Lesson Plan - Speaking Skills: Planning A Trip To A Holiday Destination

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Lesson Plan – Speaking Skills Date:09/02/222

Trainee Name: Saleha Tahseen Lesson Model: Integrated

Trainer’s Name: Sign:SalehaTahseen

Lesson Title: Planning a trip to a holiday destination

No. of students: 20-30

Language Level: Intermediate

Language(s) spoken/nationality(ies) of students: Arabic/Middle Eastern

Average age of students:15-16 yrs

Duration: 45 mins

Terminal Objective: At the end of the lesson students will be able to speak on the topic with about

90% accuracy.

Enabling Objectives: Warmer - Time :(5-7 minutes) Warmer on speech not matching the actions.
All students to stand and face teacher and listen to the commands of the teacher and follow them.
Teacher to say the name of an animal but perform a different clue of other animal that does not match the
one uttered. For Eg. Says Pigeon but does trunk of an elephant. Says
Elephant but does the flapping of wings. Children to listen to animal name, instead of action..After a
about ten utterance, the class settles.

Context Setting : Duration: (3-5 Mins) Teacher to show visual aids like the ones below

T Teacher to ask questions like :1) What do the various images on picture 1 remind you of?
( There is a phone with location icon, passport, world map with a route, does it direct you to what we may
b be talking about?) Answer: (It may be about travelling to some place.)

: 2) What do you see in the second picture? Answer: Well people are su
rrounded around a map and looks like they are having a discussion.

3) 3) What about the third picture, anything specific? Answer: Well there is an aeroplane,goggles and a
ca camera. They must have finalised on the destination as there is a target too marked on the plan.
( Eencircling Africa)

4 4)What about the fout picture? Any developments you notice? Answer: (Someone is writing out a pl

5)5) What does the last picture tell you? Answer: It looks like they are packed up and set to leave.

Teacher to appreciate and the class for answering and thank the class for participation.
Teacher to say that they have done a fantastic job and have directed themselves to the topic of
todays class.

Actual content or While-speaking activity. Duration: 25

RolePlay Teacher to call out 3 students from the class and handover copies of script and each
student takes over a role in the script assigned by the teacher.
The script reads:

Fred: I am bored sitting at home all day.

Moss: Me too.
Jade: Well , I think we need to step out to get somewhere.
Fred: That is a great idea. Where do you think we should go?
Moss: I think Dubai is a great place. What do you say?
Fred: Yes it is good, but I think it is going to be hot summer months.
Jade: True, well in that case we can visit Oman as it does not require long travel too.
Moss: That is what exactly I was thinking. We are almost done with our holidays, we need to pack
up and start early.
Fred: You are right, I am just stepping out to buy some stuff let me know what we need as basics.
Moss: Fred ! you really are quick. I will message you the list before you reach the market.
Jade: I guess we are going by car, I will check if we have enough fuel.
Moss: Ah yes! Please do that and before I forget let me pack some sandwiches for us.

Teacher to ask questions to the class based on the role play:

1) Where do they finally decide to go?(Oman)

2) What does Moss not want to forget? (Packing Sandwiches)

3) Why does Fred go out?(To buy some stuff they need)

4) How are they travelling?(By car)

5) What does jade want to check on?( Car condition and Fuel in tank)

New Vocab: Stepping out, breakdown, summer months, long travel, basics, fuel

Post Speaking: Duration: Duration: 10-12 mins

Teacher to form pairs of students in the class (or the ones seated beside them) and ask
them to plan a trip for the coming weekend. If it is a large class of over more than 30
students, teams of 4 can be formed. Teacher to make sure that all the students in the team
get to say dialogues.

Teacher to write out a conversation sample of role play on the board. Ask students to
prepare on similar conversations in their team and that she will randomly call teams to put
their show and to practice well.

Students to come up in teams to perform.

The lesson should be based on a specific holiday destination. The warmer is apt. In the
context setting part you could have included pictures related to the chosen holiday
destination and the students should have guessed. In the actual content part the Role
play activity is based on Oman , so I am considering Oman as the chosen holiday
destination. But you could have included some more information about Oman. All the
students should get chance to speak and practice the Role play activity in pairs. The
Recapitulation part is appreciated
Kindly Rework

Assignment 2

You have purposely counted off students to work in random groups of 5, but some students
want to stay with their friends and don’t want to join the assigned group.
6) I would get close to them and speak to them about may be consider today as a chance
to make new friends and always more friends are better than few. If they still don’t
agree to get along, I think I would let them be in the group of their choice for that
day’s activity, but the next time onwards the same behavior repeats I would gently ask
them to follow their group numbers as they are now a part of a class which together
moves ahead in the journey of learning. If the behavior persists I may opt for giving
the cunt again from the back (or different bench ) of the class and this time take an
agreement from them that they would divide themselves according to the numbering
without anyone holding back still. May be a talk or two about how all people are
sweet and nice as themselves can help to bridge the gap and build the assumed
divide. All these options must be one within the first two classes of me meeting them,
if it is delayed, it may so happen that students come up with arguments about they

being comfortable only with their friends and to follow the same practice and may
star dictating me the rules. (224)
Well Cited! Collaborative Learning is considered to be the best form of Learning
as it helps the students to learn from each others’ strengths and weaknesses

4) Beginning of the class is delayed as two students are fighting:

I would ask them what had happened and try to understand the situation from their point of
view and wait for cooled down explanation from both the sides. I would then make an
unbiased opinion but only in my head, yet not disclosing to them who is right or wrong. I
would ask them to calm down, separate their places if they are sitting close by. I would begin
the class with a warmer which allows them (the two to get the main focus) of the warmer
which may allow them to drain their energy here and also shift the focus. I am confident that
this sudden change will shift their moods as well. But if the fight has turned bitter, am
assuming they would not be part of the focus of a warmer in which case it is okay. I would
still involve them in the warmer, but in case the fight is still getting worse I would then
discipline them a little strictly about ending their argument as the class is waiting for the
lessons to begin. I can also try the student on the wrong side ( if it is an obvious mischief or a
judgment made by him) to apologize to the other student and finish the fight never to
repeat it again.(216)

Correct! The strategies that you have cited to cater to the above situation are

2) A group of students come into the classroom after the lesson has begun.

I would smile at them and let them in the first time without asking a reason for the delay as I
believe to think that the must have been out to the washrooms or drinking water. I think this
kind of on purpose ignoring their late arrival will not lead them into a defensive mode for
they may think I am trying to make them answerable even though they were not at fault. If
this behavior repeats with the same or a different set of students I would make sure to
question the reason for delay otherwise this time around I may be taken for granted. If the
reason is valid as stated above I would still insist them to be back on time and give them a
talk about common discipline in the premises. But if the behavior continues or is invalid even
if it was or the first time, I would instil in them the importance of discipline and the general
understanding that they are to be expected inside the class room before a teacher enters. If
need be I would take them aside from the class and set expectations with them that I should
not see them entering the class after me.(205)

Correctly done! The students should realize the importance of Punctuality. Proper

Classroom Management Rules related to punctuality can be implemented and the
latecomers can be treated as per those Rules


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