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Revision – Units 6,7 and 8

Name : __________________________________________________
1. Complete the sentences in Past simple :

1. I _________________ (not / drink) any beer last night.

2. She _________________ (get on) the bus in the centre of the city.
3. What time _________________ (he / get up) yesterday?
4. Where _________________ (you / get off) the train?
5. I _________________ (not / change) trains at Victoria.
6. We _________________ (wake up) very late.
7. What _________________ (he / give) his mother for Christmas?
8. I _________________ (receive) £300 when my uncle_________________
9. We _________________ (not / use) the computer last night.
10. _________________ (she / make) good coffee?

2. Make the sentences in Present perfect :

1. (I / go / to the library today)
2. (you / keep a pet for three years)
3. (you / eat Thai food before?)
4. (it / rain all day?)
5. (who / we / forget to invite?)
6. (we / not / hear that song already)
7. (he / not / forget his books)
3.Complete with FOR / SINCE :
I have been waiting _____________ 4 o'clock.
Sue has only been waiting __________ 20 minutes.
Tim and Tina have been learning English _______ six years.
Fred and Frida have been learning French _______1998.
Joe and Josephine have been going out together _______ Valentine's Day.
I haven't been on holiday __________ last July.
Mary has been saving her money ________ many years.
4. Make sentences with “ USED TO “ :

1. I / live in a flat when I was a child.

2. We / go to the beach every summer?
3. She / love eating chocolate, but now she hates it.
4. He / not / smoke.
5. I / play tennis when I was at school.

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