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Advanced resistance training

strategies for increasing
muscle hypertrophy and
maximal strength
Part 1: Accumulation methods

By Louis Howe, MSc, ASCC, University of Cumbria

and Dr Mark Waldron, St Mary’s University, Twickenham

task because the athlete has a low

OVERVIEW level of development and is likely
to have had very little exposure to
Training variation has been suggested as a primary principle in the pursuit resistance training. However, as the
of increasing muscle hypertrophy and maximal strength. Although athlete progresses in their physical
variation may be achieved in a number of different manners within the development, more advanced strategies
may need to be employed in order to
training process, at the training session level advanced approaches
create further adaptations.37 In order
to stimulating adaptations can be employed. At present, research is to accomplish this, training variation
undecided on the benefits of these methods. Part 1 of this two-part should be employed strategically
article will review methods that may be employed to accumulate greater so as to attain a higher capacity in
training volume through raising training density. Part 2 will discuss developing force.33,37 This variation
advance strategies that possess the potential to increase training can be implemented at different levels
intensity, while maintaining other acute exercise variables. The practical within the training process in order to
application of these methods will also be discussed, in the context of present a stimulus for overload.33 At
creating greater muscle cross-sectional area and developing maximal the training session level, this may be
strength. accomplished via the manipulation of
any acute exercise variables.37 However,
intermediate and advanced athletes
Introduction neurological adaptations can be may be exposed to non-traditional
obtained through resistance training training approaches that exist in order
In pursuing improvements in athletic protocols that provide a stimulus to the to provide overload within a training
performance, the development of human organism.9 As such, increases session that stimulates a new level of
maximal strength may be regarded in force development may be obtained adaptation.26,37
as fundamental in underpinning the either directly via improvements in
success for numerous sports skills.38 neuromuscular efficiency13 or indirectly Advanced approaches to training can
Therefore, ensuring that an athlete is through increases in muscle cross- be used to acutely increase either
capable of developing high levels of sectional area.18 training volume or intensity by
force is a priority for many strength prolonging the duration of the set or
and conditioning (S&C) practitioners. During the early stages of strength allowing higher loads (intensities) to
In order to achieve high levels of development, providing an athlete be lifted, respectively. Methods that aim
maximal strength, structural and with a novel stimulus is a simple to extend time under tension allow for

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an accumulation of training volume. shown to increase the deoxygenation Although these results appear to
This objective can be achieved by of a muscle, demonstrating that a mild be in favour of the use of drop sets,
1) reducing the intensity of the exercise hypoxic state may be achieved with issues around study design make
as the athlete approaches momentary this method.24 Furthermore, as MMF the findings difficult to interpret.
muscular fatigue (MMF)34 or by is reached and surpassed with this As Goto et al22 and Giessing et al20
2) targeting a muscle group with a series technique,16 motor unit activation may did not control for training volume,
of exercises, performed consecutively be maximised through Henneman’s it may be that the addition of a drop
to fatigue.15 size principle:7 as fatigue ensues, both set led to an increase in training
lower and higher threshold motor volumes across the intervention and,
Accumulation methods include: units will be recruited to maintain therefore, the positive results may
force output for the duration of the set. be a consequence of participants
š Drop sets By reducing the load following MMF, it completing more total work.34;16 As such,
š Forced repetitions has been hypothesised that fatigue will this evidence is unable to demonstrate
š Pre- and post-exhaustion occur across a wider spectrum of motor whether the additional training volume
units when compared to traditional or mechanisms associated with the
Methods that attempt to increase sets, leading to greater adaptation.16 drop set explain the results. Regardless,
training intensity tend to do so by these findings do suggest that when
either diminishing fatigue,25 reducing In establishing the effectiveness of logistical factors constrain training
the work output through manipulating drop sets, early work by Goto et al21 time, increases in training density
the distance a load is moved,12 or showed that the addition of a drop through the incorporation of drop
by employing an alternate muscle set using 50% 1RM following a high sets may allow for increased training
contraction type.4 intensity training protocol resulted efficiency relative to time.
in significantly greater increases
Intensification methods include: in acute growth hormone response. When total training volume has been
Although the hormone hypothesis matched, the benefits of drop sets appear
š Cluster sets has been questioned as it relates to to dissipate. Angleri et al2 showed that 12
š Partial range of movements exercises muscle hypertrophy adaptations,39 weeks of drop sets performed
š Eccentric training these findings do suggest a modified unilaterally, with 6-12 repetitions at
physiological response following the 75% 1RM, followed by up to two drops
The aim of this two-part article supplementation of traditional training of 20% load reductions, produced no
is to provide an overview of the with a low intensity drop set. better gains in leg extensor strength
underpinning mechanisms for each or muscle cross-sectional area when
of the advanced training methods, Further work by Goto et al22 compared compared to a traditional routine
as well as an evidence-based review a traditional strength protocol of five completing the same total training
of their application in a strength and sets at 90%1RM to the same training volume on the contralateral extremity.
conditioning setting. This is viewed regime with the addition of a drop These results are similar to that of
from the perspective of how each method set using a 25-35 RM load following Fisher et al.16 Of interest, Angleri et
may be used to increase either muscle the fifth set. Following a four-week al2 recruited 32 well-trained male
hypertrophy or maximal strength. Part training programme using the leg subjects, with resistance training
1 focuses on accumulation methods, press and leg extension exercises, experience of 6.4 ± 2.0 years.
and part 2 discusses the efficacy of the intervention group achieved To the authors’ knowledge, this is one
intensification methods to increasing significantly greater levels of leg of the few studies that has recruited
training novelty for intermediate and strength and muscular endurance22 experienced lifters to investigate the
advanced athletes. when compared to a traditional loading efficacy of drop sets.
scheme. Although not significant
(p = 0.08), an increase in muscle cross- In the same study, Angleri and co-
Drop sets sectional area was also observed in the authors2 increased total training volume
intervention group incorporating the by 7% every six workouts for each
Drop sets are one of the most popular drop set protocol.22 protocol. Therefore, it is possible that
methods for prolonging time under progressive overload was sufficiently
tension. Drop sets involve an athlete These results are similar to that of applied for each loading scheme and,
reaching a point of MMF (or at least Giessing et al,20 who found that in therefore, the addition of drop sets did
approaching MMF) and reducing recreationally trained subjects, a not offer any benefit. In this sense, it
the load in order to increase the work drop set protocol led to favourable is likely that each training condition
completed and extend the set duration, results when compared to a traditional allowed the athlete to stimulate muscle
resulting in greater fatigue. As high loading scheme following a 10-week protein synthesis by crossing the
levels of fatigue (transient decrease intervention. Increases in performance required volume threshold in order to
in ability to produce voluntary force) during sub-maximal strength tests achieve adaptation. Therefore, it appears
correspond with metabolic stress (10RM) and non-significant, yet positive that the addition of drop sets provides
and local ischaemia,35 this technique increases in whole body muscle mass no added benefit beyond increasing
provides a logical stimulus for muscle (effect size = 0.27 vs -0.34) support the training volume. As previously stated,
hypertrophy. Research seems to support use of drop sets over traditional loading this provides the S&C practitioner with
this hypothesis, with drop sets being schemes. a useful tool. With training volume

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being shown to be a prerequisite for significantly, the effect sizes were larger traditional loading protocol surpassed
increasing maximal strength30 and for the drop set group (0.47 vs. 0.25).14 that of the drop set group (effect size =
muscle hypertrophy,31 in circumstances Of interest in this study was that the 0.88 versus 1.34).14 Although this finding
where time is constrained, coaches may drop set protocol involved only a single did not reach a significant level,14 this
use drop sets to increase total training working set, whereas the traditional difference may be due to the average
volume and therefore, overcome the training protocol performed three reduction in training intensity for the
volume threshold in order to stimulate working sets.14 These findings support drop set intervention group. As training
adaptations. the notion that when time limitations intensity is imperative for increasing
exist, a drop set protocol can be maximal strength,32 drop sets are
In support of this notion, Fink et al14 employed in order to increase the therefore potentially an inferior method
recently demonstrated that following efficiency of the training session when for increasing force output if volume is
a six-week intervention, triceps seeking to increase muscle mass. equated.
brachii cross-sectional area increased
significantly following a drop set It should be noted, however, that Fink et However, when drop sets are employed
protocol. Although the increases in al14 established a difference in maximal with heavier loads, they have been
muscle mass did not surpass that strength following the intervention. shown to increase maximal strength
of a traditional loading scheme Gains in maximal strength for the beyond traditional loading schemes.

Table 1. Example four-week training block aimed at developing functional hypertrophy in the upper body. Note that the
interset recoveries displayed in brackets represent the rest period prior to the completion of the drop set. *perform one
drop set; **perform two drop sets; AMAP = as many reps as possible

1 4 8, 8, 6, 6* 75-80% 1RM AMAP with 60% 1RM 120s (10s)

2 4 8, 8, 6, 6** 75-80% 1RM AMAP with 60% and 45% 1RM 120s (10s)
3 5 8, 8, 6, 6, 6** 75-80% 1RM AMAP with 60% and 45% 1RM 120s (10s)
4 3 6 75% 1RM - 120s



1 4 8, 8, 6, 6* 75-80% 1RM AMAP with 60% 1RM 120s (10s)

2 4 8, 8, 6, 6** 75-80% 1RM AMAP with 60% and 45% 1RM 120s (10s)
3 5 8, 8, 6, 6, 6** 75-80% 1RM AMAP with 60% and 45% 1RM 120s (10s)
4 3 6 75% 1RM - 120s



1 2 10, 8* 70-75% AMAP with 50% 1RM 120s (10s)

2 2 10, 8* 70-75% AMAP with 50% 1RM 120s (10s)
3 3 10, 8, 8* 70-75% AMAP with 50% 1RM 120s (10s)
4 2 8 70-75% - 120s



1 2 10, 8* 70-75% AMAP with 50% 1RM 120s (10s)

2 2 10, 8* 70-75% AMAP with 50% 1RM 120s (10s)
3 3 10, 8, 8* 70-75% AMAP with 50% 1RM 120s (10s)
4 2 8 70-75% - 120s

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Berger and Hardage5 demonstrated that hypertrophy are likely to be a result of this technique exist, however, with
when repetitions are equated, a drop set increased training volume. the need of assistance being required.
protocol – whereby participants begin As such, the level of support during
with a 1RM and reduced resistance Acute elevations in hormonal the forced repetitions is difficult to
in order to perform 10 repetitions – responses have been shown following control and prescribe for during each
produced superior strength gains the performance of forced repetitions, repetition. Therefore, if coaches seek
in comparison to performing a exceeding that of traditional training. to ensure progressive overload is
single set with a 10RM resistance. Ahtiainen et al1 found that following achieved throughout the training cycle,
This is probably due to higher average sets of 12 repetitions, where a load above consideration should be given to this
intensity prescription.32 Although such 12RM was used and forced repetitions concern.
results are desirable, coaches should were required, hormonal responses
use this type of protocol with caution, as in both cortisol and growth hormone Table 2 demonstrates how forced
the fatigue incurred is probably high.10 exceeded a protocol of traditional repetitions may be incorporated
With the nature of drop sets requiring loading. Although total repetitions were into a training programme
that athletes repetitively reach the point matched between loading schemes, seeking to increase hypertrophy
of MMF, non-functional overreaching total training volume was not equated. for the thigh musculature across a
may occur, with a reduced anabolic Therefore, these findings – if relevant – four-week training block. Similar to the
environment potentially negating any could be due to increase total volume previous example, forced repetitions
positive benefits.27 load via the use of higher intensities. are gradually introduced within the
initial three weeks, and then removed
Table 1 (on previous page) provides Studies investigating the chronic in the fourth to allow for recovery
an example of how drop sets may be effect of forced repetitions on before proceeding into the next phase
employed during a phase of training muscle hypertrophy and maximal of training. It is recommended that
focused on increasing functional strength are lacking. Drinkwater et the same spotter be used across the
hypertrophy for the upper extremity. al11 had both elite basketball and training block in order to provide
Note the progressive incorporation of volleyball players participate in a consistency between sessions. Each
drop sets across the initial three weeks six-week intervention, whereby three spotter should be well trained on how
within the training block. For example, groups performed either a 12x3, 4x6 to aid the athlete in performing the
with the mid grip flat barbell bench or 8x3 set-rep scheme, all with a 6RM additional repetitions, ensuring the
press exercise, the athlete in week one load. Although each group performed athlete achieves MMF.
performs 2 sets of 8 repetitions and 2 forced repetitions at varying amounts
sets of 6 repetitions, with a single drop as required in order to complete the set-
set following the fourth set using 60% rep scheme prescribed, the 4x6 group Pre-exhaustion
1RM. This is progressed in the third performed significantly more forced
week with the athlete performing 5 repetitions than both the 12x3 and Pre-exhaustion techniques are
total sets, with the final set followed 8x3 group.11 However, no difference suggested to work on a similar premise
immediately by a double drop set, using was found in muscle hypertrophy to drop sets and forced repetitions,
60% and then 45% 1RM loads. or maximal strength between the whereby fatiguing a muscle with a
groups following the training single joint exercise before a multi-joint
During this phase, overload is achieved intervention.11 Readers should be movement has the potential to increase
through the gradual accumulation of aware that anthropometric data were the level of fatigue to which a muscle is
training volume over the initial three taken using chest circumference and exposed.17 The resultant fatigue would,
weeks. As fatigue is accumulated, the skinfold measurement in order to therefore, theoretically lead to greater
fourth week is designed as a de-load estimate changes in muscle mass.11 recruitment of higher threshold motor
week with drop sets omitted from the Such techniques have been shown units during the second movement,7
session, so as to allow the athlete to to lack sensitivity when establishing as well as increasing the metabolic
experience a supercompensation effect. changes in muscle hypertrophy.8 stress within the target muscle.
However, these results do indicate An example of a pre-fatigue method
that, in a similar way to research would be for an athlete to perform
Forced repetitions investigating the effects of drop a seated leg extension to MMF in
sets, when the volume and intensity order to pre-fatigue the quadriceps,
Forced repetitions require the athlete threshold is met, advanced techniques immediately followed by the barbell
to achieve concentric failure on a given should not be viewed as a superior back squat. This method of inducing
exercise; then, with the assistance of a method to that of traditional loading greater fatigue ostensibly increases
training partner or coach, additional schemes. the neuromuscular recruitment of
repetitions are performed as the the target muscle by allowing non-
‘spotter’ aids the lifter with achieving As forced repetitions may allow for fatigued muscles to support in
additional volume. In this sense, forced increases in training density via the the performance of the compound
repetitions are very similar to drop sets, addition of training volume per unit movement.28
whereby as the athlete reaches MMF, of time, coaches have the option of
the reduction in load allows the athlete employing forced repetitions when a However, studies analysing the
to attain a higher level of fatigue.1 As time restriction exists in the planning electromyography (EMG) of the prime
such, superior gains in strength or of training sessions. Limitations to mover have failed to show increases

10 P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K

in muscle activity during the multi- flyes6 exercises were used to pre-exhaust This counterintuitive thought process
joint movement following a pre-fatigue the pectoralis major prior to a pressing requires further investigation, but the
exercise.3,19 In fact, Augustsson et al3 exercise, pectoralis major activation theoretical mechanism has potential.
demonstrated that during the leg press reduced significantly. Therefore, the Furthermore, the long-term effects of
exercise, the rectus femoris and vastus relevant body of literature disputes the this strategy on synergistic muscle
lateralis EMG activity significantly notion that a pre-exhausting technique activity should also be established.
decreased following the pre-fatigue leads to greater muscle activation
technique, induced via the seated leg during the multi-joint movement. For both Gentil et al19 and Brennecke et
extension exercise. Subjects also were al,6 the pre-fatiguing stimulus (ie, the
able to perform significantly less reps Interestingly, the triceps brachii muscle isolation exercise) was performed to
on the multi-joint leg press exercise activity has been shown to significantly MMF. However, Júnior et al29 showed
following the seated leg extension increase during horizontal pressing that when the isolation exercise was not
exercise.3 As a result of these findings, exercises, following the pre-exhaustion carried out to MMF, muscle activation
the authors suggest that pre-fatiguing of pectoralis major.6,19 This suggests was higher in the target muscle during
a muscle is unlikely to lead to greater that when a target muscle is pre- the subsequent multi-joint exercise.
gains in muscle hypertrophy or maximal fatigued, synergistic muscle activation This finding provides the rationale for
strength.3 This is also likely to be the is up-regulated in order to compensate why many coaches choose to include
case for increasing maximal strength during multi-joint movements. The isolated hip extensor work in their
during the compound movement, due strength and conditioning practitioner dynamic warm up routines. This same
to lower intensities being handled in may use this finding to increase the strategy may, therefore, be employed in
order to complete a given repetition muscle recruitment of down-regulated resistance training sessions, whereby
number. muscles (secondary to inhibition). For a target muscle is stimulated acutely
example, if a coach wanted an athlete in order to enhance its activation
These results are supported by studies to improve their gluteal recruitment during a compound exercise. Ensuring
investigating muscle activation during the squat, it may be that pre- the isolation exercise is not carried
strategies in the upper extremity fatiguing the quadriceps demands out to MMF will likely accomplish
during the bench press movement.6,19 increased muscle activity of the this increase in muscle activation.
When either the pec deck19 or dumbbell gluteals as a compensatory mechanism. Table 3 provides an example training

Table 2. Example four-week training block for increasing hypertrophy in the thigh musculature using forced repetitions.
Note that ‘+ 2-3 FR’ indicates the number of forced repetitions that should be performed with assistance from a spotter

1 4 6 75-80% 1RM 180s

2 5 5 77-82% 1RM 180s
3 6 4 80-85% 1RM 180s
4 3 6 75-80% 1RM 180s



1 2 8 + 2-3 FR 72-75% 1RM 180s

2 3 8 + 2-3 FR 72-75% 1RM 180s
3 3 8 + 2-3 FR 75-77% 1RM 180s
4 2 8 75-77% 1RM 180s



1 3 8-10 70-75% 120s

2 3 8-10 70-75% 120s
3 4 6-8 72-77% 120s
4 2 6-8 72-77% 120s

P R O F E SS I O N A L S T R E N GT H & C O N D I T I O N I N G / W W W. U K S CA . O R G . U K 11

session that may be employed to hypertrophy beyond what traditional strategies. With reduced activation
increase gluteal recruitment during training methods offer as long as of the fatigued muscle and increased
squatting. progressive overload is achieved. recruitment of synergistic prime
As training volume for muscle movers,3,6,19 coaches may use the pre-
To date, very few longitudinal studies hypertrophy appears to be subject exhaustion method to emphasise the
have been conducted in order to to the law of diminishing returns,36 activation of certain muscles during
establish the long-term benefits of the these methods are probably inadequate multi-joint movements. Furthermore,
pre-exhaustion method. Fisher et al16 at stimulating further increases in by not taking the target muscle to MMF,
investigated the effects of a 12-week muscle hypertrophy as long as a coaches may increase the activation
intervention programme using the volume threshold is met within the of potentially inefficient muscles
pre-exhaustion technique, finding no training cycle. Furthermore, with during compound exercises, in order
significant differences in upper and techniques such as drop sets and to improve the athlete’s movement
lower extremity strength or changes in forced repetitions requiring an athlete quality.29
body composition in comparison to a to achieve MMF, the accumulation
traditional training group. Effect sizes of fatigue may be problematic as
for both groups also did not differ.16 it increases the potential for non- Conclusion
Therefore, it appears that employing the functional overreaching.27
pre-exhaustion training method does Advanced approaches can be employed
not lead to superior gains in muscle Accumulation methods, such as drop that allow coaches to raise training
hypertrophy or maximal strength when sets and the pre-exhaustion technique, volume through elevating training
training exposure is controlled. may be inferior in increasing maximal density. Drop sets, forced repetitions
strength due to the average training and pre-exhaustion methods all
intensity being reduced when volume have the potential to increase total
Practical applications is equated. As training intensity is a work completed per unit of time.
crucial factor for consideration when The resultant fatigue induced has
High training volume is a key developing force output capacity,32 the potential to act as a stimulus for
determinant in stimulating muscle incorporating methods that reduce structural adaptations. Thus, increases
hypertrophy,36 likely to be caused training intensity at the expense of in muscle hypertrophy and maximal
through the raised metabolic stress.23,24 increasing training density may be strength may be observed following
As such, strategies that extend time insufficient for developing maximal these methods, although the present
under tension and therefore increase strength. However, at times of the year body of evidence suggests that they
training volume, may be predominantly where maximal strength is the focus are no more superior than traditional
used to target increases in muscle and muscle mass is to be maintained, training methods as long as training
cross-sectional area. These methods incorporating a drop set or forced volume is equated and progressive
may be particularly useful when a time repetitions at the end of a strength overload is present.
constraint exists and coaches need to routine may allow for a hypertrophy
increase training density in order to stimulus to be present, without Part 2 of this article will discuss the
drive a hypertrophic response. excessive time being required.22 mechanisms and potential benefits of
intensification methods. Following this
However, in situations where time is not Lastly, the pre-exhaustion technique discussion, the practical application
limited, these accumulation methods may be used to manipulate the of intensification methods will be
appear to be unable to increase muscle organisation of muscle activation discussed.

Table 3. Example training session for increasing gluteal recruitment during the barbell back squat

A1 Barbell hip thrusts 4 5 50% 1RM 60s

A2 Barbell back squat 4 4-5 80-85% 1RM 120s
B1 Romanian deadlifts 4 6-8 75% 1RM 120s
C1 Barbell reverse lunge 3 6-8 each leg 75% 1RM 120s

Louis has been coaching international level athletes for over ten years. He is Mark is a senior lecturer
currently a lecturer at the University of Cumbria, in both the Sport Rehabilitation in exercise physiology
and Sport and Exercise Science undergraduate degrees. Academically, he is at St Mary’s University,
currently completing his PhD, investigating the variability of compensatory Twickenham.
movement strategies derived from ankle dorsiflexion range of motion deficits.

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