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Data Structures and

Course Instructor
Dr.M.K.Kavitha Devi,
Professor/CSE, TCE
• This course will cover various data structures and
their operations for manipulating them.
• You will learn how to organize the data so that, the
data can be accessed and updated efficiently using
computer programs.
• Problem Solving using Computers
• Programming Fundamentals
Course Outcomes
CO Course Outcome Statement Weightage
# in %
Apply the concepts of stack and queue for suitable
CO1 applications in trade off with time and space complexity. 15

Illustrate the operations like insertion, deletion, traversing on

CO2 the nonlinear tree data structure 15

Choose appropriate binary and multiway search tree for

CO3 performing searching operations, with an understanding of 30
the trade-off between the time and space complexity.
Manipulate disjoint sets by performing union, iterative find-
CO4 set operations 10
Demonstrate the concepts of advanced data structures
CO5 including heap in various applications 15
Show the avoidance of collisions in the hash tables using
CO6 collision resolution techniques including open and closed 15
hashing techniques.
Assessment Pattern
Continuous Assignment
Cognitive Assessment Tests Terminal
Levels 1 2 3 1 2 3 Examination

Remember 10 10 10 - - - 10
Understand 30 30 10 - - - 10
Apply 60 60 80 100 100 100 80
Concept Map
Syllabus (1/3)
• Introduction to Abstract Data Types and Analysis:
• Abstract Data Types (ADT) - Basic concept of Data Structures
• Performance measures for Data Structures - Time and Space Complexity
• Asymptotic Measures -Big-Oh, Omega, Theta.
• Linked Lists:
• Singly Linked List (SLL) – Def. & Op. (Create, Insert, Delete, Search, Reverse
• Circular Linked List (CLL) - Def. & Op. (Create, Insert, Delete, Search)
• Doubly Linked List (DLL) - Def. & Op. (Create, Insert, Delete, Search)
• Applications on Lists
• SLL: Representing univariate polynomial and adding two univariate polynomial
• CLL: Josephus Problem
• DLL: Checking Palindrome, Quick Sort.
• Stack and Queue:
• Stack – Definition and Operations (Create, Push, Pop),
• Queue – Definition and Operations (Create, Enqueue, Dequeue),
• Circular Queue – Definition and Operations (Create, Enqueue, Dequeue),
• Applications
• Stack: Arithmetic Expression Evaluation
• Queue: First Come First Serve (FCFS) Scheduling
• Circular Queue: – Round Robin Scheduling.
Syllabus (2/3)
• Binary tree:
• Terminologies and Properties
• Traversal – Inorder, Preorder, Postorder, Level order
• Application - Huffman coding and expression trees.
• Priority Queues:
• Binary Heap - Definition and Operations (Create, Insert, Delete)
• Leftist Heap - Definition and Operations (Create, Insert, Delete)
• Binomial Heap - Definition and Operations (Create, Insert, Delete)
• Applications on Binary Heap
• Heap Sort, use of winner trees in merge sort as an external sorting algorithm
• Search Tree:
• Binary Search trees – Definition, Properties and Operations (Create,
Insert, Delete, Search),
• AVL Trees – Definition, Importance of Balancing, Properties and
Operations (Create, Insert, Delete, Search)
• Red-Black Trees – Definition, compare with AVL, Properties and
Operations (Create, Insert, Delete, Search).
Syllabus (3/3)
• Multiway Search Trees
• Issues in large dictionaries
• B-Tree – Definition, Properties and Operations (Create, Insert,
Delete, Search)
• Tries - Definition and Operations (Create, Insert, Delete, Search),
• Application on Tries: Pattern Searching.
• Disjoint Set:
• Definition and Operations (Make, Union, Find).
• Hashing:
• Definition - hash table, hash function
• Collision resolution and overflow handling techniques
• Open Hashing (Separate Chaining)
• Closed Hashing (Open Addressing) – Linear, Quadratic, Double,
• Applications – LZW Text compression algorithm.
Learning Resources
• Richard F. Gilberg , Behrouz A. Forouzan: Data
Structures: A Pseudocode Approach With C, Second
Edition, Cengage Learning, 2007.
• Mark Allen Weiss: Data Structures and Algorithms
in C, Second Edition, Pearson, 2002
• E Balagurusamy, “Data Structures using C”, First
Edition, Mcgraw Higher Ed, 2013
• SartajSahni, Susan Anderson-Freed,Ellis Horowitz,
Fundamentals of Data Structures in C: 2ndEdition,
SiliconPress, 2008

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