Exercise Problems Electrical Machines 291010

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Exercise Problems Electrical Machines EE 211 S III(EL), EE 419 S VII(ME)

1-Fundamentals of Electromagnetism

1-5. A ferromagnetic core is shown in Figure P1-2. The depth of the core is 5 cm. The
other dimensions of the core are as shown in the figure. Find the value of the current
that will produce a flux of 0.005 Wb. With this current, what is the flux density at the top
of the core? What is the flux density at the right side of the core? Assume that the
relative permeability of the core is 1000.

Answer: 0.67 T, 2.0 T

1-6. A ferromagnetic core with a relative permeability of 1500 is shown in Figure P1-3.
The dimensions are as shown in the diagram, and the depth of the core is 7 cm. The air
gaps on the left and right sides of the core are 0.070 and 0.020 cm, respectively.
Because of fringing effects, the effective area of the air gaps is 5 percent larger than
their physical size. If there are 4001 turns in the coil wrapped around the center leg of
the core and if the current in the coil is 1.0 A, what is the flux in each of the left, center,
and right legs of the core? What is the flux density in each air gap?

Answer: 0.00193 wb , 0.00229 wb , 0.375 T , 0.445 T

1-8. A core with three legs is shown in Figure P1-5. Its depth is 5 cm, and there are 200
turns on the leftmost leg. The relative permeability of the core can be assumed to be
1500 and constant. What flux exists in each of the three legs of the core? What is the
flux density in each of the legs? Assume a 4% increase in the effective area of the air
gap due to fringing effects.

Answer; 0.522 T, 0.208 T, 0.176 T

Chapman 4th ed. Chapter 8

8-1. The following information is given about the simple rotating loop shown in Figure
B=0.8 T VB =24 V
l =0.5 m R=0.4 Ω
r =0.125 m ω=250 rad/s

(a) Is this machine operating as a motor or a generator? Explain.

(b) What is the current i flowing into or out of the machine? What is the power flowing
into or out of the machine?
(c) If the speed of the rotor were changed to 275 rad/s, what would happen to the
current flow into or out of the machine?
(d) If the speed of the rotor were changed to 225 rad/s, what would happen to the
current flow into or out of the machine?

Answer: a) Generator, charging the battery b)2.5 A c) eind= 27.5 V, i=8.75 A d) 22.5 V, 3.75 (motor)

8-7. An eight-pole, 25-kW, 120-V DC generator has a duplex lap-wound armature, which has
64 coils with 16 turns per coil. Its rated speed is 2400 r/min.
(a) How much flux per pole is required to produce the rated voltage in this generator at no-
load conditions?
(b) What is the current per path in the armature of this generator at the rated load?
(c) What is the induced torque in this machine at the rated load?
(d) If the resistance of this winding is 0.011 Ω per turn, what is the armature resistance R A
of this machine?
[ Hint: a=mp, where m=plex= 2 for duplex winding]

Answer: 0.00293 Wb, 13 A , 99.3 N⋅m, 0.044 Ω

Q: A shunt motor draws a current of 38A from a 120V Dc source. The field resistance is 50 Ω
and the armature circuit resistance is 0.25 Ω. Calculate (a) The field current (b) armature
current (c) Back emf (d) Back emf at starting when the armature is at standstill.

(Ans: 2.4A , 35.6A , 111.1 V , 0V)

Q: A 4 pole 220Vshunt motor has 540 conductors. It takes 32A from the supply mains and
develops 5.595kW. the field winding takes 1A. the armature resistance is 0.9 ohms and the
flux is 30mwb. Calculate the speed in rpm and the torque developed in N-m if the number of
parallel current paths is equal to the number of poles.
(Answer: 706 rpm, 75.1 N-m)

Q: The armature of a 230V dc shunt motor has a resistance of 0.18 ohms. If the armature
current is not to exceed 76A, then calculate: a) the resistance that must be connected in
series with the armature at the instant of starting b) the value to which this resistance is to
reduce when the armature accelerates until back emf is 168V c) the armature current at the
instant of starting if no resistance is inserted in the armature circuit
(Ans: 2.846 ohms, 0.6357 ohms, 1277.77 A)

Series Motor

Q: A 600V DC series motor operates at 600 rpm when running at full load. The armature
resistance is 0.12 ohms and the series field is 0.04 ohms. The motor draws 200A at full load.
Calculated: a) the armature back emf at full load b) armature developed power & internal
developed torque c) if a CHANGE IN LOAD results in line current dropping to 150 A, find the
new speed in rpm and new developed torque
(Ans: 568V, 113600W,1808.05 N-m, 811.267
rpm, 1017 N-m)
Q: A 600rpm, 240V dc series motor has a rated line current of 38A, an armature resistance
of 0.4 ohms and a series field resistance of 0.2 ohms. It is required to provide a starting
torque of 225% of the rated torque. Find the value of the required starting resistor.
(Ans: 3.61 ohms)
DC Generator
Q: When a generator is being driven at 1200 rpm, the generated voltage is 125V. What will
be the generated voltage if:

a) the field flux is decreased by 10% with the speed remaining unchanged.
b) Speed is reduced to 1100 rpm with the field flux remaining unchanged.


Q: A shunt field winding of a 240V DC generator has a resistance of 60 ohms. How much
field rheostat resistance must be added to limit the field current to 3 Amps. when the
generator is operating at the rated voltage?
(Ans: Radj =20Ω)
Q: A 120V shunt generator has a field circuit resistance of 90 Ω. What is the armature
current when the generator supplies 25A to the load?
(Ans; Ia= 26.33A)

Q:A self excited DC shunt Generator is rated at 200 kW at 240V.

a) what is the full load current?

b) If the field resistance is 100 Ω, find the field current.
c) What is the full load armature current?
(Ans: 833.3 A , 2.4 A , 835.73 A)

Q: A shunt generator supplies a load of 106A at 125V. The shunt field resistance is 31.2 Ω
and the armature resistance is 0.11 Ω. Find;

a) the shunt field copper loss in watts and in hp.

b) the armature copper loss in watts and in hp.
(Ans: 500W, 0.67 hp, 1331 w, 1.784 hp)

Q: A 13.2-kV single-phase generator supplies power to a load through a transmission

line. The load’s
impedance is Z load = 500 <36.87 Ω ∨ ., and the transmission line’s impedance is Z line

= 60< 53.1°Ω.
(a) If the generator is directly connected to the load (Figure a ), what is the ratio of the
voltage to the generated voltage? What are the transmission losses of the system?
(b) If a 1:10 step-up transformer is placed at the output of the generator and a 10:1
transformer is
placed at the load end of the transmission line, what is the new ratio of the load voltage
to the generated voltage? What are the transmission losses of the system now? (Note:
The transformers may be assumed to be ideal.)

Q: A 15-kVA 8000/230-V distribution transformer has an impedance referred to the

primary of 80 + j300 Ω.The components of the excitation branch referred to the primary
side are . R C= 350 kΩ and
X M . = 70 kΩ
(a) If the primary voltage is 7967 V and the load impedance is ZL = 3.2 + j1.5 Ω, what is
the secondary
voltage of the transformer? What is the voltage regulation of the transformer?
(Ans: 218.8∟ 3.1⁰ V, 4.7%)

(b) If the load is disconnected and a capacitor of –j3.5 . is connected in its place, what is
the secondary voltage of the transformer? What is its voltage regulation under these
(Ans: 246.5 ∟1.2⁰ V , -7.07%)

Q: A single-phase power system is shown in Figure. The power source feeds a 100-kVA
transformer through a feeder impedance of 40.0 + j150 Ω. The transformer’s equivalent
series impedance referred to its low-voltage side is 0.12 + j0.5Ω.The load on the
transformer is 90 kW at 0.85 PF lagging and 2300 V.

(a) What is the voltage at the power source of the system? (Ans: 14.4∟3.5⁰ kV)
(b) What is the voltage regulation of the transformer? (Ans:0.74%)
(c) How efficient is the overall power system? (Ans:97.1%)

Q: A 1000-VA 230/115-V transformer has been tested to determine its equivalent circuit.
The results of the tests are shown below.
Open-circuit test Short-circuit test
VOC = 230 V VSC = 19.1 V
IOC = 0.45 A ISC = 8.7 A
POC = 30 W PSC = 42.3 W

All data were taken from the primary side of the transformer.
(a) Find the equivalent circuit of this transformer referred to the low-voltage side of the
(Ans: Rc’=441Ω, XM’=134Ω,
Req=0.14Ω,Xeq=0.532Ω )
(b) Find the transformer’s voltage regulation at rated conditions and (1) 0.8 PF lagging,
(2) 1.0 PF, (3) 0.8PF leading. (Ans: 3.3%,1.1%,-
(c) Determine the transformer’s efficiency at rated conditions and 0.8 PF lagging.

Chapter 4 AC Machinery fundamentals

Q4.1& Q 4.3 Chapman

Chapter 5 :Synchronous Generator

Q: when two 4-poles, 50 Hz synchronous generators are paralleled, their phase

displacement is 2⁰ mechanical. The synchronous reactance of each alternator is 10Ω/phase
and the common bus bar voltage is 6.6kV. Calculate the synchronous torque.
( Ans: 973.5 N-m)

Q: A 6.6kV synchronous generator has negligible resistance and synchronous reactance of 4

Ω/phase . It is connected to an infinite busbar and gives 2000 amperes at unity power factor.
If the excitation is increased by 25%, find the maximum power output and the corresponding
power factor. State any assumption made.
( ans: 31.6MW, 0.96 leading)
Note: an infinite bus bar has constant voltage & frequency

Q5-2: A 2300-V 1000-kVA 0.8-PF-lagging 60-Hz two-pole Y-connected synchronous

generator has a
synchronous reactance of 1.1Ω and an armature resistance of 0.15 Ω. At 60 Hz, its friction
and windage
losses are 24 kW, and its core losses are 18 kW. The field circuit has a dc voltage of 200 V,
and the
maximum IF is 10 A. The resistance of the field circuit is adjustable over the range from 20 to
200 Ω.
The OCC of this generator is shown in Figure below.
(a) How much field current is required to make VT equal to 2300 V when the generator is
running at no
(b) What is the internal generated voltage of this machine at rated conditions?
(c) How much field current is required to make VT equal to 2300 V when the generator is
running at rated
(d) How much power and torque must the generator’s prime mover be capable of supplying?
(e) Construct a capability curve for this generator.
(Answer: 4.25A, 1537 <7.4° V
,5.9Α,870.4 ,465 Ν. m ,)
Chapter 6: Synchronous Motor

Q 6-1. A 480-V, 60 Hz, four-pole synchronous motor draws 50 A from the line at
unity power factor and full load. Assuming that the motor is lossless, answer the
following questions:
(a) What is the output torque of this motor? Express the answer both in newton-
meters and in pound-feet.
(b) What must be done to change the power factor to 0.8 leading? Explain your
answer, using phasor diagrams.
(c) What will the magnitude of the line current be if the power factor is adjusted
to 0.8 leading?
(Ans : 221 N m 62.5 A)
Q 6-2. A 480-V, 60 Hz, 400-hp 0.8-PF-leading six-pole .-connected synchronous motor
has a synchronous reactance of 1.1 . and negligible armature resistance. Ignore its
friction, windage, and core losses for the
purposes of this problem.
(a) If this motor is initially supplying 400 hp at 0.8 PF lagging, what are the magnitudes
and angles of EA and I A ?
(b) How much torque is this motor producing? What is the torque angle? How near is
this value to the maximum possible induced torque of the motor for this field current
(c) If EA is increased by 15 percent, what is the new magnitude of the armature current?
What is the
motor’s new power factor?
(Ans: 384< 36.4° V , 4000 N m, -31.1°, 227<- 24.1° A)\

Q: A 600V, 6 poles synchronous motor draws 50 A from the line at unity power factor
and full load. Assuming the motor is lossless. Answer the following questions:
a) what is the output torque of the motor?
b) What must be done to change the power factor to 0.8 leading? Explain your
answer with the help of phasor digram.
c) What will be the line current if the power factor is adjusted to 0.8 leading?

Induction motor
Q: A 20 hp,230V,60Hz,4-pole,3-phase induction motor operating at rated load has a
rotor copper loss of 331W and a combined friction, windage, and stray losses of
249W. Determine:
a) Air gap power
b) Mechanical power developed
c) Shaft speed
d) Developed torque

Q 7-4. A three-phase, 60-Hz induction motor runs at 890 r/min at no load and at 840
r/min at full load.
(a) How many poles does this motor have?
(b) What is the slip at rated load?
(c) What is the speed at one-quarter of the rated load?
(d) What is the rotor’s electrical frequency at one-quarter of the rated load?

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