Unit 3 A Digital Portfolio Assignment 1 - Sana 14 07 21

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Sana Kausar

3034 - Level 2 ICT - Unit 03

Website Design - Digital Portfolio

Today’s Date:20/09/21

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Sana Kausar


My digital portfolio is aimed at employers and future tutors. The purpose of my portfolio is to

show the skills I've got and to show whatever I've learnt and to show achievements I have

achieved. It includes my future plans and what units I will be learning.after completing all my

future plans for my education I would like to work in the IT industry working as a data analyst. I

feel like it is an advantage for me to design a website because the job that I want to do in future

may involve designing a website. The website will be created using weebly. Which will format my

work so that it is accessible on the web page. My digital portfolio will have a main page and

pages linked to it. I will organize my portfolio into different sections. The sections are. My

portfolio is easy to read and therefore I have chosen this type of font colour which is white so

that it looks presentable and I have also chosen a neutral colour so that it looks presentable as

well. My website has a neutral colour and a large title so that it looks presentable as well.

1. Home Page

A digital portfolio is where all my work is. If you would like to look at my work you can come to

this website to see everything. Feel free to browse this website. it includes the unit that has been

covered. It includes my future plans.

2. Profile Page

2.1. About Me.

My name is Sana Kausar. I am 17 years old and I am studying a level 2 course in Shipley
college. I came to Shipley college because I wanted to be independent by travelling a bit far
from my home . Before coming to shipley college i was studying at Belle vue girls academy. I
live in Bradford. My favourite hobby is listening to music. In the future I would like to work in the
computing industry.

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2.2. Purpose.

The purpose for this digital portfolio is to show my tutors and employees how much I know

about the units and how much I have learnt as well.

3. Future Page.

In future i would like to go to university and then after that i would like to make a career in


3.1 Next Steps

My next step is to do a level 3 course.

My next step is to do a level 3 course. After doing my next step

3.2 Two Year Plan

After doing my level 3 course i would like to go to the university

3.3 Five Year Plan

I would like to have a career in computing. To have a career in computing I would need to

complete my level 3 course and complete my university.

4. Units.

4.1 Unit 1 - The online world

Unit 1 is called the online world. This unit provides an introduction to the modern online world.

In unit 1 I learn all about the main technologies and the process behind the computer. Unit 1 is

an exam based unit. It is an exam based unit which means I will complete an online based

exam. I will learn more about a range of services including email, online data storage,

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collaborative software, search engines and blogging. I will learn and explore a range of digital

devices, such as smartphones and digital music players. I will know how users should behave to

safeguard themselves and respect others. If you are considering a career in IT then this unit is

essential to learn. I will learn how emails reach our computer. This unit makes me understand

how you need to know all about technology because you need to use technology everyday. By

the end of the level 2 course it will extend your knowledge of online service and investigate the

technology and software that supports them.

4.2 Unit 2 - Technology System

Technology system is the second onscreen exam that occurs at the beginning of the year.

This unit also covers a fair amount of topics such as components of a computer system.

inputs/output systems analogue and digital data, issues around computers and IT systems

in different sectors. You will learn about application softwares.There are computer systems

that get used everywhere and everyday such as hospitals and construction sites. They have

become a huge part of us in lives because ne

In unit 3 you will create a digital portfolio. A digital profile is all about showing what I have

learnt and on the digital profile website you will. On this website you will submit all my best

pieces of work there . It explains what you will be learning. It shows a bit about the units.

The digital portfolio is also used to show an employer of who you are and what you are

capable of. This unit will bring all the content together. This website will tell you what some

of my future plans are. In this unit I will need to make a website for it. In this unit you need

to add images so that your work doesn't look boring.

4.3 Unit 9 - Spreadsheet development

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Spreadsheets are used to store, manipulate and analyse data to present it in easy to

understand ways. Spreadsheets are normally used to store financial data such as your

checking account information, budgets, taxes, transactions, billing, invoices, receipts,

forecasts, and any payment system. It is also used to form lists and sports. They are
invaluable for collecting and manipulating data of all types. Spreadsheets can be formatted

to create clear, concise reports and can be sorted, filtered and updated with the touch of a

button. Spreadsheets are used so much in many organisations to help people carry out

their job roles. For instance, accountants use spreadsheets to keep track of the money

going into and out from business. Unit 9 is where I have to create a lot of work using a

spreadsheet.using spreadsheets help you arrange and organize data.

4.4 Unit 11 - Computer Networks

Computer network is a collection of computing devices that are connected in various ways in order to
communicate and share resources. Computer networking is an important part of our daily business and
personal lives that most people take for granted.

4.5 Unit 13 - Website Design

In unit 13 you will learn about website design. Website design is the production of making

the actual website, meaning the type of document that you see when you open a link on

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the internet browser on your computer or mobile phone. We are working on making a

weebly website so that it is easier for our tutor and employees to see our work. I think

weebly is a far easier website to work on.

5. Design Justification.

I have chosen the screen design

because it is easier for the audience

to see all my work whatever I have

done. It is suitable for my target

audience because it shows

whatever they need to see. This

website that I have designed is

useful to the tutors and employees

because it gives a bit of evidence of how we are. The target audience for this is all of our tutors

and our employees if we want to work. The portfolio will meet the audience ( tutors and

employees) needs because it will show how much knowledge I have got. The purpose of this

portfolio is to show how much IT I know.

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I have created a storyboard screen to show how my website pages look like on the homepage

there will be a background picture as well as a neutral color and there will be some information

about what a digital portfolio is and what will contain inside it and the very top of the page there

will be some buttons on there so that you can just select any button and it will take you to the

correct page.

This is a template of how my website page

will look like. On this page you will see a lot

of detail about myself. It will tell you what

my hobbies are and what age I am and it will tell you about my previous history about my

school and which school I used to study in. right at the top of my website page it will have

buttons on it and it will allow you to select any page that you would like to see.

This is another template of how my website

page would look like. This page will have a

background on it. It will have a lot of

information on how to contact me if you

have a problem with my website and you

would like it to be solved. It will have my

address on my email address and it will

have a phone number on it . if you would like to see the location of where i am there would be a

map on there as well so you can see where it is based.

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This is another template of how my website

page would look like. On this page you can see

that this page is called my future plans. This

may be an interesting page for some people

because it will show you what I would like to

succeed and do. On this page it will have a

picture of the uni that I would like to attend

because that is one of my future goals and it will

have another picture about my future job that i would like to do. On this page it may include a

neutral background color as well. Right at the top of the page it will have some buttons. You can

tap on any of these buttons and it will take you to the correct page that you would like to see.

This is a template of how my website page will look

like. On this page you will see some information

about this unit. This unit is called the online world.

You will see some information about what an

online world means in IT terms . On the website

page it will tell you what this unit contains and it

will show you how much of the unit I know because

some of my work will be submitted there. At the top of the page there will be some buttons

on it and if you select any of the buttons it will let you onto the page that you would like to


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This is a template of how my website page will

look like. This page will be all about unit 2.

There will be information about unit2 and what

it contains. In unit 2 you will learn about

technology systems. You will see some of my

work that I have done and it will be submitted

there. There will be an image of technology

systems. Having a image related to technology system may be advantage because for some


This is a template of my website page. The

page is all about unit 3. On unit 3 there will be

some information about what is a digital

portfolio. There is a background colour on this

page as well. The background colour is neutral.

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Right at the top there will be some buttons you can select any buttons and it will take you

straight to the page that you want to see.

This is a template of my website page. There

will be some information about unit 9. Unit

9 is all about spreadsheet development.

There will be an image of spreadsheets so

that if anyone ever reads the information

and they are unsure what it means then

they can just take a lot at the image and they will get a hit of how it is. It is good that there

is an image on that website page because normally people can work with images better

rather than reading and writing. At the very top of the page there will be some buttons that

you can select. If you select a button it will take you straight to that right page.

This is a template of the website page.

The page is all about unit 13. There will

be some information about unit 13. In

unit 13 it is all about website

development. On this website page

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there will be a picture that shows what it is for website development. Putting an image on

the page is a really good thing because for some people they understand better with

images rather than ready writing. At the top of the page there are some buttons. If you

press any of the buttons it will take you to the page that you have selected. For example if

you press on unit 13 it will take you straight to that page.

6. Alternate Designs

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If i was to change my design i would have these two because it may look better if you

wanted to have a different background. Instead of having a background color maybe i

would want to change the background to a background picture instead of just a color. If I

was to change my design I would have my buttons on the side rather than having it on the

top. I would not use this design because I prefer the original one better. It is better because

it is more colorful and it stands out more.

7. Asset Registry.

Filename Webpage Description File type URL

Uni Google Image of a JPEG image university-of-
university oxford-2016-

Static map Google Image of map PNG image staticmap.php


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Data base Google Database PNG image Database-

administrator Administrator-
(future career) Careers.png

BMW Google BMW car Jpeg image bmw 1 series -

Bing images

8. Navigation Diagram.

This image shows the buttons for the website. To see all the work of each unit you will need

to tap each button. All these buttons are set up on each of the screens that you look at.

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9. Folder Structure.

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10. Test Plan.

Test Webpage Test Outcome Comment

1 Homepage speed test. The speed is I carried out a speed
okay, it works test and this was the
fine. results.

2 Homepage How it would If you were to I used google and

look on look at it on viewed how the
different any device it website would look on
phones. works fine. different phones.

3 Weebly page If the link works The link works I used google to find
(link) when you when you put the website.
search it in the it in the search
search bar. bar.

4 Is the Checked the It is colourful. I used google to check

appearance of website page. the pages.
the website
colourful to
attract the
target market?

5 What is the My colour My colour I used google to check

colour scheme scheme was scheme was the colours of my
of the page light blue, dark just as I website.

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purple, coffee expected it to

(dark brown) be. I wanted it
and dark pink. to be neutral.

6 Do the links to I checked the The other I used google and

other pages all other pages to pages worked typed the link into the
work see if they as expected. search bar.

11. Timeline.

Phase Duration
Design 6 weeks

Develop 2 or 3 weeks

Test 2 weeks

Release 2 weeks

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12. User Feedback.

I have asked one of my peers for their opinions on my design website and they have said

that they like the layout of the website design and they like the fact that I have neutral

colors instead of bright colors. They have said it is good to have neutral colors because

your employees would like simple colors when looking at Your work rather than having

bright colors.

I have asked another peers for their opinions on my design website. They have said that

they like how some of the units have pictures on it. They said they like that because if

someone was reading it they would not know what this unit is but if they look at the

pictures they will understand. They like the fact that all the font writing is all the same. If all

the writing is the same it makes the writing look neater.

13. Conclusion.

I have learnt about the different units and what the different units will contain. I have learnt

how to create a website and what tools are used to create the website. I now know what

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my future plans are. I have learnt it is important to test the website design page so that i

can advise people to use a mobile phone or a pc when using this website so it could be

faster and easier for them.

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