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Useful Land

The “White Out” Allah‟s Garden

June 2011

Abandon Processed Foods Now!

I am NOT a fan of processed foods. If you are, don‟t read this publication.
This issue is dedicated to making Knowledge Born about the dangers of
processed foods. I honestly believe that the reason people aren‟t com- Inside this issue:
plaining more or doing something about this is because they don‟t realize
how insidious this problem is or what processed foods do to the body,
mind and future of generations to come. The predominant culture advo- Processed Foods 1
cates fast foods so don‟t expect the government to aid you in that infor-
mation dissemination.
Brown vs. White Rice 1
The processed food scam is a generational trick. When I was first start-
ing off, I despised cooking. I ate every meal out. The refrigerator was just
a preservation device for my snacks, Coca Cola and leftovers. My moth-
er warned me about my laziness and said I was doing myself a disservice. Salt 2
That I could cook for myself for at least 3 meals a week…. Rewind… I
remember an argument between my mother and grandmother. MaMa
was calling my mother lazy and she was doing a disservice to herself and
her children by feeding us pre-packaged foods (canned, frozen, etc). And Happy Father’s Day 2
my mother cooked everyday (had 2 jobs and we rarely ate out). MaMa said We may find in the long
that my mother could find an area on the property where she could plant a run that tinned food is a
garden. deadlier weapon than
the machine-gun. Brown vs. White Wheat 3
Stay away from words like “enriched” “fortified” “converted” and “refined”
I know processed foods are easy. And with Our hectic lifestyles easy is a G. Orwell
plus. But Easy has a cost, and that cost is our health. Examine your own
personal definition of “grafted.” Does not processed food embody that Sugar 3
definition? I hope this newsletter challenges you to think about what it is
you sustain your selves and your families.
Peace Cucumber Mint 4
Brown vs. White Rice as brown. Really?

Whole Brown Rice is rice in its niacin and thiamin, and it still has Brown rice is better for you than
original form with the bran intact. its bran, which is a natural fiber. white rice. It is illogical to me to
White rice is brown rice that has Fiber is important. Fiber is that remove something, make it white Next Rally is June 26,
gone through at least one of sever- indigestible portion of food that then add it back on in supplement
al processes, including polishing, scratches the walls of your diges-
2011 at Howell Park 2pm
form. Why not just eat brown
parboiling and/or pre-cooking. tive tract and provides bulk. In a rice? And since the fiber that is Show and Prove is in Now
However, trying to discern nutri- nutshell, It makes you poop yet removed and NOT replaced, then Why Cee June 10-12th
tional differences from various keeps you full. white rice is just an empty carbo-
labels is difficult. Although most hydrate. Free G.E.D tutoring. Clas-
nutritionists favor whole foods To render brown rice white, man- ses begin May 23rd. West
over processed foods, on the ufacturers remove the bran by Some might just prefer the taste of End Library. For registra-
nutritional information labels, polishing the hulled rice. 90% of white rice. I understand that. I tion details contact Beau-
brown rice and white rice will look white rice made in the United prefer the taste of white rice to tiful EssenceUmi Earth
the same on paper. But are they? States is then enriched with pow- brown. I find it difficult to cook,
dered nutrients, which, according
678-523-6617. Volunteer
the nutty taste of brown rice not
How does this happen? The an- to the USA Rice Federation, re- palatable and it‟s gooey. I‟d prefer tutors needed
swer is in the processing. When place everything that has been lost to not eat rice at all or use similar Harvest in the Garden
the rice comes in from the field, during polishing, except the fiber. mediums like quinoa or cous cous.
the hull is removed and the result (It's because of this enrichment Please don‟t be fooled by all the
October 7-9th
is whole brown rice. In this unpro- process that manufacturers recom- different rice available. If it‟s white, Summer Science Camp
cessed state, whole brown rice mend against washing white rice it‟s been processed no matter
offers a natural concentration of before cooking it.) So with a little
June 25-29, 2011
what they call it.
vitamins and minerals, including help from science, white rice ends Peace 678-887-5955
potassium, riboflavin, [B.sub.6], up with the same nutrient content
Page 2 Useful Land

Salt is a very necessary dietary require- ments. The seawater has 84 chemical salt. Read labels carefully. The crys-
ment. The chemical requirements of the elements. Salt is mainly composed of tal variety can be crushed in a mortar
No man is worth human body demand that the salt con- sodium and chloride. Natural salts con- and pestle or a salt grinder. Sea-
centration in the blood be kept constant. tain other nutrients. Refined salt… not soned salt is regular table salt
his salt who is If the body does not get enough salt, a so much. It contains just the sodium, blended with other herbs such as
not ready at all hormonal mechanism compensates by chloride, iodine and Aluminum hydrox- celery, onion, and garlic. Table
times to risk his reducing the excretion of salt in the ide is often added to improve the ability salt is the most commonly used
urine and sweat. But it cannot reduce of table salt to pour. Aluminum is a light salt. It is a fine-grained and looks the
well-being, to this output to zero. On a completely salt alloy that deposits into your brain - a same in appearance as fine grained
risk his body, to -free diet the body steadily loses small potential cause of Alzheimer's disease. sea salt. Iodized salt is just table salt
risk his life, in a amounts of salt via the kidneys and with Iodine added.
.Common Salts
sweat glands. It then attempts to adjust
great cause. Hawaiian sea salt is produced from
this by accelerating its secretion of wa-
the Hawaiian waters. A natural mineral Why is iodine added to salt?
ter, so that the blood‟s salt concentra-
called "Alaea" (a red clay from Kauai rich The health of our Thyroid gland is
tion can be maintained at the vital level.
in iron oxide) is added to the salt to dependant upon iodine which occurs
The result is a gradual desiccation of the
T. Roosevelt add beneficial trace elements to the naturally in our foods via the soil
body and finally death. product. This natural additive is what foods are grown in. Back in the
gives the salt its distinctive pink color. It 1920's there was a region of the U.S.
is said to have a more mellow flavor than referred to as the "goiter" belt. This
But how do we get this required salt?
regular sea salt. Kosher salt is an addi- was an area around the Great Lakes
Mostly from processed foods. Salt is a
tive-free coarse-grained salt. It is used in and in the Northwestern U.S. It was
preservative. Salt is in a lot of sweet
the production of Kosher meats to draw named that due to the high incidence
treats too. Small amounts of salt make
blood out of the meat. The salt is also of "goiter" the Thyroid disease
the sugar taste sweeter. Unless you are
preferred by some chefs because it caused by the lack of iodine in peo-
consuming a processed food free diet,
disperses more readily. By nature of its ples diet. These regions were far
then you are getting your salt from
"flake" texture it melts easily and is light- from the ocean and natural iodine
“table salt.” But not all salts are created
er (less dense) than table salt. Lite salt was depleted from the farming soil. It
equal. and Salt substitutes is a mixture of was decided to add iodine to table
salt and another substance such as po- salt to solve the problem.
tassium chloride. Read the label. Don't
Salt is a naturally occurring
bother using these products unless you
nutrient. The Earth is cov-
have a medical reason to do so. Pretzel So what should you do? First, do the
ered with salty bodies of
Salt - A large-grained salt that does not knowledge for your self. Decide for
water. There are also land
melt quickly. The preferred salt for yourself what kind and how much
locked salt mines. Most of the
pretzels, salted bread sticks. Rock Salt - salt you want in your diets and in
table salts that we use in this
Is a large crystal salt that is a slightly the diets of your own people. I per-
wilderness is considered
grayish color. It is less refined and still sonally don‟t “shake salt” in the
„refined salt.‟ With the advent
contains minerals that are removed from kingdom. I strive to stay away from
of industrial development,
normal table salt. Rock salt is has a few processed foods. And I use sea salt.
our natural salt was "chemically cleaned"
culinary uses such as in mechanical ice It seems to be the most natural for
and reduced only to sodium and chlo-
cream makers and is sometimes used as the price. If I bought a box of salt
ride. Major producing companies dry
a bed for serving certain types of shell- that cost $8, I probably wouldn‟t
their salt in huge kilns with temperatures
fish. Sea salt is produced by evaporating want to use it. But that‟s me.
reaching 1200 degrees F, changing the
sea water. This process is more expen-
salt's chemical structure, which in turn
sive than salt produced from mines. Sea
can adversely affects the human
salt comes in fine-grained or larger crys- Peace!
body. The common table salt we use for
tals. Many of these salts are refined and
cooking has only 2 or 3 chemical ele-
use some of the same additives as table

Wheat Expose’ subtracting nothing. It has both the bran children who eat refined white flour - a risk that
and the germ still as part of the flour. It has been proven by the increase in cases of
The two biggest differences between has a distinctive flecked appearance, often childhood diabetes.
white wheat and whole wheat are a bitter taste, and makes for heavier
the processing and the nutritional baked products. Watch out for words like 'wheat flour' or
value. All flour is made from the same wheat 'enriched wheat flour' as they can be mostly
berries. The wheat berry is made up of the White whole wheat is a hybrid type. made from white flour with just a small amount
bran, germ and the endosperm. All parts are The flour is ground and the bran and of whole wheat added. Look for 'whole wheat'
filled with nutrients and are used in whole germ are both left in the product. Howev- or other whole grains, like oat. And don't be
wheat flour. White bread on the other hand, er, the bran on this particular type of mislead by the name of the product. Names like
uses only the endosperm – the starchy inner wheat is lighter than bran on other types wheat, whole bran, stoned wheat, 12 grain and
layer. There are a total of 30 nutrients miss- of wheat, making it seem more like white others are still mostly white flour. The only way
ing in white bread. The nutritional difference flour even though it has the benefits of to know for sure is to read the label.
is immense and has measurable impact on being a whole grain
our health. Whole wheat flour (of any sort) and white flour
The fiber content of whole wheat bread with the germ both spoil much more quickly
White flour is flour that has been milled has several health benefits. Fiber helps than white flour because the oils in the germ
and the bran and the germ extracted, making the digestive system. It also creates a can go rancid, resulting in a pronounced off
a lighter fluffier product that rises higher in “full” sensation and thus can help with flavor. It's best to keep ground whole grains in
the oven and makes for less dense baked weight control. Research has been con- the fridge. And whole wheat flour requires a
goods. ducted that show people who eat high- little more moisture to be added
fiber foods have less heart attacks to recipes when used instead of refined/plain/
Whole wheat flour is the flour that results and strokes than those who don't. There white wheat flour because the bran absorbs
from grinding the entire wheat berry, and is also an increased risk of diabetes in some moisture.
Allah‟s Garden Page 3

Convict Sugar!
Have you wondered why the num- healthy goodies that said food
are sugar). And yes sugar gives you Prolonged use of refined table
bers of obese and overweight contains. When you use refined
pure energy. When you overdo sugar or any of the uber-
Americans has doubled in the last sugar, you just get sweetness cou-
the sugar, it doesn‟t pass out of processed sugars out there can
30 years? In 1980 1 in 7 people pled with calories. This is why
you in the urine or feces. Unless cause a significant amount of
were obese. In 2000 the number sugar is said to have „empty calo-
you are diabetic. The body stores damage to your bodies. In
rose to 1 in 3. Have you wondered ries.‟
it JIC for use in a famine. Initially in addition to obesity and diabe-
why the incidence of diabetes has
the form of glycogen then in fat for tes, you can develop immune
increase? I have an answer for you.
long term savings. system issues, endocrine is-
Over consumption of sugar. Seri- The refining process of sugar re-
sues, cancer, liver damage,
ously, we consume 90lbs per per- minds me of 28&30:40. Raw sugar
anxiety, difficulty in concentrat-
son per year of sugar! in its most natural state is dark
Sugar is defined as sweet crystal- ing, loss of skin elasticity, hy-
brown. Then the molasses is re-
line substance obtained from vari- peractivity and much more.
moved through the addition of
ous plants and milks, which can be
When folks think of sugar, folk chemicals and boiling. Then the
used as nourishment and as a
think of the white powder that we other, non-sweet additives are
sweetener in food and drink. It is So am I saying you should
use to sweeten our Kool-Aid. And removed. Through each cycle the
necessary for existence. The brain never eat a piece of cake or
that is refined table sugar in the sugar becomes lighter and lighter
runs on glucose (breast milk is drink lemonade? Of course
form of sucrose. And it is absolute- until eventually it is white and
loaded with sugar). So don‟t take not, but by decreasing the
ly true that we will return to the offers little benefit. Granulated
the position of eradicating it from amount of processed foods
essence if we did not receive ade- refers to the process of enlarging
your diet. There is a theory, the you eat, will allow you these
quate amounts of glucose. But… the crystals. Sugar‟s predecessor,
sensation of sweetness evolved to occasional splurges.
And you knew there had to be sugar cane, offers the health bene-
encourage humans to eat sweet
one… If you threw away your 5lb fits like potassium, is good for Peace
foods. Foods that would in turn
bag of granulated sugar, processed digestion, has a cooling effect on
feed their brains. The closer that
food and drinks will still be enough the body, low glycemic index,
sugar is to the root, the better it
to make you fat and diabetic. alkaline in nature, and strengthens
will be for you. Eat something that
the stomach, kidneys, heart, eyes
already comes sweet like oranges
brain and sex organs. Brown sugar
or mangos. The reason why re-
“Well fruits have naturally occur- is only slightly healthier. It is re-
fined sugar is questionable is be-
ring sugar!” Yes they do; and the fined white sugar with some of the
cause it is empty. When you eat
kind you should be eating. But are food that is naturally sweet, you molasses added back.
you? Fruits contain fructose (terms
get all the protein, vitamins, miner-
that end in „ose‟, indicate that they
als, antioxidants, fiber and other

High Fructose Corn Syrup Ain’t Good For You!

High fructose corn syrup drinks and processed food) from cal or processed the same HFCS, no digestion is re-
(HFCS) has been demonized. zero to more than 60 pounds way by the body. High fruc- quired, so they are more rap-
And it should be. It is a highly per person per year. tose corn syrup is an industrial idly absorbed into your blood
processed form of corn sugar. food product and far from stream. So this screws with
Do the knowledge to the US’s Here are 5 reasons you should "natural" or a naturally occur- your liver, causes diabetes,
relationship with corn and you stay way from any product con- ring substance. It is extracted increases appetite, weight
will find out that this country taining high fructose corn syr- from corn stalks through a se- gain, heart disease, cancer,
mass produces corn to such a up. cret process. accelerated aging, dementia
degree, it’s cheaper for other 1. Sugar in any form causes HFCS is cheaper than sugar and more. Also the body has
countries to buy corn from the obesity and disease when because of the government farm to work harder to use HFCS.
US that it is for them to buy it consumed in pharmacolog- bill corn subsidies. Products High doses of free fructose
from their own farmers. That’s ic doses. Cane sugar and high with HFCS are sweeter and have been proven to literally
crazy. I don’t want to ingest fructose corn syrup are indeed cheaper than products made punch holes in the intestinal
politically controversial foods. both harmful when consumed in with cane sugar. Since there is lining.
HFCS, also prolong the shelf life pharmacologic doses of 140 there is no chemical bond be-
of processed foods. The scariest pounds per person per year. tween the sugars that make up 3. HFCS contains contam-
aspect of HFCS is it turns off When one 20-ounce HFCS HFCS, no digestion is required, inants including
leptin. Leptin is a hormone that sweetened soda, sports drink or so they are more rapidly ab- mercury that are not
signals the brain that the body tea has 17 teaspoons of, we are sorbed into your blood stream. regulated or measured by
has enough fat on it. If one can- conducting a largely uncon- So this screws with your liver, the FDA.
not make leptin, the brain trolled experiment on the hu- causes diabetes, increases appe-
thinks there is no fat and spurs man species. Our hunter- tite, weight gain, heart disease, 4. Many independent
the person on to eat more and gatherer ancestors consumed cancer, accelerated aging, de- medical and nutrition
more in an effort to get the lep- the equivalent of 20 teaspoons mentia and more. Also the body experts DO NOT support
tin signal that fat is pre- per year, not per day. In this has to work harder to use HFCS. the use of HFCS in our
sent. Don’t sleep. It saved hu- sense, I would agree with the High doses of free fructose have diet, despite the asser-
mans during famines. corn industry that sugar is sug- been proven to literally punch tions of the corn indus-
ar. Quantity matters. But there holes in the intestinal lining. try.
The average American increased are some important differences. 3. HFCS contains contami-
their consumption of HFCS nants including mercu- 5. HCFS is almost always
(mostly from sugar sweetened 2. HFCS and cane sugar are ry that are not regulated or a marker of inferior food
NOT biochemically identi-
F-AT-HER = Father
Serenity Love Sincere Peace Earth
404-545-3639 text only The 3 lines in the “F” show freedom all that is her „FA.‟ in the father
is in the fourth scale after do re mi. „Fa‟ tells her freedom in thought
C-Wise Hakim Tawa Allah and words the song of life, not limited to the physical only. It is the rise where one goes fa‟r‟ther . „Fa‟ telepathy her with union that they
(404) 914-6429 do not have to battle each other for they are 1. Her telepathy „Fa‟
with Understanding that he can and may see her with clarity as one
who has the Power to Build with what she Knows and Understands
The Black Man is God on all plains in the universe. „Fat‟ is what is in an animal, not her (her
The Black Woman is Earth body) is the Garden of Paradise and goes on as life itself as she
Babies are the Greatest grows. The Father is one that comes with Understanding on the
mental and physical that you can see. When you see, it is not just
with the physical eyes, it is with the third eye. A Father is the founda-
tion for Love, Truth harmony Freedom respect dignity and being
Supreme Mathematics family.

Lord Reveal Infinite Allah

Allah is God.
Always has been. Happy Father‟s Day to all the Ole Gods!!!!

Always Will be

Cucumber Mint Lemonade

Several beautiful life events would take Agave nectar/stevia/honey/raw sugar composed of water yet
place with me and my Grand Old Earth contains ascorbic acid and
Pure water (distilled, alkaline, arte-
in the springtime. We would do things caffeic acid, both which
like plant her garden seeds , listen to sian… etc) soothe skin irritations and
the spring thunderstorms and watch the reduce swelling. Cucum-
lightening in silence. I wanted to share a bers are also rich in fiber
Juice the cucumbers with the skin on.
recipe that will refresh you during this and contain a variety of
Juice the lemons and give the seeds
season. She would make this drink by beneficial minerals includ-
back to the Earth. We want to thank
squeezing her lemons by hand, and ing silica, potassium and
the Earth for her substance when she
blending her cucumbers, since there magnesium.
provides, so we give the seeds back to
was no food processors or juicers in
our house. She would go in the back the soil.
yard and pick fresh mint leaves to gar- Mint has its abilities to
nish and me and my cousins would sit soothe digestive tract, slows the growth ob
on our stoops and be in heaven. You Add the cucumber juice with the water
bacteria and fungus, plays a role in treating
would be surprised how the jewels we and sweeten to taste. Add the mint
allergies and asthma. Mint has a wonderful
hand down to our seeds are treasured leaves to the mixture. Display in a
picture with cucumber slices and lemon aroma and a great taste.
for a lifetime.
Agave nectar was used by the Aztecs with
This recipe is a refreshing drink that will salt as a dressing for wounds, a balm for skin
quench your summer thirst. It‟s full of Makes about a gallon. infections and has been proven effective
healthy vibrant ingredients and a won- against the growth of intestinal bacteria. It
derful replacement for drinks loaded has a favorable glycemic profile which pro-
with refined sugars, carbonates and Lemons are low in calories, contain no vides sweetness without the “sugar rush” (an
saturated fats or cholesterol and are unhealthy blood sugar spike). A delicious
concentrates. rich in fiber. An excellent source of natural sweetener that replaces refined
ascorbic acid or vitamin c which is a
natural anti oxidant, pro-inflammatory sugar.
Ingredients: and frees radicals from the blood…
8 cucumbers also citric acid dissolves kidney stones.
12 lemons
Beautiful Essence Umi Earth
Mint leaves The flesh of cucumbers is primarily

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