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Farmers Guide for RvR Gold

1. You buff yourself up. You can just stick to the Gathering boost buff, but since RvR is a rare
event, I rather pop in the 1-day buffs for everything at the start of rvr. Just in case of attacks,
it might help a bit more.

2. You kinda want your Champion to have the Slavedriver skills maximized.

Besides those, you could also specc for battle if you plan to kill some enemies later.

3. It is best to invade the other realm with a fully loaded Stamina bar. Killing Foes there, gives
rvr points. So its easy to slay a few while the first gahtering crews are send out and make
easy points.
4. You equip your trusted Farmer gear before you send out your Gathering crews and before. I
think you have to keep that on until they stand on the tile and start. So If your Champion
shall go Foe slaying with other gear, time it right.

5. Now you look up the enemy realm, search for a nice spot where you have access to 6+ tiles.
So Southern Empire and Middle Empire are probably your target locations. You also want to
be a bit away from Cities, since those usually have defenders around which might harass
you. And you probably want to keep some distance to higher keeps and avoid clustering
around some fellow invaders. Clustered keeps just get more attention.
6. If you have found a spot, you invade there while fully shielded. When you invade, you lose
your possible camps on your own realm and every troop you might have stored in another
persons keep, comes automatically back. Now under the protection of your shield, you send
your gathering crews out. To farm those points

7. Avoid Clsuter farming! Meaning: spread your gather crews out over some distance. Not half
the map away, becsue in case of emergency recalls, you want to cut the travel time short.
But not to close to your keep or each other. People will see your keep and check the
surrounding gathering crews for tile hits.
8. Because of spreading out your gathering crews, and possible emergency recalls, it makes
sense to have either fast troops or at least speed them up with a faster Warlord. These two
are perfect for the job.

9. You can also use some of your older troops to gather in case you want to minimize

10. IF you can watch over your gathering troops, you can recall them in time when they get
attackes. If you are afk farming, spreading them out far enough is your best chance to avoid
casualties. Some casualties might still happen, but it is RvR after all.
11. Final words of wisdom: IF you want to fight, you can do that. You invade for four hours.
You could farmville for 3 hours, and the last hour you recall your crews and then start to
look for targets. Be it unshielded keeps or just tile hitting gathering crews from the realm
you invade (you better not hit your own realms gathering troops just becasue you can't
remember you own realms guilds ^^). If you have farmed for three hours you have some
save points. So if you fight the last hour, the inavding token was not wasted if somebody
catches you. First hit your keep gets, you are send back to your own realm. So if you
teleport around to tile hit or attack unprotected keeps, be watchful and quick with an
emergency port if you hear someone port near you ;)
12. Ah yes, IF you want to attack the usual reminder: Attacker always have perma losses. So
prepare your marches to NOT include Renown troops. Use your generic troops which you
can rebuild if needed. Also if you want to attack, be fully buffed as pointed out at the start.
You want every advantage you can get. And do build a march which has a good tanky
frontline. In PvP I would always suggest having at least 10.000 Giants/Tzeentch Warriors as
the frontline to soak up enough dmg to shield the dmg dealers behind. If you still get
defeated and lose tons of troops, maybe that still saves your more valuable ones.

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