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A Patent is an exclusive right granted by the government to the owner of an invention that
prevents others from making, using, importing, or selling the invention without permission. Patent rights
are territorial in nature which means you can protect your invention in the geography or location where
you filed the patent application. In addition, you can also obtain international patent protection by
directly filing a patent application in the country where you wish to get a patent

Patents can be granted for Products, Devices, Systems, Compositions, Processes, Methods, and
Uses. In order for you to apply a patent, the invention must be new, should be useful, and must be an
improvement over any existing product or process that is already available. When the patent is granted,
it shall be valid for about 20 years from the date of filing. Patents are beneficial in such a way that it can
add value to your business, enhance brand image, and negotiate financing.

Any innovation in the world is useful for the public and is in the use until now, so the invention
must be useful for the public and government. If the invention does not meet the needs and is illegal or
can harm the society, then it cannot be patented.

In order to file a patent, you must have enough information and details about your idea so that
it can be understood how it works. It must be explained why your idea is unique and different from all
other ideas.

The advantage of Patent especially when it involves a business is that, since 20 years is granted,
most likely, you will not have any competition with your invention. Only your business is allowed to use
the invention and this will already put you at the edge because you will be two decades ahead. Patents
enable the free exchange of information. Aside from protecting the products, it inspires people to come
up with much more innovative ideas and inventions

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