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WEEK 3-5 Learning Task 3:

Having learned of the basics of review of related literature and the ways and approaches
to organize it, your task is to write a draft of review of related literature for your initial research
topic. Follow the specific instructions below.


According to Arnet (as cited in Fincham& Cui, 2011) "late adolescents" is the stage
where teenagers experienced how to be totally and socially independent. This is the time for
curiosity & explorations in choosing and having a partner and explores this kind of curiosity
that somehow leads to a romantic relationship. However, this kind of relationship may not
lead to a pleasant and intense love affair. This is just a result of their inquisitive mind and a
sort of finding on how to fit into the world. “What is life all about?” Questions such as these
assume special significance during teenage years, as adolescents seek to find their place in
the broader and social world. This quest takes adolescents along several routes.
Consequently, “half of all teens have been in a dating relationship and nearly one third of all
teens have been in a serious relationship” (Teenage Research Unlimited, as cited in Luqman,

Additionally, Pelt (2011) stated that those relationships help develop personality. She
also added that it is a way of knowing one’s unique qualities of the opposite sex and at the
same time choosing the right life partner. Moreover, researchers theorized that romantic
relationship is essential to the development of adolescents in different aspects such as
“transformation of family relationships, close relationships with peers, sexuality, and career
planning” (Furman, 2010).

An article of Barber & Eccles (as cited in Luqman, 2011) talked about the importance
of romantic relationships to adolescent development and its “long lasting” effects on self-
confidence. It affirmed that romantic relationship teaches moral values on romance,
“intimate relationships and sexuality”. In addition to this, the healthy romantic relationship
could possibly benefit student’s education (Phelps, 2012). The romantic relationship provides
a positive outlook on adolescents’ life which motivates the adolescents in achieving goals
such as performing well in the studies.

According to Zulueta & Maglaya (2014), “motivation constitutes the degree of an

individual’s behavior as manifested by his interests, attitudes, and aspirations to satisfy his
desired goal. It is an urge to satisfy goal object” (p. 212). Provided a positive romantic
relationship, adolescents would strive hard on performing well in studies to bring a brighter
future to their relationship.

Similarly, Toreon (2011) in his study on the Effect of Romantic Relationship on Teacher
Education Students’ Academic Performance at Bohol Island State University.The study used
a descriptive survey method employing convenience sampling for each year level. The
variables of the study were students’ grade, intensity, level of involvement in a romantic
relationship and, self-esteem. Findings describe the significant effect of a romantic
relationship on academic performance. It was further found that the basic characteristic of
the individuals who are most successful at love is high self-esteem. It has been determined
that those high in self-esteem experience romantic love more has been found in the number
of years of being attached to each partner.
WEEK 6-8. Learning Task 1:
Study your initial research problem. Copy the table on your notebook and supply the
necessary information in each row. Later on, decide which method of research are you
going to utilize in your study. Then, answer the questions that follow.


The focus of this study will be 60 Senior High School HUMSS

Students of BVANHS. The population of the study includes all the
Grade 12-HUMSS students who are in a relationship. This study will
use quota sampling technique in choosing the respondents. This
research will be conducted in Benigno V. Aldana National High
School. Selective sampling was used in this study so that the only
one who can participate in our survey is the main subject in the
study. Since there is a limited number of respondents in every
strand there were only few selected.

In this study, it was showed that the percentage of the students

that have the same ideas and opinion about this study.The
formula in getting the percentage of the student’s opinion was
the frequency divided by the total number of respondents times
one hundred.



P- Percentage

f- Frequency

n- Total number of respondents

100- Constant value

Only some members of the population became the respondents

in participating in the study. The statistical tool that was used in

DATA FORM this study was percentage. To gather data, the researchers will
use the questionnaire- checklist specifically made for the study
based on the constructed survey questionnaire.

The questionnaire is composed of three parts. The first part is the

student information summary which identified the profile of each
respondent. The second part has indicators which determine the
respondent's levels of engagement in the romantic relationship.
The third part of the questionnaire has indicators which
determine the time spend in their relationship and studies. The
questionnaire talks about the effects of a romantic relationship
on the studies of Grade 12-HUMSS student has the following scale
for the respondent's answer:

The participants of the study will 60 Senior High School Students

PARTICIPANTS who are currently enrolled under the K-12 curriculum within the
school year 2021-2022 and it will be conducted at Benigno V.
Aldana National High School.

The researchers relied in the primary and secondary data that

DATA COLLECTION was collected. The primary data was the information gathered
from the survey that been conducted. The secondary data are
the information that has been gathered from books, journals,
articles and past studies.
LEARNING TASK 3 : On your notebook, construct your research design section for your
research. Ensure that the information is complete and clearly presented. In case you will find
it challenging, you may ask for assistance from your siblings and parents. You may also
contact your colleagues to brainstorm. Do not hesitate to get in touch with your subject
teacher for further assistance that you would need.


The researchers used the descriptive survey research design in this study since it has
the capacity to gather information about the research study. This design fits to describe the
nature of the situation since the nature of our study involves the gathering and interpreting
of detailed information which was used as a basis to know the significant effects of having
an intimate relationship to the studies of Grade 12- HUMSS students. In this study, the
descriptive quantitative method was used since it has the capacity to gather information
about the research study. This design fits to describe the nature of the situation as it exists at
the time study and to explore the causes of phenomena. The principle of employing this
method is to describe the effects of a romantic relationship to the academic performance
of Grade 12- HUMSS students of Benigno V. Aldana National Highschool. Primary sources of
data will be used. A questionnaire was given to the respondents in order to gather
information that is needed in the research. The questionnaire contains two parts: the first
part was the demographic profile of the respondents and the second part were the
questions needed to be answered by the respondents. The data and information are
gathered through the various medium which includes survey questionnaire through a
google forms and online interview which sent via email and messenger account of
respondents. Before the researchers distributed the checklist to the students, researchers
made a letter for the respondents asking to answer the questionnaire.
LEARNING TASK 4: On your notebook, decide about the population, sample and the
sampling technique that you are going to use in your research work.


The poplation of the study are Senior High School Students of BVANHS. All of the strands are
being selected using quota sampling. This sampling method was conducted to ensure that
the only involved in the study are the one that is the main subject. Only some members of
the population became the respondents in participating in the study.

Sample: This study will have a population of 60 HUMSS students of Benign V. Aldana National

Sample size =

N= population of size

e= margin of error (percentage in decimal form)

z= z-score

Confidence Level: 95%

Population Size: 15

Margin of Error: 5%

Ideal Sample Size: 15

Sampling Technique:

This study used quota sampling technique in choosing the respondents. Respondents
were purposively sampled to get the data. This research was conducted in Benigno V.
Aldana National High School. Selective sampling was used in this study so that the only one
who can participate in our survey is the main subject in the study. Since there is a limited
number of respondents in every strand there were only few selected.
LEARNING TASK 6: Using the approaches, guidelines and types of data collection
instruments, create a draft of an appropriate data gathering tool for your initial research
topic. You may ask assistance from your family members. Also, contact your subject teacher
if you need clarifications and other assistance. Do this on a clean sheet of paper.

To gather the data needed for the study, the researchers obtained the names and
addresses of the respondents. The data and information are gathered through the various
medium which includes survey questionnaire through a google forms and online interview
which sent via email and messenger account of respondents. Before the researchers
distributed the checklist to the students, researchers made a letter for the respondents
asking to answer the questionnaire. The instrument was content-validated by the persons
knowledgeable in the field of research and research teacher were consulted for the
purpose of acquiring their valuable suggestions and comments for more comprehensible
contents of the instruments.

Upon validation of the questionnaires, the researchers went straight to gather data.
Before the researchers distributed the checklist to the students, researchers made a letter for
the respondents asking to answer the questionnaire. Distributions of questionnaires were
done by the researchers and they were oriented on the purpose of the study and were
instructed on how to answer the questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the
respondents by sending the link to the google form via the FB messenger app to gather data
faster, observing health and safety protocols. After the respondents answered the survey,
the data obtained through the checklist data were consolidated, tabulated, analyzed and
interpreted using suitable statistical measures.

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