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Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182

DOI 10.1007/s00253-012-4043-y


Iodine from bacterial iodide oxidization by Roseovarius spp.

inhibits the growth of other bacteria
Dan Zhao & Choon-Ping Lim & Kazuhiko Miyanaga &
Yasunori Tanji

Received: 13 February 2012 / Revised: 15 March 2012 / Accepted: 16 March 2012 / Published online: 19 April 2012
# Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Microbial activities in brine, seawater, or estua- strains when the molecular iodine concentration was as-
rine mud are involved in iodine cycle. To investigate the sumed to be 0.52 μg ml−1.
effects of the microbiologically induced iodine on other
bacteria in the environment, a total of 13 bacteria that Keywords Iodide-oxidizing process . Molecular iodine .
potentially participated in the iodide-oxidizing process were Roseovarius spp. . Minimum inhibitory concentration .
isolated from water or biofilm at a location containing Growth inhibition
131 μg ml−1 iodide. Three distinct strains were further
identified as Roseovarius spp. based on 16 S rRNA gene
sequences after being distinguished by restriction fragment Introduction
length polymorphism analysis. Morphological characteris-
tics of these three Roseovarius spp. varied considerably Iodine has been widely used as a disinfectant in surgery and
across and within strains. Iodine production increased with dentistry and water disinfection since 1839 (Belliot et al.
Roseovarius spp. growth when cultured in Marine Broth 2008; Ellis and Van Vree 1989; Freney et al. 1988). Fur-
with 200 μg ml−1 iodide (I−). When 106 CFU/ml Escher- thermore, molecular iodine (I2) is effective on a broad range
ichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Bacillus pumilus of microorganisms due to its superior bactericidal, sporicid-
were exposed to various concentrations of molecular iodine al, and fungicidal properties (Gottardi 1999, 2001; Gozlan
(I2), the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were 1968; Hickey et al. 1997). The chemical state of iodine
0.5, 1.0, and 1.0 μg ml−1, respectively. However, fivefold was detected not in elemental form but in ionic form in
increases in the MICs for Roseovarius spp. were obtained. seawater, brine, or in brackish waters from oil (Gottardi
In co-cultured Roseovarius sp. IOB-7 and E. coli in Marine 2001; Whitehead 1984). However, the microbiologically
Broth containing iodide (I−), the molecular iodine concen- induced elemental iodine (especially I2) emissions in the
tration was estimated to be 0.76 μg ml−1 after 24 h and less environment have been investigated within the last de-
than 50 % of E. coli was viable compared to that co-cultured cade (Amachi et al. 2005a, b; Fuse et al. 2003; Saiz-
without iodide. The growth inhibition of E. coli was also Lopez and Boxe 2008). In addition, iodide oxidization,
observed in co-cultures with the two other Roseovarius spp. accumulation, and methylation which are involved by
the microbial activities have been tracked out (Amachi
D. Zhao : C.-P. Lim : K. Miyanaga : Y. Tanji (*) et al. 2005a, b; Amachi 2008; Fuse et al. 1989, 2003;
Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Li et al. 2011). During iodide oxidization, the inorganic
4259 J2-15 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku,
and organic iodines produced by iodide-oxidizing bac-
Yokohama 226-8501, Japan
e-mail: teria (hereafter, abbreviated as IOB), such as I2, CHI3,
CH2I2, and CH3I, are detected; however, the effect of
D. Zhao the iodine oxidized by IOB on other microorganisms in
College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering,
situ still remains unknown.
Harbin Engineering University,
No. 145 Nantong Street, Iodide oxidization by IOB was first reported in 1968
Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, People’s Republic of China when Pseudomonas iodooxidans sp. involved in oxidizing
2174 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182

iodide to iodine in the seawater aquaria caused the sudden iodine recovery was collected in an injecting tank and then
death of fish (Gozlan 1968; Gozlan and Margalith 1973, re-injected back into the aquifer. The physico-chemical
1974). Amachi et al. (2005a, b) noted that IOB could be properties of GFW and RW were listed in Table 1. Both
isolated in an iodide-rich environment probably because the receiving and injecting tanks were under open air and
IOB occupy their ecological niche by taking advantage of the biofilms were accumulated on the tank wall. GFW and
the toxic iodine and/or the molecular iodine they produced. the biofilms in the inlet of the receiving and injecting tanks
Japan is a country rich in iodine, and about 131 μg ml−1 were sampled, respectively. All samples were stored at 4 °C
iodide (Kunisue et al. 2002) was observed in brine from a in sterile polyethylene vessels and subjected to IOB-
natural gas plant, in Chiba Prefecture. Iodide was recovered screening within a week.
from brine as another product after the natural gas recovery.
An on-site experiment conducted at the natural gas plant Isolation and cultivation
(Lim et al. 2011) showed that the biomass accumulated after
iodide recovery with only 20 μg ml−1 iodide residue. Sub- The biofilms were suspended in 10 ml gas-depleted GFW or
sequently, it caused bioclogging in pipelines. Severe bio- RW by vortexing and serially diluted (10−1 ~10−5). For each
clogging increased both the risk of bioclogging-associated diluted sample, 100 μl was spread on an agar plate contain-
corrosion and the costs on required frequent backwashing. ing 37.4 g Marine Broth (MB) 2216 (Difco), 1.2 g soluble
The bioclogging in the low iodide environment was possi- starch, 1 g potassium iodide, and 15 g agar in 1 l of distilled
bly due to the loss of molecular iodine, which was produced water (Amachi et al. 2005a, b). The plates were incubated at
by IOB through an iodide-oxidizing process in an iodide- 25 °C for over 1 week. After purified twice, the 13 isolates
rich environment (Lim et al. 2011). with a positive phenotype on the agar plate were subcul-
As a substrate for microbial peroxidases and oxidases, tured in MB, and the cells were stored as glycerol stocks
iodide could be oxidized to molecular iodine (Xu 1996; at −80 °C. All the isolates were identified by 16 S rRNA
Ihalin et al. 1998). Although the mechanisms of bacterial gene sequencing.
iodide oxidization in marine or brine environment are still
kept unknown, bacterial haloperoxidases (Renirie et al. 16 S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
2008) and oxidases (Amachi et al. 2005a, b) were supposed
to be responsible for this oxidizing process. Theoretically Cells for each isolate grown in MB were collected by
speaking, the microbiologically induced iodine will inhibit centrifugation, re-suspended in 200 μl Tris–EDTA (TE)
the growth of other microorganisms in the environment; buffer (pH 07.5), and then subjected to beads beating
however, it has not been reported to date due to the uncer- (4,800 rpm, 120 s). The DNA of each bacterium was
tainty of the metabolic activity of IOB and the complexity of extracted by the phenol-chloroform method (Oda et al.
the natural environment. The aim of this study was to 2004). Amplification was performed using 1 μl of the
examine the possible role of IOB-induced iodine as sup- extracted DNA as a template in 25 μl reaction mixtures
pressing the growth of other bacteria in an iodide-rich envi- containing 2.5 μl 10× Ex Taq buffer, 27f primer (5′-
ronment. Furthermore, the initial investigation of the AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3′) (7.5 pmol), 1492r
competing strategy for IOB possibly benefits us on under- primer (5′-GGCTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3′) (7.5 pmol),
standing the phenomena in the industry, such as the bioclog- deoxynucleoside triphosphates (250 μM each), and 0.625
ging we mentioned above, which occurred at the natural gas U of Ex Taq DNA polymerase (TAKARA). The reactions
plant after iodine recovery. were amplified in a TP600 PCR thermal cycle dice

Table 1 Selected physico-chemical properties of gas field water, re-

Materials and methods covered water, and sea water

Gas field water Recovered watera Seawaterb

pH 7.9 6.9 8.2
Water samples and biofilms were collected on March 2010 Cl− (mg l−1) 19,450 19,350 19,353
from a natural gas plant located in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Na+ (mg l−1) 11,400 11,300 10,781
The natural gas at the plant, mainly methane, was recovered I− (mg l−1)c 131 20.1 Trace
as a product from the gas field water (GFW) using a liquid– SO42− (mg l−1)c <25 213 2,712
gas separation column. To recover the iodine, the gas-
depleted GFW was collected in a receiving tank and sub- Sulfuric acid was used for pH adjustment
jected to an ion-exchange column after the pH was adjusted Values were reported (Murray 2000)
with sulfuric acid. The recovered water (RW) following the Values were reported (Lim et al. 2011)
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182 2175

(TAKARA) as follows: 94 °C for 2 min and 30 cycles of 25 °C. The concentration of molecular iodine was determined
94 °C 15 s, 49 °C for 30 s, and 72 °C for 2 min, followed by based on the triiodide concentration according to the follow-
a 20-min elongation step. The PCR products were visual- ing equilibrium equation:
ized on a 1 % agarose gel to ensure amplification of a single ½I2  ¼ ½I3  =ðKc½I Þ
product of the expected size. The 16 S rRNA gene ampli-
cons were digested with the restriction endonuclease Where [I−], [I2], and [I3−] are the equilibrium concentration
enzymes HhaI (Roche) and MspI (TAKARA) for restriction of iodide, molecular iodine, and triiodide, respectively. The
fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. The RFLP equilibrium constant, Kc, is 7.10×102 dm3/mol at 298 K
patterns were visualized on a 2 % agarose gel. The 16 S (Barrow 1996).
rRNA gene amplicons with distinct patterns in the RFLP
analysis were purified by the phenol-chloroform method, Susceptibility test of IOB and other bacteria to molecular
and the concentration of the purified products was adjusted iodine
to ~2 ng μl−1 in TE buffer before sequencing.
The phylogenetic similarity of the 16 S rRNA gene The IOB, Escherichia coli W3110 K12 (ATCC 10798),
sequences was first determined with BLAST searches in Bacillus pumilus T4 (NBRC 108859), and Pseudomonas
GenBank ( and aeruginosa PAO1 were employed for the molecular iodine
RDP classifier ( Then, a susceptibility test. A molecular iodine stock solution was
phylogenetic tree was constructed using CLUSTAL X 1.83. prepared in 99.5 % ethanol and adjusted to the desired
The reference sequences used in the tree construction were concentration using phosphate buffered saline or marine
obtained from GenBank and RDP. The sequences obtained bacteria washing buffer containing 330 mM sodium chlo-
in this study were deposited in GenBank under accession ride, 30 mM magnesium chloride hexahydrate, 6.8 mM
nos. JF417973 to JF 417975. The identified isolates were calcium chloride dehydrate, and 2.2 mM (Amachi et al.
deposited in NITE Biological Resource Center (Kisarazu, 2005a, b). E. coli, B. pumilus, and P. aeruginosa were
Japan) under accession nos. NBRC 108865 to NBRC cultured in Luria–Bertani broth (LB) at 37 °C overnight,
108867. while IOB were cultured in MB at 28 °C for 2 days. The
OD660 of each cell suspension was adjusted to 0.25. The
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging of isolates adjusted cell suspensions were added to 15 ml vials con-
taining various concentrations of molecular iodine. The
To enable scanning electron microscopic analysis of the dis- vials were sealed with Teflon-lined screw caps and the final
tinct isolates, the cells were fixed in 2 % glutaraldehyde molecular iodine concentration in each vial was modified by
buffered with 10 mM potassium phosphate (pH07.2) for 1 h Henry’s law at 25 °C. All the bacteria were exposed to
at 4 °C, postfixed in 1 % osmium tetroxide in the same buffer various concentrations of molecular iodine (0, 0.2, 0.5, 1,
for 1 h, dehydrated in a graded ethanol series (60 to 99 %), and 2, 5, or 10 μg ml−1) for 30 min. Then, the reaction in each
then subjected to a supercritical drying process (JCPD-5, vial was stopped by adding excess sodium thiosulfate. Since
JEOL, Japan) with a supercritical CO2 fluid. The obtained viable cell number could not be determined for the IOB, the
IOB were coated with Pt-Pd and then observed with a FE- exposed IOB were re-inoculated in 96-well plates with I2-
SEM (S-4700, Hitachi, Japan) at 6.0 kV accelerating voltage. free MB. The viable ratio corresponding to the I2 concen-
tration at which IOB was exposed in the susceptibility test
Iodine production by cultures of isolated strains was determined based on the optical density in the well
divided by the optical density of the control (without I2
The growth media for iodine production were supplied exposure). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs)
200 μg ml−1 iodide in MB (pH07.6). After the IOB were for the IOB were the concentrations at which the viable ratio
inoculated in 15 ml sample vials containing 2 ml growth fell below 50 % after a 2-day incubation in I2-free MB. The
medium for each, the vials were sealed with Teflon-lined MICs for other bacteria were determined based on the 50 %
screw caps. All vials were incubated at 28 °C for 2 or 3 days. survival ratio, which was worked out according to the viable
IOB growth was monitored through an optical density at cell counts. The minimum bactericidal concentrations
660 nm (OD660). The supernatant was collected by centrifug- (MBCs) for bacteria were estimated as no visible growth
ing the cell suspension and then used to determine the iodine in 96-well plates with I2-free MB or no colony on LB agar.
concentration. A calibration curve of triiodide concentration
was determined based on the absorbance at 352 nm using Co-culture of Roseovarius spp. and E. coli
serial diluted 0.527 mM triiodide solution which was prepared
with 0.483 g potassium iodide and 0.016 g molecular iodine IOB or E. coli were pre-cultured in MB or LB. The OD660 of
(Hosoya et al. 1962). All the experiments were performed at each culture was adjusted to 0.5, and 20 μl of IOB and the
2176 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182

E. coli cell suspensions were inoculated into 2 ml MB with Morphological characteristics of IOB
or without iodide (200 μg ml−1), respectively. After the co-
cultures were performed for 7, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, and 78 h, After the strains were incubated for 1 week, colonies formed
the number of E. coli colonies was counted and the iodine on marine agar. The colonies were translucent, smooth,
concentrations were determined as described as iodine pro- circular, convex, and had an entire margin and a glistening
duction by the IOB cultures. surface. After IOB-7 was incubated for more than 3 days, a
faint pink color appeared in the middle of the colony, and a
slimy consistency was observed. When the three strains
were incubated on marine agar containing iodide and solu-
Results ble starch, a positive color (blue or purple) appeared around
the IOB-7 and IOB-12 colonies but not in the IOB-2 colo-
Identification of isolated iodide-oxidizing bacteria nies. For further characterization, the three strains were
observed by a scanning electron microscope. They were
A total of 13 bacteria that could be participated in iodide rod-shaped but varied in size, 5.0–10.0×0.5 μm for IOB-
oxidization were isolated from samples in an environment 2, 1.0–5.0×0.5 μm for IOB-12, and 1.0–3.0×0.5 μm for
containing 131 μg ml−1 iodide. Two of these strains were IOB-7. All of these three strains had similar characteristics,
from condensed GFW, while the others were obtained from including appendages at one end of the cell and were prone
the biofilm in the receiving tank. No IOB candidates were to form aggregates based on this end (Fig. 2).
isolated from the biofilm in the injecting tank where the
iodide concentration was 20 μg ml−1. All of the 13 IOB
candidates exhibited a positive color (blue or purple) when Iodine production by IOB cultures
they were incubated on marine agar plates containing iodide
and soluble starch. None of the candidates could grow in LB The three strains produced iodine in an iodide-supplemented
or form colony on LB agar plate. RFLP analysis showed MB (Fig. 3) and iodine production increased with their
that they were three distinct strains, and a phylogenetic tree growth. When IOB-7 was cultured for 24 and 48 h in an
(Fig. 1) of these strains indicated that they were Roseovarius iodide-supplemented MB, the iodine concentration was de-
spp., and these strains were named as Roseovarius sp. IOB- termined as 1.65 and 13.5 μg ml−1, while the optical density
2, Roseovarius sp. IOB-7, and Roseovarius sp. IOB-12. was 0.5 and 1.30, respectively. The growth of IOB-2 or
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree based 0.01
on16S rRNA gene sequences
(ca. 1,290 bp). The scale bar
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium C-3 (AB159205)
corresponds to an approximate
0.01 change per nucleotide Iodide-oxidizing bacterium dMB-MAT33 (AB458526)
position Iodide-oxidizing bacterium Mie-8 (AB159210)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium Q-1 (AB159207)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium WAI-2 (AB159208)
Marine b acterium ATAM407_61 (AF35952 5.1)
Roseovarius sp. CR-C06 (HM538455)
Roseobacter sp. TM1035 (A332660)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium N213-3 (AB159204)
Roseovarius mucosus DFL-24 (AJ534215)
Roseovarius sp. S6V (AB114421)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium YS-11 (AB159202)
Roseovarius sp. 2S5-2 (AB114422)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium A-6 (AB159200)

Iodide-oxidizing bacterium dMB-MAT3 (AB458524)

IOB-2 (JF417975)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium SE-1 (AB159209)
Iodide-oxidizing bacterium Ka-4 (AB159201)
IOB-7 (JF417973)
IOB-12 (JF417974)
Ro seovarius tolerans NBRC16695 (DQ915626 )
Marine bacterium ALUS253_4 3 (AF359526)
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182 2177

Fig. 2 Images of appendages

and aggregation of a
(A) (B) (C)
Roseovarius sp. IOB-2, b
Roseovarius sp. IOB-7, and c
Roseovarius sp. IOB-12 as de-
termined by scanning electron
microscopy. Scale bar01.0, 10,
and 50 μm from the top to the
bottom of the images for each

IOB-12 was slower than IOB-7 based on optical density. The viable ratio of IOB after the susceptibility test is
Correspondingly, the iodine concentration in IOB-2 or IOB- shown in Fig. 4b. After a 2-day incubation at room temper-
12 cultures at each time interval was lower than that of IOB- ature, the OD660 of IOB-7 and IOB-12 showed that their
7. After a 24-h incubation of IOB-2 or IOB-12 in MB growth in I2-free medium was less than 50 % after being
containing 200 μg ml−1 I−, the optical density was 0.16 exposed to 5 μg ml−1 iodine, while the growth of IOB-2 was
and 0.12, respectively. No iodine was detected from their suppressed after it was exposed to 10 μg ml−1 iodine.
24-h incubations. And then, after 48-h incubations, the Therefore, the MICs of I2 for IOB were 10 μg ml−1for
iodine concentrations were 8.35 μg ml−1 for IOB-2 and IOB-2 and 5 μg ml−1 for IOB-7 and IOB-12. The MBCs
7.62 μg ml−1 for IOB-12 and their corresponding optical of I2 for IOB after a 1-week culture are shown in Table 2,
densities were 1.12 and 0.95, respectively. with more than 20 μg ml−1 for IOB-2 and 20 μg ml−1 for
IOB-7 and IOB-12.
Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum
bactericidal concentration of molecular iodine for IOB Co-culture of IOB and E. coli
and other bacteria
The number of viable E. coli cells was counted on LB agar,
E. coli, B. pumilus, and P. aeruginosa were exposed to serial which did not support IOB growth. The numbers of E. coli
concentrations of molecular iodine for 30 min. The MICs cells from MB medium after 3 days of culture did not show
are shown in Fig. 4. The number of viable E. coli cells a big difference with those from LB medium (data not
(1.39×106 CFU/ml) was only half of the original cell numb- shown). When E. coli and IOB were co-cultured in MB
ers (4.07×106 CFU/ml) after the cultures were exposed to without iodide, the number of E. coli cells (109 CFU/ml,
0.5 μg ml−1 molecular iodine. In addition, they decreased Fig. 5b–d) did not show a big difference with a pure E. coli
approximately 100-fold when they were exposed to culture (109 CFU/ml, Fig. 5a). However, when these bacte-
1.0 μg ml − 1 molecular iodine. When exposed to ria were co-cultured in MB with iodide, the growth of E. coli
0.5 μg ml−1 molecular iodine, the number of viable P. was significantly inhibited with increasing iodine concen-
aeruginosa cells did not significantly differ from the origi- tration (Fig. 5). For example, when in the co-culture with
nal cell numbers, and they decreased 1,000-fold after being IOB-2 and E. coli in MB containing iodide (Fig. 5b),
exposed to 1.0 μg ml−1 molecular iodine. When the con- 0.23 μg ml−1 iodine was detected after 24 h. However, the
centration of molecular iodine was 1.0 μg ml−1, the number growth of E. coli was inhibited after 36 h when the iodine
of viable B. pumilus cells reduced 10-fold. Therefore, the concentration was 0.52 μg ml−1. The inhibition continued
MIC of molecular iodine for E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and B. with the increase of iodine, and when the iodine concentra-
pumilus was 0.5, 1.0, and 1.0 μg ml−1, respectively. The tion was 5.02 μg ml−1, there was no viable E. coli cell. Since
MBCs for these bacteria are shown in Table 2. no E. coli could survive in the co-culture, the iodine
2178 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182

1.5 (A)
(A) 15

I2 (µg ml-1, )
OD660( )


Viable cells (CFU/ml)


0.5 105

0 0 104

(B) 15

I2 (µg ml-1, )
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
OD660( )

10 I2 (µg ml-1)

0.5 (B)
5 100 IOB-2
0 0 IOB-12

Viable ratio (%)

(C) 15 60

OD660( )

I2 (µg ml-1,

0 1 2 5 10 20
I2 (µg ml-1)
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 Fig. 4 Minimum inhibitory concentration of I2 for Roseovarius spp.
Time (h) and other bacteria. After the bacteria were exposed to various concen-
trations of I2, the number of viable E. coli (empty triangle), P. aerugi-
Fig. 3 Growth and iodine production by isolated iodide-oxidizing nosa (empty square), and B. pumilus (empty circle) cells are shown in a
bacteria in Marine Broth 2216 containing 200 μg ml−1 iodide. The and the viable ratio of Roseovarius spp. is shown in b
optical density at 660 nm (filled square) and iodine concentration
(filled triangle) in cultures of a Roseovarius sp. IOB-2, b Roseovarius
our isolates are closely related to one group of IOB, which is
sp. IOB-7, and c Roseovarius sp. IOB-12
most closely related to Roseovarius tolerans with α-
subclass of Proteobacteria. Furthermore, other reports also
concentration increased drastically, and it was 8.89 μg ml−1 highlighted that IOB could be isolated from the cultures
after a 78-h co-culture. Similarly, the growth of E. coli was enriched with an iodide supplement but not those without
inhibited in co-cultures with IOB-7 or IOB-12 in MB (Amachi et al. 2005a, b). However, by culture-independent
containing iodide. methods, some DGGE clones of the samples from low
iodide concentration and location were identified as IOB
species in GenBank (Lim et al. 2011). In addition, iodide is
Discussion dispensable for the growth of Roseovarius spp. based on the
results of our studies. IOB could be isolated in an iodide-
Roseovarius spp. and the iodide-oxidizing process rich environment possibly because the iodine they produced
gave them an advantage over other bacteria. Therefore,
In this study, IOB were isolated before iodine recovery from when the isolation was performed on the same mass of
GFW and biofilms with an iodide concentration of biofilms, there was a higher probability of obtaining IOB
131 μg ml−1, whereas no IOB were isolated from biofilms from an iodide-rich environment than from a low iodide
after iodine recovery when the concentration of iodide was environment.
lower than 20 μg ml−1. Compared with other IOB reported All of the isolated IOB in this study were identified as
in the literatures (Fuse et al. 2003; Amachi et al. 2005a, b), Roseovarius spp. according to a phylogenetic analysis.
Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182 2179

Table 2 Minimum bactericidal concentrations of I2 for I Roseovarius spp., E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and B. pumilus

E. coli P. aeruginosa B. pumilus IOB-2 IOB-7 IOB-12

MBC of I2 (μg ml−1) 2 2 5 >20 20 20

Roseovarius spp. contributed to iodide-oxidizing process were probably more complicated than what we estimated
in this study and other researchers also proposed that due to the presence of the organic nutrients (Amachi et al.
these species are widely involved in iodide oxidization 2001). However, the microbicidal activity of IOB-produced
in marine microbial environments (Amachi et al. 2005a, iodine still indicates the possibility of inhibition in situ.
b; Fuse et al. 2003). Like other Roseovarius spp. (Lai et First, there is a general agreement that free molecular iodine
al. 2010; Labrenz et al. 1999), there was morphological is a real active iodine species, which is based on the fre-
diversity among the three strains. In addition, their cell quently observed positive correlation between the iodine
size and shape varied considerably. All three Roseovarius concentration and the rate of microbial killing (Hickey et
spp. were rosette-forming organisms, and appendages al. 1997). Second, staining of biological material is attribut-
were observed at the end or the middle of the cells. ed to the triiodide concentration (Gottardi 1999). Therefore,
There were high deviations (over 100-fold) obtained the estimated concentration of molecular iodine based on the
when the number of viable Roseovarius cells was triiodide concentration could allow us to predict the micro-
counted by CFU counting possibly because the rosette- bicidal effect of iodine species in the environment.
forming structure could not be dispersed by serial dilu- The iodide-oxidizing process depended on IOB growth.
tion (Nair 2005). Even though the saline concentration in The growth of IOB-7 was faster than that of IOB-2 or IOB-
the LB was increased to 3 %, none of the Roseovarius 12 according to the OD660, and the molecular iodine con-
spp. in this study could grow due to the absence of trace centration detected in the IOB-7 culture at 24 h was corre-
elements compared to Marine Broth 2216. spondingly higher than that for IOB-2 and IOB-12. In the
The iodine concentration from each time interval was co-culture with IOB-7, a higher concentration of molecular
estimated based on triiodide concentration, which was de- iodine was obtained; E. coli growth could be significantly
termined by the absorbance at 352 nm, and the equilibrium inhibited. Therefore, the iodine concentration was strongly
of iodide, iodine, and triiodide. The iodine species in MB correlated with IOB growth.

Fig. 5 The number of viable E. 1010 16

coli cells in pure cultures or co-
cultures with Roseovarius spp.
(A) (B) 14
during time course. The number 108
Viable cells (CFU/ml)

of viable E. coli cells in Marine

I2(µg ml-1, )
Broth with (filled square) or 10
without (empty square)
200 μg ml−1 iodide in a pure 8
cultures or co-cultures with b 104
Roseovarius sp. IOB-2, c Rose-
ovarius sp. IOB-7, and d Rose- 4
ovarius sp. IOB-12. The iodine
concentration produced in co- 2
cultures with Marine Broth 100 0
containing iodide is indicated
with a filled triangle (C) (D) 14
Viable cells (CFU/ml)


106 10
I2(µg ml-1, )


102 4
100 0
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 80
Time(h) Time(h)
2180 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2013) 97:2173–2182

MICs of molecular iodine for Roseovarius spp. possibly because the population of B. pumilus population was
and other bacteria suppressed by the molecular iodine that was produced by IOB
in a high iodide environment since the MIC studies indicate
MIC and MBC are commonly used to determine the resis- that B. pumilus is sensitive to molecular iodine. Hence, IOB
tance of bacteria for antibiotics (Andrew 2011). Broth dilu- probably have an advantage over other species in the niche
tion has been successfully applied for obtaining the MICs of since the MICs of iodine for IOB were much higher than those
antibiotics for various bacteria (Kuang et al. 2009; Selvaraju for B. pumilus, E. coli, or P. aeruginosa. The role of IOB in the
et al. 2005) but could not be performed in this study due to iodide-rich environment will be further examined in the future
the redox reaction of molecular iodine with peptone or yeast on the quantities of specific IOB genes by real-time PCR.
extract (Gottardi 2001). Furthermore, the effective concen- At a natural gas plant, the species and concentration of
tration of a disinfectant was determined in buffer or distilled iodine are thought to be stable since the iodide concentration
water (Ellis and Van Vree 1989; Sauerbrei and Wutzler is 110 to 130 μg ml−1 during the year (http://www.gasukai.
2010). Thus, the susceptibility test of molecular iodine for To some extent, the MICs of
bacteria was performed in buffers. MICs of molecular iodine molecular iodine for bacteria will indicate the disinfecting
for non-IOB bacteria were determined by viable cell counts, effects of IOB-produced molecular iodine on the other bac-
while MICs for IOB were determined based on optical teria in the environment.
density. The inoculums used were adjusted to the 0.5
McFarland standard, which allowed 105 to 106 CFU/ml to The inhibitory effect of IOB-produced iodine on the growth
be added to the broth. In this study, the cell density was of E. coli
adjusted exactly to the same OD660, and 106 CFU/ml of E.
coli, P. aeruginosa, and B. pumilus were obtained by dilut- To date, there have been no reports on the inhibitory effects
ing the cell suspension with same OD660. However, the of iodine produced by microorganisms on other bacteria in
viable cell counts for IOB could not be determined due to the environment. Iodide did not inhibit E. coli growth be-
the rosette-forming structures; thus, the same inoculums cause E. coli growth curve was not significantly different in
based on the optical density and the following subsequent MB with or without iodide. However, the growth of E. coli
dilutions were performed on IOB. The MICs for IOB were was inhibited when the co-culture was performed in MB
determined based on the optical density of the subculture in with 200 μg ml−1 iodide. Furthermore, the inhibition was
I2-free MB compared to IOB that was not exposed to not caused by nutrient competition since E. coli growth from
molecular iodine. co-cultures was not suppressed in MB without iodide.
The MICs of molecular iodine for IOB were higher than Meanwhile, this inhibition was reproduced when 108 CFU/
that for other bacteria. In addition, 20 μg ml−1 of molecular ml of E. coli was exposed to the supernatant from a 48-
iodine could be fatal to IOB-7 and IOB-12, whereas the fatal h pure culture of IOB-7. After a 30-min exposure, only
concentration should be much higher for IOB-2 according to 105 CFU/ml viable E. coli cells could be counted. In addi-
the MBCs for IOB. Among the other three bacteria, E. coli tion, the growth inhibition of E. coli was intensified with the
and P. aeruginosa were selected as model strains of Gram- iodine yield. Thus, it is supposed that iodine produced by
negative bacteria, while B. pumilus was the model strain of Roseovarius spp. inhibited E. coli growth.
Gram-positive bacterium. Moreover, B. pumilus was isolat-
ed from recovered water with an iodide concentration of The inhibitory effect of IOB-produced iodine
20 μg ml−1 in the iodine recovery plant. For 106 CFU/ml of on other bacteria in situ
E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and B. pumilus, the MICs and MBCs
of molecular iodine were lower than those for IOB. How- The inhibitory effects of iodine on the growth of other
ever, if the cell numbers increased to 107 CFU/ml, the MICs bacteria could explain the phenomena at the iodine recovery
and MBCs of molecular iodine accordingly increased ten plant. The total biomass in the reinjection pipelines (after
times. However, in seawater or coastal sediments, the total iodine recovery) was much higher than that before iodine
bacterial population is typically estimated to range from 103 to recovery (Lim et al. 2011). Iodide oxidization participated
106 count/ml by direct counts under a microscope (Simidu et by microorganisms in brines or seawater was catalyzed by
al. 1983). Furthermore, some specific groups of prokaryotes peroxidase (Amachi et al. 2005a, b; Fweja et al. 2008).
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IOB-produced iodine in the same niche. Furthermore, B. brines was possibly mediated by iodoperoxidases as
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Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Japan Oil, Gas and
effects of different (pseudo)halide substrates on peroxidase-
Metals National Corporation for financial support for this research and
mediated killing of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. J
to Mr. Jun Koki from the Centre for Advanced Materials, Tokyo
Periodontal Res 33(7):421–427
Institute of Technology for technical support with the SEM imaging.
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