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Accelerated Real-Time Simulations for Testing

a Reactive Power Flow Controller in Long-Term
Case Studies
Katja Sirviö, Student Member, IEEE, Mike Mekkanen, Kimmo Kauhaniemi, Member, IEEE, Hannu
Laaksonen, Member, IEEE, Ari Salo, Felipe Castro, Davood Babazadeh

 connected in DSOs grids. The flexibility services from DER for

Abstract— This paper presents research related to the DSOs and TSOs can be realized, e.g., as part of active network
development of an accelerated real-time co-simulation and testing management (ANM) functions for grid-connected microgrids.
platform, especially for the long-term simulations. The platform is Currently, the standards for microgrids, especially IEEE and
planned to be utilized for the development and testing of active
network management functions for microgrids and smart grids.
IEC, for the control and management are under development,
The long-term simulations are needed in order to study, for and only a few standards for microgrids have been published so
example, the potential weekly, monthly, or yearly usage of far [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. However, for the
distribution network connected distributed energy resources for development of microgrid control and management functions,
different technical flexibility services. In order to test new different simulation studies and tests have been performed like
algorithms in long-term study cases the real-time simulations or [11], [12]. Different kind of vendor-defined microgrid
hardware-in-the-loop tests should be accelerated. In this paper,
the reactive power flow control was studied between different
controllers have already been developed and tested [13]. The
voltage levels (HV and MV) in Sundom Smart Grid in Vaasa, challenge with vendor-defined solutions is at least that they
Finland. The control of reactive power flow between HV and MV might not meet interoperability and grid-code requirements.
networks is realized with the reactive power window control Fig.1 presents the traditional impact of standardization on
algorithm by 3.6 MW MV network connected wind turbine with a product development, illustrating the product life-time cycle
full-scale power converter. The behavior of the reactive power and standardization phases [14]. Because of the phase of the
controller during long-term simulations is studied by offline and
standardization, it can be concluded that microgrid controllers
real-time simulations. Moreover, the real-time simulations are
performed with both software-in-the-loop and controller- are in the stage “need for product standards to resolve issues”.
hardware-in-the-loop. This paper analyses the possibilities and Despite the situation of the standardization, the different
challenges of the accelerated long-term simulations in studying the solutions for microgrid management are increasing globally.
potential use of large-scale wind turbine for reactive power flow However, the software upgradeability of new products
control between DSO and TSO networks. In the future, the becomes more important as requirements (e.g., grid codes and
developed platform could be also used for the development and
testing of other future active network management and microgrid
standards) change. Standardization takes more time as things
functionalities. get complicated and at the same time, the technology
development and the need for new solutions are coming out
Index Terms— Control systems, Microgrids, Power system faster. Especially the start-ups will probably not wait for the
simulation, Testing, Standards final standards. Therefore, many standards could be obsolete
when they come out and require an immediate upgrade process.
I. INTRODUCTION The standardization of microgrid control system is intended
to define the requirements for microgrids “regardless of
U TILIZATION of the distribution network connected
distributed energy resources (DER), i.e., flexibilities is
increasingly important to improve local and system-wide grid
topology, configuration or jurisdiction and to present the
control approaches required from the distribution system
resiliency and provide the technical flexibility services needed operator and the microgrid operator [1]”. The IEEE Standard
by distribution system operators (DSOs) and transmission 2030.7 defines the functions that a microgrid control system has
system operators (TSOs). Flexibilities can consist of active (P) to perform, and the IEEE Standard 2030.8 presents the testing
and reactive (Q) power control of flexible resources like procedures for adopting the functional specification of
controllable distributed generation (DG) units, energy storages microgrid control systems. According to [1], a microgrid
(ESs), controllable loads and electric vehicles (EVs) which are control system is defined as: “a system that includes the control

The research has been performed using the ERIGrid Research Infrastructure A. Salo is with Vaasan Sähköverkko, Kirkkopuistikko, 65100 Vaasa,
and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research FINLAND (e-mail:
and innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No. 654113. The F. Castro and D. Babazadeh are with Offis e.V., Escherweg 2, 26121
support of the European Research Infrastructure ERIGrid and its partner OFFIS Oldenburg, GERMANY, (e-mail:,
e.V. is very much appreciated.
K. Sirviö, M. Mekkanen, K. Kauhaniemi and H. Laaksonen are with
University of Vaasa, Wolffintie 34, 65200 Vaasa, FINLAND (e-mail:

functions that define the microgrid as a system that can manage of microgrids [4] with the purpose of:
itself, operate autonomously, and connect to and disconnect  improve electricity supply reliability and network
from the main distribution grid for the exchange of power and resilience by intentional islanding,
the supply of ancillary services; it includes the functions of the  provide power to remote areas with lower cost,
Microgrid Energy Management System (MEMS); it is the  reduce energy cost for microgrid users in grid-
microgrid controller if implemented in the form of a centralized connected mode, or
system”. [1], [2]  provide disaster-preparedness.
One requirement for microgrid controller function is to The focus in this paper is on research related to the
provide flexibility services, i.e. ancillary services (AS) [1], development of an accelerated real-time co-simulation and
which can be realized with a technical or market-based testing platform and setup, especially for the long-term
approach. Technical AS can be related, for example, to control simulations. The platform is planned to be utilized for the
of reactive power (Q) flow between the DSO’s and the TSO’s development and testing of microgrid controller ANM
network. functions for microgrids during the grid-connected mode,
The testing approach of microgrid controllers should include particularly for long-term case studies. The long-term
definitions for the test scenarios, the performance metrics, and simulations are needed in order to study, for example, the
the testing environment that can range from a fully simulated potential weekly, monthly or yearly usage and operation of
environment to real equipment installed in the field [2], [15]. distribution network connected distributed energy resources for
Fig. 2 presents the coverage and fidelity of the different testing different technical flexibility services. The developed
methods [16]. Pure simulation is utilized in the research stage simulation setup consists of the real measurement data from a
and in a very early stage of product development. In controller- living lab Sundom Smart Grid (SSG), a simulated power grid,
hardware-in-the-loop (CHIL) simulation, the controller is a real communications, control functions, and a controller.
device, but everything else is simulated. In power-hardware-in- In Section II, the SSG and the different requirements for the
the-loop (PHIL) simulations, there are real power devices (e.g., reactive power flow are presented. Next, Section III presents
photovoltaic unit, loads, storage) in addition to the controller. the real-time co-simulation platform. The different simulations,
Consequently, it is essential to build up comprehensive test executed tests, and experiments with the developed platform are
platforms for microgrid controllers that can perform the CHIL presented in Section IV. Finally, the conclusions and the
and further PHIL simulations and tests for different types of discussions are presented in Section V.
required functionalities [1], [2] to verify the proper operation of
the developed microgrid controller functions. Besides, the test II. SUNDOM SMART GRID (SSG)
platform should be flexible so that it can serve different kinds
Fig. 3. presents the outline of the SSG, which is a local MV
network-based smart grid pilot created in co-operation by ABB,
Vaasan Sähköverkko (DSO), Elisa (communications) and
University of Vaasa [17]. The SSG enables the development of
AS solutions for future grids over the traditional boundaries
from the HV level to the LV level. In the SSG, there are four
MV feeders, and one (J08) is only for the wind turbine (WT).
Real-time IEC 61850 generic object oriented substation event
(GOOSE) and sampled value (SV) measurements are gathered
online from all the four feeders at the HV/MV substation as well
as from three MV/LV substations with 20 measurement points.
For the future research purposes, the measurement data is
collected to servers.
Fig. 1. Product sales and standards cycle. [14] The different requirements for reactive power flow between
the MV and HV networks in the studied SSG, with several
requirements and targets are presented in [18]. In Europe,
European Network of Transmission System Operators for
Electricity, ENTSO-E, sets grid code requirements, for
example, for connection of demand and generators [19], [20].
Moreover, the national TSO has set requirements to the DSOs
reactive power flow by “Reactive Power Window” [21] at the
point of interconnection (POI), i.e. between the TSO and DSO
networks. The reactive power window (RPW) specifies the
amount of reactive power that can be exported to the HV
network and imported from the HV network without separate
compensation. This RPW requirement and related
Fig. 2. The coverage and fidelity of the different testing methods. Applied compensation tariff aim to optimize the reactive power flow
from [16].

Fig. 3. Simpified one-line diagram of the used SSG simulation model.

from the transmission network point of view, for example,

related to capacity. In addition, reliable and future-proof
islanding detection as well as possibility to make the stable Fig. 4. The real-time co-simulation platform. [27]
transition to islanded operation can be considered
simultaneously with the reactive power flow control between IV. EXECUTED TESTS AND EXPERIMENTS
HV and MV networks [22], [23], [24], [25].
In this research, parameters to perform accelerated real-time
Based on the results presented in [26] there would be 80 k€
simulations reliably are defined and analyzed by testing the
yearly costs for the DSO caused by capacitive reactive power
improved RPW control algorithm [27]. The SIL offline, SIL
flow generated by cables in the SSG. In [27], the use cases and
real-time, as well as the CHIL tests, are performed with the
the future scenarios for reactive power management are
defined parameters in the developed [28] real-time co-
developed further to study and develop the RPW controller. The
simulation platform in order to find out how the real-time
studied scenarios are Scenario 2018, Scenario 2028, and
simulation could be accelerated, what kind of phenomena can
Scenario 2035.
occur, and when the results are reliable. The SIL and CHIL real-
time the test results should correspond to the SIL offline results
in consideration of possible communication and hardware
The utilized real-time simulation platform is based on processor delays.
OPAL-RT’s system consisting of power system simulations I this study, the simulations are performed with the controller
with ePHASORSIM (transient stability, phasor mode) as well limits set according to Fig 5. The limits for the controlled values
as control and communications with eMEGASIM are set ± 50 kVAr tighter except QD1 = Qi + 200 kVAr for the
(electromagnetic transients, discrete type). Communication controller of the WT converter. In other words, the controller
between the controller and the simulated power system operation (trigger to calculate a setpoint value for WT
interfaces is implemented with IEC 61850 GOOSE messages converter) limits are the TSO limits (the red limits), but the set-
on Ethernet. Fig. 4 presents an outline of the platform. up limits for the WT converter are set tighter (the blue limits).
In the previous research [27] [28], for software-in-the-loop The SIL offline simulations, as well as the real-time SIL and
(SIL) simulations a GOOSE publisher block is implemented to CHIL tests, are presented in the following. In order to run long-
the real-time simulation model for publishing (sending) the term power flow simulations, one-year period in this case, the
measured active power (Pmeas) and the measured reactive power simulations are accelerated by implementing the input data
(Qmeas) from the target (OP5600 simulator) as well as the reading step from the “OpFromFile” block. This block reads
GOOSE subscriber block is implemented for subscribing from a Matlab file (.mat) and outputs the samples from the file.
(receiving) the Pmeas and Qmeas values from Ethernet network. Further, the time factor, coefficient Td, for reading a data row
For the CHIL tests, a GOOSE subscriber and publisher are from the input data (in this case 1 h average values from SSG)
implemented on the hardware under test in addition to the RPW or the look-up table is set in different values to correspond the
control algorithm. The implementation process is presented in reading step of one-hour input data. The aim is to test different
[28], where the simulation time step (Ts) is 0.01 s for the real- values for Td to find a value that does not distort the results, i.e.,
time SIL and CHIL simulations. The results gathered to the answering how much the real-time simulation could be
real-time target are hourly average active and reactive power accelerated. Now for the one-year simulation, hourly average
(PHVavg and QHVavg), instantaneous active and reactive power values of one year measurement as input data generate 8760
(PHV and QHV), active and reactive power from WT (PWT and rows of data, and the coefficient Td is set mutually to find the
QWT) and bus voltages. The CHIL tests are performed for the initial range where the results are reliable.
BagleBoneBlack (BBB) as well as for the field-programmable Table 1 presents the equivalency of Td selection to real-time
gate array (FPGA) controllers. The IEC 61850 GOOSE where Td=1 represents 1 s data reading time step. For example,
message packets traveling over the network are captured by in Option 1, by selecting Td = 0.1 means that one year
Wireshark software (.pcap files) from the traffic between the accelerated real-time simulation will take 876 s (around 15
controller and the target. The results in [28] show that FPGA is min). Further, now the simulation time step Ts = 0.01 s is
more efficient for future microgrid controller studies. equivalent 360 s compared to the real world time, which means
that the power flow of the system is known in 360 s intervals.

Option 25 (Td = 40) presents the set-up where the power flow and according to the Ts the probable new setpoint value takes in
would be calculated every 1.8 s, but the accelerated real-time effect in WT control. In the following sections, the evaluation
simulation would take 49 hours. In addition, the time-step for of the suitable initial coefficients is presented with the results
the controller action, Tc, can be selected, and it is also presented of the offline simulations.
in numbers in Table 1. Selection of Tc mimics the situation how
A. SIL offline tests
often the WT control can calculate a new setpoint if required,
Several SIL offline tests are performed to define the initial
coefficient Td for the accelerated real-time simulations. The
comparisons of the results between Option 1 and Option 4, as
well as between Option 4 and Option 22 are presented in Fig. 6.
It can be noticed that there is a difference in both comparison
cases due to the different Td values, which means that the
smaller values (0.1 and 1) are not suitable. The next trial, the
comparisons of the results between Option 16 and Option 22 as
well as Option 13 and Option 16 are shown in Fig. 7, and it can
be seen that no difference exists between the results. The latter
result indicates that suitable initial Td coefficient is ≥ 4.
By examining the results more closely, one can see that a
difference in results emerge at the moment around 4000 h and
further. Fig. 8 shows that moment in more detail with different
Td. When Td is 0.1 or 1, and even when Td is 5 or 10 the QWT
Fig. 5. The set-up for controller limits.
was “oscillating” between the hours 4031 and 4032. The
oscillation form, the amplitude of the oscillation is increasing,
illustrates that the system is in an unstable region in that hour.


time [s and

min or h]
Td [1/s]

1 0,1 876
2 0,1 876
3 0,1 876
4 1 8760
5 1 8760
6 1 8760
7 2 17520
8 2 17520
9 2 17520
10 3 26280
11 3 26280
Fig. 6. SIL offline simulation results. Comparison of the reactive power of
12 3 26280
the WT converter when Td was 0.1 or 1 as well as Td was 1 or 10.
13 4 35040
14 4 35040
15 4 35040
16 5 43800
17 5 43800
18 5 43800
19 7 61320
20 7 61320
21 7 61320
22 10 87600
23 10 87600
24 10 87600
25 20 175200
26 40 350400
27 80 700800
The total number of data rows is 8760, where a data row equivalency in real
world time is 3600 s. Fig. 7. SIL offline simulation results. Comparison of the reactive power of
1 equivalency: time representation in real wold time the WT converter when Td was 5 or 10 as well as Td was 4 or 5.

Fig. 10. Flow chart of the RPW controller.

phenomenon occurs over a period of time depending on the
selected Td.
After all, the aim of a new setpoint is to affect to the reactive
power QHV by correcting the output of the WT converter the
way that the next (QHV, PHV) point should be inside the window.
Fig. 8. SIL offline simulation results. Reactive power of WT converter when However, the RWP control is lagging a simulation step
Td was 1, 0.1, 10 or 5. The possible “oscillation” moment.
according to Fig. 10, i.e., the new setpoint is calculated based
on the last measurement of (QHV(ti-1), PHV(ti-1)). In this
particular time, it is found out that there is a possibility to have
oscillation in the controlled system due to the delay of the
control. This delay is dependent on two issues; the selection of
Td as well as the delay of the I or PI controller. The I or PI
controller was used to prevent algebraic loop in controlled
Above we stated that the total oscillation time is dependent
on Td. The effect of Td selection to the oscillation time is studied
further in order to find a relationship. Fig 11. presents the results
of the oscillation time in simulations by different values of T d.
Fig. 9. Oscillation investigation when Td = 1. The effect of the increasing the value of Td seems to decrease
the total oscillation time 𝜏 𝑇𝑑,𝑖 . Further, two results are
Also, when the Td is smaller, the value of QWT after this
oscillating hour is differing. When Td = 0.1, QWT = -0.2213 presented, one with an I controller and one with a PI controller.
MVAr and when Td = 1, QWT = -0.2305 MVAr. Aforesaid With all the cases, for the I controller, TI = 99.5 is used, and Tc
explains the difference in downstream results (after hour 4032). = 0.01. For comparison a PI controller KP = 1.2 and TI = 99.5,
In the situation when Td is 5 or 10, the oscillation happens also, as well as Tc = 0.02 is investigated. The results are presented in
but now the resulting QWT is the same (-0.3103 MVAr). Table 2. Based on these both results, in the case of suitable
This oscillation phenomenon is presented in Fig. 9 more initial values or greater (this case T d ≥ 4), it can be derived that
closely. At the moment t = 403100 the point (QHV, PHV) is inside the total oscillation time decreases in both cases linearly, in the
the window (0.7982 MVAr, 4.9824 MW) consuming active and ratio:
reactive power, while the reactive power of the WT converter 𝜏 𝑇𝑑,𝑖 = 𝜏 (1)
is capacitive, QWTset = QWTmeas = -0.1869 MVAr. In the next Based on this correlation the oscillation time would be 1.3 s
time-step t = 403101, the “measured” (QHV, PHV) point is out of in the I controller case and 3 ms in the PI controller case in the
the window QHV = 0.9620 MVArind. (the limit is QD = 0.83 real world time.
MVAr), PHV = 5.399 MW, when QWTmeas = -0.1869 MVAr. The above oscillation phenomenon occurs in accelerated
Now a new setpoint of the WT converter is calculated QWTset (t simulations. However, it was presented that the duration of the
= 403101) = -0.1820 MVAr that is realized in the control at the oscillation is decreasing when the selection of Td is increasing
next step, the moment t = 403102. However, in that moment, or gets closer to real-time. The evaluation of P and I parameters
the QWTset is not enough, and (QHV, PHV) is outside of the depending to the accelerated real-time simulation could be one
window (0.9994 MVAr, 5.4718 MW) again, while the future research problem.
QWTmeas(t=403102) = QWTset (t = 403101) = -0.1820 MVAr. This

Td Oscillation duration [s]

Case Tc=0.01, I=99.5
0,1 3600
1 3708
5 2822,4
10 1414,8
20 702
40 342
50 282,888
60 236,4
80 166,5
160 83,25*
320 41,625*
640 20,8125*
1280 10,40625*
2560 5,203125* Fig. 12. SIL offline and SIL real-time simulation results. Reactive power
5120 2,6015625*flow of WT converter when Td = 0.1 and 1. The RPW controller was set
up to the TSO limits ± 50 kVAr, except QD1 =Qi + 200 kVAr.
8760 1,30078125*

Fig. 11. Duration of oscillation.

B. SIL real-time tests

The first SIL real-time tests are performed with Td = 0.1 and
Td = 1. The results are presented in Fig. 12 by comparing them
to the corresponding SIL offline simulation results. It can be
noticed that there are slight differences again in both cases. This
due to the delay in the communications.
Next, it is studied if increasing Td decreases the difference Fig. 13. SIL offline and SIL real-time simulation results. Reactive power
between SIL offline and SIL real-time results i.e. eliminate the flow of WT converter when Td = 5, Td = 7, and Td = 10. The RPW
effect of the communication delay. Based on the offline results, controller was set up to the TSO limits ± 50 kVAr, except QD1 =Qi +
200 kVAr.
Td  4 could be the suitable value. The reactive power flows at
the WT converter are presented in Fig. 13 when Td = 5, Td = 7,
and Td = 10. It can be noticed that the results between the SIL
offline and SIL real-time simulations are differing when Td =
0.1, 1, 4 and 5, while the results look similar when Td = 7 or 10.
Based on the above, a suitable factor for real-time simulations
could be Td ≥ 7. Fig. 14 presents a comparison of the real-time
simulation result when Td = 7 and Td = 10. It can be noticed Fig. 14. SIL real-time simulation results. Reactive power flow of WT
that now the results converge. converter when Td = 7 and Td = 10. The RPW controller was set up to the
Further, the oscillating hour 4031 was investigated from the TSO limits ± 50 kVAr, except QD1 =Qi + 200 kVAr.
communications point of view. Fig. 15 presents the situation
when Td = 1, Td = 5, Td = 7 and Td = 10. It can be noticed that C. CHIL tests
the oscillation occurs when Td = 1 and Td = 5, but instead there The long-term CHIL tests were made with T d = 7. Now the
were not any more oscillations when Td was 7 or 10. coefficient Tc is dependent on the processor capacity of the used

The accelerated real-time co-simulation platform prove to be
useful and efficient in one-year power flow simulations. This
research demonstrate how to accelerate the long-term
simulations by the different setups of the input data. Also, this
paper clarify how the input data processed in the long-term
simulations or tests affect the results.
The SIL offline and SIL real-time simulations show that it is
possible to set a data reading cycle, coefficient Td, to accelerate
the long-term real-time simulations. With a certain value of T d
(and bigger) the simulation results do not differ even increasing
Td, and consequently, that value seems to be a suitable initial
value for investigating the coefficient of the accelerated real-
time simulations. In addition, it is found that by increasing the
value of Td the possible oscillation period is shorter. Further,
based on the result it can be derived a suitable I or PI controller
in accelerated real-time tests that enables the adaptive closed
loop control preventing the oscillation of controlled system.
Finally, even carrying CHIL tests with FPGA with the
evaluated coefficient Td, the SIL real-time and CHIL test results
do not differ. The performance of FPGA point out to be suitable
hardware for the algorithm testing in long-term simulations.
Our suggestion for long-time simulation run is to carry out
SIL offline simulations by the real-time simulation models with
different time factors and verify that the results are equal. Then
the time factor for the SIL real-time simulations can be selected,
and the results would be expected to be close to offline results,
only the communication time delay would affect. This method
could be utilized for defining the test procedure, for example,
for CHIL applications as microgrid controller development.

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Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631, 2016. directed a diverse program that included systems level design,
[21] Fingrid, "Supply of Reactive Power and Maintenance of Reactive test and implementation in the electrical networks. At
Power Reserves," 2017. [Online]. Available: University of Vaasa he established a DEMVE laboratory and training program. His special interests are Smart Grid, Digital
power-reserves_2017.pdf. SAS, FPGA, embedded system and communication systems.
[22] H. Laaksonen and P. Hovila, "Flexzone concept to enable resilient Kimmo T. Kauhaniemi received his M.S.
distribution grids - Possibilities in Sundom Smart Grid," in CIRED degree in 1987 and Ph.D. degree in 1993 in
Worksop, Helsinki, 2016. electrical engineering from Tampere
[23] H. Laaksonen, K. Sirviö, S. Aflecht and P. Hovila, "Multi-objective University of Technology, Finland.
Active Network Management Scheme Studied in Sundom Smart Grid He has been employed by ABB
with MV and LV Network Connected DER Units," in Cired, Madrid,
Corporate Research, and VTT Technical
Research Centre of Finland. Currently he is
[24] S. Uebermasser, C. Groiss, A. Einfalt, N. Thie, M. Vasconcelos, J.
Helguero, H. Laaksonen and P. Hovila, "Requirements for coordinated with University of Vaasa, where he is a
ancillary services covering different voltage levels," in CIRED Professor of electrical engineering. His special interest areas
Conference on Electricity Distribution, Glasgow, 2017. include the power system transient simulation, protection of
[25] H. Laaksonen, P. Hovila and K. Kauhaniemi, "Combined islanding power systems, grid integration of distributed generation and
detection scheme utilizing active network management for future microgrids.
resilient distributione networks," in The 14th International Conference
on Developments in Power System Protection (DPSP), Belfast, 2018. Hannu Laaksonen was born 1977 in
[26] K. Sirviö, L. Välkkilä, H. Laaksonen, K. Kauhaniemi and A. Rajala,
Vaasa, Finland and he received his M.Sc.
"Prospects and Costs for Reactive Power Control in Sundom Smart (Tech) degree (2004) in Electrical Power
Grid," in IEEE ISGT Europe, Sarajevo, 2018. Engineering from Tampere University of
[27] K. Sirviö, M. Mekkanen, F. Castro, S. Ansari, K. Kauhaniemi, D. Technology and Dr. Tech. degree (2011) in
Babazadeh and H. Laaksonen, "Controller Development for Reactive Electrical Engineering from University of
Power Flow Management Between DSO and TSO Networks," in IEEE
PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe),
Vaasa. His employment experience
Bucharest, 2019. includes working as a research scientist at
[28] K. Sirviö, M. Mekkanen, F. Castro, A. Shoaib, D. Babazadeh, A. Salo, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
K. Kauhaniemi and H. Laaksonen, "Testing an IEC 61850-based Light- and at University of Vaasa. Previously he has worked as a
weighted Controller for Reactive Power Management in Smart Principal Engineer at ABB Oy in Vaasa. Currently he works as
Distribution Grids," in IECON 2019 Conference of the IEEE Industrial a professor in Electrical Engineering (especially Smart Grids)
Electronics Society (IES), Lisbon, 2019.
at the University of Vaasa. He is also manager of the Smart
Katja H. Sirviö was born in Vaasa, Energy Master’s Programme. His field of interests are
Finland, in 1973. She received the B.S. protection of low-inertia power systems (incl. microgrids),
degree in electrical engineering from active management of distributed and flexible energy resources
VAMK Ltd, University of Applied in future smart energy systems as well as future-proof
Sciences, Vaasa, in 1998 and the M.S. technology and market concepts for smart grids.
degree in electrical engineering from
University of Vaasa, in 2012. She is
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering at University of Vaasa. From 1998 to

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