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Abstract: Soil

I. Objectives
The following objectives of this experiment are listed below:

 to determine the liquid limit of the soil sample

 to calculate the plastic limit from the hand method
 to compute for plasticity index of the soil sample

II. Reference of standard procedure
The steps and procedures followed in this experiment are based on the following standards:
ASTM D 4318 Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils

III. Observed data

Table 1. Data for Liquid Limit Test

Range of
Drops Number of Drops Mass of Moist Soil (g) Mass of Dry Soil (g)
15-25 21 47.12 37.1
20-30 24 45.03 35.8
25-35 28 59.28 48.41

Table 2. Data for Plastic Limit Test

Mass of can
Trial (g Mass of Moist Soil + can (g) Mass of dry soil + can (g)
1 10.68 20.64 18.95
2 8.62 14.86 13.73
3 10.3 16.42 15.43

IV. Results
Table 3. Determination of Water Content for Liquid Limit Test

Range of Number of Mass of Moist Mass of Dry Mass of Water

Drops Drops Soil (g) Soil (g) Water (g) Content
15-25 21 47.12 37.1 10.02 27.0
20-30 24 45.03 35.8 9.23 25.8
25-35 28 59.28 48.41 10.87 22.5

Sample Calculation if number of drops is 24:

Mass of Water ( g )=Mass of Moist Soil−Mass of Dry Soil
Mass of Water ( g )=45.03−35.8=9.23 g

Mass of Water
Water Content ( % )=
Mass of Dry Soil
Water Content ( % )= =25.8 %

Figure 1.  Flow Curve for Liquid Limit determination


Moisture Content, w (%)





1 25.0000000000001 625.000000000007
Number of Blows

Liquid Limit, LL:

28−24 25−24
22.5−25.8 ¿−25.8
LL = 25.0

Table 4. Determination of Water Content for Plastic Limit Test

Mass of Mass of Moist Mass of dry soil Mass of dry Mass of Water
Trial can (g Soil + can (g) + can (g) soil (g) water (g) Content
1 10.68 20.64 18.95 8.27 1.69 20.4
2 8.62 14.86 13.73 5.11 1.13 22.1
3 10.3 16.42 15.43 5.13 0.99 19.3
Average 20.6

Sample Calculation for Trial 2:

Mass of Dry Soil ( g )=Mass of dry soil+ can−Mass of can
Mass of Dry Soil ( g )=13.73−8.62=5.11 g

Mass of Water ( g )=Mass of moist soil+ can−Mass of dry soil +can

Mass of Water ( g )=14.86−13.73=1.13 g

Mass of Water
Water Content ( % )=
Mass of Dry Soil
Water Content ( % )= =22.1 %

Plastic Limit, PL:

PL = Average of Water Content = =20.6

Plasticity Index:
PI = LL – PL
PI =25.0−20.6=4.40 (slightly plastic)

V. Analysis and Discussion

Atterberg limits is.. Depending on the water content, the soil may be classified as solid, semi-
solid, plastic, and liquid. The Swedish scientist Albert Atterberg defined seven limits to
classify fine-grained soils but the most common limits in engineering are liquid and plastic
limit. These limits are used to in relation to soil behavior like compressibility, shear strength,
compaction, and permeability. Another limit that may be used occasionally in the field of
engineering is the shrinkage limit. It is the moisture content where the soil volume will not be
decreased further if moisture content is reduced. In this experiment, liquid limit, plastic limit,
and plasticity index

For the liquid test, the water content for the three different ranges of drops was determined as
shown in Table 3. The calculated water content and the number of blows were then plotted in
logarithmic scale as shown in Figure 1. The graph is now used to determine the liquid limit of
the soil by interpolating the obtained data to get the moisture content at 25 drops. In this

experiment, the liquid limit or the moisture content in which the soil sample will change from
liquid state to plastic state is estimated to be 24.6.
For the Plastic Limit, the water content for each trial was obtained and is shown in Table 4.
The average water content for the three trials is said to be the plastic limit. For this
experiment, the plastic limit or moisture content at which soil sample which change from
plastic state to semisolid stated is calculated to be 20.6. Plasticity limit value of 20.6
corresponds to low cohesiveness and may also mean that the soil may change significantly in
consistency even with a small change in water content.
The Plasticity Index of the soil sample is 4.40. This value was obtained by subtracting the
plastic limit to the liquid limit. A plasticity index of 4.40 means that the soil sample is in
semi-plastic state.
Water Content (three ranges of drops
Plot number of drops versus water contenr
Liquid Limit 24.5
Water content for three trials
Plastic Limit 3
Plasticity index 9 Slightly Plastic
advantages of atterb
possible sources of error consistent sa pagroll, same pressure
other soil index paramateres can ba determined
what does it mean about the soil sample

VI. Conclusion


ASTM D6913: Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils
Using Sieve Analysis
ASTM D7928-17: Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Fine-
Grained Soils Using the Sedimentation (Hydrometer) Analysis
Victor, J. (2022). CE 162 Laboratory Manual 2: Particle Size Analysis of Soils

Properties and Behavior of Soil - Online Lab Manual by MD Sahadat

Hossain, Ph.D., P.E.; Md Azijul Islam; Faria Fahim Badhon; and Tanvir
Imtiaz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Retrieved from:
Table 6. Values of effective depth based for Hydrometer 152H

Table 7. Values of K to compute for the diameter of particle in hydrometer analysis

Table 8. Correction factors a for unit weight of solids

Table 9. Temperature correction factors, CT


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