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IMTC - 633 - Managing Startups

1. Dashboards provide
 Great for prediction of growth
 None of the above
 Gives figures only
 The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support
taking action
2. A test trial allows for a prospective customer to
 Try the product when not out inthe market yet
 Both a) and c)
 Try your company’s product or service for a set duration of time
 Try the product in the developmental stages
3. Before building a business, the foundation has to be laid, this can be done best
through an equation function that has the following primary functions
 Idea, solution
 None of the above
 Both a) and b)
 Entrepreneur
4. The performer leader
 Craves freedom
 Leads by example
 Loves the spotlight
 Great critical power
5. Customer Experience Personas are
 Potential customers
 Ideal customers
 Unhappy customers
 First time customers

6. The Solution (So) function of the foundation equation have the following elements
 Business model and the approach element
 Generation and core element
 Business model and generation
 Business model and the core element
7. GEM found that over a three-and-a-half -year period, 126million women started or
ran businesses and 98 million operated established businesses. GEM is
 Global economic Monitor
 Gleneagles Entrepreneurship Monitor
 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
 Global Enterprise Meter
8. ______ focus on seed-funded start-ups on the cusp of rapid growth
 Grants
 Incubators
 Banks
 Accelerators
9. Solution channels from the Solution (So) Model Elements is
 Research for target audience
 Solutions to problems being faced by customers
 Research to identify a market
 Most cost- efficient ways to reach out to customers
10. Brand identity elements are
 Positioning, tagline
 Logo, Name
 Colour, Tagline
 All of the above
11. ____ are high net worth individuals who invest their own money at early stages of a
start-up's life.
 Family and friends
 Angels
 Banks
 Venture capitalists

12. Some are forced to become entrepreneurs. Reason being

 Passion
 Because everyone else is doing
 Both a) and b)
 Necessity
13. The funding clusters are groups of individuals that help fund a business at various
stages of its lifecycle. Funds raised through friends and family provide
 Seed capital
 For the established start-ups
 Funds for marketing
 None of the above
14. Values (Val), Symbols (Sym), Balance (Bal) are all
 Personal culture elements
 Peripheral culture elements
 Additive culture elements
 Core culture elements
15. Value Proposition (Vap) from the Solution (So) Model Elements is
 Value of the employees
 Value of the product
 Value of the technology
 Values you deliver to the customer by solving a specific problem they have with a
certain product or service.
16. _____all contribute to ever more rapid change
 Socialist economic influences
 Agriculture and in-ward looking economic influences
 Globalization, industrialisation
 Globalization, technology, and economic influences
17. Individuals in the talent cloud are
 Specialist
 All of the above
 Can be hired as per the need and requirement
 Specialists with varied experience

18. Opportunity is
 The target audience
 The idea itself
 The transition from an idea to a viable business
 None of the above
19. Which of the characteristics below holds true for an entrepreneur
 Take a path where others will not tread
 Both a) and b)
 Ability to take calculated risks
 Prefer to follow a template
20. Bundling can occur with
 the same product only
 a company's own products/services, other companies ‘products/services, or a
combination of both.
 Complimentary products only
 Only a company's own products
21. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively
 In a variety of environments
 Only in a strict formal surrounding
 Only with colleagues we trust
 Only in an office environment
22. Major categories to support the eco-system of an entrepreneur are
 All of the above
 Policy
 Human capital
 Intersections
23. Much like a family dynamic, business will eventually
 None of the above
 Need a set of values
 Disintegrate
 Face problems between employees
24. Before mechanization, in late-eighteenth century Britain, textiles were made
 None of the above
 At common market place
 At home
 At common community place in villages
25. Design thinking is
 Combining the utility with refines of the look and feel of the product
 Combining the need and extra help that a certain product can render
 None of the above
 combining empathy for the context of a problem, creativity in the generation of
insights and solutions, and rationality in analysing and fitting various solutions
to the problem context.
26. What makes an idea unique?
 The simplicity of an idea
 Just one of a kind idea
 Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the execution
will make your version unique
 The usage of the idea
27. Liquid workforce is
 Both a) and b)
 An employee but working remotely
 Individuals hired on a project basis
 Freelance workers
28. Which of the statements below is true
 As you grow and change, so will your business
 The business remains static at all times
 The business changes only at regular well-defined intervals
 There are no equations with adaptable structure that will fit your business
through the ups and down.
29. ______ speaks to the totality of the brand
 Advertisement
 Brand identity
 Logo
 Tagline
30. How can a simple idea be described
 An idea that can easily be explained by a child
 An idea with lots of variables
 An idea that solves a problem
 An idea in use

1. Expansion can be partnered with diversification since a company in a scaling model

will expand to
 All of the above
 New markets
 Verticals
 Geographies
2. The Solution (So) function of the foundation equation have the following elements
 Business model and the approach element
 Generation and core element
 Business model and generation
 Business model and the core element
3. Healthy core culture
 Helps only the employers
 Helps increase the productivity and growth of an organization
 Helps only the employees
 Is of no help
4. SEO, Email, Direct Marketing, Telemarketing, Social Media are
 Business plan tool
 Places to find your audience
 Both a) and b)
 Marketing tool
5. Bundling can occur with
 a company's own products/services, other companies' products/services, or a
combination of both.
 Complimentary products only
 Only a company’s own products
 the same product only
6. The sharing economy, the era of maker, the anywhere liquid force is _____
 None of the above
 Part of the Forces of change
 Inter mitten economy
 Characteristics of a developing economy
7. When making your team for a start-up. A perfect team will comprise of
 Developer, Designer, business developer
 Developer, Designer, domain expert
 Both a) and c)
 Marketer, technical engineer, domain expert
8. Liquid workforce is
 Both a) and b)
 An employee but working remotely
 Individuals hired on a project basis
 Freelance workers
9. A landing page is
 The home page
 none of the above
 The entire website
 a single page on a website dedicated to a specific promotion or deal that the
company is offering

10. Major categories to support the eco-system of an entrepreneur are

 All of the above
 Human capital
 Policy
 Intersections
11. Values (Val), Symbols (Sym), Balance (Bal) are all
 Personal culture elements
 Peripheral culture elements
 Additive culture elements
 Core culture elements
12. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively
 Only in a strict formal surrounding
 Only with colleagues we trust
 Only in an office environment
 In a variety of environments
13. ______all contribute to ever more rapid change
 Agriculture and in-ward looking economic influences
 Globalization, technology, and economic influences
 Globalization, industrialisation
 Socialist economic influences
14. Direct selling commonly occurs through
 All of the above
 Home parties
 One on one consultation
 Mobile location
15. Customer experience Insights
 Collects, measures and manages customers insights and feed back
 Are not important for start-ups
 Are forms that a customer is required to fill
 Are a part of the business process which is neglected
16. ______focus on seed-funded start-ups on the cusp of rapid growth.
 Grants
 Incubators
 Banks
 Accelerators
17. Programs like Growth Hacking, Partners, Loyalty Programs, Events, PR, Word of
Mouth, Sponsorship, and PPC are the vehicles used to
 All of the Above
 Build the product
 Market
 Make a business plan
18. The performer leader
 Craves freedom
 Leads by example
 Loves the spotlight
 Great critical power
19. Individuals in the talent cloud are
 Can be hired asper the need and requirement
 Specialists with varied experience
 Specialist
 All of the above
20. Some are forced to become entrepreneurs. Reason being
 Both a) and b)
 Passion
 Necessity
 Because everyone else is doing
21. Funding that relies on financing from a large pool of backers usually made online
through a web platform is
 Family and friends
 Crowdfunding
 Venture capitalist
 Boot strapping
22. The _____ can visualize the possibilities and translate the vision into wireframes for
the Technical Engineer
 Domain expert
 Business developer
 Creative, designer
 Developer
23. Strategic foresight is the practice of creating
 None of the above
 A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities to prepare for
any possible adversity
 Both a) and b)
 A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities, in such a way
as to take full advantage of opportunities,
24. Dashboards provide
 Great for prediction of growth
 None of the above
 Gives figures only
 The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support
taking action
25. A Loyalty program of marketing program elements is
 Structured to encourage brand loyalty through encouraging buying behaviour
 Structured for loyalty towards certain product channel
 Structured for another partners loyalty
 Structured for internal employee loyalty
26. What makes an idea unique?
 Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the execution
will make your version unique
 Just one of a kind idea
 The usage of the idea
 The simplicity of an idea
27. There are many components to _____ including card sorting, tree testing, eye
tracking, focus groups, AIB testing, surveys, interviews, contextual inquiry and
heuristic evaluations
 Benchmarking
 Usability testing
 Behavioural targeting
 All of the above

28. GEM found that over a three-and-a-half -year period, 126million women started or
ran businesses and 98 million operated established businesses. GEM is
 Global economic Monitor
 Gleneagles Entrepreneurship Monitor
 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
 Global Enterprise Meter
29. The funding clusters are groups of individuals that help fund a business at various
stages of its lifecycle. Funds raised through friends and family provide
 Seed capital
 For the established start-ups
 Funds for marketing
 None of the above
30. The term "Open Innovation was promoted as
 Innovation of different products wider same roof
 None of the above
 Innovation of similar products
 Way of thinking that "assumes firms can and should use external ideas as well as
internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market

1. Customer Experience Personas are

 First time customers
 Unhappy customers
 Ideal customer s
 Potential customers

2. Positioning of a brand
 The kind of store it will be placed in
 The position in the store
 Is the unique value of the product to the customer
 None of the above

3. Which of the below is untrue when we speak of a Romantic leader

 Craves freedom
 competitive
 Wants creativity
 The instant expert

4. Sensory branding includes

 voice
 Sound
 Touch: Taste/ smell
 All of the above

5. Dashboards provide
 The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support acting
 Gives figures only
 Great for prediction of growth
 None of the above

6. Customer experience strategy, Customer understanding: Design: Governance,

measurement and culture are six
 Is a part of research design
 discipline of customer service
 Both a) and b)
 None of the above

7. Before a business: the foundation has to be laid: this can be done best an equation
function that has the following primary function

 Idea: solution
 Both a) and b)
 None of the above

8. ________________ are the powerful alias that are there for you and provide advice,
perspective and guidance that transform you

 Advisor
 Lawyers
 Mentors
 Friends

9. what make an idea unique

 Just one of kind idea
 Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the execution
will make your version unique
 The simplicity of an idea
 The usage of idea

10. When making your team for a start-up. A perfect team will comprise of
 Marketer , technical engineer domain expert
 Developer Designer domain expert
 Developer Designer business developer
 Both a) and c)
11. _______________ speaks to the totality of the brand.
 Brand identity
 Logo
 Tagline
 Advertisement

12. The Solution (So) function of the foundation equation have the following elements
 Business model and the approach element
 Business model and the core element
 Generation and core element
 Business model and generation

13. Pop up space is

 Mobile space
 Permanent store provided in store
 Permanent store
 None

14. SEO Direct Marketing: Telemarketing: Social Media are

 Marketing tool
 Places to find your audience
 Business plan tool
 Both a) and b)
15. Bundling can occur with
 a company's own products\services, other companies' products\services, or a
combination of both.
 Only a company' s own products
 the same product only
 Complimentary products only

16. A landing page is

 The entire website
 The home pages
 a single page on a website dedicated to a specific promotion or deal that the
company is offering
 none of the above

17. Opportunity is
 The transition from an idea to a business
 The Idea
 The target audience
 None of the above

18. Value Proposition (Vap) from the Solution (So) Model Elements is
 Value of the product
 Values you deliver to the customer by sol-vhlg a problem they have with a certain
product or service
 Value of the technology
 Value of the employees

19. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

 Only in a strict formal surrounding
 Only in an office environment
 In a variety of environments
 Only with colleagues we trust

20. The sharing economy, the era of maker the anywhere liquid force is
 Inter mitten economy
 Part of the Forces of change
 Characteristics of a developing economy
 None of the above

21. Major categories to support the eco-system of an entrepreneur are

 intersection
 policy
 Human capital
 All of the above

22. Which of the characteristics below holds true for an entrepreneur

 Abiliity to take calculated risks
 Take a path where others wül not tread
 Prefer to follow a template
 Both a) and b)

23. GEM found that over a year period 126 million women started or ran businesses and 98
million operated established businesses. GEM is
 Global Enterprise Meter
 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
 Global economic Monitor
 Gleneagles Entrepreneurship Monitor

24. A perfectionist leader

 Hates time lines and schedules
 Feels pride in being needed
 Leads by example
 Only a) and c)
25. The Boulder Thesis is defined as follows:
 Entrepreneurs must lead the start-up community
 The leaders must have a long-term commonest
 The start-up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it
 All of the above

26 . Program like Hacking, Partners, Loyalty Prograrns: Events: PR: Word of Mouth:
Sponsorship: and PPC are the vehicles used to
 Market
 the product
 Make a business plan
 All of the above

27. Much like a family dynamic, business will eventually

 Need a set of values
 Disintegrate
 Face problem between employees
 None of the above

28. Individuals in the talent cloud are

 Can be hired as per the need and requirement
 Specialist
 Specialists with varied experience
 All of the above

29. _____________________ focus on seed-funded startup ON THE CUSP OF RAPID

 Accelerator
 Grants
 Incubators
 Banks
30. A loyalty program of marketing program elements is
 Structured for internal employee loyalty
 Structured for another partners loyalty
 Structured to encourage brand loyalty encouraging buying behaviour
 Structured for loyalty towards certain product channel

1. Which of the characteristics below holds true for an entrepreneur.

 Ability to take calculated risks
 Take a path where others will not tread
 Prefer to follow a template
 Both a) and b)

2. Growth Hacking is a program with one absolute focus. That is

 Hacking
 Growth
 Planning
 Recruitment

3. Programs like Growth Hacking, Partners, Loyalty Programs: Events: PR: Word of
Mouth: Sponsorship: and PPC are the vehicles used to
 Market
 the product
 Make a business plan
 All of the above

4. Individuals in the talent cloud are

 Can be hired as per the need and requirement
 Specialist
 Specialists with varied experience
 All

5. The Solution (So) function of the foundation equation have the following elements
 Business model and the approach element
 Business model and the core element
 Generation and core element
 Business model and generation
6. _____________ are high net worth individuals who invest their own money at earlier
stage of start-up life's.
 Angels
 Family and friends
 Venture capitalist
 Banks

7. Values (Val), Symbols (Sym): Balance (Bal) are all

 Additive culture elements
 Core culture elements
 Peripheral culture elements
 Personal culture elements

8. Sensory branding includes

 Voice
 Sound
 Touch: Taste/ smell
 All of the above

9. Franchises as part of the Solution (So) Approach Elements is

 Part of your strategy to expand business
 An existing business privilege that you purchase
 Both a) and b)
 None of the above

10. How can a simple idea be described

 An idea that solves a problem
 An idea that can easily be explained by a
 An idea with lots of variables
 An idea in use

11. Opportunity is
 The transition from an idea to a business
 The Idea
 The target audience
 None of the above

12. There are many components to _____________including card sorting, tree testing, eye
tracking, focus groups, AB testing, surveys, interviews, contextual inquiry and heuristic
 Usability testing
 Benchmarking
 Behavioural targeting
 All of the above

13. The ____________ brings to the table experience and knowledge of industry that
another founder lacks.
 Business developer
 Designer
 Developer
 Domain Expert

14. Customer Experience Personas are

 First time customers
 Unhappy customers
 Ideal customer s
 Potential customers
15. ________________ are the powerful alias that are there for you and provide advice,
perspective and guidance that transform you

 Advisor
 Lawyers
 Mentors
 Friends

16. Value Proposition (Vap) from the Solution (So) Model Elements is
 Value of the product
 Values you deliver to the customer by sol-vhlg a problem they have with a certain
product or service
 Value of the technology
 Value of the employees

17. Bundling can occur with

 a company's own products\services, other companies' products\services, or a
combination of both.
 Only a company' s own products
 the same product only
 Complimentary products only

18. Direct selling commonly occurs through

 Home Parties
 One on one consultation
 Mobile location
 All of the above

19. ______________ all contribute to ever more rapid change

 Globalization, technology, and economic influence
 Globalization, industrialization
 Agriculture and in ward looking economic influences
 Socialist economic influences
20. The sharing economic, the era of maker, the anywhere liquid force is_____________.
 Inter mitten economy
 Part of the force of change
 Characteristics of developing economy
 None of the above

21. __________ focus on seed funded startup on the cups of rapid growth.
 Accelerator
 Grant
 Incubators
 Banks

22. The Phase-1 original industrial revolution was between

 1750-1870
 1700-1750
 1800-1850
 1000-1500

23. When making your team for a start-up. A perfect team will comprise of
 Marketer , technical engineer domain expert
 Developer Designer domain expert
 Developer Designer business developer
 Both a) and c)

24. Solution channel from the solution (S0) model element

 Most cost-efficient way to reach out to customers
 Solution to problems being faced by customers
 Research for target audience
 Research to identify a market

25. Customer Experience insights

 Collect, measures and manages customer insight a feedback
 Are forms that customers is required to fill
 Are not important for startups
 Are a part of the business process which is neglected

26. The funding clusters are group of individuals that help funds a business at various
stages of its lifecycle .
 For the establish startups
 Sed capitals
 Funds for marketing's
 None
27. Dashboards provide
 The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support taking
 Gives figures only
 Great for prediction of growth
 None of the above
28. A Loyalty program of marketing program elements is
 Structure for employee locality
 Structure for another partner's locality
 Structure for encourage brand loyalty through encourage buying behaviour
 Structured for loyalty towards certain products channel

29. The Performer leader

 Great critical powers
 Leads by examples
 Loves the spotlights
 Craves Freedom

30. Seo, email, direct marketing, telemarketing, social media are

Marketing tool
Place to find your audience
Both a & b
Business plan tool

29. Major category to support the eco-system of the entrepreneur are:

All the above
Human capital

28. The essentialist entrepreneurs are essentially

Need based entrepreneurs where the key is necessity
Looks at the largest interest of the society
May need extra income for household
Both a&b

27. Opportunity is
The idea itself
The target audience
None of the above
The transition from an idea to a viable business

26. ____ speaks the totality of the brand

Brand equity

25. Which of the statement below is true

The business remains static all times
As you grow and change, so will your business
There are no equation with adaptable structure that will fit your business through the ups
and down
The business changes only at regular well-defined intervals

24.______ are high net worth individuals who invest their own money at early stages of a
start-up’s life
Family and friend
Venture capitalists

23. Expansion can be partnered with diversification since a company in a scaling model will
expand to
All of the above
New markets

22. A test trial allows for a prospective customer to

Try the product when not out in the market
Try your company product or services for a set duration of time
Try the product in the developmental stages
Both a &c

21. Solution channels from the solution (so) model element is

Most cost-efficient ways to reach out to customers
Research to identify a market
Solution to problems beings faced by customers
Research for target audience

20. The boulder thesis is defined as follows

The start-up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it
The leader must have a long term commitment
All of the above
Entrepreneurs must lead the starts –up community

19. There are specific____ that every business will have in them
Both a&b
None of the above

18. Growth hacking is a program with one absolute focus. That is


17. Sensory branding includes

All of the above
Touch, taste /smell

16. Brand identity elements are

Positing, tagline
Logo, name
All of the above
Colour, tagline

15. The performer leader

Craves freedom
Great critical power
Leads by example
Loves the spotlight

14. Customer experience personas are

First time customer
Unhappy customer
Ideal customer
Potential customers

13. Value preposition (vap) from the solution (so) model element is
Value of the employee
Values you deliver to the customer by solving a specific problem they have with a certain
product or service
Value of the technology
Value of the product

12.there are many components to _____ inclusing card sorting, tree testing, eye tracking,
focus group, A/B testing, surveys, interviews contextual inquiry and heuristic evaluation
All of the above
Usability testing
Behavioural testing

11. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

In a variety of environment
Only with colleagues we must
Only in a strict formal surrounding
Only in an office environment

10. Resources diversification

Both b&c
Creates confusion in the market
May offer another potential scaling strategy
Extends your reach

9.______ all contributes to ever more rapid change

Globalization, technology, and economic influence
Socialist economic influence
globalisation, industrialization
Agriculture and in-ward looking economic influence

8. Positioning of a brand
The kind of store it will be placed in
The specific position in the store
None of the above
Is the unique value of the product to the customer?

7. The funding cluster are group of individual that help fund a business at various stages of
its lifecycle. Funds raised through friends and family provide
None of the above
For the established start-ups
Funds for marketing
Seed capital

6. Liquid force is
Both a& b
An employee bur working remotely
Freelance worker
Individual hired on a project basis

5. Strategic foresight is the practice of creating

A functional view of the future, or future events and possibilities, in such a way as to take
full advantage of opportunities
A functional view of the culture, or future events and possibilities to prepare for any
possible adversity
Both a& b
None of the above

4. Individual in the talent clouds are

Specialist with varied experience
Can be hired as per the need and requirement
All the above

3. The ________ can visualize the possibilities and translate the vision into wireframes for
the technical engineer
Business developer
Domain expert
Creative, designer

2. funding that relies on financing from a large pool of backers usually made online
through a web platform is
Venture capitalist
Boot strapping
Crowd funding
Family and friends

1. Some are forced to become entrepreneur. Reasons being

Because everyone is doing
Both a& b

30. A test trial allows for a prospective customer to

Try your company’s product or service for a set duration of time
Try the product in the developmental stage
Try the product when not out in the market yet
Both a and c

29. SEO, email, direct marketing, social media are

Marketing tool
Both a&b
Places to find your audience
Business plan tool

28. What makes an idea unique?

Just one of a kind idea
The simplicity of an idea
Idea and how you connect the need, the opportunity and eventually the execution will make
your version unique
The usage of the idea

27. The performer leader

Craves freedom
Leads by example
Great critical power
Loves the spotlight

26. GEM found that over a three-and-half year of period, 126 million women started or ran
business and 98 million operated established business. GEM is
Global economic monitor
Global enterprise model
Gleneagles entrepreneurship monitor
Global entrepreneurship monitor

25. Elements of a great idea are

All of the above’
Need and opportunity
Simplicity and vision

24. We now share knowledge and create content collaboratively

Only in a strict formal surrounding
In a variety of environment
Only in an office environment
Only with colleagues we trust
23.____ are high net worth individual who invest their own money at early stages of a start
up’s life
Venture capitalist
Family and friends

22.____ are the powerful allies that are there for you and provide advice, perpective and
guidance that transform you.

21. Bundling can occur with

The same product only
Only a company’s own product
A company’s own products/services, other companies products/services, or a combination
of both
Complimentary products only

20. Some are forced to become entrepreneur reason are

Because everyone else is doing
Both a and b

19. The essentialist entrepreneurs are essentially

Need based entrepreneurs where the key is necessity
Looks at the largest interest of the society
May need extra income for household
Both a&b

18. Which of the characteristics below holds true for an entrepreneur

Ability to take calculated risk
Take a path where others will not tread
Both a and b
Prefer to follow a template

17. The boulder thesis is defined as follows

The start-up community must be inclusive of anyone who wants to participate in it
The leader must have a long term commitment
All of the above
Entrepreneurs must lead the starts –up community

16. Positioning of a brand

The kind of store it will be placed in
The specific position in the store
None of the above
Is the unique value of the product to the customer

15. Solution channels from the solution (so) model element is

Most cost-efficient ways to reach out to customers
Research to identify a market
Solution to problems beings faced by customers
Research for target audience
14. The phase- 1- original industrial revolution was between

13. Liquid force is

Both a& b
An employee bur working remotely
Freelance worker
Individual hired on a project basis

12. Values (val), symbol (sym), balance (bal) are all

Peripheral cultural system
Personal culture elements
Addictive culture elements
Core culture elements

11. Dashboard provides

Great for prediction of growth
The visualization of this information in ways that are easy to use and support taking action
None of the above
Gives figure only

10. Sensory branding includes

All of the above
Touch, taste /smell

9. A landing page is
The entire website
A single page on a website dedicated to a specific promotion or deal that the company is
The home page
None of the above

8. mip as an innovation method element provide for

Accelerated use of licensing
Both A and B
Creation of joint ventures or spin-offs
None of the above

7. Which of the below is untrue when we speak of a romantic leader

Wants creativity
Craves freedom
The instant expert

6. Growth hacking is a program with one absolute focus. That is


5. Franchise as a part of the solution (so) approach elements is

Both a and b
An existing business privilege that you purchase
Part of your strategy to expand business
None of the above

4. ____ speaks the totality of the brand

Brand equity

3. Major category to support the eco-system of the entrepreneur are:

All the above
Human capital

2._____ focus on seed –funded start-ups on the cusp of rapid growth


1. A perfectionist leader
Hates time lines and schedule
Feels pride in being needed
Lead by example
Both a and c

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