Form 6 Quality Management Plan

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This QMP provides a means by which Group Six International (GSI) will maintain effective
quality control and assurance for the proposed NHC project from the design to construction
phase as per contract signed. The quality control measures as presented herein include quality
control organization; methods of performing, documenting, and enforcing quality control
operations of both main contractor and subcontractors (including inspection and testing);
inspections to be performed; and protocol describe corrective actions.

Quality Management Plan (QMP) described in here will be under supervision of contractor’s
Quality Control Manager (QCM). The QCM will have the authority to act in all design and
construction quality control matters and will be responsible for ensuring that all the designs,
materials and work comply with the contract specifications.

In addition, all inspections and testing performed will be at the disposal of the QCM to ensure
that all aspects of work are compliant with the contract. The QCM will report any deviations to
the Project Manager (GSI representative to the project) who will be the in charge of matters
concern the Project. The resume and certified documents for the QCM will be submitted to the
Contract Administrator selected by the Employer to handle the Contract matter prior during
mobilization stage.


This Quality Management Plan covers only the design, construction works of office building. It
includes the following quality assurance topics:

i. Project organization
ii. Required documents
iii. Quality Control methods
iv. Inspection and testing
v. Quality assurance process and improvements
vi. Reporting and documentation

The key personnel assigned to this project possess a broad range of remedial action
experience and skills. All have experience and familiarity on dealing with day to day
activities of this contract from design, construction and maintenance phase.

The proposed project organization for the project and the resumes of key personnel will be
submitted along with their job titles for review and approval. A conceptual project quality
organization chart is shown in Figure 1 below: The functional responsibilities of key
technical personnel are summarized as follows:

Contractor Representative
The Contractor Representative will oversee the project at the corporate level and report
directly to the chief executive officer. He will communicate with the on - site Project
Manager regarding all aspects of the project including, but not limited to, project problems,
progress payments, schedules, administrative duties, and quality management oversight. He
will also resolve problems that cannot be resolved by the on-site Project Manager and will
periodically visit the site and be acquainted with the personnel and procedures.

On Site Project Manager

The project manager has the following responsibilities:

i. Ensuring that quality management procedures interface satisfactory with the

requirements of the employer, suppliers and subcontractors
ii. Reviewing new quality management procedures to ensure that they are effective and
meet the required standards
iii. Ensuring the quality management procedures selected for this project are formally
adopted through the issue of this quality management plan which will also identify
the personnel responsible for the achievement of quality within the project.

Quality Control and Assurer Specialist (QCAS)

This person is responsible for regulatory compliance matters, including oversight of all field
sampling and chemical data acquisition plans and correspondence with off - site laboratories.
The person will review laboratory reports with the selected lab in order to ensure compliance
with project specifications and all required protocols. He will have both the authority and the
duty to stop any operation appearing to be out of compliance with contract specifications.
This person will be responsible to submit the documents related, to the QCM for review and

The QCAS is responsible for keeping and maintaining all records related to personnel,
supplies, equipment use, and equipment calibration and sampling. His function will be to
ensure compliance with the contract plans and specifications.

QCAS responsibilities include:

i. Performing and documenting field inspections
ii. Preparing daily quality control report
iii. Scheduling, reviewing, certifying, and managing project submittals
iv. Maintaining submittal register
v. Providing coordination of required quality control testing, reviewing results and
vi. Coordinating, documenting, and tracking preparatory, initial, and follow-up
vii. Tracking construction deficiencies and ensuring timely corrective action
viii. Coordinating field sampling activities (as required)
ix. Reviewing calibration of test equipment (as necessary)
x. Maintenance of as- built drawings

The QCAS or an appointed personnel will be on – site when the work is being performed.

Project Architect
Project Architect is responsible for oversee the elements of the design and construction processes
from site preparation to building completion and maintenance. Part of this preparation includes
developing, organizing and reviewing building plans. The project architect will ensure that the
proposed project meets the intended quality in terms of the environment, safety, structural,
zoning and aesthetic standards.

The project architect will be organizing frequent technical meetings with other key personnel to
make sure that each step during the design, construction and maintenance phase comply with the
specifications agreed according to the contract. This person will cooperate with QCM to conduct
frequent inspections on materials submitted from manufacturers for further approval. If any
discrepancies occur, the project architect shall be in a position to communicate with QCM on the

Project Engineers
The project engineers for the proposed project have the responsibility of producing a
complete, accurate, and buildable set of plans for the all structures. This team of engineers
will work hand to hand with the QCM and subcontractors to ensure the work performed is
according to the drawings prepared. To maintain quality of the proposed project the team of
engineers shall cooperate with the architect team to ensure the designs from both sides
correlate and attain aesthetics intended.

The team of engineers will conduct site inspections to oversee the work performed and
advice on – site project manager accordingly. They will attend weekly technical meetings
and monthly progress meetings to ensure further follow up of the project is being taken up.

Transportation and Disposal Coordinator

The transportation and Disposal Coordinator will be experienced in gathering and analyzing
data and developing and implementing sampling plans and quality control programs. The
designated contractor representative will be responsible for coordination of transportation
and disposal at the site.

Project Superintendent
The Project Superintendent will be responsible for supervising all field activities. The duties
will include supervision of the craft labor (equipment operators, truck drivers, and laborers),
technical staff (survey crew), and subcontractors. The designed superintendent is also
responsible for maintenance of all on-site equipment.

The quality control management methods for the proposed project are specifically
categorized to meet all phases of the project including design, construction and maintenance
stage. These methods have been prepared basing on the scope and requirements of the
proposed project. Using the quality organization team, the GSI will be in a position to cover
all phases of the project within the proposed project quality motto. The contractor shall cover
all phases as narrated below:

Design Quality Control

GSI design team (Architectural, Structural and Service) will use Design Check procedures
and techniques established in GSI Quality Management System, to produce drawings for the
project that meet Employer’s requirements. The design check procedure and tools will insure
all design requirements and specification are met without jeopardize the quality of the work.
The quality of the design will be monitored at every step and verified by the QCM to insure
they compliance to the Standards and requirements.

QMC will use the established controlling conditions that addresses all major areas govern the
whole process of design quality. Controlled conditions shall include the following:

i. Documented procedures defining the manner of design where the absence of such
procedures could adversely affect Quality;
ii. Monitoring and control of suitable process parameters;
iii. Compliance with referenced standards/codes and/or documented procedures;
iv. Criteria for workmanship, which shall be stipulated in the clearest practical manner
( i.e., written standards, representative samples or illustrations);
v. Detailed description of unique procedures.

QCM will insure the design that does not conform to specified requirements is not submitted
and is prevented from any use.

Where required, the reviewed and disposition of non – conforming design may be corrected
to meet the specified requirements as per contract, accepted with or without correction by
concession, considered for an alternative applications, or rejected or scrapped.
Corrective and preventive actions will be emphasized to eliminate or reduce the occurrences
of design non – conformities. The QCM and Project Manager will be responsible for
ensuring the procedures for corrective and preventive actions are through taken by the team
to minimize chance for the risk to be encountered.

GSI’s corrective actions procedures to eliminate actual non – conforming design include:
i. The effectively handle of observations and report of design non conformities,
including developing interim measures if warranted, to correct an actual non –
ii. Conducting an investigation into the root cause of non – conformities relating to the
design, processes, and recording the results of the investigation.
iii. Determination of the corrective action needed to eliminate the cause of the design non
– conformities.
iv. Application of measures to determine that corrective action has been taken and that
the same problem won’t be repeated.

GSI’s preventive actions procedures to minimize non – conformities in the design include:
i. The use of appropriate sources of information relating to the quality of the design to
detect, analyse and eliminate potential causes of non- conformities.
ii. Determination of the steps needed to deal with any problems requiring preventive
iii. Initiation of preventive action and appropriate follow up reviews to determine that it
is effective.

The QCM will use quality control records procedures for identification, collection, indexing,
assess, filing, storage, maintenance, and disposition of all designs prepared. All records will
be controlled to easy its operation during construction and maintenance of the proposed
project. The quality control records will be legible and retained in such a way that designs
can be readily retrieved in files that provide a suitable environment to prevent damage,
deterioration or loss. These records will be kept in media, such as hard copy and electronic
Construction Quality Control
During construction phase, quality control methods will be implemented to ensure
compliance with the specifications for remedial action construction as detailed in the contract

Quality control measures will extend to field sampling procedures; staffing; types of material
and equipment to be used; and methods of performing, documenting and enforcing quality
control operations to subcontractors (including inspection and testing).

As previously stated, maintenance of the QMP will be the responsibility of the QCM. The
QCM will be responsible for ensuring that all the materials and work comply with the

contract specifications. The QCM will use field engineers at his disposal to assist him with
the on-site inspections. QCM will submit to Employer the list of proposed Laboratory for
Testing of material samples for his consent. All reports from the testing firms will be
forwarded to the QCM for his review and approval before kept for records.

The QCM will record project activities in a daily quality control report maintained on site at
all times. All site activities, site inspections, and field testing of materials will be recorded on
a daily basis, along with any unacceptable site occurrences or deficiencies and their
associative corrective actions. Each daily entry into the report will be signed by the QCM.
Quality control report from the site will be submitted to GSI office for record keeping on a
monthly basis.

The following list itemizes some of the forms which GSI Quality Control Manager intends to
use for the project. This list is not all inclusive and may be revised and updated as conditions

i. Subcontractor daily QC report - To be filled out daily by the subcontractor’s

quality control personnel covering the day's quality control activities, approved by
GSI Quality Control Manager, and placed in the Main Contractor's file.
ii. Construction quality control daily report - To be used by the Quality Control
Manager to report the daily quality control activities of GSI and all

QCM will insure all Daily QC reports and all attachments are submitted to the GSI
Project Manager for review in duplicate on the first working day following the day
covered by this report. Together with the daily report, the following attachment will be
appended with the report;

i. Copies of all inspection and test reports including data and calculation sheets will
be submitted with the daily QC report.
ii. Quality Control Managers' reports which contain notations specifically defining
the phase of control on each day's activities and note of compliance or non-
compliance with previous phases when applicable.
iii. Concrete placement form - To be filled out prior to, during and after concrete
placement to document that preparatory, initial and follow-up phases have been
made for concrete placement.

iv. Concrete Laboratory summary test results when applicable to be kept in PM's
files and made available to client upon request.

To ensure that all construction and remedial activities comply with the project specifications,
the QCM will complete, in conjunction with subcontractors, three phases of site inspections
for each feature of work. These inspections will include the following:

Phase 1: Preparatory Inspection

Preparatory inspection will be performed prior to beginning work on any definable feature of
the project and will include:

i. Review of submittal requirements and all other Contract requirements with the
performance of the work;
ii. Check to assure that provisions have been made to provide required field quality
control testing;
iii. Examine the work area to ascertain that all preliminary work has been completed;
iv. Verify all field dimensions and advise Client of any discrepancies;
v. Perform a physical examination of materials and equipment to assure that they
conform to approved shop drawings or submittal data and that all required
materials and/or equipment are on hand and comply with the Contract

Subsequent to the preparatory inspection and prior to commencement of work, the QCM
shall instruct each applicable worker on the level of workmanship required to meet contract

Phase 2: Initial Inspections

Initial phase inspections will be performed as soon as a representative portion of the
particular feature of work has been accomplished. Initial inspections include, but are not
limited to, examination of the quality of workmanship; review of control testing for
compliance with control requirements; and identification of defective or damaged materials,
omissions, and dimensional requirements.

The initial phase inspection is the time to discuss and agree on the required level of quality
associated with a given work activity. Any discrepancies relative to work quality should be
addressed at this time.

Phase 3: Follow Up Inspections

Follow up inspections will be performed daily as work progresses to ensure continuing
compliance with contract requirements, including control testing, until completion of the
particular feature of work. Final follow up inspections will be conducted and deficiencies
corrected prior to beginning new work.
The QCM will notify the client at least 24 hours in advance of any inspections. Notification
and meeting minutes of all inspections will be recorded in the daily quality control report.

Field Testing Procedures

The contractor will conduct field testing to verify that control measures are adequate to
provide a product that conforms to contract requirements.

Filed testing will be conducted under the supervision of the QCM or the representative
appointed on behalf and the work shall cover:

i. Arrange for, or conduct, field testing in accordance with applicable test

ii. Verify that facilities and testing equipment are available and comply with testing
iii. Check test equipment calibration data against certified standards
iv. Verify that all tests are documented and submitted as part of quality control
system reporting.
v. Review all test documentation prior to submittal to PM.

During conducting of the field tests, a number of testing will be take up to ensure the quality
of the materials involve for the construction is attained. The tests results will be documented
in accordance with contractor’s testing plan log/format for reporting laboratory results.GSI
will provide qualified personnel with capability to perform particular tests.

QCM will ensure that all equipment are calibrated and maintained in accordance with the
applicable guidelines in the company Quality Management System (QMS). Records of these
calibration certifications will be maintained by the Quality Control Manager (QCM). The
following shall be taken into consideration during calibration:

i. Each instrument will be plainly and permanently numbered, the equipment will be
operated only by qualified personel.
ii. Each piece of equipment will be checked for accuracy as recommended by
manufacturer for frequency of calibration. Required calibration of measuring and
test equipment will be conducted by a certified laboratory.
iii. Measuring and testing equipment that has been accidentally dropped, damaged, or
believed to be inaccurate will be removed from services and recalibrated.

Prior to final inspection or start of tests, all systems being inspected or tested shall be
completed and accepted by the Quality Control Manager, after this acceptance, the final
inspection and test may proceed in accordance with the following steps:

i. Verify the test personnel have a working knowledge of the special characteristics of
the instruments being used.
ii. Note the particular inspection or test requirements and criteria for successful
completion of the required inspection or test.
iii. Upon satisfactory verification of these requirements the test may proceed. Each
reading will be verified and documented by the Quality Control Manager.

QCM will follow standard procedures concerning submittals, including the use of the
document transmittal forms. Each submittal form may contain more than one submittal
specific to that specification section. A submittal register listing major submittals will be
prepared by QMC following approved company QMS. This register will be prepared in
conjunction with the anticipated progress schedule.

The QCM will be responsible for the review and approval of submittals prior to their
submittal to client representative. This includes receives of materials and suppliers’ catalog
cuts, as well as subcontractor submittals. The QCM will review the submittal for
completeness and compliance with the contract specifications. Variations to the submittals
will be noted on the client’s transmittal form. The QCM will actively participate during
procurement activities to ensure purchase orders and subcontracts comply with the contract.
QCM will ensure complete and accurate project documentation and data collection. This
documentation forms the basis of record for work activities and will serve to support the
project during follow up reporting and completion. All project reports will be retained at the
project office until final completion, at which point they will be retained in the head office
for archives.

Daily quality control report shall report all the project works and inspections performed with
inclusion of supporting documents and reports from subcontractors or field testing
laboratories. Any concerns or deviations from the required material specifications and the
actions taken to correct the problems will be noted on the report. The QCM will prepare a
photo logs that will incorporate photographs that’s provide accurate demonstration of the
field workers observations. The project photo log will be maintained and indexed

Information recorded on the daily quality control report will include:

i. Definable features of work that was addressed.

ii. Description of trades working on the project.
iii. Numbers of personnel.
iv. Weather conditions.
v. Types and numbers of tests performed.
vi. Results of testing.
vii. Nature of defects or cause for rejection.
viii. Proposed corrective action(s).
ix. Corrective action taken and date.
x. Delays encountered.
xi. Directions received from the Engineer and actions taken.
xii. Health and safety issues or deficiencies and how they were resolved.
xiii. Deficiencies.
GSI will be responsible for ensuring total compliance of field work to the project
specifications. Should modifications or revisions to the specifications become necessary,
formal request will be made to client, or designated representative as per Contract. Approval
from Client must be received prior to allowing the modifications or revisions to be made in
the field. QCM will be informed of and record all such requests in his daily log and on the
daily quality control report.
Listed below are the general categories and types of work that will be performed under this
contract. These items, known as Definable Features of work, have been grouped into various
categories in which work will be performed, and correlate to measurement and payment.
Suitable quality control methods and procedures will be utilized in order to ensure that all
works are performed to the standards and quality required by the specifications.

The following are the sample of definable features of work that will be performed under this

i. Pre – design and design activities ii. Backfill/ utility replacement

iii. Pre-construction preparation iv. Restoration
v. Mobilization vi. Demobilization
vii. Site preparation viii. Masonry
ix. Clearing and grubbing x. Landscape
xi. Demolition and removal of above xii. Plumbing
ground items
xiii. Excavation of impacted fill material xiv. Interior electrical
xv. Transportation and disposal of
impacted fill material

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