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21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

Home / My courses / metodos-cuantitativos-aplicados-desarrollo-econ41216 / SEmana 4 (ene). Evaluación / Examen final

Started on Thursday, 21 January 2021, 10:11 AM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 21 January 2021, 11:10 AM
Time taken 59 mins 14 secs
Marks 16.00/17.00
Grade 4.71 out of 5.00 (94%)

QUESTION 1 We have the following estimated equation:


Mark 1.00 out of


Some researchers claim that there is a salary gap between married and non-married workers (β4) favoring the former.
How would you write this statement for hypothesis testing?

Select one:



c. 


Respuesta correcta

The correct answer is: 1/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

We have the following estimated equation:

Mark 1.00 out of


Standard errors are in parenthesis

At what level of statistical significance (10%, 5% or 1%) can we reject the null hypothesis that the estimated coefficient of
Exper is equal to zero?

Select one:
a. at any conventional level of statistical significance (1%, 5%, 10%) 

b. We cannot reject the null hypothesis at any conventional level of statistical significance (1%, 5%, 10%)

Only at the 5% and 10% significance levels

Respuesta correcta
The correct answer is: at any conventional level of statistical significance (1%, 5%, 10%)

QUESTION 3 The Classical Linear Regression Model has several assumptions to follow. Amongst the list of options, choose the ones
Correct that are not correct
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one or more:
a. Non-constant variance 

b. Endogeneity of explanatory factors 

c. Mean zero

d. Forth moment of the variable is positive (kurtosis)

e. No perfect or quasi perfect multicollinearity

f. Linearity in parameters

g. The number of observations greater than the number of parameters

h. No autocorrelation

Respuesta correcta
The correct answers are: Non-constant variance, Endogeneity of explanatory factors 2/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

We have the following equation to estimate:

Mark 1.00 out of

Where Wage is the wage paid to workers in $, and Educ, Exper and Tenure account for the workers’ years of education, years of
experience and years working for the same company (a measure of loyalty).

 After running the model, we get the following output table:

How would you interpret the outcome of R-squared?

Select one:
a. The explanatory variables (educ, exper and tenure) explain 0.3064% of the variance of the dependent variable

b. 30.64% of the variance of the explanatory variables (educ, exper and tenure) are determined by the variance of the
dependent variable

c. A 1% increase in the explanatory variables (educ, exper and tenure) leads to a 30.64% increase in the dependent variable

d. The explanatory variables (educ, exper and tenure) explain 30.64% of the variance of the dependent variable 

Respuesta correcta

The correct answer is: The explanatory variables (educ, exper and tenure) explain 30.64% of the variance of the
dependent variable

We estimate an economic growth model with two specifications. The results are as follows:

Mark 3.00 out of


The estimated coefficient of Capital in equation (2) shows that, holding Labor constant, a 1-dollar increase  in
Capital leads to an average increase in GDP of 3.2%  . The estimated coefficient is statistically significant
at the 1%  critical value.

Respuesta correcta
The correct answer is:
We estimate an economic growth model with two specifications. The results are as follows: 3/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

The estimated coefficient of Capital in equation (2) shows that, holding Labor constant, [a 1‑dollar increase] in Capital
leads to an average increase in GDP of [3.2%]. The estimated coefficient is statistically significant at the [1%] critical value.

QUESTION 6 We have the following equation:


Mark 1.00 out of


kids: number of kids born to a woman
educ: years of mother's education
age: mother's age
black: whether the mother is African American (1: Yes, 0: otherwise). The control group is white
northcen: whether the mother lives in north-centre at age 16 (1:Yes, 0: otherwise). The control group is
smcity: whether the mother lives in a small city (type of residence at age 16) (1:Yes, 0: otherwise)
y76 to y84: dummy variables for years from 1976 to 1984 (even years). The control group is the year 74 (y74).
The output table from an OLS regression is the following:

How would you interpret the estimated coefficient of educ?

Select one:
a. A one-year increase in mother's education is associated with a decline in the number of children born to a
mother of 0.13 children. The result is statistically significant at the 1% level. 

b. A one-year increase in mother's education is associated with a decline in the number of children born to a
mother of 0.13 children. The result is statistically significant at the 7% level.

c. A one-year increase in mother's education is associated with a decline in the number of children born to a
mother of 1.3 children. The result is statistically significant at the 1% level.

d. A one-year increase in mother's education is associated with a decline in the number of children born to a
mother of 1.3 children. The result is statistically significant at the 7% level.

e. A one-year increase in mother's education is associated with a decline in the number of children born to a
mother of 13 children. The result is statistically significant at the 1% level.

Respuesta correcta

The correct answer is: A one-year increase in mother's education is associated with a decline in the number of
children born to a mother of 0.13 children. The result is statistically significant at the 1% level. 4/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

Although a household consisting of 5 people is considered poor in multidimensional terms (using the incidence of
multidimensional poverty), not necessarily the group of 5 people are considered poor (multidimensional)
Mark 0.00 out of

Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'False'.

QUESTION 8 Encuesta Nacional de Calidad de Vida (ENCV) is the statistical source that provides information to estimate
Correct multidimensional poverty indicators in Colombia
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Select one:
True 


The correct answer is 'True'.

The multidimensional poverty approach assigns different weights to each of the dimensions for analysis.

Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:

False 

It assigns similar weights to each of 5 dimensions (0.20 each).

The correct answer is 'False'.

QUESTION 10 Multidimensional poverty is an indirect method to measure poverty


Mark 1.00 out of Select one:


False 

This is a direct method.

The correct answer is 'False'. 5/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

One of the dimensions considered in the multidimensional poverty index is the per capita income (in dollars of
purchasing power parity).
Mark 1.00 out of

Select one:

False 

The correct answer is 'False'.

QUESTION 12 We have the following information on Multidimensional Poverty (see Chart 1):
Chart 1
Mark 1.00 out of

Based on this information, the incidence of multidimensional poverty is:

Select one:
a. 0.4762

b. 0.2012

c. 0.8636 

d. 0.3412

Respuesta correcta
The correct answer is: 0.8636 6/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

QUESTION 13 We have the following information on Multidimensional Poverty (see Chart 1):
Chart 1
Mark 1.00 out of

Based on this information, the adjusted incidence of multidimensional poverty is:

Select one:
a. 0.3190

b. 0.3418

c. 0.5658

d. 0.4886 

Respuesta correcta
The correct answer is: 0.4886 7/9
21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review

We have the following chart with data to calculate the Human Development Index (HDI).

Mark 2.00 out of Country

Máx. Min.
Indicator value value Perú Uruguay

Life expectancy at birth

(years) 85 25 76 80

Expected years of schooling 20 0 12 15

Mean years of schooling 16 0 10 13

GNI per capita (PPP $) 85000 900 15500 18500

Based on these data, the HDI of Perú is 0.6881  and the HDI of Uruguay is 0.7808 

Respuesta correcta
The correct answer is:
We have the following chart with data to calculate the Human Development Index (HDI).

Máx. Min.
Indicator value value Perú Uruguay

Life expectancy at birth

(years) 85 25 76 80

Expected years of schooling 20 0 12 15

Mean years of schooling 16 0 10 13

GNI per capita (PPP $) 85000 900 15500 18500

Based on these data, the HDI of Perú is [0.6881] and the HDI of Uruguay is [0.7808]

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21/1/2021 Examen final: Attempt review


VIGILADA MINEDUCACIÓN Personería Descarga la App  Calle 12 No. 1-17 Este. Bogotá, Colombia.
Jurídica: Resolución 92 de marzo 9 de 1926, Biblioteca
 Phone: Tel: (571) 3537000, 3420288 y
expedida por el Ministerio de Gobierno
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