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MANALO, Claudette Ann C.

April 12, 2021


Assignment 3:

1. Define research.
Research is finding answers to question systematically and in the most organized
method. As a systematic one, it has a process broken up into clear steps that lead to
conclusions. While the organized method is having a planned structure or method used to
reach the conclusion.
2. Why do we research?
To make sense of what is happening in the reality, which can lead the researchers
to develop or create something new from a certain topic of their research. Hence, they
will be able to know the root cause of it which can make them predict the possible effects
of it.
3. What are the kinds and classification of research?
There are kin kinds and classifications of research according to their different
features: (Calderon and Gonzales, 1993)
a. According to Purpose
i. Predictive or Prognostic – it has the purpose to determine the future
operation of the variables under investigation with the aim of controlling or
redirecting such for the better.
ii. Directive – it determines what should be done based on the findings.
iii. Illuminative – it is concerned with the interaction of the components of the
variable being investigated
b. According to Goal
i. Basic or Pure (Theoritical) – it is done for the development of theories and
principles. It is conducted for intellectual pleasure of learning.
ii. Applied (Practical)– the application of pure research. This is testing the
efficiency of theories and principles.
c. According to the Levels of Investigation
i. Exploratory – the researcher studies the variables pertinent to a specific
ii. Descriptive – the researcher studies the relationships of the variables.
iii. Experimental – the researcher studies the effects of the variables on each
d. According to the Type of Analysis
i. Analytic Approach – the researcher attempts to identify and isolate the
components of the research situation.
ii. Holistic Approach – this begins with the total situation, focusing attention on
the system first and on its internal relationships.
e. According to Scope Action Research
- This involves the application of the steps of the scientific method in the classroom
problems. This type of research is done on a very limited scope to solve a particular
problem which is not so big.
f. According to the Choice of Answers to Problems
i. Evaluation research – All possible courses of action are specified and
identified and the researcher.
ii. Developmental research – the focus is on finding or developing a more
suitable instrument or process than has been available.
g. According to Statistical Content
i. Quantitative or Statistical Research – is one in which inferential statistics
are utilized to determine the results of the study.
ii. Non-quantitative Research (Qualitative)– this is research in which the use
of the quantity or statistics is practically not utilize
h. According to Time Element
i. Historical research – describes what was.
ii. Descriptive research – describes what is.
iii. Experimental research – describes what will be.
4. What are the types of research?
The Alzheimer Europe enumerated the four main types of research, these are the
a. Quantitative research-it usually involves collecting and converting data into
numerical form so that statistical calculations can be made and conclusions
b. Qualitative research- it is about recording, analyzing and attempting to uncover
the deeper meaning and significance of human behavior and experience, including
contradictory beliefs, behaviors and emotions.
c. Pragmatic approach to research (mixed methods)- involves using the method
which appears best suited to the research problem and not getting caught up in
philosophical debates about which is the best approach. Pragmatic researchers
therefore grant themselves the freedom to use any of the methods, techniques and
procedures typically associated with quantitative or qualitative research.
d. Advocacy/participatory approach to research (emancipatory)- a research
which are the researchers are likely to have a political agenda and to try to give
the groups they are studying a voice.
5. What are the characteristics of research?
There are many characteristics of research, that’s why iEduNote website
summarized it all as follows:
a. The research should focus on priority problems.
b. The research should be systematic. It emphasizes that a researcher should employ a
structured procedure.
c. The research should be logical. Without manipulating ideas logically, the scientific
researcher cannot make much progress in any investigation.
d. The research should be reductive. This means that the findings of one researcher
should be made available to other researchers to prevent them from repeating the
same research.
e. The research should be replicable. This asserts that there should be scope to confirm
the findings of previous research in a new environment and different settings with a
new group of subjects or at a different point in time.
f. The research should be generative. This is one of the valuable characteristics of
research because answering one question leads to generating many other new
g. The research should be action-oriented. In other words, it should be aimed at reaching
a solution leading to the implementation of its findings.
h. The research should follow an integrated multidisciplinary approach, i.e., research
approaches from more than one discipline are needed.
i. The research should be participatory, involving all parties concerned (from
policymakers down to community members) at all stages of the study.
j. The research must be relatively simple, timely, and time-bound, employing a
comparatively simple design.
k. The research must be as much cost-effective as possible.
l. The results of the research should be presented in formats most useful for
administrators, decision-makers, business managers, or the community members.
6. What are the qualities of good researcher?
Akash Choudhury shared an article about the 17 important qualities of a good
researcher, it was enumerated as follows:
a. He should be a votary of truth; it should be his goal.
b. He should be able to dispel prejudice. He should not conceive any pre-conceived
notion; rather he should maintain objectivity while gathering information.
c. The researcher should be capable of gathering accurate and in-depth information
from the respondents.
d. The researcher should be a keen observer of the phenomena and should not be
complacent with approximates.
e. He should always maintain precision and must try to avoid unnecessary details.
f. He must analyze and interpret the collected information with a positive spirit and
in the proper sense, notwithstanding his personal requirement or benefit.
g. As a scientific genius, the research investigator must be adequately sensitive to
difficulties “Where less gifted people pass by untroubled by doubt.”
h. He should be in possession of sufficient moral courage to face the difficult
situation and should not be discouraged due to non-cooperation of the respondents
or nature of the research problem under investigation.
i. The researcher should be able to utilize his time properly in a balanced manner.
j. While making generalizations, the researcher must cautiously bear in mind that
there is no short cut to truth. Therefore, he must wait to obtain complete data and
always eschew hasty statement. As a scientific man, says Karl Pearson, he should
strive at self-elimination in his judgment to provide an argument which is true for
each individual mind as for his own.
k. A good researcher is always apathetic to the approval or disapproval of society.
Rather, he should be bold enough to present his findings of research to the
society, notwithstanding its disapproval.
l. The researcher should be conceptually clear. He should use the terms uniformly
and appropriately. Otherwise, his whole exercise will be defective.
m. The researcher should not only be careful in selecting the research tools but also
properly trained so as to use these tools to procure reliable and valid data.
n. The researcher should also develop proper communicative skill and the ability to
establish rapport with the respondents so as to elicit proper response.
o. Knowledge in the language of the respondents will be of immense help for the
researcher. This will enable him not only to communicate the questions properly
but also to cognize the responses properly.
p. Awareness of the possible drawbacks and shortcomings of research is very
essential on the part of a good researcher. By knowing it before, the researcher
may try to minimize such problems, although it is well high impossible to claim
complete perfection of a research work.
q. A good researcher will always be well behaved and well clad. These qualities will
attract the respondents towards him; sufficiently motivate them to produce
necessary information required for the purpose of research.
7. What are the values of research to man?
The great impact of research can help solve problems in the future. As Dr.
Boateng affirmed, the absence of research can let authority, tradition, common sense,
media myth, and personal experience lead people to false information. It plays an
important role in discovering new treatments, and making sure that we use existing
treatments in the best possible ways. Research can find answers to things that are
unknown, filling gaps in knowledge and changing the way that healthcare professionals
8. What are variables?
As what USC Libraries asserted, a variable in research simply refers to a person,
place, thing, or phenomenon that you are trying to measure in some way. The two kinds
of it are the:
a. Dependent Variable- the variable that depends on other factors that are
measured. These variables are expected to change as a result of an experimental
manipulation of the independent variable or variables. It is the presumed effect.
b. Independent Variable-the variable that is stable and unaffected by the other
variables you are trying to measure. It refers to the condition of an experiment
that is systematically manipulated by the investigator. It is the presumed cause.
9. What are the components of research process?
Those components are enumerated by as:
a. Identifying the problem.
b. Reviewing literature.
c. Setting research questions, objectives, and hypotheses.
d. Choosing the study design.
e. Deciding on the sample design.
f. Collecting data.
g. Processing and analyzing data.
h. Writing the report.
10. What are the qualities of good research instrument?
There are three qualities that Paler-Calmorin affirmed, these are the following:
a. Validity
b. Reliable- the degree to which a research instrument produces consistent
results. It is directly related to validity of the measure.
c. Usability- the ease with which an instrument can be administered,
interpreted by the participant, and scored/interpreted by the researcher
without undue expenditure of time, money and effort.
11. What is validity?
I leave blank the quality of validity above because I’ll attach it definition as I
answer the 12th question as well. Validity means the degree to which an instrument
measures what it intends to measure. The validity of a measuring instrument has to do
with its soundness, what the test or questionnaire measures its effectiveness, how it could
be applied.

Martin, G. (2020). Qualitative research methods. Retrieved from.

Boateng, R. (2015). Research Methods S1 - Why We Do Research. Retrieved from.

ETU Org. (2013). Understanding Research. Retrieved from.

Calderon and Gonzales. (1993). Kinds and Classifications of research. Retrieved from.
Alzheimer Europe. (2009). The four main approaches. Retrieved from. https://www.alzheimer-

iEduNote. (2017). Research: Definition, Characteristics, Goals, Approaches. Retrieved from.

Choudhury, A. (2019). Top 17 Qualities of a Good Researcher. Retrieved from.

USC Libraries. (2018). Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper. Retrieved from.

iEduNote. (2015). Research Process: 8 Steps in Research Process. Retrieved from.

Paler-Calmorin, L. and Calmorin, M.A. (2015) Research Methods and Thesis Writing.
Retrieved from. Quezon City. REX Book Store, Inc.

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