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Coffee is a bre+ed be5erage +ith a dar)/ slightly acidic fla5or &re&ared from the roasted seeds of

thecoffee &lant/ collo’uially calledcoffee beans* he beansare found in coffee cherries/ +hich gro+ on
trees culti5ated in o5er 71 countries/ &rimarily in e’uatorialLatin America/Southeast Asia/South Asia
andAfrica*.reen 8unroasted9 coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the+orld*
Coffee can ha5e a stimulating effect on humans due to itscaffeine content*”t is one of the
most:consumed be5erages in the +orld*Coffee has t+o main 5arieties or s&ecies/ coffee Arabica and
coffeecane&hora or more &o&ularly )no+n %obusta* Coffee Arabica +as originallyculti5ated in the
Arabian Peninsula +hile coffee cane&hora is gro+n in manyregions* Coffee cane&hora has fe+er fla5ors
and contains more caffeine than thecoffee Arabica* !o+e5er coffee cane&hora contains more
antio6idants than coffeeArabica*oday/ coffee is the second largest traded commodity in the +orld;
mostes&ressos blends use good ‘uality of coffee cane&hora beans because it &roducesmore foamy
heads and are chea&er than Arabica coffee*Coffee/ for so many generations had been a 5ital thing in
household* “t had been/ for some addiction that their day +ouldn<t be com&lete +ithout multi&le cu&s

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