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Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) - 3D Draw 2

For this example I will show step by step to the line 3D model shown below.

This view of the 3D model of the SE Isometric


So we draw a 3D model of the outer dimensions 90x60x50 in the SE Isometric view. UCS us in its original position

Now let's go with a command from the toolbar BOX MODELING draw a 3D model of the cuboid.
Command: _box
Specify first corner or [Center]: [click on  the desktop to set the first point]
Specify other corner or [Cube / Length]: L
Specify length <40.0000>: 90
Specify width <80.0000>: 50
Specify height or [2Point] <30.0000>: 60

The next step is to study drawing and dimensions of the wheel. We need somewhere to go odsijecati rectangular pie
to get the final look of the 3D model. Given that this 3D model is reminiscent of some sort of house we cut off the
lower part of the house to get a covered terrace

For this example I will work in the SE Isometric view (although you can switch the view to Top view / Front ...)

To begin with we calculate 90-60 = 30 then one dimension of the rectangle that we draw is 30 and the other is 20 (a
seen from the values quoted lines).

The next step is to set the UCS to the plane in which we will draw a rectangle. You can use one of the buttons on the
toolbar UCS. Then we draw a rectangle command Recetangle.

Command: _rectang
Specify first corner point or [chamfer /
Elevation / Fillet / Thickness / Width]:
Specify other corner point or [Area /
Dimensions / Rotation]: D
Specify length for rectangles <10.0000>: 30
Specify width for rectangles <10.0000>: 20

The next step is to extrude (convert) a rectangle in the 3D model. So Extrude command convert a rectangle in the 3D
model (with a depth of -50), the only downside for us is the direction -Y (relative to the UCS). After extrudiranja
subtract "red" 3D model of the basic "yellow", then Subtract command.


The next step is to draw a 3D model that will create the right notching roof so.  That we do LINE command. From t
right top is drawn down the line we will measure 30 (60-30 = 30). Then the same peak draw the line at the left side
dimension 20 (see it on the quoted line drawings).

Then turn off the ORTHO button and connect the two plotted lines (Osnap magnetic chaining point for Endpoint
should be included). Now we get a figure of a triangle. The triangle consists of the lines and we need it to convert th
region to make it later could extrudirati.

So REGION command and select all three lines to be converted into a plane that is a restricted area. If you are not
going to try with the command boundary.

When you convert the line to make REGION then extrude the 3D model EXTRUDE command and then
command Subtract, subtract from yellow model 3D model of the red. Now we have this situation as shown below.
The next step is to draw a 3D model, which is located on the left called. and cutting off his roof.

This 3D model will also draw using the line command. We will plot lines of certain dimensions in relation to quoted
drawing a final line will connect to Endpoint Osnap sight. See the picture below.

The next step is to convert the line drawn in the area REGION. I hope you have already learned how to do it. To che
whether your region created in the Command Prompt line will write "1 Region created" or turn off
the layer that you draw a basic 3D model (in my case yellow), switch to 3D view Realistic, and if you closed area
filled then you well create a Region of the line. It looks like the picture below.


Replace the Layer to draw basic 3D model of the display of drawings (turn on).
The next step is extrudiranje created regions in the 3D model. Again, look at the little drawing quoted, UCS has set
from the beginning and not touching it (if it is set in the plane in which the character that you create region comman

Let's expand command EXTRUDE created region. After that, use the Subtract command, and sections of a basic 3D
model created a new model. It looks like the picture below.
And at the end of our drawing 3D model looks like as shown below

Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) - 3D Draw 18

For example,  I will show step by step "how the 3D model  lines shown below. This view of the 3D
body is SE Isometric

So we draw a 3D model of the outer dimensions shown in the illustration quoted (for details of
drawing the character, see  HERE) with respect to SE Isometric. UCS us in its original position
So we have to start this drawing.

Now let's go with a command from the toolbar EXTRUDE MODELING convert basic drawing to 3D
To begin with we ctež yellow convertible in the region. Turn off all layers and leave only the basic
yellow let you be active on. (If you have been missing a drawing with the monitor after the creation of
the Region is not active then you layer in which you draw)

Click the button to select REGION complete a drawing and look at the Command Prompt warning if
you created a Region or click on a Realistic view. Now you have this situation
Now we command EXTRUDE, convert this drawing into a 3D model. So click on EXTRUDE and
enter the value of 5 units.

NOTE: Order ISOLINES specify the number of line drawings in a wireframe view. Here is the
example of the value ISOLINES=4


Now we're going to include Layer that we draw a circle (in the case of red color). Now we have this
Of course the next step is extrudiranje circles but for the value of 5 units or more (I've put the value of
20 units). So the command EXTRUDE the red circle and we have this situation. EXTRUDE Circle by

ATTENTION!. Note that layer you are currently running because after extrude the color will be the
extrude object. Why is this important. It's not easy but you will later make the colors of objects other
actions. The drawing is finished extrude last circle.

And after all extrude view of the drawing looks like this
STEP 3        

Now we subtract red 3D body of basic yellow 3D models. So Subtract command, and select a basic 3D
model yellow => Enter selection and red models. Now we have this situation, as shown below.

Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) - 3D Draw 7

For this example I will show step by step to the line 3D model is shown in the picture below. This view
of the 3D model of the SE  Isometric.  For this  example we will use the line command, LINE,


So we draw a 2D image from which we will later create a 3D object, whenever you use Polyline to
draw the line if you later use the command region. View of the drawing is a front view (XY plane in a
draw). Draw a circle in the second layer, as we begin to hide.


The next step is to create a 3D model from 2D drawings drawn. Hide the layer that you draw a small
circle. First we will create 2D drawings drawn REGION.  If you have properly created Region closed-
off area, when you look Realistic View this situation.

Now switch to the SE Isometric view and Wireframe View, and using commands EXTRUDE create a
3D object (model) with the depth value of -40  (I hope you're following this tutorial Web AutoCAD
learn the basic steps and work with basic commands). It looks like the picture  below.


The next step is to use our circles that we also extrudirati and then using the command Subtract cut off
from the base object. So turn on the circle layer and it is also using the command EXTRUDE to -40.
Here, note that your current layer is the one where you draw a circle because you will be after extrude
same color appear in the current layer.

After Extrude and Subtract Command we have a situation as shown below.


The next step drawing 2D drawing that we will again extrudirati and cut off from the basic object to
get the required slot at the facility. This 2D drawing, draw in another layer of another color just to
mention. The drawing I put it into the top position and you can be in the lower part of the building.
Everything depends on how you set the UCS so you will make in extrude plus or minus. So drawn
figure (red in the drawing) we need to draw upon (Polyline, Circle, Trim) converted into a closed area
and then it extruding Region Extrude command (in my case in -35)


The next step is to cut the object created from the base. Set your current layer is the one that you draw
the basic structure
(yellow color in the drawing). With Subtract command remove part of the basic object. And our
drawing is completed.

Tutorials in AutoCAD (examples step by step) - 3D Draw 6


So we draw a 2D image from which we will later create a 3D model (a vase of flowers). You can draw
any character you want and follow the action on quoted drawing. View of the drawing is a front view
(XY plane in a draw). Also I suggest you look at the link that shows the tutorial for
the OFFSETcommand where it is shown how the doubled line
What is the target of this drawing?

The aim is to note that the use of a 2D character can get a 3D model in cross section, to be seen inside
the building. For this example we will use the line command, LINE, POLYLINE, CIRCLE, EDIT

It is important to follow the basic steps of drawing. (So you need to know these commands  and how
they work) 
- Draw a line (or Polyline LINE, ARC, CIRCLE) 
- converting the line into polyline (EDIT Polyline)
- detachment of some lines (offset and trim for cutting off the excess)
- after completing the 2D character you need to convert the same order of Region in one area

So you draw a 2D drawing and convert it into a closed area order Region. You need to have something
as shown below when you go to a Realistic View (toolbar View)


Let's draw a perpendicular bisector with which we will rotate our 2D drawing to 3D model. Here we
draw a perpendicular bisector in another layer and it must exactly overlap over najizbočenije line 2D
drawings. It should not be out of character because we will get a cavity and a vase of flowers will give
us trickle ;-)

See the image below



The next step is to use commands that will be around REVOLVE bisectors (imaginary axis) rotated to
create a 2D drawing and 3D model but with a cross to be seen inside. So click on and select the
command REVOLVE  2D drawing of a yellow color.
Press the Enter key. Now look at the Command Prompt line in this part of the application to him

Specify axis start point or define axis by [Object / X / Y / Z] <Object>: [click on the first Endpoint

Specify axis endpoint: [click on Endpoint bisectors second]

Now you are set perpendicular bisector around which will rotate the 2D drawing. In the Command
Prompt prompts you to enter the angle that will rotate 2D drawing. Enter a value for 270°

Now we have this view of the drawing in wireframe view.


Switch to the Realistic View to view a drawing and we have this picture.

But if you click on the button to rotate Contained ORBIT drawings and rotated it a bit we will see what
it looks like our 3D model section.
Or a different view with rotation.

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