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Unit 1 Test A: K-A-T-H-Y. Okay. Now, what's your..

1. Let’s listen …………………..?

1. Linda, this is Mike Smith. That’s Mike B: it's 477-3316.
Smith, M-I-K-E. I’m ................................. A: 477-3316. And ……………………………………..?
B: No, that's okay. I'll call again later.
2. Hello, Linda. This is Jane
Dennison ........................................... That’s Unit 2 Test
D-E-N-N-I-S-O-N. The book you ……………. is 1. Let's Listen
here. 1. Here's a picture of
…………………………………... Aren't they
3. Hi. My name is Helena Williams. That’s ………………? Here's James. He's 16 now, and
Helena, H-E-L-E-N-A. I’m calling about about he's the ………………….
your ad …………….…………….
2. His brother Billy has the
4. Hi, Linda. My name is Kate Anderson. ………………………………………………… hair. It's
That’s …………….…………….. You ……………. really long in this picture.
…………….………… but my …………….…………….
told me you play …………….. Want to play 3. And here are the three little girls. Jessica
sometime? is ……………………………... I think she's over
……………….. ……………………. already.
5. Linda, hi. It’s your ………………….., Tim
Jones. That’s Tim, T-I-M. I’ve ……………. 4. Catherine has the most beautiful ……………
…………….! If you see him, ……………. hair. It's …………………………………………………!
5. And then there's little Melissa. She just
2. Let’s listen ……………………………… last week. She's three
1. A: Hello? years old now. Have you ever seen
B: Hi. Can I ………………….. James, please? …………………………..?
A: Sorry. He's not in. Can I ………………….. 2. Let's Listen
………………….. 1. A: If you see Alicia, ……………………………….
B: Yes, please ask him to call Don. You'll recognize her right away because she
A: Did you say "………………….."? has ……………………………… hair.
B: No, it's Don. D-O-N. B: How long?
A: D-O-N. …………………... And what's your A: Just about
phone number? ………………………………………………!
B: It's 698-8319. A: 698-8319. I'll tell him to
call you. 2. A: Which person is your friend Sally?
B: She's the one over there with
2. A: Hello? ……………………………… hair.
B: Hi. …………………..…………………..?
A: Sorry, she's not home now. 3. Did you see Amy ………………? She looks
B: Oh. Can you …………………..…………………..? just like ……………… Sally, but she's tall,
A: Sure, Kathy. Is that Kathy with a "k"? about …………. centimeters.
B: Right. K-A-T-H-Y.

4. A: I don't know about you, but I think that B: They're too ……………….. Everyone is
guy ……………… is really ………………. wearing them ………………. now. Could you
B: You mean Thomas, the old guy with bring me a ………………. pair?
A: He's wearing glasses, but he doesn't look 3. A: How do you like the pants?
that old. I'd……………….……………….………………. B: I think they're ………………..………………...
What do you think?
5. A: Did you see that gorgeous guy who A: Hmm, well you could always ………………..
……………….……………….? ………………... No? Okay, ………………..
B: You mean Stefano? ………………..? They're a little shorter.
A: Yeah, ……………….……………….?
B: About 18, I think. 4. A: So how do you like the ………………..?
A: Wow, he's so ……………….! B: They're a little too big, I think.
A: Hmm, okay, let me get you a ………………..
Unit 3 Test smaller.
1. Let's Listen
1. David is over there. He's always very 5. A: Well, sir, ………………..………………..?
……………….. Today he's wearing ………………. B: I like the color, but it ………………..
with ………………. ………………... It's too loose across the
2. Next to him is Bob. He never ……………….. A: Yes, it is a little loose. Just one moment,
Today he's wearing his wind-breaker over a I'll find one that's the same color but
………………., with ………………. and sneakers. ………………..

3. Then there's Roberta. She's wearing Unit 4 Test

jeans, too, but with ………………. and 1, Let's Listen
……………….. 1. A: ………………..………………...………………..
4. Sylvia has on a ……………….………………. with B: It's 12 noon.
2. A: Excuse me, I ………………..………………....
5. And Tess is wearing ………………. pants What time is it?
and a ……………….………………., and she's B: It's 5:30.
carrying a red and white shoulder bag. She
sure looks ………………. today! 3. A: What time is it now?
B: ………………..………………....
2. Let's Listen
1. A: Do you like the blouse? 4. A: I think I'm late for the train. What time
B: No, not really. ……………….……………….. is il?
A: Oh, yes, I see. I'll find you ………………. B: It's 10:02. ………………..………………....
………………. in a smaller size.
5. A: ………………..………………...?
2. A: How do the jeans ……………….? B: It's 8:50.

2. Let's Listen 3. A: When did you ……………….. in Moscow,
1. This is WFMT, Chicago's ……………….. madam?
……………… 89.9 FM. Coming at 4:05 is B: Just today. I ……………….. on the 2nd and
national ………. But first, let's listen to arrived here on the 3rd.
Beethoven's 4th piano concerto… A: And how long will you stay?
B: I leave a week from loday, on the 10th.
2. Hey, ………………..………………..., you're
tuned WXRT at 103.5 FM on your PM dial. 4. A: I don't know about you, but I'm
At 1:30 we have the news, but taking us up ……………….. Orlando!
to it, let's listen to a classic by the Rolling B: Really, when did you arrive?
Stones… A: ………………..……………….., on the 13th...and
I can't wait for tomorrow, the 15th, when
3. You are listening to KLCC from Eugene, we leave!
Oregon. We're ………………..…… Dr. Marsha
Baker for the ………………... Following the 5. A: When did you arrive on ………………..?
doctor's interview, ……………….. for news at B: June 2nd - and we are having so much
2:55. fun!
A: ………………..………………... How long are you
4. This is KOLD, your oldies ……………….. with staying?
news every hour ………………………….. Stay B: ………………..………………..! We'll have to
tuned for our next newscast at 6:00. Until leave September 1st, because we have to
then, here's a great one by Bill Haley and be back in school ………………...
the Comets..
2. Let's Listen
5. You're listening to Talk Radio 780 AM. It's 1. A: Hello?
1:17 - time for news! B: Hi. Can I speak with Maria, please?
A: ………………... Can I take a message?
Unit 5 Test B: Yes, please tell her that ………………..
1. Let's Listen ………………..for Louisa next Friday, April 2nd,
1. A: We're so ……………….. you got here in at 8:30.
time for our ………………..………………... When A: Okay, l'll tell her
did you arrive?
B: I arrived late last night. 2. A: Hello?
A: And how long will you be staying? B: Hi, Ellen, this is ……………………. Could you
B: ………………..………………... I have to ……………….. her that tomorrow is her sister's
……………….. on January 3rd to get back to birthday and we're having a ………………..
work. ……………….. at her sister's ……………….. at
2. A: Did you just get here? A: That's tomorrow night, March 28th, at
B: No, we've been here a week already. We 7:30?
……………….. Paris on August 22nd and we B: Yes, thanks, Ellen.
leave on the 31st. I can't believe ………………..
………………..! 3. A: Hello, this is Ellen.

B: This is Dr. Frank's ………………... Could you someday, but I'll have to drive a taxi for a
tell Maria that her next ……………………… is on little longer.
May 6th, at ………………..?
A: Okay, that's ………………………………., right? 2. Let's Listen
B: Yes, ………………... Thank you. 1. You have to work really …………………….
when you're a ………….. in a busy
Unit 6 Test ………………... You're …………………… all the
1. Let's Listen time and it's really exhausting. But I love
1. A: Today we're talking to people about cooking great food for people. And I love to
………………... What do you do, Tanya? ……………….., too!
B: I'm a ………………………….. First, after
college, I worked as a ………………... But I've 2. I think ……………….. is really ………………..,
been a ………….. ……………….. for and I love working wirh ………………... I just
………………, and I still love my job. wish I had a ……………….. salary.

2. A: How about you Paul, what do you do? 3. It's tough being a ……………………. You're
B: People are ……………….. when I tell them always ………………. and you don't get to …….
I'm a ………………... They still think all nurses …… much. But you can ………………..
are ………………... I might go to medical ………………... That's why I'm still working as a
school someday and become a ……………….., salesperson.
but for now, I really like being a nurse and
………………..………………... 4. Everyone thinks ……………….. are just out
to make a lot of money. But I like being a
3. A: How about you, Elizabeth? lawyer because I like ……………………….. I
B: People are surprised about my job, too. wouldn't be ……………… all this time working
But l've always loved doing ……………….. if I didn't really love ……………………..
………………... I could never be a flight
attendant or a nurse. I love to work 5. I always wanted to work in a ………………….
……………….. and build things, so I became a It's true that you don't make much money,
………………..………………... it's and …..
…………………………., but I enjoy it. ………………..………………... But the great thing
about working here is that you get to
4. A: Teresa, what do you do? …………………….
B: I work in ……………………… Every day I go to ……………….., and you always have
the same little cubicle and ………………………, something to………………..!
………….. letters, and ………………………. for my
boss. I think I'll go to ……………….. next year
and study to become ………………...

5. A: Zack, what do you do? B: I'm a taxi

driver in New York City. It's a hard job and 1
wouldn't want to do it forever, but for now
its great. I hope to become a writer actor

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