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Пополни ги речениците со a /an / some :

1. I’ve got ___________ CDs in my room.
2. We’ve got ___________ sandwiches for lunch.
3. They’ve got _______ umbrella.
4. Joe and Sadie have got _______ dog called Sam.
5. You’ve got _________ keys in your pocket.
6. They’ve got _________ English dictionary.
7. Alan has got __________ computer games.
8. I’ve got _________ bike and ___________ skateboard.
2. Состави реченици со have got / has got и some / any :
1. I / peanuts __________________________________________________________
2. They / books _______________________________________________________
3. You / crisps ? _______________________________________________________ ?
4. We / not / cousins___________________________________________________
5. They / photos? ______________________________________________________ ?
6. I / not / tissues _______________________________________________________
7. She / badges ________________________________________________________
8. He / not / friends ______________________________________________________

1. Пополни ги речениците со a /an / some :

2. I’ve got ___________ CDs in my room.
3. We’ve got ___________ sandwiches for lunch.
4. They’ve got _______ umbrella.
5. Joe and Sadie have got _______ dog called Sam.
6. You’ve got _________ keys in your pocket.
7. They’ve got _________ English dictionary.
8. Alan has got __________ computer games.
9. I’ve got _________ bike and ___________ skateboard.
2. Состави реченици со have got / has got и some / any :
1. I / peanuts_________________________________________________________
2. They / books ______________________________________________________
3. You / crisps ? ______________________________________________________?
4. We / not / cousins___________________________________________________
5. They / photos? ____________________________________________________?
6. I / not / tissues _____________________________________________________
7. She / badges _______________________________________________________
8. He / not / friends ___________________________________________________

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