan youtube din. Yun lang.”

For Mellanie, phones can be so addictive because it is entertaining. She can also
express her feelings through her phone. It comforts her.

“Nakakaadik tsaka para kasing ano e kase marami kang nakikita iba’t iba
na mga post videos kumbaga naeentertain ako.Tas para sakin mahalaga siya
charot kase yung cellphone ko parang pag may problema siya yung nakakausap
pag nagtatype ka nung mga ano, sa mga notes ganon siya yung nakakausap mo
tapos ano siya yung nalalapitan mo agad na walang masasabi sayong kung ano.
Tas madalas din akong makipag usap through social mediakase minsan
nakakahiya kasi mag approach ng personal sa tao kaya sa scoial media nalang.
Parang nakakapaglabas ako ng problema at mga hinaing ko sa buhay through
social media.”

Like the other phubbers, Mellanie had experienced phubbing at home too
wherein she was more focused on her phone that she had not noticed that her mother
was telling her something to do. And like the others, she was aware but she chose to

“Experience ahm sige hindi nalang ako magpapangalan. Dito dumating
sa point na busy ako sa kakaphone sa bahay tapos ano may inuutos yung mama
ko tapos sa sobrang naeentertain ako dun sa cellphone, hindi ko siya
napapansin kaya naiisnub ko siya tapos hanggang sa paulit ulit na siyang mag
uutos. Naririnig ko siya pero syempre yung focus ko nasa phone e kaya di ko
nabibigyang pansin.”

Mobile phone satisfies her. Whenever she was using it, it seems like she was
making her own world but despite the satisfaction and comfort that her phone give to
her, there were still consequences for her upon too much using it.

“Nasasatisfy ako. Nagakaron ng sariling mundo parang second world pag

hawak ko yung cellphone.”


“Siguro yung realtionship namin nung mama ko pag naiisnub ko siya pag
nagamit ako at yung focus ko nasa phone lang, minsan nga sinasabi niya sakin
kainin ko nalang yung cellphone ko e kasi ano kunyari may times din na
tinatawag niya ko sa pagkain pero hindi agad ako natayo sa kama kasi nga
nagcecellphone ako kaya sasabihin niya sige kainin mo nalang yung phone mo.
Hindi naman ibig sabihin na mas may time ako sa phone ko kesa sa nanay ko
50-50 naman pero pag siguro ano madalas sa social media. Pag parang biglang
may nagchat sakin tapos kasama ko halimbawa yung nanay ko nga ang gagawin
ko binubuksan ko kaagad kase excited sa nagchat ganun kung ano yung content
kung sino yung nagchat.”

Classmates and friends

“Sa classmates and friends naman ah hindi na nakakapg usap ng ayos

may times na ano isang beses nag ano isang beses parang ano ba yan busy ako
sa mga kachat tas yung essence ng communication yung interpersonal
communication between friends nawawala tapos meron din minsan yung
kaibigan ko na nagkukwento siya ng story niya tapos di ko nalang napapansin

kasi hindi ko siya napapakinggan kasi yung focus ko nasa phone. Minsan
nagtatampo siya tas minsan tahimik nalang ganun. Tahimik nalang ako tas
sasabihin niya di ka naman nakikinig sakin e ganon.”


“Kasi yung mobile phones nakakaadik talaga. Pag sa studies halimbawa

nalang siguro pag nagrereview parang gusto mo nalang ilayo yung phone mo
kasi pag nagrereview ka parang may tendency ka na kapag nakita mo yung
phone mo kukuhanin mo siya ichecheck mo yung account mo ganon kaya. Pero
sa study hindi naman masyado tas syempre may advantage din naman yung sa
internet ano yung sa dictionary nakakahelp talaga siya kase ahm parang ano e
lahat nandun na ganon yon mas napapadali.”

Social situation

“Hindi ka aware sa nangyayari sa kapiligiran. Nanakawan ka na di mo pa alam.”

Given that phubbing has a bad impact in the lives of those who experienced it,
the researchers asked Mellanie to give her meaning on her phubbing experiences.

“Ano hindi maganda kase katulad nga nung sinabi ko yon katulad dun sa
family naapektuhan yung relationship ng family tapos dun sa friends din kaya
siguro pag ano mahalaga rin talaga yung interpersonal communication. Kesa
magphone bat di nalang pakinggan mo yung kausap mo ng personal. Tas tingin
ko naman maiiwasan pa. Maiiwasan ko pa siguro. 70-30. Yung 30 percent yung
maiiwasan. Hinde. Siguro maiiwasan pa naniniwala ko kasi ano kahit naman
papano, aminin naman natin may disadvantage talaga yong phone pero
naniniwala parin ako na maiiwasan siya kasi hindi naman kasi lahat ng
nakakausap mo sa phone ano e, magtatagal. Yung parang pangsamantala lang.
Mahalaga parin kasi talaga yung mga nakakausap mo sa personal kasi kapag
gaon minsan pag yung nakakausap mo sa phone or kaya sa social media,
parang minsan naglilead pa sa misunderstanding kaya mas ano talaga sa
interpersonal communication kaya naniniwala ako maiiwasan pa.”


The Phubbees and Their Phubbing Experiences

Phubbee are the ones who are being snubbed by the phubbers. In this section,
experiences of the phubbees will be discussed including how they feel when they are
being phubbed.This section also includes the consequences of phubbing in their lives.
By looking at their experiences, the researchers had a wider view of the phubbing lives
of each phubbee as well as their similarities and differences.

King Quizon (Phubbee)

King is a 20-year old graduating student of Bachelor of Arts in Communication.

Although King uses his phone every ten minutes, he said that he never phubbed anyone
and considers himself as the one being phubbed all the time. He uses his phone for
message, internet, Facebook anf information seeking.

“Madalas akong gumagamit ng phone actually kada sampung minut.

Ginagamit ko sa pagbabasa ng message, pag iinternet, ayun pagfefacebook.
Madalas pangseek ng info ganun.”

Being a phubbee, King find it very offensive when someone phubbed him.

“Ayon nakakawalang gana lang kunyari andami dami mong sinasabi tas
hindi pala naiintindihan nung kausap mo kasi busyng busy siya sa
pagcecellphone tas parang nakakaoffend din na nung isang beses parang nag
iintern kami kinakausap ko si Jahziel (his friend) tapos ayon busyng busy siya sa
pagcecellphone kaya yun naiisnub niya ko. Pag ganon ayon hindi ko nalang
pinapansin parang ano ayon ititigil ko nalang yung pagsasalita ko tas may iba
nalang akong gagawin. Dahil din dun nagtampo ako sa kanya tas medyo
matagal din kaming di nag-usap.”

For King, the consequences that a person can get through phubing are the


“Ayon siguro mas lumlayo yung ano bawat myembro ng pamilya sa isat
isa katulad nung pamangkin ko laging nagcecellphone tas ayun parang lagging
kinakausap ng mommy niya tas parang hindi na napapansin tas sakin naman
parang ganun din parang napapalayo ako sa kanila kasi sila madalas

Classmates and friends

“Classmates… pag sa classmate at mga kaibigan parang normal na yung

nagcecellphone tas parang hindi, mapapansin mo parang hindi ka na pala
pinapansin nung ano kasi busyng busy ka sa pagpophone. Feeling ko wala
naming epekto kasi sanay na e ganon.”


“Ayon don may epekto don kasi ano ba pano ba sa study kunyare
nagrereview kayo tapos yung kunyare group study tas yung isa ayon busy. Ano
ng ano tunog ng tunog yung cellphone tas ayon pindot ng pindot, hindi ka

Social situation

“Ahm para saken…ano… ah oo kase minsan parang iisipin mo “ah,

nakakatamad na tong kausap ih lagi nalang nang iisnub kaya sa halip na
kausapin e wag nalang pero depende parin sa tao.”

According to King, phubbing affects his life in a way that it took away the people
who phubb him from him. The importance and real essence of socialization fades away.

“Yung epekto kasi sakin ng phubbing parang napaplayo ako dun sa tao,
dun sa mga taong nag—mga phubber sa buhay ko. Ayon parang napapalayo
lang pati sa mga tao sa palugid ko ganun din siguro yung epekto parang
nawawalan ng ganang makisalamuha.”

For him, one should focus on the person she/he is talking to in person than in
phone. People should stop phubbing because it is very offensive and can build a bad
impression on one’s relationship with the people around him/her.

“Para saken ano parang nakaka—lalo na pag di mo naman kaclose yung

kausap mot as nagphubbing ka parang yon nakakaoffend lang parang
kabastusan yon sa mga tao na hindi mo naman gaano kaclose tapos ayon siguro
dapat magfocus ka dun sa kausap mo kaysa dun sa kausap mo na personal
kaysa dun sa kausap mo lang sa phone mo. ayon dapat hindi tangkilikin, tigilan.


MJ Isles (Phubbee)

MJ is 25 year-old 3rd year BA Communication student. Like King, he is also an

avid user of phone but onsiders himself as a phubbee because of being snubbed by
phubbers many times. He uses his phone to communicate with his friends and to stay
updated to news through social media.

“Sa loob ng isang araw kung siguro ipepercentage ko siya siguro ano
80% kasi ano madalas ako sa social media kumukuha ng balita tsaka
nakikipagcommunicate sa mga friends ko. Tas ano naeentertain din ako tsaka
naeeducate din ako kasi may advantage din naman kasi talaga siya pagdating sa
education e.”

Whenever MJ was being snubbed by his friends, he would remind them to avoid
doing it even in a little amount of time.

“Pag may friend ako na nagcecelphone tapos kakausapin ko siya kahit

face to face na kami pag nakaocus siya dun sa cellphone niya naiisnub niya na
ko kase nadun nakacenter yung focus niya sa mobile phone niya nakakaasar!
Pag ganun tinatapik ko siya kase parang tinuturuan ko sila na mag antawag dito
iavoid naman yung mobile phone sa daily living nila kahit kaunting oras lang.
Pinapangaralan ko sila ganan.”

Although he stated that phone has an advantage in education, like the others, MJ
beilieves that it has a bad impact in the society.


“Naapektuhan niya yung communication at samahan ng pamilya. Oo

naaapektuhan kase what if yung magulang mo may mahalaga palang sasabihin
sayo or ikaw may mahalaga kang sasabihin sa magulang mo pero hindi nila
napagtutuunan ng pansin dahil lang sa nagcecellphone sila.”

Classmates and friends

“Yung epekto nito parang ganun din parang sa family lang din. What if
sobrang importante yung sasabihin pero dahil busy ka sa phone, namissed mo
yung sasabihin niya. Mamaya may problema na pala siya tapos di mo pa


“May mga advantages tsaka disadvantages naman siya. Yung mga

advantages ng ano syempre kapagsa mobile phone, kapag nagmomobile phone
ka andyan na yung iba’t ibang application social media tapos ayon nakakakuha
ka ng mga news don tapos pede kang magresearch sa mga different websites
tapos ang disadvantage naman non natututo kang ano maging tamad kasi lagi
ka nalang umaasa sa mga websites tas hindi ka na nakakapagformulate ng sarili
mong idea about for example sa assignments mo lagi ka nalang umaasa or lagi
ka nalng dumedepende sa ano sa mga websites.”

Social Situation

“Narereduce nya syempre yung face to face comm kasi syemre nagfofocus sa
cellphone e sa halip na yung taong andyan pinapansin mo e hindi.”

For him, there is a lot of advantage that we can get through mobile phones but
any user should balance his use of it.

“Akin ano dapat balance lang. May tamang panahon naman para sa
pagcecellphone e may tamang panahon din para sa pkikipagcommunicate sa kapwa
mo. Ayon balance lang. Time management.”


Joyce Saguan (Phubbee)

Joyce is a 20-year old graduating student of BA Communication. Like the first

two phubbees, Joyce did not deny that she invest a lot of time in using her phone but
despite that fact, most of the times, she experienced being phubbed. She uses her
phone for research, communication, facebook and information seeking.

“Palagi ko siyang gamit. Bibitawan ko lang pag kailangan ko talagang

bitawan. Yung magseset nako ng rules sa sarili ko. Twing umaga yun na agad
hawak ko kasi andun na yung alarm tas liligo pero di ko na naman dala sa cr
baka kasi magpatak. Kumbaga mas Malaki yung oras na ginagamit ko yung
phone kaysa sa di ko yun ginagamit. Ginagamit ko siya pangresearch,
communication tapos facebook. Info seeking din ganun.”

The researchers asked her if she could tell stories of her being phubbed and she
did not hesitate so said yes.

“Madalas ako yung naiisnub lalo na kapag samin, yung mga tao samin
kapag nagpophone sila pag may sasabihin ka sa kanila natapos mo na yung
sasabihin mo tas sasabihin nila ha? Yun parang sobrang focused nila sa phone
nila. Tapos yung ano nung nagboarding house kami dun sa sagana sa QC yung
kaboardmate ko dun ih wala lagi niyang hawak phone niya tapos hindi naman
siya bingi syempre pero kapag kinakausap mo ih mga tatlong tawag pa siguro.
Aba kulang nalang manghahampas nako ng upuan syempre nag effort ka na
magsabi ih tas nakakailang ulit pa nakakaooffend kaya. Kala mo bingi

Whenever she was being phubbed she got annoyed but she tried to understand
the situation. She experienced snubbing someone in favour of her phone but only when
she was not sure if she was the one they were talking to.

“Pag ganun wala lang siguro ano wala ih, sila naman yan ih pero konti pa
sigurong tyaga. Naiintindihan naman siguro nila kahit papano yung sinasabi mo
pero hindi lang agad agad. Iniintindi ko nalang kesa sapakin ko sila. Nakakapang
isnub din naman ako pero kapag lang hindi ko sure na ako yung kinakausap.”

For her, phubbing has a huge impact in every person’s life and those are as


“Syempre yung communication mo sa ibang tao nandon kaso yung

communication mo with your family nawawala e kung tutuusin dapat mas mataas
yung pursyento na nakikipagcommunicate ka dun sa mga taong nasa paligid mo
kesa dun sa mga taong malalayo na yun nga gamit yung mobiile phone mo tsaka
yung ibang social media sites na ginagamit para makipagcommunicate sa iba,
nakikipagcommunicatio ka nga sa iba hindi ka naman nakikipagcommunicate sa
mga taong andyan lang sa tabi mo. Ang kasama ko ay papa ko, kuya ko, tas
isang tiyuhin pero isang compund lang kami as in tabitabi tas nakaexperience
narin ako na maisnub nila lalo na yung mga bata sa amin. Kahit bata tapos yung
mga highschool tapos shs yun. Yung mga yun. Basta kapag kapit nila phone nila
makakailang tawag. Kahit hindi ako yung tumatawag sa kanila. Kahit mga
magulang nila ayun sigaw na kakatawag e bingi bingihan.”

Classmates and friends

“Minsan. Minsan nakakaapekto kasi syempre pano pag wala ka sa mood

tas di ka pinansin. Yun lang pero kaibigan mo naman ih kaya iintindihin nalang.
Araw araw nga ako naiisnub ih.”


“Ayun ganung din may positive at negative effects din kung phone yung
ginagamit mo pagreresearch tsaka pagkuha ng notes ano mas maganda parin
kasi yung written yung sinusulat mo yung notes kase mas nareretain sa utak mo

kaysa yung nasa phone mo lang na titingnan mo nalang saka hindi yung basta
mas matagal mong nakakabisado kapag sa phone kesa yung kapag sinulat mo
talaga sa notes mo.”

Social situations

“Kahit saang lugar. Sa jeep araw araw puro ganun na yung mga tao pag
minsan nga ano titingnan mo lang sila halos lahat may kapit na phone tapos
syempre digital age na yung mga phone nila mga updated sa mga modern apps
kaya siguro maganda yung specs kaya ayon hindi na maalam makipagsocialize
sa taong andyan mismo. Mas nakikipagsocialize sila sa social media. Yung
social life nila nasa social media na. Tsaka pag nakikisuyo ng bayad hindi ka
napapansin kailangan kukulbitin mo pa.”

For Joyce, phubbing cannot be avoided. It is not bad to use a phone but one
should discipline herself upon using it.

“Siguro yung phubbing ano, ayun yung dahil nga phone at snubbing ayun
yung focus mo nakalaan nalang sa phone. Hindi na dun sa mga taong andyan.
Parang kulang pag wala kang phone. Parang kulang kapag di mo nagagamit
yung phone mo. Ayun. Yung siguro yung phubbing. Hindi naman siguro pangit
gumamit ng phone pero siguro yung dapat tama lang, yung sakto lang hindi sa
puntong nakakpangisnub ka na masyado mamaya masagasaan ka pa
kapophone mo e. Pati parang mahirap ng iwasan yun lalo na kapag ano, lahat ng
trending hindi mo alam kung wala kang phone. Tsaka mahirap iwasan yung pang
iisnub kasi nakafocus ka na sa phone. Pero kung siguro walang gasinong apps
yung phone mo, hindi.”


Micarl Leonato (Phubbee)

Micarl is a 19-year old phubbee. He is taking up BS Mechanical Engineering and

he is currently on his first year. Micarl was different among the other respondents for he
does not own any phone but he loves playing his guitar.

“Madalas ano lang nagcocomputer lang din naman ako tapos nanonood
lang ako ng video sa computer, youtube, nag-aaral ng gitara ganon pero hindi
ako nagpophone kase ano may computer naman para kumbaga messenger
nalang ganon. Sa computer lang din ako nagmemessenger. Talagang hindi ako
masyadong nagcecellphone, computer lang. Pangbahay.”

Micarl mostly experienced being phubbed by his elder brother at home.

“Nung ano yung ano kapag nagtatanong ako sa kuya ko halimbawa

napakahalagang bagay yung itatanong ko kung halimbawa asan yung ganito
asan yung gitara ko minsan hindi niya ako naiintindihan kase nagcecellphone
siya kumbaga nakakailang ulit nako pero parang wala parin. Kaya parang naiinis
ako kasi yung focus niya dun sa ginagawa niya e nandun lang dun sa cellphone
niya kumbaga yun nalang at yun lang ang pinagpopokusan niya. Yung ibang
bagay na nasa paligid niya di na niya nakikita. Syempre pag ganun nagagalit ako
parang mapapasigaw ako sabi ko hoy ano ba yan ano kanina pa kita kinakausap
tas ayon pero maano naman sabi kuya ano kinakausap kita ah parang ano
mamaya ka muna magcellphone parang kailangan—may itatanong akong
mahalaga ganon sagutin mo naman ako.”

Having no phone, like the others, he also thinks that phubbing has a bad impact
in the society including the people who are living in it.


“Sa tingin ko mas bumababa na yung ano komuniksyon na dapat meron

ang isang pamilya na kung sa—kumbaga nalilimitahan yung mga dapat

nangyayari sa loob ng pamilya kasi dahil sa mga pang iisnub na yon kumbaga
ang nangyayari e hindi na nagkakapansinan tas nagkakailangan na kumbaga
nag—yung sitwasyon ng bawat isa hindi na naaalam. Nagkakaron na ng—
parang kahit magkasama kayo sa isang bahay para kayong magkakahiwalay
dahil sa cellphone na nakakaapekto sa lahat. Nakakahiya ng istorbohin sila kasi
paulit ulit na naman ih. Lagi kang ganto lagi kang ganyan kumbaga imbis na
magtanong ka nalang, ikaw na yung sariling gagawa kase mahirap yung
pakiramdam ng maano ka maisnub o kaya mareject ganon. Ako nalang yung
nahihiya sa kanila.”

Classmates and friends

“Ano siguro hindi nagkakapansinan ganon kumbaga iiwasan mo na din

kasi kapagka halimbawa hindi naman nagkakausap tas hindi nagkaintindihan,
magiging iba yung dating kumbaga yon magkakatampuhan. Magkakatampuhan
siguro tas hahayaan nalang siya, sige magcellphone ka dyan bahala ka sa buhay
mo. Minsan nagtatampo ako pagka yung ano yung wala ko sa mood tapos yung
nakakailang sabi na ko yung seryoso tas mahalaga tas di ako napansin dahil sa
cellphone o kahit nakikita naman ako parang kumbaga hindi lang siya naimek
kasi sobrang busy. Yon. Nakaktampo din ganon kase tingin ko naman oo rinig
niya ko pero hindi niya lang ako iniintindi ganon.”


“Ayon yung mobile phone tingin ko kahit wala ako nun e parang nagsisilbi
siyang ano yung sa communication kunyari kapag di alam yung assignment
maaaring gamitin yung cellphone tawag sa ibang kaklase or pede ring sa
pangresearch. Yung pangresearch yung cellphone. Saka alarm clock kapag
papasok. Sa computer lang kasi talaga ko nagsesearch at
nakikipagcommunicate e. Computer tas may internet.”

Social situation

“Ano nakakaapekto yun sa bawat isa kasi hindi nalilinang yung mga
kakayahang pangkomukasyon ng isang tao. Nalilimitahan lang sila sa mga di
verbal na komyunikasyon kumbaga ano nawawala na yung kasanayan ng isang
tao kasi sa komunikasyon ano dyan malilinang dapat yung kakayanan ng isang
tao para umintindi at matutong magsalita ng mga wika kasi kapagka konti yung
usapan at puro nagcecellphone nalang yung tao kumbaga ano kokonti nalang
din yung magiging learning mo sa mga taong makakasalamuha mo na pisikal na
nandyan. Mas nakikilala mo yung mga nasa messenger ganon, mga taong di mo
nakikita kesa dun sa mga taong nasa paligid mo.”

For Micarl, phubbing is like a cancer in the society.

“Ah yung phubbing parang ano siya para sakin ahhh eto na yung
nagiging patuloy na sakit ng lipunan, kanser ng kipunan na kumbaga hindi
nalilimitahan kumbaga mas lalong lumalaki dahil sa mga makabagong
teknolohiya ngayon saka sa mga bagong pagbabago kasi ano ah—sa paglipas
ng panahon parang sumasabay yung tao, sumasabay ding nagbabago sila at
ayon sa pagbabago ng mga teknolohiya, nagbabago rin yung tao. Siguro kaya
namang iwasan pero ano kung gugustuhin talaga ng isang tao pero magiging
mahirap kung hindi natin lalabanan kumbaga kung hindi magsisimula sayo,
paano mangyayari sa iba? Ganun.”


Janna Mondragon (Phubbee)

Janna is a 3rd year student from Bachelor of Arts in Communication. She is the
girlfriend of Ronnie, the 4th phubber that the researchers got to interview. Janna uses her
phone for entertainment and to check messages on her social media accounts. She
uses her phone with limitations.

“Siguro ano mga 5 hours everyday ganon madalas ko siyang ginagamit

pagkagising ko pero binibigyan ko rin naman ng oras yung sarili ko sa paggamit
parang nililimitahan ko. Ginagamir ko pagchecheck ng mga message sa ano sa
social media ganyan tas pag naiinip ka tapos yon pampalipas oras syempre
nalilibang ka dami na kasing applications sa phone.”

she experienced being phubbed by a friend. She finds it boring whenever her
friend is phubbing her so she keeps on bugging her friend until she stops phubbing and
noticed her existence.

“Minsan kunyari sa pag magkasama kami ng kaibgan ko tapos ano yung

may gusto kong sabihin tapos tutok siya sa phone niya hindi ko siya makausap
ng ayos kasi syempre alangan namang kunin mo yung phone ganyan, yon
busyng busy siya edi hindi ko nalang tuloy nasasabi yung gusto kong sabihin tas
ano nakakainip. Nakakainip kasing kasama pag ganon tapos ano, yon
nabobored. Pag ganon kinukulit ko kunyari inuusisa ko yung ginagawa niya
nagtatanong ako uy ano ba yang ganyan ganyan ganon hanggang sa mapansin
ako ganun.”

She had also experienced being phubbed by her boyfriend.

“Si Ronnie madalas niya kong naiisnub, tas minsan parang nasigawan
niya ko sa sobrang focus niya sa nilalaro niyatas syempre naoffend ako kasi ano,
hindi naman masyadong importante yung sasabihin ko pero kasi parang
nakakainip parang gusto ko lang makipagkwentuhan ganon bonding e sobrang

busy kase pag ako ganun nangungulit talaga ko tas nasigawan ako edi naiyak
ako naging emosyonal kasi nagulat ako sinigawan ako tsaka naoffend ako.”

Despite of the satisfaction that phone gives, Janna stated some of the
consequences that a person involved in phubbing may get.


“Nawawala yung openness tapos yung kwentuhan ganon yung bonding

kasi nakatutok nalang sa cellphone sa halip na kami mag usap usap e may
kanya kanyang ginagawa.”

Classmates and friends

“Parang nagiging mundo mo na yung cellphone hindi mo na siya

nakakakwentuhan, hindi na kayo nakakapag kunyari anong nangyayari sa inyo
ediba ganun naman pag magkakaibigan .”


“Ayon nagpoprocastinate ka kunyari madami ka pang dapat gawin

kunyari may mga assignments ka na di mo nagagawa kase nalilibang ka nalang
sa cellphpone mo dun nauubos yung oras pero ano yung advantage naman ng
syempre kapag nagcecellphopne ka yung naiinform ka kaagad kunyari may mga
news syempre ano na yon sa socila media naipopost nila agad alam mo na agad
na ganyan may ganyan pala may bagyo pala yon.”

Social situation

“Ayon hindi ka aware sa nangyayari yung parang may nangyari na palang

nakawan di mo alam kasi nagcecellphhone kalang wala kang ano. Pero kasi ako
pag nagcecelphone hindi naman ako sobrang tutok na tutok sa cellphone yung
kapag may kumausap sakin papansinin ko agad. Ititigil ko yung pagcecellphone
ko parang ayun parang ano lang balance parin.”

According to Janna, a person can still avoid phubbing if he knows how to balance
everything and put limitations upon using it.

“Ano siguro ano siya parang pede mo naman siyang iwasan pede mo
siyang ibalance ganyan hindi ka lang nakatutok sa cellphone kasi iba kasi kapag
nasa labas ka tsaka nasa loob ng bahay. Kapag nasa loob ka ng bahay pede
kang magcellphone nalang ng magcellphone pero pag nasa labas ka syempre
kailangan mong makipagsocialize, iwasan mo rin yung pagcecellphone limitahan
mo yung sarili mo. Yun.”


Roles of Mobile Phones in the Phubbers’ and Phubbees’ Lives

This section deals with the categories of roles that mobile phones and phubbing
play in the lives of the participants. By looking through this, the researchers had an
understanding of how phubbers and phubbees make use of their phone and how
phubbing influenced their lives.

Mobile Phone as a Source of Satisfaction

Mobile Phone can do a lot of things that almost all the participants view it as a
source of everything. And according to them, everything means it can satisfy them in a
way that it can offer the things that they want and need such as entertainment,
communication and information seeking. All the participants in this study view phone as
a medium to obtain faster communication to the people faraway from them, easier
information seeking tool, entertainment, and a way to satisfy themselves.

Mobile Phone as a Communication Tool

Everyone knows that phones are originally made to have a faster communication
and by means of that the participants of this study considers their phone as a medium
that helps them have a faster communication too. Aside from texting, modern phones
offers unlimited chatting to different people around the globe. Most of the respondents
uses Facebook Messenger to connect with their loved ones faraway from them, and to
the people they want to know inside and outside the country.

Mobile Phone as a Source of Entertainment


The fact that modern phones have a lot of applications to offer, it can be a great
source of entertainment. Most of the respondents enjoys spending too much time with
their phones because of this. They could do gaming and watch videos on Youtube. They
could also take selfies through it and post it on different social media sites such as
Facebook and Instagram wherein they can gain likes.

Mobile Phone as an Information-seeking Tool

Given that the respondents are already living in a digital world, seeking answers
for their assignments was not that hard anymore for it can offer online libraries where
they just need to type the word and it could easily provide answers. It can also be a
source of news updates in school or in class lectures. Most teachers in school nowadays
give activities through groupchats so it is really a helpful tool to stay updated on

Mobile Phone as a Time Killer

Most of the respondents says that their phones are their time killers to the point
that they could forget everything whenever they engaged themselves in their phones.
Ronnie, one of the phubbers forgets to eat whenever he engaged himself in phone. Erv
gets irritable whenever someone poked him whenever he is playing and Coleen
sometimes considers her phone as her food because without it, she feels incomplete.
Joyce also stated that phones kind of complete a person’s life.

Mobile Phone as an Anti-Depressant

Ronnie, one of the phubbers stated that mobile phones could act as if it could
release the stress out of him because of the entertainment it gives. It makes him happy
in a way.

Mobile Phone as a Source of Happiness

Coleen and Angelique stated that their phone makes them happy because it
makes almost everything easier for them.

Mobile Phone as a Journal/Diary

Mellanie, whenever she had problems, she would took out her phone and write
notes on it. Through it, she was able to express her thoughts and feelings.

Mobile Phone Boosts Self-confidence

Mellanie also stated that through messenger, she could open up something to
someone that she could not bare to say in person.

Mobile Phone as a Part of Life

Mobile phones is already part of everyone’s life. Erv considered mobile phone as
a part of his life.Even those who do not have it like Micarl, suffer from the bad things it

Mobile Phone as a Portal to Another World

Angelique, one of the phubbers stated that whenever she uses her phone, it
seems like she is living in another world. Also, Mellanie had stated that phone can be
her second world. A world that can take you away from the real world.


The Interpretation of the Meanings of Phubbing of Laguna University

Students Phubbers

By analysing the phubbing experiences and roles of mobile phones in the lives of
Laguna University student phubbers and phubbees, the researchers were able to come
up with interpretations of what mobile phone and phubbing means to them. In
interpreting these data, the researchers bracket their own experiences, stories, and
biases in order not to affect the interpretation.

Phubbing as a Distraction

Although phone plays a great role in the study of every student, it distracts them
whenever they study. Whenever they are studying with their phones beside them, they
cannot help themselves but to use it until they forget every important thing that they have
to do. They forget the time and everything whenever phone is present. Also, they ignore
listening to their parents at home because they are so distracted with their phones. It
also affects the way they manage their time in school works and house works.

Phubbing as a Source of Laziness

Given that phone makes almost everything easier, according to Janna it can be a
source of procastination. You become lazy of the important things that you have to do
because phone is too much entertaining. And also, MJ said that it also causes someone
to get lazy to formulate original ideas because google is only one click away.

Phubbing Reduces Social interaction

Phone has its way to bring people afar close to you because of the easy and
faster communication it give, but it can also lose the communication within friends and
family. It reduces closeness and bonding within the family and circle of friends. Instead
of talking and asking how their family and friends have been, because of the presence of
mobile phones it is the least thing to happen. Erv did not noticed that his sister was
going through something because instead of communicating with his sister verbally, he
always tends to play with his phone. According to Micarl it affects the verbal
communication and loses the opportunity to know someone better and Mellanie says it
takes away the essence of interpersonal communication. It reduces the face-to-face
communication within people as what MJ said. Angelique, King and Joyce stated that it
brings them apart from the people they supposed to be close with. They loses the
opportunity to build strong and good relationship with their family and friends and they
also loses the opportunity to find new friendship with strangers sitting next to them. It
takes away the unity within people as stated by Ronnie, and it takes you away from the
real world like what Angelique had said in the interview.

Phubbing Affects Relationship

All participants said that phubbing is affecting bonding and closeness in

relationships within family and friends. King said that it takes him away from the
phubbers of his life and the will to open with family fades away because of too much
engagement to phones according to Janna. Mellanie uses her phone whenever she is
with her mother and Erv once lose the chance to know her sisters situation in school
because phone he was very fond of playing games on it. On the otherhand, phone also
affects relationship in a good way according to Ronnie. Sometimes, playing games on it
serves as a bonding between him and his girlfriend.

Phubbing Causes Misunderstanding and Miscommunication

Phubbing can cause someone to feel offended and rejected in a way that instead
of wanting to talk to a phubber, they just keep the stories to themselves because they
got offended that the phubber might reject them again. King, MJ, Joyce, Micarl and
Janna had experience being phubbed by the people they cared for. King felt offended
whenever his friend phubbed him, while MJ and Joyce felt annoyed whenever his friends
ignore him because of their phones though they tried to understand them. Micarl finds it
irritating whenever his brother.It can also make someone irritable when being disturbed
while playing, Ronnie becomes irritable when someone disturbs him while playing. It
hurtspeople’s reputation to the point that someone might get too emotional because of
being shock. Ronnie, a phubber, while busy playing with his phone shouted at his
girlfriend Janna that makes Janna emotional and cried.

Phubbing as “Panakip butas”

Coleen phubb whenever she wants to ignore someone. She turns to her phone
whenever she does not feel talking to someone because of the awkward atmosphere.

Phubbing Affects Health

Given that phone is very addictive because of the entertainment it gives, Ronnie
forgets to eat whenever he is playing that causes him to get thinner and lose weight.

Phubbing as a cancer to the society

Almost everyone thinks that phubbing is a phenomenon that is needed to be

stopped, but also, most of them thinks that the use of mobile phones cannot be stopped.
They were all saying that one must put limitations upon using a phone and must know
how to balance time and everything while engaging themselves on it. Like what as

MIcarl had stated, phubbing is a cancer to the society, it can be avoided if you are really
serious and fully decided to avoid it. Erv, a phubber who is slowly by slowly starting to
avoid phubbing because of his experiences with his sister said that he was already on
his 5% completing the process. He still have a long way to go, but nothing is impossible
and there is no harm in trying.





Mobile phone is a very helpful tool in everyone’s life especially the students.
Among the different groups in the society, students has the largest number of
engangement to mobile phones. It made every student’s life easier and busier than ever.
They are badly engaged in technology and as technology evolves, mobile phones evolve
too that they tend to influence and control the lives of every student because of the
satisfaction they can get through it. People snub each other, students snub each other
because of too much focus or involvement in their phones. Because of these
phenomenon, studying how the phubber and phubbee students of Laguna University
make use of their phones would be relevant in today’s society.

Mobile phones are supposed to make communication easier and better and it
did. The problem is, it can also be the reason why people lack in face-to-face
communication. It causes people to snub each other in a face-to-ace talk and social
situation which is called phubbing. It reduces bonding and closeness in relationships and
could also be a cause of misunderstandings. Some articles in the Philippines had
already used the word phubbing in their papers but there are no studies yet concerning
the experiences of phubbing in the Philippines. With these research gaps, this study
aimed to explore the meanings attached to phubbing by 1) describing the phubbing
experiences of Laguna University students; 2) describe the roles of mobile phones in
their lives; and 3) interpret the meanings they attached to phubbing.

Since the study is concerned with surfacing meanings, qualitative approach was
employed. One-on-one qualitative interviewing was used as to collect data from the

respondents and the data were analysed using Colaizzi’s method of data analysis. 10
students were asked to participate in the study. This study is informed by the concepts of
phenomenology and theories under Tele-coconning Effect by Nojin Kwak and Scott


Through this study, the phubbing experiences and the roles of mobile phones in
the lives of Laguna University students were surfaced. The stories of their phubbing
experiences provided a wider understanding of the phubbing phenomenon and its
implications to one’s life. Below is a brief description of the major findings of the study.

Research Question No. 1: What roles do mobile phone play in the lives of
Laguna University students engaged in phubbing?

Almost all of them owns a mobile phone except one. However, all of them had
already experienced the phubbing phenomena. All of them view their phones as if it is
something that can give them the satisfaction they want. It is a source of entertainment,
communication becomes easier, and seeking information and being updated to news
inside and outside the school becomes easier too. For them, phone gives almost
everything that a person want and need. But despite this fact, phones are getting way
too much of the way that most of the times, it can be a cause to snub each other in a
social situation.

Research Question No. 2: What are the consequences of phubbing in their

family, classmates and friends, study, and social situation?

The respondents are all aware that phubbing is a serious phenomenon that
everyone should avoid. All of them had already experienced phubbing wherein they all

had been snubbed by someone they are with. Not just someone but their families and
friends. The phubbers, even though they had experienced being snubbed does not
hinder them to snub the person they are with whenever they are using their phone. Not
because they are not aware that the person next to them needs attention but because
they just chose to ignore the situation because they are so focus with what they were
doing on their phones that they did not want to get distracted or disturbed. The
phubbees, most of the time they were being snubbed by their loved ones and for them, it
kind of felt like being rejected. They get annoyed and offended whenever they are being
phubbed. It reduces the bond and openness between family and friends and it can also
cause misunderstandings. Whenever they engaged themselves in phubbing, they looses
the opportunity to make friends with strangers, and strengthen the closeness between
their families and friends.


Research Participants

Since the study is qualitative, the researchers suggests you to focus on one
experience only. They suggest that if you are going to study the phubbers experiences
then do not include the phubbees but if you would like to study the phubbees
experiences then do not include the phubbers. They suggest that you should only focus
on the phubbers experiences or the phubbees experiences only to make your study
better, just focus on one.

Future research

While reviewing the literature, the researchers noticed that there is a lack of
studies regarding phubbing in the Philippine setting. Conducting case studies about
Filipino phubbers would be relevant to the field.

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